xx. Delicate
chapter twenty | delicate
MAISIE HAD been on many dates with this Stefan now, and Kaya had asked her about every single detail every single time. Today was no exception, and the boys sitting with them during lunch had the joy of listening to it.
"Where'd he take you?"
"Madame Puddifoot's tea shop," she said. "It's so lush in there, I don't know why we haven't been in there before,"
"Because I think we'd rather have a butterbeer than go and sit in a tea shop," said Jaeden. "It's rammed with couples in there, no wonder that's where he took you,"
"Don't be horrible," said Kaya, kicking him from under the table.
"Yeah, Jae," Lee chimed in. "Don't be so bitter just because you don't have a bird to take there-"
"I'm not bitter! And as if you have one-"
"Fred's got one-" George started with a grin, before Maisie interrupted.
"He has one of those nice smells on him, though. Like one of those sprays boys use," she continued, with a smile.
"Ah," said Kaya, with a sigh. You can't beat it when a boy smells nice,"
George and Lee both leaned into Fred and sniffed loudly, before nodding.
"Why don't you introduce him to us?" Milo asked. "Or us to him?"
"What, you think I'm gonna let Jaeden have anything to do with him? You must be insane,"
"What?!" Jaeden barked. "What's wrong with me?"
"You're horrible!" said Kaya. "You'll probably put him off,"
"Exactly," Maisie nodded. Milo laughed at him, and Jaeden shook his head.
"Mates before dates, Maisie, you remember that,"
There was a short silence.
"What's that on your shirt, Jae?" asked Kaya, squinting her eyes and leaning forward to read a badge on his uniform.
"S.P.E.W," said Maisie. "Isn't that the house elf rights thing Hermione Granger made?"
"Yeah," Jaeden replied confidently. "And I agree, house elves do deserve to be treated better,"
"Didn't she make those ages ago, though?" asked Fred.
"Well, I didn't know about them until now," Jaeden said. "Nobody told me!"
"Jaeden's a big softie for animals or creatures, if you couldn't tell," Milo told Lee.
"No!" said Jaeden. "They just... deserve rights..."
"Okay, softie,"
It was a late afternoon in the Hufflepuff common room, everyone was either eating their tea in the Great Hall or had just gotten back from it. Through the many circular windows, glimpses of a gorgeous blue sky blending into a soft yellow followed after the setting sun, signalling the end of a warm spring day.
The Hufflepuff trio were sitting in their (practically assigned) places in front of the fireplace. Cedric was practicing spells in preparation for the third task, Kaya was practicing a brand new melody on her guitar, and Maisie was in the middle of writing a potions essay.
"I still don't understand why you thought it would be a good idea to take potions," said Kaya. "What possessed you?"
"The fact that I'm actually quite good," Maisie replied. "You and Jae were the ones blowing shit up all the time - I'm brill, though. Snape actually tolerates me,"
"Shit," said Kaya. "You must be good then. Almost as good as me on this guitar - listen, I'm killing it!"
"The only thing you're killing are my ear drums," Maisie retorted. Cedric let out a laugh.
"You haven't heard Kaya's single finished piece have you?" He said to the red head, who frowned.
"Oh yeah!" Kaya's face lit up. "I finished it the other night with Ced when you were in the shower- let me play it for you,"
"It's actually really good," Cedric said, as Maisie put her work down to listen to the girl's song properly.
Kaya began playing her melody, and Maisie's eyebrows raised. She'd heard a messy version of this song - but never as smooth and soft as this. Cedric grinned as Maisie glanced towards him with a delightfully surprised expression. He nodded, as if to say 'I know'. Kaya was in some sort of musical daze as she played, and so was completely oblivious to the two silently interacting.
"What song is that?" Maisie asked, once the brunette finished playing.
"It isn't one," said Kaya. "I just... made it up, kind of,"
Maisie's eyes widened even more and a smile crept up on her face.
"And you're seriously denying you'd be good enough for a career in music?"
Kaya hesitated for a second.
"Please do it, Kaya," Cedric urged. "You're so good, I don't think you realise how good you actually are,"
"You two wouldn't lie to me, right?" she asked, her eyes flicking between the two.
"Never, ever," said Cedric, still wearing a warm smile. "Go for it, it sounds amazing. I'd buy that record, that's all I'm saying, and it doesn't even have any words to it, yet,"
"It sounds terrible when you're piecing it together," said Maisie. "I told you that - so why would I all of a sudden lie when it's finished?"
A grin was creeping up on Kaya's face.
"Do you actually think I could?" she said.
"Yes!" The two said in sync.
"And when you're famous, I'll be front row of every single gig or concert you do, no matter how big or small," Cedric promised. "But that'll only happen if you actually consider it,"
Kaya was now beaming.
"Yeah, fuck it, go on then," she said. "I'll give it a try. What's to lose?"
Jaeden and Milo were surprisingly quite supportive when Maisie told them Kaya was actually considering a career in music.
"You have to write songs about us," said Milo. "Like, that's basically law - we've been friends with you for nearly six years now,"
"I think you'll have trouble writing songs about me, though," said Jaeden. "I don't think many things rhyme with legend,"
"How about bell end?" Kaya suggested. Maisie and Milo let out a laugh.
"See!" Maisie grinned. "She's a natural,"
Jaeden pulled a face at Kaya, which she reflected back.
The year was flying too quickly for Kaya's liking. This year she saw as the last year she could mess around in lessons, for her final year would be swarmed with studying for the last exams she'd ever take. Part of her was glad, because exams stressed her out way more than they should. But another part of her felt even more agitated, for the N.E.W.T exams were the most important - and Kaya did not work well under pressure.
Her birthday had passed - it was probably one of the best ones she could have had at Hogwarts. Obviously she had her annual birthday cake, this year decorated in pink and yellow, sent from Milo's mother, and received many presents from her friends and family. Even the twins insisted on getting her something - mainly because she'd given them a large bag of sweets and chocolate as well as some money (she wasn't too sure what to get them) on their birthday. They ended up buying her a load of cauldron cakes and a small quaffle charm ("Because you're a Chaser!" Fred had explained) for the bracelet her friends at gotten her for Christmas.
It was the night before the third task. Cedric, Kaya and Maisie were in their usual place in the common room, all talking cheerfully. The room was practically empty, for it was so late that everyone was sleeping or hanging around their dormitories. The sound of the crackling fire and the soft voices of the three Hufflepuffs were probably the loudest noises there.
"Do you guys actually think I have a shot at winning?" Cedric asked both the girls.
"Yes!" said Kaya confidently. "And we'll be cheering all the way,"
"I can't wait to see you being given the Tri-Wizard Cup," said Maisie, with a grin. Kaya's face grew even brighter.
"Yes! I completely forgot that existed. Will you let me hold it? Please?"
"There's no saying I'll get it yet!" Cedric laughed. "The other champions are really good-"
"Yes, but you're better. We're rooting for you - and Harry, I guess," Maisie added.
"More like for Harry to not die and for you to claim the victory you deserve! Oh, please will you let me hold the cup?"
"I'll make you a deal," Cedric grinned. "If I win and get the cup, I'll let you hold it if you let me be front row of every single musical performance you do. Deal?"
"Deal!" Kaya grinned. "Although I can't promise I'll actually end up doing any performances-"
"-And I cant promise I'll win." Cedric shrugged. "Simple as that,"
"But you will, win," said Maisie. "It's a given. You're incredible,"
Cedric beamed, and shook his head.
"You know," he said. "Out of all the Hufflepuffs I know, you two are probably my favourites,"
They both grinned back at him.
"What can we say," said Kaya, a fake smug expression covering her broad smile. "We're amazing,"
"Just be careful," said Maisie. "It's the final task, it's bound to be the most brutal,"
"Yeah," Kaya nodded. "But remember we're rooting for you, the whole way,"
Cedric's joyful expression was practically stuck to his face - his bright eyes glancing between the two girls who looked at him with an equally warm demeanour. Support and encouragement from the ones he loved was his source of motivation - it was the thing he needed most.
"I'll have to keep it in mind," he grinned. "Thanks, you two,"
Kaya tackled him in a tight hug, followed by Maisie, and the three toppled onto the floor, laughing.
"A Huffle-hug!" Kaya giggled.
Cedric squeezed the two tightly, his face practically hurting from smiling.
"You do know we're going to be celebrating like fuck when you win?" Kaya said. "Like, it's going to be the best celebration anyone has ever seen, ever. You're gonna have to change your name to 'Winner'."
"I second that," said Maisie. "It's going to be immense. Winner."
"Looking forward to it," Cedric smiled. "Awe, I appreciate you two's effort. Reckon this is the longest you've gone being genuinely nice,"
"We love you, too," they said in sync. Cedric laughed.
"Hey, I thought I was supposed to say stuff with you as well!"
"You are, Winner!" said Maisie. "We three are, like, legilimens' with just each other. Ready, I bet we can all say the same thing together,"
"Okay," said Kaya, and their eyes all flicked between each other's, as though they were actually trying to read the minds of one another.
They'd always done this, ever since their second year, and it was a natural thing, by now, for it to actually work. They were like nonbiological triplets.
"Three," Maisie counted. "Two, One..."
The three broke into a chorus of cackles as they all said the same thing in sync - just like they always had done.
"See," said Cedric. "It's like sibling legilimency,"
"You couldn't be more correct, Mr Diggory,"
"Fred, I'm not even joking, now," said Lee, as the two strolled down the corridor, clearly bored and waiting for George to appear so they could maybe pull a prank or do something fun. "It's nearly been a year, right. A year,"
"Yes, that is usually how school works, you spend a lot of time here-"
"You know what I mean," Lee said. "It's almost been a year and you've done nothing about that dizzy brunette,"
"Dizzy brunette," Fred laughed. "Also known as Kaya Bennett, I assume?"
"See, even you know what I'm on about! And George and I are fed up of waiting, truth be told. I say you just do it, next chance you get,"
"...Do what?" Fred raised an eyebrow.
"What do you think?! Ask her out! She's so obvious, almost as much as you are, I don't know why you haven't done it already-"
"It's not that easy," said Fred.
"Cause, for starters I can never get her on her own! Her group are like wasps - if you see one of them, the other three aren't far away-"
"That's a nice way of describing them-"
"It's true! They travel as a pack,"
"Then just call her over," said Lee, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"What we on about?" asked George, sauntering over to the pair.
"I'm forcing Fred to ask Kaya out,"
"Good, at least someone's doing something about it,"
"God, you make it sound like it's a disease," said Fred.
"I'm just saying, is painful for Lee and I to watch. Please get on with it, for our sake,"
Fred glanced between the two, before sighing.
"Alright, fine. I'll try,"
The two boys cheered.
Luck must've been on Fred's side today, because he almost immediately spotted Kaya walking down the hallway alone later on. He didn't hesitate, either, and proceeded to follow her.
"You alright?" she smiled, once she caught sight of him.
"I see you're wearing your little Quaffle," he said, nodding to the new addition to her charm bracelet.
"Awe, you two really didn't have to get me anything," She smiled.
"Yes we did," Fred retorted.
"Mind you, if I was expecting you to get me anything, it would've been a surprise prank,"
"What, you think we're mean enough to prank you on your birthday?" He said, dramatically putting his hand on his heart. She laughed.
"Maybe a generous one. Like the one you did on your birthday,"
"Yeah, the pink hair was pretty generous," Fred nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "If anything, it just made me even more attracted to you,"
Kaya raised her eyebrows and her grin grew wider.
"Oh, come off it, you!" He said, noticing her playful look. "You know it's true. I haven't winked at you all year for nothing,"
This was probably the first time in her entire life Kaya was at loss for words - and that was saying something, since the girl could talk for England. Her heart was beginning to beat a little faster, and her stomach was doing flips. All this adrenaline made her want to jump or something, rather than it being contained as the two leaned against the wall and chatted.
"Tell you what," said Fred. "Maybe... after the third task, we could... maybe go to Hogsmeade, or something? If you'd like... I don't wanna force you, you don't have to if you don't want to-"
He all of a sudden felt a lot less sure of himself - it was so hard, he often thought he knew where he stood with Kaya but then was also afraid he'd gotten the wrong idea. It was all so delicate.
But Kaya grinned, as she watched him go off on a ramble, yet again, running his hand through his fiery red hair nervously. Maybe it was the way Fred was so shy or something, or perhaps it was because he'd actually worked up the courage to ask her, but it gave the girl a big surge of confidence.
She stood up on the very edge of her tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek - that shut him up.
His eyes grew slightly wide and his cheeks were pink.
"Why not?" she answered. Fred broke into a very large smile, as he looked down at the girl.
"Why not?" he joked, sarcastically. "Is that all I get? After that?"
Kaya let out a laugh.
"Sorry, let me rephrase myself. Thank you for your offer, Mr Weasley, I think that would be lovely,"
"My pleasure, Miss Bennett," Fred beamed, before his eye flickered to a group of people turning the corner and his expression became bewildered.
Kaya turned around, frowning, trying to see who he was looking at.
"What?" she asked him.
"Mum?!" Fred said loudly, walking over to a plump lady with a kind face and red hair that matched her children's.
She was being given a tour, joined by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Was she maybe here to support Harry? Who knows. Kaya watched as Fred and his mum spoke, not being able to work out what they were saying as they were so far away. She did notice however, Mrs Weasley glancing in her direction curiously every now and again - obviously knowing Fred had come over from speaking to her. Kaya wasn't sure what to do, but she didn't fail to notice Ron's mischievous grin creeping up on his face.
She made a face at him, which he returned.
A/N: Wtf I only just realised we're literally getting to the end of GOF! That flew past omg
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