Chapter 2
"For the last time Peggy-not for another two hours!" Dad yelled back from the front
"Who's Senpai?" Angelica asked. She then gasped. "Ooh! Is it Charlie? I knew it!"
"No! Its my body pillow of Shawn Mendes! SENPAI I'LL MISS YOU!!!" Peggy screamed
"PEGGY! STOP!" I shouted
Two painful hours later and we were there. Camp Starlight
"Ok, girls. Grab you're bags. I'll sign you in" Dad instructed, and walked off
"You guys excited?!" Angelica asked
"No." I said promptly
"No! I need SENPAI!" Peggy replied, stretching her arm out in the other direction like she was pointing at it
"Enough with your body pillow, Pegs!"
While Angelica and Peggy were fighting, I looked around.
So much glitter!
Anything that involves the word "glitter" is automatically evil.
(Herondale_Potter made this comment. I just had to use it!)
"Girls! Come here!" Dad yelled. We walked over and there was a peppy girl standing with him. Too peppy
"Hiya! I'm Jenny! I'll give you a tour of the camp! Say goodbye to your father, and we'll be on our way!"
We said bye to dad. Angelica was hugging him tight, Peggy was crying and telling him- no - commanding him to check on her "senpai", and I gave a quick hug
After Dad drove off, Jenny starting giving us the tour
"Here is our Sparkle Fields! You play sports and dance here!" she explained. I rolled my eyes
"This is the Shimmer Lake! You swim and fish in here!". "Ew," I whispered under my breath
"This is where we hold our cooperation groups! Shiny Hug Group! You can talk and get along with other people!". I made a gagging noise for her to hear. She just ignored me
"This is our small store. We are know for our Starry Stuffed Bears! We also have Sparkle Pops and pillows!". I groaned. Why is everything so girly?! I knew at this point Jenny could hear my dismay
"Last but not least, the Starlight Singing Campfire!" she explained. My eyes widened. "Nope! Nope! That's it! I'm done here!" I said out loud. "Singing?! SINGING?! What kind of monsters are you!" I said
"You don't like it?" Jenny asked. I snorted. "No. I love it. It's better than Disney Land" I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice
"Oh, great!" she responded happily
Sweet Jesus-
"Since we don't want clusters of girls and boys, we mix you up! One boy and one girl in each room." Jenny explained to us
"Joy" I responded
"Angelica? Your with Gilbert Lafayette in Cabin 6. Margarita-" she started but was interrupted
"-Peggy. I go by Peggy" Peggy interrupted. Then she picked up a picture of Shawn Mendes out of her pocket and showed it to Jenny. "And he goes by Shawnny"
"Ok then, Peggy! You and Shawnny will be in Cabin 8 with John Laurens. Elizabeth, your in Cabin 10 with Alexander Hamilton. You girls know where to go. Meet us in the Sparkle Fields in about an hour and a half. Enjoy!" Jenny finished, and walked off
I walked ahead of my sisters and found Cabin 10. I opened the door and it was unlocked. Great. Watch a pack of wolves find their way in here one night. Watch.
I slowly walked in. "Hello?" I called out. Then I heard something crash. I walked forward and saw a boy on the ground rubbing his head
"Are" I asked
Je turned around. "Uh...haha...yeah, um... yeah. I'm Alex" he stuttered, and held out his hand
"Elizabeth..." I said, slowly rising my hand to shake his. He smiled.
"Choose whichever bed you like. I don't care" he said to me
"Ok...thanks" I said, and picked a random one.
After I unpacked, I looked at the time on my phone. Alex noticed and checked his, too.
"Oh! We have to go to that thing in the fields about now" he acknowledged
"Eh...I don't really want to go" I responded, scrolling through my phone
"Come on. Lets walk there together" he pressed on. I sighed and looked at him
"Fine" I said, siting up
And so we walked together to the amazing Sparkle Fields. Who knew what would happen there?
Honestly, I'm expecting magic unicorns to fly out of the sky.
Second chapter done! If you have any suggestions or questions, ask or tell away! Shout out to Herondale_Potter for the quote about evil glitter! Hope y'all are enjoying!
Question time!
If you had a body pillow, who would it be of? Mine would be the historical Hamilton lol
Who's your favorite character so far? Mine is Eliza, Alex, and Peggy
Do you think glitter is evil? Honestly, idk
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