This is Dream, right?
8:22 PM
Please let this be
Dream or else it's
going to be embarrassing
8:23 PM
Hi Amber ☺️
8:23 PM
Hi Dream 🥰
8:23 PM
How are you?
8:24 PM
I'm good now that
I'm talking to you :) you?
8:25 PM
I'm glad and I'm great!
Your messages bring a smile
to my face :D
8:25 PM
But I just wanted to ask
if that was you who texted me
because it didn't sound like you
8:25 PM
No, that wasn't me. That was
my younger sister. She said
that if I was going to see your
face, your phone number wouldn't
matter or be an extent
8:26 PM
Hopefully you weren't
annoyed with the message
8:26 PM
No no no
8:26 PM
I'm actually relieved you
asked because I was going
to ask but I backed out cause
I got shy
8:27 PM
Aw you don't need to get
shy with me! You're cute
8:27 PM
No you are
8:27 PM
But your younger sister?
I remember you mentioned
that you hadn't seen her
for five years right?
8:28 PM
Yep. I finally met her today
8:28 PM
How was it? Are you okay?
8:28 PM
I'm okay :) and it went great. She's
pregnant so I'm hoping that this
brings us closer
8:29 PM
Pregnant? You excited?
8:29 PM
I am! I'm going to be
an aunt and I'm freaking
out because I can't believe it
8:29 PM
I bet!
8:29 PM
Well if you or your sister
need anything I'm here :)
8:30 PM
"Aw, he's adorable!"
Amber immediately hid her phone at hearing her sister's voice by her ear. She looked at her with wide eyes and Kendall rolled their eyes, a smile on their face.
"You look like you just caught watching porn," they laughed. "Stupid, we know you're texting your boyfriend. Geez."
"Not my—"
"Boyfriend, we know," Alani scoffed a little. "He's your friend.
You're in denial, but we get it. Your boyfriends, right? Horrible luck you've had with them."
"Shouldn't be talking, baby sis."
"No, no, no," Alani shook her head. "You had what? Three, four boyfriends?"
"We don't mention those assholes."
Thank you! My sister
thanks you, too. But we're
just going to stay here for
a week and I'll take her with
me until her baby is born and
she goes back to Hawaii
8:32 PM
If you don't mind me asking
like you don't need to tell me at
all but what happened to the
baby dad?
8:33 PM
"He wants to know about your baby's dad," Amber told her sister who sat next to her eating a hamburger. "I don't want to tell—"
"Tell him, I don't care," Alani shrugged. "Feel bad for me."
Amber rolled her eyes and looked down at her phone.
Her boyfriend left her at a
store so she texted me for help
8:35 PM
What a douchebag.
That's fucked up for him to
do. If he ever comes around
you guys, call me, and I'll tackle
him to the ground
8:36 PM
My sister greatly appreciates
that but not if I do it first 🙂
8:36 PM
Ladies first
8:37 PM
But I swear, if she needs
anything, or you need
anything just call me and
I'll get you guys whatever
you want 😊
8:37 PM
You're the best you know
that? Literally the best
8:38 PM
Compared to you? No!
You're the best!
8:38 PM
Don't start because we're
going to spend the entire
day complimenting each
other back and forth 😂
8:39 PM
I mean... is that a
bad thing though?
8:40 PM
It's like a win win situation.
I like hearing you complimenting
me and I like complimenting
8:40 PM
"He's flirting with you!" Kendall exclaimed, eating popcorn as they watched their cousin text their crush. "Flirt back!"
"I don't know how to flirt back!"
"You'll figure it out! Go with the flow."
"Is it even flirting? I don't know what to even respond to that!"
You're adorable, stop
being so adorable Dream
8:41 PM
Only if you stop
first Amber
8:41 PM
"Good, that sounded good, Dream. Now, patiently wait for her response because I can feel you sweating from all the way over here."
Dream ran his sweaty hand over his pants, phone in hand while George, Karl, and Quackity were on Discord, listening to their nervous friend.
"I'm waiting patiently!"
"No, you're not!"
You invented the word
adorable stop it ✋🏼🙄
8:42 PM
8:42 PM
Stop it
Make me 🙄
8:43 PM
"Why did you send him that?" Amber exclaimed, watching her cousin send Dream that message. Kendall simply shrugged and snickered, finding this conversation humoring.
Meanwhile Dream and his friends were freaking out, not helping Dream with his nervousness or anything that he was currently feeling in that exact moment.
"This girl is killing me!" Dream exclaimed.
"Text back! Text back!"
How am I going to make you
if we haven't met yet?
8:45 PM
Hmmm that's true
8:46 PM
Are you free tomorrow?
8:46 PM
Yep, you?
8:47 PM
8:47 PM
Cool... I'll send you my
address so you can come
to my house tomorrow :)
8:47 PM
Cool 😊
8:48 PM
Just like you 😉
8:48 PM
you're cute :)
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