xxxi. The Last Time
chapter thirty one | the last time
KAYA HAD BEEN curled up on her bed, frowning in concentration at her notes, trying to piece together some more lyrics. She'd started a completely new poem - and maybe it was the overwhelming feeling of going back to school, getting Head Girl, or finally sorting things out with Fred, but she'd been lost for words to write. She'd only managed one sentence,
My hair's wearing colours of five
She wasn't sure if it was the best. It was at first going to be 'my hair's in five different colours' but she soon realised not many things rhyme with colours - although, she was still struggling to write the next line, either way.
Kaya didn't know why she was finding it so difficult to write, she usually just let the words flow right out of her, and she'd put them together in a blink - but not today. Maybe it was just a bad day for writing.
She was interrupted by a call from a muffled voice downstairs, and joined the rest of the teenagers in the household in bounding down the stairs to greet Molly and Delilah (Jae's mum) who'd been out to get everyone's school books. Molly was also carrying a long package wrapped in brown paper, of which when Ron had grabbed, she'd told him,
"Never mind unwrapping it now, people are arriving for dinner. I want you all downstairs,"
But, in the moment she was out of sight, Ron didn't hesitate to rip the paper off in a frenzy, and admired his new broom with an ecstatic expression on his face.
They opened the door, to see Molly had hung two large banners, the first stating,
and of course, the second displayed equally as large lettering,
Kaya had laughed at first, still wondering what was going through Dumbledore's head when he decided to pick her for Head Girl. She'd done literally nothing, except play Quidditch. What was he doing when picking her, a lucky dip?
Molly was sweet though, making this much effort for not only her own son, but three other children, two of whom she'd only known since a few weeks into summer.
"I'm sorry, but why are you Head Girl?" said Alfie, as he and Jeremy made a rare appearance and ventured outside of their shared bedroom. "Dumbledore's worst decision ever, hands down,"
"I dunno," Kaya shrugged, before ruffling his hair. Alfie swatted her hand away with a disgusted expression. "I'm giving you loads of detentions though - you can say goodbye to your free time,"
"I'd like to see you try,"
"I thought we'd have a little party, not a sit down dinner," Molly told everyone, as they entered the room. "Your father and Bill are on their way, Ron, I've sent them both owls and they're thrilled," she added, beaming.
Fred rolled his eyes - thankful that Kaya hadn't noticed, because she'd have probably elbowed him if she had. And her bony elbows hurt.
Kaya had sent her parents, who'd been working, a letter along with Molly, and they'd both written back completely in shock, finding it rather amusing, too - much like their daughter had. Even they knew Kaya hadn't done very much at school apart from keeping her grades in her lessons (except Potions) high. Of course, they were still proud, nevertheless.
Sirius, Lupin, Tonks and Kingsley were already in the room, and Mad-Eye stomped in shortly after, joined by Elizabeth Silverstone. Diana wasn't with her, today.
"Oh, right, good for them!" she heard Elizabeth say. "Yeah, Di got Slytherin Prefect, she was... erm... chuffed,"
Hermione overheard and began muttering to Harry and Ron.
"Oh, Alastor, I'm glad your here!" Molly said brightly, turning to Moody. "We've been wanting to ask you for ages - could you have a look in the writing desk in the drawing room and tell us what's inside it? We haven't opened it, in case it's something nasty,"
"No problem, Molly..."
Moody's electric eye swivelled upwards and stared, fixed at the kitchen ceiling. Kaya shifted uncomfortably as they watched. His eye was creepy.
"Drawing room..." he growled, as the pupil contracted. "Desk in the corner? Yeah, I see it... yeah, it's a Boggart... want me to go up and get rid of it?"
"No, no, I'll do it myself, later," said Molly, still beaming. "You have your drink. We're having a little bit of a celebration, actually," she gestured towards the two banners. "Fourth prefect in the family!" she said, ruffling Ron's hair.
"Prefect, eh?" said Moody, his normal eye looking at Ron. "Well, congratulations. Authority figures always attract trouble-"
"They do. Look at Kaya and Fred," said Jaeden. A blink of confusion crossed Molly's face, but she returned to fussing over Ron.
"-but I suppose Dumbledore thinks you can withstand most major jinxes or he wouldn't have appointed you,"
"Well, isn't that nice," said Kaya, as a startled look grew on Ron's face.
They were interrupted by the arrival of Arthur, Bill, Cher and Jake - Molly was in such a good mood, she didn't even complain that they'd brought Mundungus with them.
Cher and Jack rushed over to their daughter, both laughing at Dumbledore's odd decision, though they still told her how proud they were.
"Well, I think a toast is in order," said Arthur. "To Ron and Hermione, the new prefects! And Kaya and Milo, the new Head Boy and Girl,"
"I still can't believe it," Fred said sincerely to Kaya, as everyone drank to them, and applauded.
Soon after, Fred and George snuck into a corner with Mundungus, for 'business purposes' as Fred had muttered to Kaya, before giving her a wink and heading off.
She chatted with her four friends, all now buzzing for their upcoming final year of Hogwarts. Although, she wasn't too sure if she wanted it to be her final year, just yet. It felt only five minutes ago she'd just joined in her first year, and now she was leaving. Kaya didn't want to leave yet - and she wasn't quite ready to experience all the Hogwarts traditions for the last time. She wasn't ready for it to be the last time in general - she hadn't felt like she'd quite grown up yet, at least, enough to leave Hogwarts, anyway.
And then, the next thing she knew, it was the first of September. Everyone was in a good mood as they checked to make sure they'd packed everything. Kaya and Maisie had gotten up earlier than the boys, and so when Milo and Jaeden wandered in, Fred and George making an appearance by apparating, the two girls were dressed and ready - in contrast to them, as they were still in their pyjamas and had extreme bed hair. Milo especially - his blonde curls made him look like he'd been dragged through a bush backwards.
Kaya's expression had warmed even more at the sight of Fred sat grinning on her bed, his red hair all over the place and his eyes still puffy from the sleepiness.
Jaeden, who had been mid-conversation with George and Maisie, frowned.
"Guards?" he said. "Why do we have to go with guards?"
"Well, we don't," said George. "But we're with Harry, and he does. Not too sure why, though - we all thought Voldemort was laying low,"
"Probably just in case," said Maisie, though she, too, was a bit confused.
Molly called everyone downstairs, and the twins grinned at each other, before disapparating - the sound of their mother scolding them filling the house as Kaya and her friends walked downstairs.
"Why can't you just walk down the stairs, like this lovely lot?" she said, referring to the group of four just wandering in.
"Lovely?" said Fred, pulling a face.
"Fred, you cannot say that about your girlfriend!" George blurted out, before his twin could stop him. "Kaya's a lovely girl!"
Molly blinked, wearing a slight frown at what George had just said began to process through her brain. Kaya could feel her cheeks burning up, as Jaeden playfully nudged her.
"Girlfri- but..." said Molly, turning to Fred who gave her a small, awkward smile. He wasn't quite sure how to act. "...are you...?"
Molly turned to Kaya who was wearing the same expression as her boyfriend.
"...Surprise?" The brunette said, since Fred was nowhere near giving his mother an explanation. And besides, there was no point hiding it, really.
Molly's face lit up.
"Oh!" she said gleefully, turning to Fred. "I can't believe it! Oh, Freddie! I was wondering... well... hoping! I'm so glad! Kaya's such a wonderful girl..!"
"Is she?" Jaeden muttered.
Kaya bit her cheek, as a grin crept up on her face. Jaeden, Maisie and Milo exchanged sniggers, and George smirked, as Molly held her son in a tight hug - which was cut short because Fred shrugged her off.
"Mum... stop..." he muttered.
"Ooh!" Molly squealed, before rushing over to Kaya and wrapping her in a hug, which caught her off guard. "You two make such a lovely pair!"
Fred looked like he was about to murder George on the spot - though, nobody could miss the small smile he was wearing, also, as he watched Kaya's taken aback expression covered with a smile resting on Molly's shoulder.
"When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? Oh, and just before school! I feel like I haven't chatted to you enough!" Molly said to the brunette girl.
"Oh well, if we're going to be living here a while I suppose we'll have plenty of time to catch up," Kaya smiled at the woman, still in a state of surprise.
"Ooh, I get to knit another jumper at Christmas!" Molly said excitedly. "And you three, I can't leave you out, too!" she nodded to Jae, Milo and Maisie, who were watching with amused expressions.
George teasingly wrapped Fred in a hug like their mother had just done, putting on his best impression of her squeals and mockingly made kissing noises.
Molly sighed. "Well, that's made me even more joyful! And I was already excited with little Ronnie being Prefect - it's all just getting better, isn't it!"
"It is," George nodded with a grin.
"Cher!" Molly said happily, when Kaya's mother entered the room. "You'll never guess! our Kaya and Fred are together, isn't it lovely?"
Cher paused, glancing between the two, before fist pumping the air, letting out a loud,
"I know! It's so-"
"Jack owes me two galleons!" Cher said enthusiastically.
"What?" Kaya pulled a face, and Jae snorted.
"I had a bet with your Dad on when you'd get with Fred - He said whilst you're at Hogwarts this year, but I said over the holidays. I thought I'd lost, as well! He was getting so cocky- I can't wait to tell him - oh, Jack!" she sang, eager for her husband to appear.
It was at this moment, Alfie and Jeremy strolled in, buzzing for their second year at Hogwarts, unaware of what was going on.
"Alright?" said Alfie, heaving his trunk down the stairs and dropping it with a thump on the floor.
"Oi, Alf," said Cher, sending a teasing look her daughter's way. "Your sister's got a boyfriend,"
Alfie didn't react the same way as everyone else.
"...Yeah?" he said, like it was blatantly obvious.
Fred grinned at him, as Cher nodded between the lovebirds. They blinked as their eyes flicked between the two.
"Oh, I thought they were together this whole time," Jeremy said bluntly. Jae let out a laugh.
"See! These two are the only ones who know what's up," he said, as Hermione, Harry and Ron appeared, making their way downstairs.
Walburga began screaming again - nobody bothered to shut the curtains over her, though, since there was no use - all the noise in the hall was bound to set her off, whether she could see them, or not.
"Harry, you're to come with me and Tonks," said Molly loudly, over the gigantic wails of Walburga. "Leave your trunk and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage... oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"
Kaya turned and let out a laugh at the sight of a black dog standing at Harry's side.
"Oh, honestly..." said Molly despairingly. "Well, on your own head, be it!"
As well as her friends and family, Kaya had to separate from Molly, Harry, Sirius (the dog) and Tonks in order to make their way to Kings Cross. Apparently it was safer, or something like that - she wasn't too sure, she just went along with it.
And, before she knew it, she found herself at Kings Cross, ready to head off to Hogwarts for the last time.
A/N: Just a quick note, Diana & Elizabeth are OC's from a new Draco Malfoy fic I recently posted, which will cross over with this book and others in this series! You don't have to read if you don't fancy it, but they will most likely crop up now and again, so for those of you who might be confused and wondering who they are - there you go!
The Draco fic is called 'Reputation' if any of you fancied a read :)
As always, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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