Clay 🥰
Oh... nice gc name
Emma 😍😍
Listen here you
mf Amber's my wife
Clay 🥰
Amber... you're cheating
on me? We just started dating
😔 dhmu... going dark
Corpse 🌹
Now this is the interaction
I was waiting to see 😌
Karl 🐸
Amber's a cheater? 😮😮
Amber 🌻❤️
I'm not a cheater. I like
both of you equally 🥰
Emma 😍😍
I can't stay mad at her
Clay 🥰
I can't either
Corpse 🌹
Karl 🐸
I was expecting more vile
words thrown at each other
Emma 😍😍
Oh I didn't want to go on with
the argument but I don't approve
Clay 🥰
I need more permission...?
Corpse 🌹
Well a lot of people appreciate
amber so Emma is just another
friend out of a bunch
"You have more friends?" Dream asked Amber as the two were in FaceTime, his face filled with nervousness. "Um, are they intimidating? Because I'm honestly afraid of Emma."
"Don't worry," Amber chuckled. "You're going to be fine, Clay. They all just care about me, and my past boyfriends weren't great so they're just being cautious. After all, since you're my boyfriend, meeting my friends are like meeting my parents."
"If I ever met your parents," Dream started, fixing his pillow beneath his head, "I would be trying so hard not to snap at them. If anything happens to you in general, like Corpse said, I will incite."
Amber smiled and turned on her computer, placing her phone by the dinosaur plushie she had gotten.
"Oh!" Amber perked up. "George and Sapnap called me like at 5 am and read me two fanfics. One, um, they read me a fanfic of me and George and of me and you."
"Of you and George?" Dream questioned before humming and chuckling. "I don't know what to say to that. My girlfriend and my best friend being shipped together... I don't know what to say."
He started laughing harder by the end of his sentence and Amber snickered. "It was a smut book, too."
He quieted down. "You read sex scenes in between you and George? Oh, my God."
"Well, I wasn't reading it or listening," the girl chuckled. "I fell asleep as soon as they started reading it and they only noticed I fell asleep when they were about to start ours. Then, they woke me up and made me listen to our fanfic."
"You weren't uncomfortable, right?"
"Of course not," Amber answered. "I find it amusing. I gave the two dummies permission since they asked if it was okay and I told them the thumbs up. I just told them I didn't like reading, like, gory sex stuff."
"Mmm," he hummed. "Well, as long as you didn't mind. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
Amber pressed on her discord app, heading to the VC Minx and Nikki were already in. "And then, they told me about how they were helping you text me the day before we met."
Dream groaned and Amber smiled. "Don't be embarrassed. It's adorable, and not gonna lie, I also had help from my cousin."
"Stop calling me adorable, oh, my God," he covered his face and Amber could see his cheeks turning pink. "It's crazy how much you make me blush, you little idiot."
"As you should," she grinned before looking at him again. His eyes were closed, but he was nodding his head along with her words. "Are you tired?"
"Yeah," he yawned. "I'll probably fall asleep."
"Do you want me to hang up?"
"Can you please stay on?" He mumbled and she hummed. "I'll mute myself so I don't make any sound."
"Yeah, I'll stay on," Amber flashed him a smile and he smiled back, sending her a thumbs as he muted himself. Amber went back to her screen, turning on her camera where Minx and Niki immediately yelled for her name.
"Amber! Amber you beautiful human!" Minx yelled and the girl cowered, a giggle escaping her laugh.
"Hi, Amber," Niki waved, a grin on her lips.
"Hi, hello," Amber smiled. "Can we just appreciate how beautiful these two are? God, I'm so jealous."
"Shut up, you're just as beautiful!" Minx exclaimed back. "God, I'm so in love with you and Niki."
The two girls stared at their friends and Amber briefly glanced at her screen where Dream was staring at her sleepily.
"So, how's everything going, Amber?" Niki asked and Minx smirked, a glint in her eye that caused the girl to be cautious about.
"Everything's going good," Amber nodded. "I have amazing friends, amazing people in general in my life, and I'm good. How are you guys?"
"I've been good, too," Minx answered, remembering from a previous conversation that Amber didn't like yelling. "I've been waiting to hangout with you two. I've been waiting to talk to you in person, Amber. I've only heard Niki and we were both talking about you before."
"Nothing bad, by the way," Niki quickly reassured her and Minx repeated her words. "Just how grateful we are to have you as a friend."
Amber blushed. "Um, thank you. I'm grateful to have you girls as a friend. Our group chat is the best, all I have to say."
"It is," Niki agreed. "When we added those other two, oh, my God. Utter chaos."
At knowing who Niki was talking about, the other girls chuckled at her words at remembering what Corpse and Karl were saying.
"How have you been, Niki? Stream been good?"
"Yeah, it's been good," Niki said. "My chat, yesterday, was very excited. They've been looking for us three to hang out. Well, everyone's finally got it."
"So, Amber, I heard from, what's-his-face? George," Minx cleared her throat, "that if we flirt with you, Dream immediately calls. Is that true?"
"Um, I'm not sure," Amber chuckled. "Um, it was just a coincidence that he popped up when George, Sapnap, and Quackity were talking with me."
"Amber, wanna get married?" Niki asked, a smile on her face.
Before she could answer, Minx spoke up next. "Hey, Amber," she stroked her chin, biting her lip, "wanna be my first kiss?"
| twitchuser: BEWARE DREAMS
| twitchuser: yooo y'all notice that
dream is watching 😂😂
| twitchuser: AMBER WHY DO U
Amber glanced at her screen and noticed that Dream was typing on his phone, and she could see that he was laughing. At noticing that she was staring at him, Dream simply gave her another thumbs up.
"Oh, God," Minx laughed. "He just messaged me."
Niki's phone went off and started laughing, too. "He just messaged me, too."
"What did he say?" Amber face-palmed, shaking her head as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"He said to stop flirting with you," Minx laughed and Niki nodded, not being able to talk because she had received the same text. "My God. Back off, Dream. She's my girlfriend."
"He's not going to say anything," Niki giggled.
"Yeah! Say something, you fucker!"
"Oh, God..."
"Look, now Amber's embarrassed because of you!"
"You guys are crazy."
guys, i was bored last night
so while i was waiting for
the premiere of Dream's video,
I decided to draw him as
different objects
let's clarify that I wrote "from"
instead of "frog" and btw this is
my thought process so that's how
everything went in my head 😂
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