Tommy looked around the empty place Dream had left him at. Ghostbur had already left, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He didn't have anything or anyone, and only had blocks of dirt while disappointment clouded his brain about what Tubbo had done to him.
He continued looking around and sighed, resting his hands on his hips as he wondered about what he was going to do to survive in this place. Yes, he had the experience, yes, he knew what to do, but as he was still thinking about what happened a couple of hours ago, he couldn't help but feel defeated and felt like doing nothing.
"Who are you?"
He jumped at hearing a voice at the back of his head, though, he stopped when he suggested that it's probably just stress catching up to him and he was starting to talk to himself unknowingly.
"Oh, you're a child."
"I'm not a child!" Tommy scoffed, speaking out loud. He gulped nervously when he processed that it wasn't his own voice talking to him but rather a feminine voice. "Oh, God... I'm hearing things, I'm hearing things. I'm going crazy. Mental."
"No, no, no," the voice laughed at him and he rapidly looked around his surroundings. "I'm just someone who lives around where you are. For my safety, I won't tell you where I live."
"Can I just... know, please?" Tommy rushed out, noticing that the sky was turning darker. "Please. I-I-I don't know what to do and it's going to be night soon which means—"
"The creatures are coming out, I know," they softly spoke. "Pile up as much dirt as you can for now. I don't exactly know where you are so I don't know what there is around you. Please tell me you know the basics on building a swore, though."
"I do," the teenager breathed out, building a small shelter.
"Calm down," the voice reassured, their voice still laced with a gentle tone. "You're not going to achieve anything if you keep panicking. Take a deep breath. Let it out. You're fine."
Tommy did as they said and he felt his body stop shaking from nerves and anxiety. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and breathed in and out one more time.
"Thanks," he thanked quietly. "What's, uh, what's your name?"
"Don't worry about it," they said. "All I need to know is why are you here? Alone? Don't you have somebody?"
"I just got exiled," Tommy sighed, sitting down on the grass and rubbing his forehead as he closed his eyes. "I got exiled by my own friend."
"Oh, the disappointments," the person breathed out. "It is the most painful thing to have such a close person and then they betray you in a snap... Pretty painful, huh?"
"What do you know about betrayal?" Tommy scoffed and the voice laughed at his tone.
"Oh, you're like a small dog," they snorted. "You're adorable, but, I know a thing or two about betrayal. You still love them, though, right?" Tommy stayed silent. "I love them, too. Whether it's platonic or romantically, it hurts to lose a friend or a lover or both."
"Question," Tommy started, "how are you talking to me in, ya' know, my head?"
"Oh, I have the ability to talk to someone in their heads," they answered. "I just can't read their thoughts, sadly, only speak."
"Then how can you hear me?"
"I can hear you in your thoughts," they yawned. "You're just thinking about what to say next that you think about your words first just as you let them out. Though, it's hilarious that you're probably talking out loud and look crazy since no one is near you."
"So, you can hear me right now?" Tommy asked out loud.
"Yep," they said.
"Wait, wait, wait," Tommy closed his eyes and shook his head, confused. "How can you read my thoughts if you said you can't read thoughts?"
"Like, let's set an example," they said, clearing their throat. "Imagine you're thinking of trees, flowers, villagers, horses all in one, but you're also talking to a person. I wouldn't be able to focus on your thoughts about trees, flowers, villagers, or horses, just that voice of you talking. Makes sense?"
"Yes," Tommy slowly nodded before shaking his head. "No."
"Never mind," they laughed. "All you need to know is I can hear you. But, if you want, I can leave—"
"No, no, no," Tommy rushed out. "Please don't leave. I don't really want to be alone right now. Can you just stay until the morning?"
"You're lucky I don't sleep," they chuckled. "So, are you in a safe place?" Tommy hummed. "Okay. Now, listen, child, I want to help you. But, I don't want to risk my safety just in case you are actually not a good person."
"Has your safety been in danger before or...?"
"Nope," they sighed. "But, I was warned by that person who hurt me. So, now I take precautions just in case they were right."
"You still take their word for it even after they brought pain to you?" Tommy asked. "Why?"
"I still love them," they breathed out. "I still do. They were somewhat I trusted a lot with my life and they trusted me with theirs. I still take their word for it."
"So, you've, like, never had contact with anyone?" The teenager wondered. "Have you've been stuck in your house?"
"I have talked to people," they replied. "Just not as much as I used to. I leave my place for days to go find food, though, so I'm sorry if I go missing for a bit. It usually takes one or two days."
"Will... you ever forgive them for causing you pain?" Tommy could hear their breaths hitched.
"I-I don't know," they said. "They hurt me and I don't know where they are right now. If I ever saw them, I wouldn't even know what to say."
"I wouldn't know either..."
"The thing you need to focus on, though," they started, "is you focusing on surviving in this moment."
"I'll try to."
ahhhhhhh it's out!
and it's perfect for this
day because im close to
9k followers and it's
unbelievable to even think
hope you all enjoy this
chapter and the beginning
of dsmp!amber because im
excited! ❤️
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