July 16, 2019
Hyun Ari got out of the taxi and stood in front of the portal of the huge mansion. Her new workplace. She pulled her collar up to cover her neck and took a deep breath.
"Can I help you, miss?" she flinched and blinked at the relieved man in black who was looking at her blankly. "Ah, yes, I'm the new nanny..." Ari tried to sound confident, but her voice shook slightly.
The man nodded, asked her to wait and went into his small cubicle, taking the phone. After about two minutes of her constantly looking around the mansion, or at least what she could see, he returned to her.
"Miss Hyun, Mr. Kim will receive you, please follow the colleague, he will take you inside the mansion." Ari nodded and walked through the opening gate behind which another man in black met her and she followed him down the gravel driveway.
She was struck by how heavily guarded the mansion was, there were cameras everywhere, but Ari assumed that with such a huge mansion, that must be normal, and with narrowed eyes she closely followed her guide.
He ushered her through a side entrance to the main entrance, explaining that it was the staff entrance. They passed through two narrow corridors and he stopped in what looked like a small hall.
The man knocked on the door and waited for an answer before opening it and ushering her inside. Ari looked around the room, which was a male furnished study.
"Miss Hyun, I guess?" she nodded, standing in front of a huge desk behind which sat the most charmingly smiling man she had ever seen.
"Please, have a seat" he motioned her to the chair in front of the desk and she sat down with her legs at her sides, her hands in her lap. "I'm Kim Seokjin." he introduced himself and Ari smiled at him. "Nice to meet you Mr. Kim, you obviously know my name." Ari smiled modestly and he nodded, folding his arms on the desk.
"Tell me, Miss Hyun, why did you leave your old job?" Seokjin asked and Ari smiled with a sigh. "The family went to Italy, they offered me to go with them, but my boyfriend insisted we stay" she explained a little uncertainly.
"I see, before you start with us, I would like to explain a few things to you." Ari looked at him and nodded. "First, if you need anything or help, please don't hesitate to ask any of us." he smiled slightly.
"Secondly, you're unlikely to see your confidant's father often, but if you do, don't speak without being asked" she raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you the father?" Ari asked, immediately looking down in embarrassment, realizing how cocky she must have sounded.
"I wish but no, her father is Kim Namjoon, my friend and boss." he explained with a smile. "Izeul is our little princess, but Namjoon is away most of the day, so you won't be seeing each other anytime soon." she nodded and looked down again.
"Third, never under any circumstances leave the mansion" Seokjin repeated the instructions and Ari looked at him in surprise. "What about school, a doctor's appointment, or the market?" she asked and he thought about it.
"And that's what you're doing?" he asked in surprise. "Sure" Ari nodded. "Anything that concerns the child I'm taking care of is my duty" she answered and Seokjin nodded approvingly.
"Great, then if you have to go out, make sure one of us knows where you are, when you'll be back, and that there's enough security with you." Ari nodded, memorizing everything Seokjin was explaining to her.
"Do you have any questions?" he asked and she thought about it. "I'll need your numbers as well as her doctors, a chart of the child's routine if she has one, and I need to know if there are any allergies, fears, or anything that could upset her that I need to watch out for. " Seokjin looked at her and nodded.
"Anything else?" he asked again and she shook her head. "I just need to get to know her." Ari smiled and Seokjin stood up. "Please follow me, Miss Hyun" he pointed to the door and she stood up following him.
Seokjin walked in front of her, but occasionally looked over his shoulder. The girl looked decent and professional. She was young, but she could handle it. Izeul had to like her too.
He ushered her into the nursery and Ari looked around. The room was bigger than her entire apartment. There were many toys scattered in the middle of the room.
"Bow!" the door slammed shut and Ari jumped theatrically, squealing in terror, and turned to the little girl, probably four years old, who was standing imitating animal claws with her hands.
"Mr. Kim, when you said I was going to be a nanny, you didn't mention that it would be for a small animal!" Ari exclaimed and made a horrified face backing away, Seokjin raising his eyebrows.
"Wowur" Izeul snarled and strode forward, allegedly attacking Ari, who pursed her lips and slowed her pace, allowing the little girl to catch up to her.
Ari pretended to trip, dropping her bag, falling onto her back and Izeul jumped on top of her, growling loudly. Ari grabbed her by the waist and started tickling her.
Izeul burst out laughing, writhing on Ari. The two wrestled for a while as Seokjin watched them with crossed arms and a smile.
Soon Izeul got tired and Ari sat down, putting her on her lap. "You must be the new aunt" the child smiled and Ari nodded. "My name is Ari and you?" she asked and the child puffed out her chest. "Miss Kim Izeul!" she declaimed proudly and Ari gasped in awe.
"Wow, what a beautiful name and what an adorable little animal!" Ari pinched her nose and Izeul giggled. "I'm a beast!" Izeul snarled again and attacked Ari, hanging onto her neck.
"I see you two will figure it out on your own" Seokjin got their attention and Izeul looked at him smirking. "Uncle Jin, isn't the appointment left for tonight?" Izeul asked and Jin crouched next to them, nodding his head. "Of course, princess, hopefully your dad will join in as well" he replied and Izeul nodded sweety.
"Can Miss Ari join too?" she asked looking at Ari. "Sorry, sweetie, but I have another engagement, maybe next time?" Ari suggested and Izeul pouted slightly. "But you're staying now aren't you" she asked and Ari nodded with a smile.
Seokjin left them alone and Ari looked at Izeul with a smile. "What will we do today?" she asked and the child grinned. "Shall we walk in the garden?" she asked hopefully and Ari nodded. "Are you going to show me the house too?" Ari suggested and Izeul all beamed happily.
For the rest of the day, Ari and Izeul walked around the house or in the garden, chasing each other, laughing, getting to know each other. At some point, Seokjin found them to give Ari the information he wanted, but then left them alone again.
"Looks like Izeul is having fun" Seokjin nodded and stood next to Yoongi who was watching Ari and the kid, chasing around the fountain in the small park behind the mansion, laughing so loud, they could probably be heard for miles.
"Miss Hyun has an approach with children. Izeul applied the attack to her and she immediately turned on." Seokjin smiled. "Seriously? No protests like the last one?" Yoongi asked and Seokjin laughed.
"No, they fit right in. They haven't stopped all day. I don't know how she hasn't passed out yet. Izeul went miles running around." Yoongi smiled. "Looks like we finally found the right nanny." Yoongi stated and Seokjin shrugged.
"We'll see, it's only her first day, but I like her. She seems to know exactly what she's doing." Yoongi nodded. "Namjoon's coming home in a bit." he said and Jin nodded. "Okay, maybe he'll be willing to meet Miss Hyun." he sighed and returned to the desk.
"We both know it's not going to happen." Yoongi rolled his eyes, taking one last look at the two girls before settling into the chair across from the desk.
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