November 20, 2019 (After several failed attempts by Namjoon to talk to Ari again)
"Okay, calm down first, then tell me exactly what she told you!" Seokjin demanded and Namjoon stopped pacing nervously, looking at him. "She said she didn't feel like a part of my life, that she was in Binna's shadow, and that she wanted me to prove to her that I loved her, and then she showed me my desk and my bedroom, but damn, I still don't know what I was supposed to see!" Namjoon growled and looked at the desk again, still searching for the thing Ari had tried to show him.
"Is that all?" Seokjin asked again, also looking around the desk. "She Said she was never going to be side by side with Binna, what's that supposed to mean?" Namjoon slumped heavily in his chair and thumped the desk. A few leaves fluttered and some of the pictures fell.
Seokjin shook his head and bent down to pick up the papers, placing them back on the desk, but as he reached to pick up the photos, a sudden flash of light dawned on him. "We're big fools, all of us!" he slapped his forehead and Namjoon looked at him in surprise.
"What?" Namjoon asked hopefully but Seokjin ignored him. "Yoongi, what do you have on your nightstand and desk that we all have, including Izeul?" Jin looked at Yoongi who thought.
"Come on, guys, what do we all have in our rooms, something that connects us and is important to us?" he looked around the whole group but met only thoughtful and uncomprehending looks. "Oh come on, it's easy, simple, but extremely important!" he demanded and looked at Namjoon with wide shiny eyes.
"I'm getting sick of riddles!" Namjoon growled. "It's not a mystery, it couldn't be more obvious, it'll take your eyes out, for God's sake!" Seokjin yelled at him and took one of his photos with Binna, shoving it in his face.
"Me and Binna? So what?" Namjoon asked and Seokjin smacked him over the head with the photo. "Do you want to die?" Namjoon roared, jumping to his feet. "Come on, then I won't tell you how to get the girl back" Seokjin sneered.
Namjoon sullenly sat back down. "Come on, does anyone have any idea what this is about?" Jin looked at each one again with raised eyebrows. "No?" everyone shook their heads and he rolled his eyes. "Are you going to tell, or do I kill you first?" Namjoon growled again and Seokjin put the picture down.
"How long have you and Ari been together?" Seokjin asked and Namjoon shrugged. "A little over two months" he replied, still looking at him sullenly. “Okay, during this time, how did you show her you loved her, except for the night you introduced her as your girlfriend?” Seokjin asked again.
"You're not talking about sex, are you?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow and Seokjin made a disgusted face. "We all hear you, you don't even have to tell us, well Izeul is fast asleep…" Jin mumbled and Namjoon smirked proudly.
“And I still don't understand what you're talking about” Namjoon asked and Seokjin sat on the edge of his desk, leaning towards him. "For a date, my friend." he grinned and Namjoon raised his eyebrows. "Date?" he repeated and Seokjin nodded.
"That's right, a date! Since you've been together, you haven't left the house, you haven't taken her anywhere, you haven't bought her anything, not even once" Jin nodded and Namjoon lowered his eyebrows. "We bought some clothes…" he started, but Jin cut him off.
"She can buy clothes by herself, Namjoon, but she can't take herself out to dinner, she can't cuddle while watching a movie by herself, and it would be a little crazy to give herself flowers by herself..." Seokjin watched him, waiting for Namjoon to finally understand.
"Okay, so a date... I can do that" Namjoon nodded. "Idiot!" Seokjin drawled, running a hand over his face. "It's not about the date, it's about the memories, you idiot!" he pointed to the pictures again. "Like these! That's what she meant when she said she didn't feel like a part of your life and was behind Binna!" Jin finally elaborated and Namjoon blinked in surprise.
"We all have photos and memories with Binna, but even though we claim to be friends and you to love her, none of us have actually created a single memory with her." Seokjin shook his head, feeling guilty. He was the oldest, he and Yoongi were closest to her, but none of them, not even Namjoon, had noticed that they actually took her for granted.
"Shit! But I'm really an idiot..." Namjoon gritted his teeth, mentally slapping himself. "She wants you to win her over and you're lucky she even gives you a chance" Jin nodded.
"We all have to win her back" Hoseok interjected. "Yeah, but for that, Namjoon hyung has to stop threatening us with death every time one of us comes near her" Jungkook muttered and Namjoon glared at him. "Then keep your hands in your pockets and don't touch her!" Namjoon growled jealously and Hoseok and Jimin laughed.
"Enough, we have to decide how we're going to do it" Jin interrupted them and they all thought. "Namjoon hyung, you're going to have the hardest time…" Taehyung shook his head and Namjoon sighed, shaking his head.
"What are you going to do?" Hoseok asked and Namjoon looked at him. "For starters, I'm going to hug my girlfriend, and then…" he shrugged. "Then I'll give her the world" Namjoon smirked and Hoseok gasped as if he had seen something magnificent.
He stood up and started for the door, but stopped and turned around, looking at them. "You guys, be careful how you win her…" he looked at them and they nodded grinning and Seokjin rolled his eyes. "Jealous bastard, you know you're obsessed with her, right?" Namjoon pursed his lips thoughtfully. "I know, of course!" he grinned and as he walked out he was accompanied by the approving laughter of his friends.
Not bothering to knock or caring that it was sometime after midnight, Namjoon burst into Ari's room and startled the sleeping woman so much that she screamed and jumped off the bed, landing right in his arms.
"What…" before she could say more, Ari was lifted up, her legs wrapped around his waist, her back hitting the wall and her lips captured by the most passionate kiss she had ever experienced.
Namjoon squeezed her hard and his tongue rushed into her mouth making her shudder. Ari moaned and her hands closed behind his neck. Namjoon tilted his head, deepening the kiss as Ari gasped.
Just as silently, he jerked back, dropped her on the bed, swung her around, and left the room. Ari blinked wildly, touching her lips and a small smile played at the corners of her mouth.
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