Replying to @user
Oh god... here comes a
jealous "fan" 🙄
💬 🔁 🖤
user @user
I'm not jealous I'm just
stating something. stop
assuming shit
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
Amber is Dream's friend.
They're friends. You're
just a fan. Guess who comes
💬 🔁 🖤
user @user
Replying to @USER2
I'm just saying that amber
is distracting him like she's
acting like she's more important
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
Did you like not hear that
Amber was silent and Dream,
check up on her bc he was
worried - 1/2
💬 🔁 🖤
Amber knew that he was
streaming hence her silence
but Dream cares abt her so
he checked up on her - 2/2
💬 🔁 🖤
Notice how they didn't respond
to this tweet? 😂😂😂
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @USER4
Cause they know @USER3
is right lmao
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
YES ‼️ this is what I've been
saying! amber thinks she's
way more important when
she's not
💬 🔁 🖤
user @user
Finally someone who agrees
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
It's just funny to me how
you think you know what's
going on between them two
💬 🔁 🖤
user @user
I'm simply just stating that
amber is ruining his
career basically
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
jst bc dream went to check up
on her when he saw her crying???
he was worried! that's what
a good friend does
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
I'm speaking in behalf of
everyone who are fans of
dream that we don't think
amber is ruining his career.
you are just a "fan" who thinks
they know what's going on
💬 🔁 🖤
Literally! Poor amber has
done nothing but be super
supportive of Dream so far
and the fact that no one likes
her because she's hanging out
with Dream is stupid
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
say it with me plz "DREAM
💬 🔁 🖤
Replying to @user
Not another fan hating on
amber for unnecessary
reasons 😒 this is why
we can't have nice things
💬 🔁 🖤
Dream glanced at Amber who was on her phone, worried. He saw the amount of hate she was getting and it was frustrating him, feeling furious and embarrassed at what some of his fans—if they were even considered that—had tweeted.
"People are saying I'm being a distraction basically," she mumbled and his chest hurt when she looked up at him with a frown, sad eyes, and her kind smile was gone. "I'm sorry if I'm distracting you from your career."
"No, no, no," Dream immediately rushed out, squatting in front of her as she was sitting on the edge of his bed. She looked at him. "You're not distracting me at all. I just got worried because you were crying so it's no ones fault here. You weren't saying anything and I noticed and I got worried. It's not your fault at all and it's not mine, either."
"I don't know why I get so much hate just by being your friend," Amber sighed, dropping her gaze to her lap, playing with her nails. "I love being your friend."
"And I love being yours," Dream said, placing his hand on hers. "As long as we both know what's going on between our friendship, nothing else should matter because I respect and trust you."
"And I respect and trust you, too," she smiled a little at him before frowning again. "Do you get hated on by my fans?"
Knowing that he can't lie to her, he nodded. "Yeah. I mostly get hated on that I'm just going to ruin your reputation because you're hanging out with me. Also, they say you should stop being my friend because I get cancelled every week."
"Are you happy being my friend?"
"Of course!" Dream exclaimed. "I'm grateful to have you as a friend."
"And I'm happy being your friend," Amber squeezed his hand. "We both know how our friendship is, how it works, and I just want you to know that I don't believe you're going to ruin my reputation, and I don't want to stop being your friend because I know you get cancelled either playfully or get cancelled by haters who want to hate for no reason."
"I also don't want to stop being your friend just because some fans claim that you're distracting me from my "career" because you're not," Dream clarified. "If you want, I can tweet something out. Only if you want."
"No, it's okay," she replied. "I don't want to bring more attention to it."
"Okay," Dream nodded. "Do you want to watch Corpse Bride?"
Amber chuckled and nodded. "Let's just watch every Tim Burton film. I'm eager to watch some."
"Let's do it!"
Dream quickly put on the movie on his TV, allowing Amber to get comfortable next to him. He glanced at her and then at the small space between them, aching to get closer just as the theme song started. He thought about Karl's words that he had said when they were on a call, zoning out.
"Her love language is cuddling."
He didn't know for how long he was spacing out, but he stopped when Amber nudged him. "Are you okay?"
"I want to cuddle!" Dream let out, blush forming on his face when he realized what he said. Amber stared at him, shocked about what he said that she wondered if she had heard him right. "Only if you're okay and comfortable, of course."
Dream swore he could die right then and there at seeing her smile so wide. He opened his arms and she crawled on top of him and since he was sitting and his back was against his headboard, Amber sat in front of his opened legs and felt her back hit his chest.
"May I wrap my arms around you?" He mumbled in her ear and she nodded, jumping a bit when he wrapped his arms around her waist. He hesitated but when he saw that Amber was getting comfortable, he wrapped them around her again.
"You're really warm," Amber chuckled.
"You're really small," Dream chuckled back.
"Oh, shut up," she shook her head at him and he laughed softly, the two then falling into silence. They stared at the movie and Amber was so comfortable where she was. She has never felt this safe. Usually in her past relationships, they all didn't like hugging her or didn't touch her at all.
"Victor and Victoria?" Dream questioned before humming. "Is this supposed to be, like, on purpose?"
"I've always liked him with Emily," Amber shrugged and she looked at him over her shoulder. He looked back at her. "But then again, it was perfect for Emily to find peace at the end."
He stayed quiet and simply stared down at her, smiling when she moved her head side to side when Victor would play the piano.
"You like classical music?" He asked her and she nodded.
"Yep," she replied. "It soothes me. I love listening to that type of music while I'm just laying down and chilling. My cat, JB, is usually sleeping. He's so nice."
"Maybe he and Patches will get along, hmm?" Dream hummed and she chuckled, nodding.
"They'll get along well."
Halfway through the movie as silence surrounded them, Dream looked down at her Amber, only to see her fast asleep. He softly gasped and immediately grabbed his phone.
Question... what
do I do if Amber's cuddling
me and fell asleep?
She's cuddling you?
Plz don't wake her up
Why is she cuddling you?
Aw that's sweet 🥺
Did Sykkuno just send that
emoji? 😂😂😂 i didnt
even know he knew how to
send the right ones
So don't wake her up,
got it 👍🏼
No funny business
Hey George :)
dream • 8:31 PM ✔️
What do you want?
George • 8:32 PM ✔️
Im cuddling amber
and you're not 😊
dream • 8:32 PM ✔️
No you're not
George • 8:32 PM ✔️
Yeah I am 😎
dream • 8:33 PM ✔️
Sapnap • 8:33 PM ✔️
How is it?
Sapnap • 8:33 PM ✔️
It feels nice :) I want to
protect her from everything
especially from George
dream • 8:34 PM ✔️
George • 8:34 PM ✔️
You're so annoying 🙄
dream • 8:34 PM ✔️
Just realized Dream used
other emojis other than
Sapnap • 8:35 PM ✔️
My feelings around amber 🥴
dream • 8:35 PM ✔️
I can't even call him a simp
cause that's cute
Sapnap • 8:35 PM ✔️
Yeah yeah yeah 🙄
George • 8:36 PM ✔️
hi :)
also, i saw that some of you
asked for an amber x reader
fic and y'all can write it 😂
i give you guys permission.
but yeah, if you want to, you
can, you don't have to.
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