Glacial Spring Water
Fischl wakes up in the middle of the night, after hearing a sound.
Paimon lays over the traveler sleeptalking about a sweet mango juice, she wants to try.
The traveler is snoring quietly, which Fischl wishes she could record and use against them, if they are ever to question her identity as Prinzessin der Verurteilung again.
Sinners shall feel the skies opening their thundering reckoning upon them, as they tremble in fear for the almighty Prinzessin!
Xinyan is laying all tangled up over Kazuha with one leg and one arm over him, with drool hanging from her mouth, dangerously close to Kazuhas face. It goes up and down as she breaths and she mumbles something.
Kazuha is laying completely still, his stomach going up and down, being the only sign of him still being alive.
But where's Mona?
"Stay here, Oz. You shall protect my companions from luring eyes, as I wander out in the night." Fischl commands.
"As you wish, mein Fraulein."
She sneaks away from the camp, and sees a shadow at the top of the hill she decides to follow.
Besides the blue and elegant big flower, mona is standing in doubt.
"Aha! There have I found the one who lured away on a quiet and lomesome path!" Fischl exclaims.
Mona gasps and her face turns red, as she discoverers she is not alone. "Fi..Fischl??" she stutters.
"So tell me lady Megistus, what bring you to this place all alone?"
Fischl asks with suspicion, and puts her hands over her wrist.
"I- Its.. It's private!" Mona looks down at the ground and kicks out at nothing.
Fischl raises an eyebrow. "Private, thou say? Remember I have been blessed with an all-seeing eye, that-"
Mona groans, interrupting Fischls speak. "Fine, fine. Alright! I just wanted to try singing with this.. In.. In the name of astrology!" she mutters.
Fischl is holding in a laugh. "Astrology?"
Mona just sends her a sharp look, takes of her hat and sits down by the water.
This'll be interesting, Fischl thinks to herself and sits down next to Mona, who's taking a sip of water.
Mona looks at Fischl with narrow eyes. "Well, I'm not gonna sing alone when you're here." She grunts.
Fishl sighs, then takes a sip too.
"Fine, I'll give you the honor of singing with you, lady Megistus." she rolls her eyes, despite being secretly amused at what's happening.
They both start singing twinkle, twinkle little star and it actually sounds good with their voices being clear like the water.
They nod their heads at the tunes, and at the end of the song, they're both flat laughing.
"Well who would've thought that? We'd actually make a pretty good duet, if I say so myself. And this must bring lots of mora, I mean, look at Barbara for example. I'd be shaking if I were her." Mona says dreamingly.
"I wonder if the magic will stay after the sharp rays of light stings through the illusion." Fischl takes another sip of the water, and Monas face lightens up.
"What if we bathe in this holy water? Maybe it will last longer." Mona suggests.
"Lady Megistus, you truly are brimming with such bright ideas..let's see who gets in first!" Fischl laughs.
She feels like she can be Amy and Prinzessin der Verurteilung at the same time, when being with Mona.
"Oh no, you are not making this a challenge!" Mona complains.
But Fischl is already taking of her clothes.
Mona starts too. "Ugh, you little.. That's cheating!" She yells, but Fischl has already gotten all her clothes off, standing naked laughing.
She jumps into the water and splashes it on Mona, who whines because of the cold.
After getting her clothes off too, she makes a bomb into the water, splashing back at Fischl, who whines too.
They continue splashing at each other, whining and laughing, till the quiet nights overwhelm them, and they sit on the edge under the blue flower, where the water only goes to their thighs.
It's so clear that they can see through it.
They're both blushing, feeling a bit akward by being naked with each other. Mona looks at the starts covering up the black skye.
"Can I tell you something, Fischl?"
Fischl nods, "Whatever, your heart desires, lady Megistus."
Mona is suddenly taken a back by Fischl calling her such a formal name, but she takes a deep breath to collect her mind.
"I didn't know whether I should tell you this or not.. But I saw something in my scryglass.. "
She looks into Fischls eyes. The light green color reminds her of spring and hope. "Our paths are destined to intertwine.." she states ceremonial.
Fischl looks down in shock. Her heart is beating fast and loud in her chest. Was that a love confession? Like one of those in her books?
"I.. I-" she looks Mona in the eyes, filling her stomach with butterflies.
Monas face is red and her breathing fast, awaiting Fischls reaction.
"I do believe you to be good at reading fate.." Fischl whispers softly and leans closer to Mona.
Her lips are soft and fits her own perfectly. Slowly their tongues meet, dancing like a valse in the night. It does feel so right, like something that was destined to happen.
"Mhm" Mona puts her hands over Fischls bare breasts and massage them gently. In return her nipples stiffens and Mona moves her tongue down and starts sucking.
Fischl puts her hand on Monas shoulders. Her whole body is tickling. "Mona-" she moans and Mona smiles up at her.
"Move a little higher up and spread your legs. I want to show you something." There's a sparkle in her eyes, as she says that.
"Yes, Mona.." She answers enthusiastically and obeys. Her vagina is now over the water, drippingly wet, throbbing and fully exposed to Mona.
Mona who's more than satisfied with the sight, bends down and starts kissing Fischl there.
Then goes over to licking.
Fischl bends her head back, moaning in delight, and Mona starts licking faster, deeper.
"Mhm.. M.. MONA-" She squirms around with her legs, the pleasure feeling too big for her body. It feels like all the tickling will explode down there. "I'm.. I'm gonna-" She tries to warn Mona, but Mona just puts her hands on Fischl knees, reassuringly.
And a warm fluid escapes between Fischls legs, filled with all the unspoken words she had kept in. Her breathing is loud, as shes trying to get air down her lungs. Still overwhelmed.
Mona licks it up, satisfied. Its sticky with a faint hint of a bitter and sweet taste. She looks up at Fischl with a soft smile. "You.. You taste good.." Mona stutters, suddenly feeling vulnerable.
She uses her finger to take off some of it that had landed on her chin, and licks that off too.
Fischl goes back into the water, and places herself over Monas lap, so their intimate parts touch. Their tongues meet again. Only this time more passionate, keep wanting more of each other.
Their body parts rubs off of each other, fitting perfectly together. Where their warm skin is touching, it feels like they're melting together.
Without breaking the kiss, Fischl puts her hand down under the water and finds Monas clit, where it's throbbing wet.
Her hand goes in circles around there, and Mona can't help but moan almost in Fischl mouth.
Mona puts her hands around Fischls back. With all that's going on in her body, she needs something to hold on to. Fischl, to be exact.
Fischl finds an opening where she slowly presses her fingers in, causing a big moan to slip from Mona lips.
And her moans keeps going in tact with Fischl pulling back and forth with her finger.
"Har.. Harder.. Uhh!"
As you wish, Fischl thinks pleasantly, and puts her finger deeper in, going fast and hard.
Monas breasts are shaking against hers.
"Ah.. Ahh.. Ahhhh! Ngh!" her fingers scratch down Fischls back. Then the moans stop and Mona just lays there with her mouth wide open. She can feel something flowing out of her, mixing with the glacial and clear water.
"That.. Was good.." She says, speechless. Fischl smiles and embraces her, so they lay close in each other's arms in the surface of the water.
"It certainly was..."
For a long time they just lay there, looking at the stars above, until their bodies becomes cold.
They help each other get dressed. "I'm guessing we shouldn't tell Xinyan about this." Mona says with a laugh. "That would be disastrous! This will be something not even Oz will hear word about." Fischl agrees as she puts on Monas hat for her.
"You're right, let's be each other's little secret." Mona says and kisses Fischl softly on the cheek.
On the way back Mona starts singing again, but the effect has worn off, and her voice cracks already immediately. Fischl chuckles, but joins in.
And they must have sounded awful miles away.
"Hey what is this noise?-" Xinyan complains, but immediately shuts up, after seeing the drool landing on Kazuhas chin.
He lays completely still without noticing it, so Xinyan takes a leaf to remove it with.
But as the leaf touches his chin, his eyes shuts open. Xinyan gasps."You.. You were drooling-" She says with an akward laugh.
He never found out. :)
Thank you for reading this. I think I will do similar stories in the future, if you have any requests, feel free to share them. This was a bit embarrassing to write, but it was fun :)
Disclaimer: The art and characters aren't mine.
Have a nice day❤️🌈
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