xlvi. Run & Hide
chapter forty six | run & hide
KAYA WAS NOT in the mood to see anyone else at this particular moment, and so found herself sitting in the window of one of the more empty corridors, in her attempt to stay as far away from the rest of the school as possible.
As much as she tried, she could not remember the previous events in which she'd beaten Andrew Edwards to a pulp - she could remember getting angry and storming off to find him, but that was as far as it went.
Of course, when saying she didn't want to see anyone, there might have been one small exception to that statement - and that exception was Fred Weasley.
The red-head had found Kaya immediately after she'd disappeared from the scene, and sat himself opposite her in the window still of the lonesome, empty corridor. He'd filled her in with every single detail on what she'd just done, glowing with pride as he did so.
"I mean," he said. "I don't usually like it when people are angry - I'm not saying I like it when you're angry - but..." he whistled under his breath. Kaya broke into a small grin which immediately dimmed due to the sorrowful expression plastered across her face.
"Have I fucked up?" she asked him.
"Oh, big time," he nodded. Kaya's frown became even more defined. "But hey, you're free!" Fred added, quickly. "No more Head Girl duties that you hated so much. That's got to be a weight off your shoulders, eh? And, well, I can tell you Alfie'll have no worries as long as you're there, I can guarantee that. Nobody'll dare touch him, now."
Kaya nodded, giving her boyfriend a weak smile. She could feel her eyes becoming glossy, but she simply refused to let the tears fall. Her forehead was coming out in a much larger bruise now, a lump taking up it's left side and the skin was starting to turn a mixture of purple and black. Fred gently ran his finger along the surface, before carefully placing a kiss on top of it, making sure he wasn't putting too much pressure on it. Her knuckles were swelled and bruised, too, and so he gingerly held them in his own warm hands, careful not to hurt them with his grip.
"I'm just gonna say it, you're so fit," he said, and was then pleased to see Kaya let out a light laugh at his statement. "Like, hot as fuck. I obviously already thought you were before, let's be honest, everyone thinks you are - but I honestly think this just made me love you even more,"
Kaya blinked.
"You what?"
Fred was slightly confused at the girl's reaction, and spent a moment wondering what he'd just said that could've made her pause. Then he realised.
"Oh," he said, bluntly. Kaya had to hold back a laugh.
"Oh," she repeated.
"I haven't fucked up saying that, have I?" said Fred, creasing his face slightly as though dreading Kaya's response. Still, she smiled.
"No," she said, the familiar feeling of her heart swelling like it normally did around the boy emerging. Although, it definitely swelled a lot more than usual in this particular moment.
Fred broke into a grin, his brown eyes sparkling with glee.
"I love you," he said, softly.
"I love you," Kaya beamed back.
And for a moment, it was as though all of the pain in her head, in her knuckles or anywhere else around her body had been washed out with nothing but bliss.
Umbridge had not quite yet managed to catch out Kaya and Jaeden, and bring them to her office just yet, like she'd sworn to do. The pair's first thoughts immediately went to the twins, and did not hesitate to question them on whether they had done anything to her.
"What do you mean?" George said in a tone of fake hurt. "We'd never! I'm offended you think we'd do anything remotely horrible to that lovely old lady,"
"OK, now the sarcasm has passed," said Maisie. "Did you actually do anything to her?"
"Nah," Fred said, glancing around to ensure nobody else was listening in, before continuing. "Our next phase is later on, Harry needs to get into her office, so we're matching it up the same time as him so it's a distraction. Clever, eh?"
"As long as it works," said Milo.
"Your lack of faith in us is shocking," said George.
"So... where is the bitch, then?" Kaya frowned. "I thought she'd be straight back over to deal with me. Haven't seen her once since,"
"You probably scared her off," said Lee. "It was like your were possessed, or something. She's probably planning your exorcism,"
"What? I'm just saying!" he said. "When everyone talked about this 'Angry Kaya' I just pictured you having some sort of bitch fit, not turning into a wild boar and completely smashing someone's shit,"
"Her Patronus is a lion," Maisie said. "That should've been a big enough warning,"
"I don't think Fred was expecting it, either," said Jaeden with a mischievous grin, before sending Kaya's boyfriend a teasing glance. George laughed.
"Yeah," he added. "I think he was gonna collapse by the end - he was red in the face in the beginning and all she did was fling one punch,"
Fred chose not to comment.
"I think the fifth years are doing those careers interviews," said Milo, aiding his friend from being taken the piss out of even more and deciding to change the subject. "Umbridge'll probably try and squeeze her way into them, you know what she's like,"
"She'll try and force everyone to work for Fudge," said Kaya.
"I don't see the point in doing these interviews in fifth year, anyway," said Maisie. "I mean - did anyone actually know, for sure? 'Cause I know I didn't,"
"I told Sprout I wanted to be a teacher," Kaya said, before letting out a laugh. "I was to embarrassed to talk music, and I didn't know if I wanted to do it one hundred percent, anyway,"
"I'm pretty sure I said Auror," Jaeden said, pulling a face. "We all know that's not happening. Even at the time, Snape gave me a funny look when writing it down, he knew I was failing Potions so that was an immediate 'no',"
It was then Kaya became distracted from the conversation, as whilst she would've thoroughly enjoyed joking about with her friends about what careers they'd told their Head of House they were interested in, she'd caught sight of her younger brother heading the opposite direction.
This was the first time she'd seen him since the Andrew Edwards incident happened, and the girl still had some questions.
"I'll catch you all up in a bit," she said, before taking off, eager to get to her brother before he could vanish somewhere again.
Alfie could see his big sister heading his way, and so told his two friends to carry on walking, and he'd meet them later. Kaya was like their mum - there was no getting around her. If she wanted to know something, or if she was even suspecting something, there was no stopping her. Alfie wondered if perhaps it was a girl thing.
"Right," Kaya said, dragging him over to a quiet corner of the corridor. "Enough telling me it's nothing - what's been going on? How long has it been happening?"
"I can't answer two questions at once," said Alfie, before breaking into a slight grin at his older sister's annoyed expression. "Okay, fine. It's hard to explain, really. He liked doing the little things to be a dick to the people in our year - and the year above and the first years. Anyone from years one to three's had a bit of stick from him at some point,"
"And by that, you mean..?"
"Like he'll just give you a small shove in the corridor, or trip you up, or perhaps he might conjure up the tiniest bit of water from his wand, just enough to soak your uniform. Actually, when Fred and George had their fireworks he shot a spell at one to make it burst early next to a group of girls in my year. One ended up with a small cut on her cheek,"
Kaya was shocked at how she'd manage to miss such a thing as a boy in her year bullying younger students.
"So... what was he beating you for? I thought you said it was little things?"
"Yeah, you haven't let me finish, yet. Back a few months ago, he shoved me in the corridor,"
Kaya waited for him to continue, a frown plastering her face.
"After he shoved me, he tried to make me apologise, like it was my fault for being in his way - which I wasn't, he moved especially so he could give me a great wallop. So I told him he had no business walking around telling people what to do with a haircut that shit and that he might as well be a first year himself considering some of those could tie their tie better than him,"
Kaya's lips began to curve upwards.
"I didn't lie, though! It looks like he tied it in a knot and then a cat had a good scram at it,"
"It does," Kaya nodded in agreement, now grinning broadly at her little brother's smartass mouth.
"Then I called him a wanker,"
"Christ, Alf," Kaya said, letting out a laugh. "I bet some people in your haven't even heard that word before-"
"We're thirteen, not nine. You should hear some of the stuff the other people in my year say, it's a basic part of their vocabulary. I only swear when I have to - can't say the same for you, though,"
Kaya was about to protest, but paused and nodded. "Yeah, fair enough..."
"He didn't like me after that, so he gave me a good beating whenever he could. Probably because he was embarrassed - I made some of his mates laugh when I told him his haircut was shit. He probably had to 'redeem himself',"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kaya said, her face falling.
"Because, it wasn't that big of a deal... and I can handle myself, I don't need my big sister sorting stuff out for me, that's embarrassing,"
"Excuse me," Kaya raised an eyebrow, and pointing to her bruised knuckles. "I did not beat that twat to a pulp for you to call it embarrassing - I think you should be more grateful, dickhead,"
Alfie cracked a smile. "Okay, yeah, that was pretty cool, I won't lie. Especially when you smashed his head in with yours, I dunno how you didn't knock yourself out,"
"I don't even remember doing that..." Kaya said, truthfully.
"One of my friends has a crush on you now, so I'll have to give Fred a heads up and warn him,"
Kaya laughed.
"Your year are getting brave... I would've shit myself if a seventh year shoved me when I was thirteen and made me apologise."
"Yeah, 'cause you're a wimp,"
Kaya looked at her brother with disbelief, before gesturing to the wounds from her fight with Andrew.
Alfie started to grin - annoying Kaya was his favourite hobby.
"Well, you'll be fine, now. Andrew'll be leaving with us in a couple months. And he won't touch you again, as long as I'm here,"
"His ego wouldn't be able to handle another beating, he'd probably keel over and pass away," Alfie shrugged.
Kaya snorted, before opening her arms.
"Come here," she said, wrapping her little brother in a hug.
"Ew, get off," Alfie said pulling a face and shoving her off.
"Awe," Kaya said, acting offended. "You used to love giving me hugs,"
"Yeah, when I was six,"
"You'll always be six in my eyes," Kaya teased, and Alfie playfully rolled his eyes. His expression softened for a second, his eyebrows creasing.
"Just don't tell Mum and Dad?" he said.
"I might not have to," said Kaya. "What with Umbridge on my case,"
"Oh yeah," Alfie said. "Has she done anything, yet?"
Kaya shook her head. "It's a bit worrying, actually, it's got me on edge. I wish the woman would just hurry up so I know what my punishment is - the waiting's torture,"
"Yeah, well, good luck with that," said Alfie. "I'm gonna go find Jeremy and Caleb - see you in a bit,"
"Alright, try not to insult a seventh year's haircut,"
Alfie let out a soft laugh, before pausing, his expression becoming more serious.
"Thanks for stopping him..." he said quietly, avoiding eye contact with his older sister.
Kaya smiled.
"Just doing my job," she said.
The two Bennetts then eventually separated, and as she headed back towards where her friends had disappeared to, Kaya began to notice the feeling of a great weight being lifted from her shoulders - just like Fred had said would happen.
Alas, came Fred and George's second diversion, set in the east wing, and the group of friends did not miss the sight of Harry pelting back towards Umbridge's office, as the woman arrived at the scene. Whatever it was he was trying to do, Kaya hoped it would be worth it. It was a risky game to play - actually, she can't talk. She'd just beaten someone up.
It had become just as messy as the twins had hoped - Stinksap was everywhere, some fireworks were still soaring about the place, it was like Zonko's had exploded in the corridor. And then everything moved to the Entrance Hall, and before Kaya could even process it all happening, most of the school had assembled around them.
Students were standing all around the walls in a great ring, some of them covered in Stinksap. Teachers and ghosts were also in the crowd. Prominent among the onlookers were members of the Inquisitorial Squad, who were all looking exceptionally pleased with themselves, and Peeves, who was bobbing overhead, gazed down at Fred and George who stood in the middle of the floor, now cornered. Yet, they didn't seem to care the slightest bit.
"So!" said Umbridge, triumphantly. "So - you think it amusing to turn the school corridor into a swamp, do you?"
"Pretty amusing, yeah," said Fred with a smug expression on his face. Kaya felt her lips curve upwards - this boy...
It was then Filch appeared, elbowing his way closer to Umbridge and almost crying with happiness.
"I've got the form, Headmistress," he said, waving a piece of parchment. "I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting... oh, let me do it now...,"
Kaya's grin faded, and her eyes widened, fixated on Fred. But he didn't seem fazed at all, his smug look, if anything, grew even more. His eyes met her own, for a split second, and, recognising her terrified expression, flashed her a wink.
"Very good, Argus," Umbridge said. "You two," she went on, gazing down at Fred and George. "Are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."
Oh fuck.
"Is that why she was waiting to catch you and Jae?" Maisie whispered to Kaya, with a shaky voice. Milo and Jaeden were also beginning to figure it out. "So she could pass the use of whips first?"
Oh fuck.
Kaya began to feel sick.
"You know what?" said Fred. "I don't think we are."
He turned to his twin.
"George," he continued. "I think we've outgrown full-time education,"
"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself," George added, lightly.
"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" asked Fred.
"Definitely," said George.
And before Umbridge could say a word, they raised their wands and said together,
"Accio brooms!"
A loud crash sounded somewhere in the distance, and Kaya looked to the left to see Fred and George's broomsticks, one still trailing the heavy chain and iron peg with which Umbridge had fastened them to the wall, hurtling along the corridor towards their owners. They turned left, streaked down the stairs and stopped sharply in front of the twins, the chain clattering loudly on the flagged stone floor.
"We won't be seeing you," Fred said to Umbridge, before gripping his broom tightly in his hand and quickly walking in Kaya's direction.
"Yeah, don't bother keeping in touch," said George, mounting his own.
"I'll see you soon, gorgeous," Fred muttered softly to Kaya, gazing down at her lovingly with a warm smile and cupping the side of her face with his free hand, placing a kiss on her lips.
She quickly returned it, ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach as she finally came to realise what was happening.
Fred joined George in mounting his broom, and looked around at the assembled crowd, still watching.
"If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley - Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes," he said in a loud voice. "Our new premises!"
"Special discounts to Hogwart's students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat," added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
A chorus of laughs echoed.
"STOP THEM!" shrieked Umbridge, but it was too late. As the Inquisitorial Squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting fifteen feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below. Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
And Peeves, who had never taken an order from a student before as long as Kaya had been here, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset.
Umbridge was furious, and Filch was still holding the form that allowed him permission to use whips on students. This wasn't good.
It was at this moment, students who'd already gotten themselves into a lot of trouble realised that Umbridge would most likely take out her anger for the twins on them - and students amongst the crowd began to break off and disappear.
Kaya caught sight of Maddie Jordan's horrified expression at the news of Filch and his whips, and joined her two friends in pegging it as far away from the Headmistress as possible.
Lee immediately backed away and vanished, just as Milo and Maisie stood in front of their two friends, shielding them from Umbridge's view.
"What are you waiting for?" Milo hissed. "Umbridge said it herself, she'll have you both in her office soon enough. Get out of here, run and hide, before she sees you!"
Kaya and Jaeden didn't need to be told twice, and diverted from the rest of the crowd, speeding up the stairs and through the corridors.
It was when they passed Umbridge's office, did Kaya do a double take, because two figures emerged from the door just as she and Jaeden sped past. The brunette looked over her shoulder to see who it was.
In the doorway stood Diana Silverstone - and the person next to her was what made Kaya's face flash with shock. It was a blonde woman wearing a tight black dress and a stern expression, one that Diana had clearly inherited. Jaeden had spotted them, too, and he exchanged a frown with Kaya, the same question seemingly lingering in both of their minds.
What was Elizabeth Silverstone doing here?
A/N: Oooohhhh it's all getting intense now I'm excitedddd!
It's currently New Years Day for me so I just wanted to say Happy New Year! Let's hope it's much better than the shit show 2020 was, bc wtf was that??
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think! Why is good ol' Liz Silverstone turning up at Hogwarts? 😏
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