Conquer Doubt - Ask God Questions
God always has an answer to a problem. Doubt has always been a huge problem for everyone. Sometimes it overtakes us because we are looking at our problems from our own limited, human perspective. We can only see what we think is the truth, and they fall short. We forget that God's insight and power are limitless. He has answers we can't even imagine.
God's vision is boundless, and remembering that is the key to turning our doubts around.
Can any of the worthless foreign gods send us rain?
Does it fall from the sky by itself?
No, you are the one, O Lord our God!
Only you can do such things.
So we will wait for you to help us.
Jeremiah 14:22
When you start to doubt God, ask yourself the questions God asked Jeremiah: Who sends the rain? Does the sky have the power to make rain showers? God wanted Jeremiah to tell the people to place their trust in the master of creation. We can learn from Jeremiah to also trust God. If God can create heavenly showers, surely He can handle our doubts.
John the Baptist, who was in prison, heard about all the things the Messiah was doing. So he sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?”
Jesus told them, “Go back to John and tell him what you have heard and seen—the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” And he added, “God blesses those who do not fall away because of me.
Matthew 11:2-6
Do you know what John did in the face of doubts? He asked questions! Seek answers through those you trust - a pastor, teacher, parent, or friend. He didn't try to hide his doubts from God but went right to the source. And when he did, Jesus honored his question with an answer. God will honor your questions, too. Don't be embarrassed to ask. Your questions will help you find the path to faith!
One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), was not with the others when Jesus came. They told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.”
Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”
“My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.
Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”
John 20:24-29
We will be especially rewarded for believing without seeing! Thomas was an apostle who doubted that Jesus came back to life. He wasn't punished for this. Instead, Jesus allowed him to see the truth for himself. Jesus extended this exciting promise to each of us.
We can look at Abraham's example in Romans 4:17-22. Abraham did not doubt God because he focused on what God can do. The nature of Abraham's faith was that he trusted God in ALL things, so even when God told him to sacrifice his son, he prepared the sacrifice. He took God at His word. When we embrace the Lord's promises, we can erase doubt. When we stop worrying about how God functions, we increase our faith and decrease our doubt.
Spiritual doubt is like you're afraid of the dark, groping around for a security blanket. Some people experience doubt more than others. Our responsibility to those who doubt is to show mercy and help them find the light.
Show mercy to those who have doubts.
Jude 22
Ask Yourself: What am I doubting in life? How can I apply God to it and overcome it?
Lord, thank you for being with me and for answering any question that I may have. Lord, I want to grow in my faith and start erasing doubts from my mind. Because you are God, forever mine and forever the same. Thank you Lord for helping me to triumph over the enemy and his lies. Amen.
I will try my best to keep updates on Sunday, but I am at work with a novel for National Writer's Month next month. Updates may be every other week until the end of November. I'm also thinking about publishing a separate book on the study of the book of James and would be grateful to hear any of who might be interested in getting into that with me! =) God bless you all and thank you for your support!
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