"Hello, chat! Welcome to my alt."
Amber smiled at the camera, her eyes glancing at her door as if her sister would pop in. She wouldn't be surprised, though, but ever since Alani has been living with her, Amber has become more paranoid about the well-being of her sister and her sister's baby.
| twitchuser: alt! alt! alt!
"I only tweeted this link out for a few seconds so I'm surprised that about 30,000 of you are here," she chuckled. "Oh, my god."
| twitchuser: isn't it late?
"It's not late," she answered, reaching over to grab her water. She glanced at her phone. "It's like, 1 am. It's not late. Sorry if it's late for some of you but I just wanted to relax and chill with you all."
| twitchuser: how's corpse?
"Corpse is good," Amber nodded her head. "I'm playing 8-Ball with him and I'm not going to lose. We keep going back and forth with each other, like, I win one round, he wins the next, then I win again, and so on."
| twitchuser donated $5:
you look so tired. how
are you?
"I'm good," she breathed out, yawning while covering her mouth. "Um, I have been debating whether I should tell you all, but my sister convinced me it was okay, so, um, yeah, my sister is staying with me and she's pregnant so I've been taking care of her. It also means waking up at 3 am to get her chicken nuggets or whatever she's craving for."
| twitchuser donated $6.90:
Do you have anything
planned for your main
twitch channel?
Amber felt a smile spreading widely on her lips. "Lots and lots and lots. You will all love it, hopefully. I have been working with some people and we have created some ideas so expect a surprise in a few weeks."
| QuackityHQ: LET ME IN
| QuackityHQ: LET ME IN
| twitchuser: QUACKITYYY
| twitchuser: lmao quackity
"Is Quackity here?" Amber chuckled, eyeing her chat. "I see chat saying his name... Oh, never mind. I got a message from him."
She opened Discord and saw that he was already waiting for her. She snorted at hearing his voice. "Amber! You let me in. You're so nice."
He started to dramatically cry at the end of his sentence and the girl felt her cat crawl on her lap, comedically looking up at her and then at the screen as if asking if Quackity was alright.
"Are you okay, Quackity?"
"You let me in!" He continued to cry before he started laughing. "So, what are we doing? Oh, my God... Is that JB? Hi, JB!"
Her cat cuddled into Amber's neck, clawing her neck lightly. "He's very, very cuddly tonight so sorry if you guys have to see him this majority of the time."
"Your cat cuddles you?" Quackity gasped. Amber nodded. "I swear, even your pet is nice. Where do you get these pets?"
"I've had JB for a year now," Amber answered. "He's the nicest kitty. I'm a mother of a very, very cuddly cat. I was deciding on adopting another one but... this one here gets jealous when I'm hanging out with another cat. Do you have any pets?"
"I do, I do," he answered. "I have a cat named Tiger."
"That's an adorable name."
"Wait, wait, wait," Quackity started laughing, "George just texted me asking if he can come join, too."
"Yeah," Amber nodded. "Everyone's just going to join at this point—"
"Bad also asked if he can come in."
"Of course! Bad doesn't even need to ask. He's welcomed any time because he's amazing."
"Aw," a voice let out and Amber smiled as she Bad's name pop up on Discord. "This is why you're my favorite out of all of them."
"Hi, Amber," George greeted while Quackity argued and whined to Bad about his statement. "I'm surprised you're streaming this late."
"I'm surprised you're awake," Amber teased. "But, I just decided to have a chill stream."
"Hello!" Someone else yelled and Amber glanced at Discord to see that it was Sapnap. "Hi, Amber! I came to grace you with my presence."
"Thank you, Sapnap."
"Where's Dream?" George asked and the girl furrowed her eyebrows, grabbing her phone as best as she could, the other holding her cat to her neck as if he were a baby.
"Yeah, I'm surprised he isn't here since he comes running to join your stream," Quackity snorted. "I'm not even kidding. I feel like he would run to his computer as soon as he sees your notification."
"He said he was going to take a shower," everyone snorted at Amber's response, "but, he said he'll probably go to sleep after it. Don't believe him, though, he's always awake until 3 am or 4 am. He's usually never sleeps at all."
"When did he text you he was taking a shower?" Quackity asked.
"Like, 15 minutes ago."
"I know how to get him here," George deviously chuckled. "Amber, you look beautiful."
"Oh, God," Sapnap and Quackity let out, laughing as they knew what George was trying to do. Amber blushed at his compliment and cleared her throat.
"Thank you, George."
"Yeah, Amber did you do something new?" Sapnap asked and the girl shook her head. "You're glowing."
"Um, I-" the girl was left speechless since she wasn't used to receiving a lot of compliments from a bunch of people. "Um, thank you?"
"Amber, go out with me," Quackity said next. "I'll treat you better than what's-his-face."
| twitchuser: not them
trying to manifest dream
by flirting with amber 😭
"I politely decline your off—"
"Amber, marry me!" Sapnap exclaimed.
"What are you guys doing?" Another voice popped up and everyone, except Amber and Bad, laughed as they realized it was Dream. He almost seemed out of breath, breathing in and out softly.
"Why do you seem out of breath?" Quackity pointed out.
"Hmm?" Dream hummed. "Oh, yeah, I saw Amber went live on her Alt and she didn't tell me she was going to, so I came running for support."
"Told you," Quackity laughed with satisfaction.
"I did text you," Amber said, glancing at their text messages.
"You did?" Dream stayed quiet and he chuckled. "Oh, yeah, you did. You sent it to me when I was already taking a shower. But, I'm here, and why were you guys flirting with Amber?"
"'Cause we want to, Dream," George retorted back.
"Yeah, Dream. Why? Jealous?" Quackity giggled.
"Shut up. You guys are so annoying."
"Amber, Dream called us annoying!" Sapnap exclaimed. "He's hurting my feelings again."
"Dream," Amber breathed out, a smile on her face as she heard the man let out a quiet groan and sigh.
"Fine... you guys aren't annoying, I guess."
"That's what we thought, asshole!"
ahhh another update!
thank you all for the
kind messages last chapter.
I am fine. I just had an
appointment at the
hospital, I was
getting tested for something
in my stomach. I was
just nervous because I
don't like going to places
that aren't my house so
I was nervous as hellllll
But, here ya go! I'll update
in a bit again! :)
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