"Hey, chat!"
Responses flew as Amber waved at her camera. After getting home, the girl hadn't even dropped her bags before she went to her room and started streaming.
| twitchuser: we missed you!
| twitchuser: YOURE BACK
"Yes, I'm back," Amber chuckled. "I've been gone for a whole week. It didn't even feel like a week."
| twitchuser donated $5:
because of Dream ;))))
"Uh," she let out before chuckling. "Um, uh, anyways, I'm back. Um, as you may all have heard, I was dealing with a family issue hence my break and because of that family issue, I had to fly out to Florida, safely. When that issue was resolved, I met up with Dream, such a beautiful and amazing person by the way. He's great, and I just came home not even 10 minutes ago."
| twitchuser donated $40: glad
you're back amber we truly
missed you
"I missed you guys, too," Amber smiled before leaning down to grab JB, who immediately cuddled into her neck. "JB missed you guys, too."
| twitchuser donated $15:
hi amber did you see the
whole thing on Twitter
about you and dream? also,
can you say hi to Ashley and
Veronica! Love you ❤️
"Hi, Ashley and Veronica," Amber waved, her hand dropping to pet her cat. "But, yes, Dream and I saw the whole thing on Twitter and it is truly sad that we can't be friends without getting hate. I don't consider you a fan if you send hate to my friends and death threats. Dream hasn't done anything and he doesn't deserve the hate he's been getting just because we're friends. We talked about it and we resolved it."
| dreamwastaken donated $100:
Please don't send hate to Amber
either. She's the best <3
"Thanks for the dono, Dream," the girl nodded. "But please don't send hate to me or Dream just because we're friends. We love being friends with each other."
| dreamwastaken donated $120:
call me! i wanna talk about it
too cause no one sends hate to
my friends
"Well, gotta do what the man says," Amber chuckled, grabbing her phone and calling Dream. Chat flew as they read the dono and flew even more when Dream's voice was heard.
"Hi, hello," he greeted. "Hi, A."
"Hi, Dream."
"Okay, um, sorry for interrupting your stream by the way," he apologized and the girl waved him off, fixing her mic so it could pick up his voice. "But, yes, to what Amber was saying. I literally can't go on Twitter, not that I even go on it in the first place, but when I do go on it, the amount of hate we receive is so crazy. Amber gets hate because "fans" or whatever don't like the fact that she's friends with me or as they say, "She's distracting me." Shes not. I see that I get hated on because I "cheat" or I'm always involved in some type of drama or I'm getting canceled—"
"Which is not his fault by the way," Amber cut him off.
"Yes, it's not my fault," Dream agreed. "Thankfully, Amber and I have spoken about it. We respect each other and have come to understand each other more. We know how our friendship is like and how our friendship works."
"I also saw that I was being hated on because I showed Dream my song," the two started laughing in sync and chat flew with comments on how similar it sounded. "I showed Dream my song because I trust him. I trust him a lot."
"Also, let's get to 16,500 subs so you can get a date on the release," Dream whispered dramatically before wheezing at what he said. "But, yeah, anyway, don't send hate to us just because you don't like us being together, don't like us being friends, or don't like us basically being close."
"Thanks, Clay," Amber thanked him and he lowly chuckled.
"Don't worry about it. I'll let you get back to your stream. Just call me later so we can talk more about you-know-what."
Amber shook her head as a smile spread on her lips. She gasped, though, when she remembered something. "We need to finish watching Toradora."
"We'll watch it after our meeting," he snorted. "Alright, I'll go back to watching your stream. Jet lag and all, but you're still so beautiful."
Amber immediately muted herself, her face red. "Thanks. Sorry if I fall asleep on call, though."
"Don't worry about it," he breathed out. "I'll probably fall asleep with you. This time, though, we can FaceTime."
Amber chuckled at his excited tone. "Wow, you really miss me that much, huh?"
"You know you're always living in my head, Amber," Dream chuckled. "It's a crime to steal someone's heart."
"Shut up, Dream," she giggled before eyeing her chat. "I'll text you later, alright?"
"Alright," he said. "I gotta go back to watching this beautiful person streaming."
"Oh, my God. Bye, Dream."
"Bye beautiful person!"
Rolling her eyes playfully at his words, she unmuted and cleared her throat. "Where were we?"
| twitchuser donated $55;
ha! you're blushing 😂😂
"Shut up, guys."
did y'all see that ballsy
move from dream?
Sapnap • 9:17 PM ✔️
Quackity • 9:18 PM ✔️
karl :) • 9:18 PM ✔️
He really said 🤠
Quackity • 9:18 PM ✔️
karl :) • 9:19 ✔️
anyways 🙄🙄
damn dream u made
the girl blush n im sure
u were blushing too
Sapnap • 9:20 PM ✔️
Yeah not gonna lie
it's cute
Quackity • 9:20 PM ✔️
karl :) added Corpse_Husband
Corpse Husband • 9:21 PM ✔️
Quackity • 9:22 PM ✔️
damn ambers brother
figure is here rip dream 😂😂😂
Sapnap • 9:22 PM ✔️
where the hell is dream?
karl :) • 9:23 PM ✔️
karl :) • 9:23 PM ✔️
I'm watching a show
with Amber guys 🙄
dream • 9:23 PM ✔️
I had to tell her to
hold on cause my friends
we're being annoying!
dream • 9:23 PM ✔️
Quackity • 9:24 PM ✔️
Sapnap • 9:24 PM ✔️
karl :) • 9:25 PM ✔️
George • 9:26 PM ✔️
Corpse Husband • 9:26 PM ✔️
dream • 9:26 PM ✔️
Hi Corpse :)
dream • 9:27 PM ✔️
Quackity • 9:27 PM ✔️
Dream got scared 😭😭😭
karl :) • 9:27 PM ✔️
fucking scaredy cat 😂😂
Sapnap • 9:28 PM ✔️
alright im going back
to sleep goodnight
George • 9:28 PM ✔️
And I'm going back to
Amber bye!
dream • 9:29 PM ✔️
I got news!
So, after some consideration,
I have decided to move dsmp!amber
and dsmp!dream to another book
since it won't fit in this book alone.
I have also decided to make you guys
some small imagines of you and amber
(amber x reader) on the end of next
chapter :)
expect new book tomorrow
and expect new chapter tomorrow
also, since im going to
start streaming would y'all
be there? and, would you guys
be okay that i play a scary game? 🙂
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