Timmy Turner 😘
So... you and Dream? 😉😉😉
Sweetheart 😊
Just friends
Umbreon's Freak 💕
Y'all got a little too
close today 🙄 and he said
he was gonna message you
Timmy Turner 😘
It's adorable. Like, Dream
is this intimidating person who
is always yelling and cursing,
sometimes, but then there's Amber
who is a literal sunshine and is
the perfect epitome of happiness
Timmy Turner 😘
Timmy Turner 😘
What if you become part of the
Dream SMP and you can become
like a haven to Dream?
Timmy Turner 😘
Like before George or Sapnap? 😳
Sweetheart 😊
I just don't want to make anyone
mad ☺️ there's a lot of talented
people who actually play Minecraft
and are good at it. I don't even
know what SMP stands for
Timmy Turner 😘
Well, when you get the hang of it
Umbreon's Freak 💕
Are we going to ignore the fact
that you killed me? AND Karl!
Sweetheart 😊
That's how the game works Corpsie
Timmy Turner 😘
I know why Corpse is acting
like this bubs and at the same
time I agree, but disagree
Sweetheart 😊
Care to elaborate why he's
acting like that?
Timmy Turner 😘
Well, let's look at your past
relationships shall we?
Timmy Turner 😘
1.) Brian Santiago -
A manipulative cheater
who broke your heart in the very
end and broke ours in the
process because you were 💔
you dated him from the age
of 17 - 18
Umbreon's Freak 💕
Tell her karl
Timmy Turner 😘
Corpse shhhh
Timmy Turner 😘
2.) Rene Arrevalo -
A cheater who was a lazy
piece of crap and relied on you
because he did drugs. Dated at
age 18 - dated him for 6 months
Timmy Turner 😘
3.) Chris Turney -
Terrible man. He cheated on you,
was abusive mentally and
physically, and let's not forget
what he did
Timmy Turner 😘
But he was horrible. And he
manipulated you a lot.
Timmy Turner 😘
The reason why many of us are
scared for you to get close to a
boy in a not friendly matter is
because we don't want you to
be hurt
Sweetheart 😊
I appreciate your concern guys.
Really. It's just a friendship between
Dream and I. I'm just getting to
know him and you two are getting
to know him well. Karl even knows
how he is
Timmy Turner 😘
That is true
Umbreon's Freak 💕
I still don't trust him
Sweetheart 😊
You don't trust no one
Umbreon's Freak 💕
That is very true
but i love you 😚
Timmy Turner 😘
I love her more 🙄
Umbreon's Freak 💕
Don't start something you
cant finish karl 🥱
Hi, Dream 😊
6:33 PM ✔️
Hi Amber :D
6:33 PM ✔️
So I was thinking of playing
Minecraft maybe tomorrow?
If you're not busy of course
6:33 PM ✔️
I can do tomorrow.
6:33 PM ✔️
Aren't you going to be
going to Corpse's house though?
6:33 PM ✔️
Yeah but that's around
12 in the afternoon
6:33 PM ✔️
I'll come back home around
4 PM and I have to set up stream
around 6 PM, start it, and just
prepare myself since I'm
going to be embarrassed
6:34 PM ✔️
No don't think like that
6:34 PM ✔️
You're gonna get this
6:34 PM ✔️
You're right
6:34 PM ✔️
Especially since you're
gonna be there and help
6:34 PM ✔️
Yes, exactly
6:34 PM ✔️
I'll help you with whatever
you need help in
6:34 PM ✔️
Also, is it okay if the boys
are there? Tommy, Alex,
Wilbur, Bad, Sapnap, George
(🙄), Tubbo, and Niki wants
to meet you, big fan
6:35 PM ✔️
Of course! I don't mind.
Im sure if they're your friends
they must be great too <3
6:35 PM ✔️
amber, you're amazing
you know that?
6:35 PM ✔️
Oh! Thank you!
You're amazing too
6:35 PM ✔️
Also, our fans seem to
get along very well
6:35 PM ✔️
I saw them all bonding
over you
6:35 PM ✔️
Really? They're so nice
6:35 PM ✔️
I mean, everything they say
about you is true
6:36 PM ✔️
Really? What do they say?
6:36 PM ✔️
6:36 PM ✔️
That made me feel loved 🥰🥰
6:36 PM ✔️
They deserve the world
6:36 PM ✔️
And you do, too
Message Deleted
So, tomorrow? Around
6? You're fine with the
boys being on call too?
Or do you just want to
begin the game with us
being alone and me teaching
you and later we can talk
to the rest?
6:37 PM ✔️
yeah that'll be fine :)
6:37 PM ✔️
Like I said as long as you're
there I'm fine with anything
6:37 PM ✔️
Stop 😭 my heart,
my emotions
6:37 PM ✔️
I'm dying here amber
6:37 PM ✔️
I'm sorry! I shouldn't
have said that
6:38 PM ✔️
No no no it's fine :D
6:38 PM ✔️
I like it
6:38 PM ✔️
Oh, okay!
6:38 PM ✔️
You better go to sleep
early. You know how many
fans of yours messaged me
telling me that you don't
sleep? a lot
6:38 PM ✔️
6:38 PM ✔️
I'll sleep early for you
6:38 PM ✔️
Not only for me but for you too.
But, if any time you can't sleep,
I'm always here! You can call me
at like 3 am and I'll answer
6:39 PM ✔️
I'll keep that in mind
6:39 PM ✔️
Thank you
6:39 PM ✔️
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