November 19, 2020
"You know, your little woman was way more fun than you!" growled the man, running the thin steel blade across Namjoon's bare chest, leaving a thin trail of blood. "I will kill you, I swear, you miserable bastard, I will kill you!" Namjoon roared and pulled hard on the handcuff chain.
"Tc tc tc, don't be rude, baby" Namjoon's body tensed and the vein in his door pulsed even faster as his anger slowly clouded his mind. "Do you know how much easier it would have been, if you had just agreed to marry me?" he looked down at the woman who was smiling sweetly, running her claws over the cut her accomplice had left.
"You're next, Lisa…" Namjoon hissed and she laughed, tossing her head back. "I don't think you're in a position to threaten, my love!" Lisa slid her hand down his abs, inching even closer.
"What a waste…" Lisa mumbled softly, her hand slipping and she reached into Namjoon's belt and down his pants, caressing his cock. Namjoon chuckled as she removed her hand in frustration. "Did you expect to find something?" Namjoon asked mockingly and she shrugged, her full lips curling into a sarcastic sneer.
"I really don't know how you manage to fuck her" Namjoon rolled his eyes in the direction of the man who was indifferently standing to the side watching Lisa grope him. "What can I say, it might surprise you" replied the man, smirking coldly.
"Just like I was surprised by your girl" the man walked up, standing behind Lisa, his hand sliding over her shoulder and down her cleavage, massaging one of her breasts. Lisa threw her head back, closing her eyes and moaning provocatively.
"Such passion, so much fire, in such a sweet little body…" the man growled and Namjoon gritted his teeth, giving him an eerily murderous look. "You didn't dare…" Namjoon gritted his teeth and the man shrugged as his lips trailed down Lisa's neck.
"I'm interested," his tongue traced an arc under her ear and Lisa raised her hand to cup his neck, moaning lowly. "Are the twins are yours or mine?" the man asked, looking defiantly at Namjoon, an eyebrow raised.
Namjoon blinked, his eyes widening and darkening dangerously. His fingers dug into the chain and he pulled it hard, seething with jealousy and rage. "Don't mention my children, you nothingness!" Namjoon growled breathlessly and the chain rattled on the iron hook stretched to its limit.
"Tell me, Kim, does little Ari whisper my name when you fuck her, like she did, when I touch her?" continued to challenge the man. Namjoon was barely able to control himself at this stage, his frantic attempts to get hold of the man were driving him insane.
"It's not possible!" Namjoon thought, Ari would tell him, she wouldn't dare claim the twins as his if they weren't, not her! "Ari wouldn't betray me like that, the bastard is lying, he has to be!" his mind screamed desperately.
"The twins are mine!" Namjoon yelled, pulling on his bonds again. The man raised his head from Lisa's shoulder and looked at him in surprise. "Indeed, count" he grinned and pursed his lips mockingly.
Lisa giggled evilly, shaking her head. "Poor Namjoon, his first wife died protecting him with her body and his fiancee gave hers so he can be saved again" clicking her tongue she shrugged and walked towards the door.
"You want evidence?" she stopped at the door and looked at him mockingly. "Tell him, Hyo!" ordered Lissa and the man chuckled. “Little Miss Hyun has a very cute scar just below her right ass cheek” Namjoon froze in shock, knowing exactly which scar Hyo was talking about.
"No, impossible…" Namjoon stared at him in disbelief, his mind starting to paint colorful pictures. He imagined Ari's body writhing passionately in his enemy's arms, her moans, the two of them mocking him behind his back.
"Weren't you surprised when she came home alone, after only three days, without a single serious injury?" Hyo asked again, fueling Namjoon's uncertainty.
"She sure likes it rougher, doesn't she?" asked Hyo, staring dreamily somewhere at the ceiling. "Here!" Namjoon looked at Lisa who handed some pictures to Hyo. "Ah, true!" Hyo chuckled, flipping through the pictures.
"You want more proof that the twins might be mine?" Hyo asked, holding up one of the pictures in front of Namjoon's face. "No…" Namjoon closed his eyes, unable to look.
But in the back of his mind, the image of Ari on all fours with Hyo fucking her, her face contorted with pleasure, was just imprinted on his mind like a tattoo he'd never be able to get rid of.
"Why Ari?" Namjoon mentally screamed. The pain of her betrayal was worse than anything he had ever endured. The woman he loved more than his life, the one who had revived his heart, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
And it was all a lie, she was just playing with him, with his feelings, with those of his daughter and his friends. It was all fake, theater so that Kang Hyo could get to Namjoon more easily and get his revenge.
"You killed my family before I could get to know them, Kim Namjoon!" Hyo stood so close to Namjoon that their noses were almost touching. "Didn't you expect to get away with it?" he asked and Namjoon looked at him blankly.
"I will take away everything you hold dear, I will make you remember every detail, watch as I painfully slowly take the life of your daughter, your friends and all, with the help of your fiancée!" Hyo snarled and Namjoon's body stiffened as the thin blade dug low into his stomach and Hyo spun him around, grinning maniacally.
Namjoon could feel the blade, his blood trickling down, sticking the fabric of his pants to his thigh. But it didn't matter, the real pain, it was much higher, clutching his throat.
She was suffocating him, killing agonizingly slowly everything she could, every part of his soul, every hope, dream and desire. This pain was far worse than his physical wounds, it was all he could think about.
Her smile, the tenderness, the love in her eyes, the promises, her touches, the patience with which she had healed his heart, it was all fake, Ari had betrayed him, no, she had come into his life to destroy him, absolutely on purpose!
All the love that Namjoon had felt for her until now slowly but surely began to lose its power and luster. Every tender emotion he associated with Hyun Ari, every thought of a happy future, all slowly died and hatred and a desire for revenge replaced it.
"I'll kill her!" Namjoon swore to himself, slowly relaxing his body, preparing for the war the Bangtan Devil was about to start. His hands clenched and re-tensioned the chains, his feet planted firmly on the ground, forcing the chains they were bound to make a muffled clank.
Kang Hyo gritted his teeth as he stared into Namjoon's expressionless cold gaze. Fear, that's what ran up his spine and made him step back, pulling the blade out of Namjoon's stomach.
The hatred that, like a snake, writhed in his enemy's eyes, the cold crooked smile that formed, the calmness with which his body bore the injuries. Hyo had never seen anything like this in another person, and he had killed a lot preparing for his meeting with Kim Namjoon.
Hadn't he gone too far, taking the opportunity to entertain doubt in Namjoon? "Didn't I sign my own death warrant?" Hyo thought, watching Namjoon's changing expression.
Bangtan were no enemy to be underestimated, but Kim Namjoon, he didn't need much to scare a man. Was everything that was said about him, all the rumors about him torturing and killing with pleasure, about his abilities, how could it all be true, not at least a little exaggerated?
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