TWO: Not Much of a Choice
"Got your lunch, honey?" My mother called out from the kitchen as I finished slipping on my shoes, fetching my umbrella from beside the coat rack, because it looked awfully gloomy outside.
"Yes, I packed it before I went to bed last night!" I replied, slinging my bag over my shoulder and opening the door.
"Don't forget an umbrella! The forecast said to expect rain!" She added, popping her head out. I simply held up the umbrella I had already grabbed, and she gave me a thumbs up. "Good girl. I'll see you when you get home!"
The wind was chilly outside, and I was glad that I had chosen to rug up. Pulling my scarf up over my nose, I started towards the school. It was a nice walk, not too long and not too short, and I always enjoyed the peace and quiet. At least I used to.
"Hey, neighbour girl!"
Oh no...
I didn't turn around, just kept on walking. I wanted to greet him, I really did, but I didn't want to break the rules. They were set in place for a reason.
"Hey, I know you're not supposed to talk to guys or whatever, but nobody else is around! I just wanna say hi and chat a little!" Bokuto persisted, and I continued to pretend like he wasn't there. "Fine, I guess...Have it your way..."
The rules definitely had to be in place for a reason. At least that was what I kept trying to tell myself. The boy seemed to back off after that, walking a fair distance behind me, and I tried to shake off that guilty feeling in my guts. As predicted, the sky began to split open not long after, and I unsheathed my umbrella, shielding myself from the icy downpour. On I walked, until I just couldn't take the remorse.
Pausing, I turned to look over my shoulder, immediately feeling like a horrible person upon seeing Bokuto. He was soaked, and looked downright miserable.
I mean...He could get sick...
I waited for him. The cold splashback of the rain hitting the pavement bit at my legs, but I didn't mind once he looked up. Bright topaz eyes blinked at me for a moment as I motioned to my umbrella, and the boy nearly galloped over to me like a foal finding it's legs.
"Thanks a heap! I totally didn't think it would rain today!"
Oh crap oh crap oh crap we're so close!
It would have been best to turn my head away, but I was curious. Up close, and without a fence blocking most of my view, Bokuto was rather cute, and incredibly well built. His hair, although sopping wet, was still pretty peculiar to me, and those vibrant eyes held a kind of zeal I had never seen before.
"So, does this mean you'll talk to me now? Like, we live next door! It's kinda stupid if we don't talk at all!" Bokuto kind of nudged my shoulder, and I stared at the puddles at our feet as we walked along.
"I...I really don't want to be rude, Bokuto...but I also really don't want to get into trouble..."
The boy beside me scoffed, and I glanced back up, seeing him looking ahead.
"That's dumb! It's not like all men bite or anything! At least I don't! Come on, what's the harm in a bit of a chat?!" His volume was completely new to me, but not exactly annoying, or scary, like I always thought it would be. I could see his point, but at the same time, the worry was still there. I had always been a worrier.
"Just...not around home, alright? My parents would freak..." I completely caved, but I wasn't sure why. It was nice talking to somebody completely new, albeit nerve wracking.
"That's the spirit! So? Can I get your name now, or is that a secret?" He bumped me again, and I felt the back of my neck heat up. Was that a normal response? Was that what my parents were always warning me about?
"(L/N)...(L/N) (F/N)..." I replied meekly, tilting the umbrella towards his side more after noticing droplets splashing against his broad shoulder.
"It suits you! Pretty name for a pretty girl!" Ah, yep, it had to be at least part of why my parents didn't want me talking to the opposite sex. My cheeks burned as I cast my (E/C) eyes to the side, feeling all sorts of embarrassment.
For the remainder of the trip, it was mostly a one-sided conversation, but I truly enjoyed listening to him speak. Kaori had told me all about Bokuto when we had met up the other day, seeing as she knew him rather well. The captain of the volleyball team, and for a good reason. He was one of the top players around, and that was beyond impressive to me.
Sports had always kind of taken my fancy. Coming from a more academic household, I was never permitted to join a sporting team, but watching was just as fun for me. My father didn't want me to seem butch, or be roughed up, or whatever other reasons he could think of. Maybe not every rule had a concrete reason for existing.
"Oh, oh, hold up!" Bokuto placed his hand on my shoulder, and I stifled a squeak of surprise, my knuckles turning white as I gripped the umbrella handle. "Akaashi! Yo, Akaashi! C'mere!" He waved towards another boy, who was walking ahead of us, right outside of the school gates. The student turned, his shoulders drooping a little when he caught sight of us, but he still backtracked.
"Bokuto, good morning." The boy named Akaashi greeted, giving me a small nod too before looking his friend up and down. "You're drenched." Laughing, the spiky-haired captain shrugged his shoulders, beginning to wring out his soggy tie.
"How was I supposed to know it would rain today?"
The weather report.
"The weather report. Common sense." Akaashi said what I was thinking, though with a little more monotone sass. He then turned back to me, offering me his hand. "Thank you for looking after Bokuto. I'm Akaashi Keiji, second year." Throwing caution to the wind, I accepted the handshake, gifting him a wonky smile.
"(L..L/N) (F/N)...Um, third year. Nice to meet you..."
This time I couldn't hold back a yip as the exuberant boy beside me slung his arm over my shoulders, leaning down a little and grinning towards his buddy.
"She's my new neighbour! But wait, get this! She isn't allowed to talk to guys! How dumb is that?!" Shrinking down, I thanked my lucky stars when Akaashi reached over and pulled Bokuto's arm off of me, giving him a stern look.
"Calm down, you're freaking her out." He scolded, softening again soon after. "Suzumeda has mentioned you before. I apologise for Bokuto's...everything. If he's gotten you into any trouble, I'll make sure he pays for it." I appreciated his concern, despite it seeming a little ominous towards the end.
"'s fine, really...I just really shouldn't be talking to you two...My father would have a fit and a half..."
But...I want to...
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? Besides, we're almost adults! He expecting you to be a nun or something?!" Bokuto leapt away from Akaashi, who leered with a flat, yet incredibly intimidating expression.
"Don't try to get her into trouble. Respect it." He muttered, brushing a hand through his dark hair. "Again, sorry for him. He can be a bit much."
Shaking my head, I lowered and closed my umbrella once we reached the lockers, shaking it of the glistening, watery beads.
"No, really...He kind of has a point, I guess? I mean...I..It isn't like I don't want to talk to boys...but..." I trailed off, unsure of how to phrase it. I couldn't exactly say that there was a reason behind it all, because I wasn't all that sure anymore. I just had to trust my parents.
"See?! I'm smart, right?! Nothing wrong with making friends, especially when it's someone as cool as me!" Bokuto thumbed himself, slipping off his drenched sneakers and replacing them with our standard school shoes as we all did the same. Awkwardly, I shared a glance with Akaashi, and I could immediately tell that this was typical Bokuto behaviour.
The sound of the bell ceased any continuation of the conversation, and I flinched when the excitable volleyballer patted my shoulder again.
"We should walk to school together from now on! We're both heading in the same direction, right? Later, (L/N)!" I could only give him a small wave in response as he started to walk off, barely able to glance over to Akaashi.
"If he is seriously bothering you, just tell him. He'll just latch onto you if you don't, believe me. Bokuto is a good person, but he's a little..." The second year thought carefully about his choice of words for a moment before starting after his senior. "...daft. Nice meeting you, (L/N)." Nodding, I pinched at the striped material of my tie, trying to swallow my nerves.
"Uh...okay...yeah...Nice meeting you, too, Akaashi..."
Just when I thought I was out of the lion's den, I got startled all over again.
"Oh yeah! (L/N), you should come with Suzumeda to practice one day! See how well I can spike over a net instead of a fence!" Bokuto shouted out over the heads of countless students, and I wanted to perish as people began to stare.
Dear god...I just...made friends with two entire boys?! I'm so dead..!
***I'm not on my A game - I feel super sick ugh.
Next time: [Shia LaBeouf Just Do It intensifies]***
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