xl. Happy Holidays!
chapter forty | happy holidays!
AS IF THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS hadn't been eventful enough - Kaya awoke the next morning with a missing boyfriend, along with the disappearance of every other Weasley at Hogwarts (and Harry Potter - but he was pretty much a non-biological Weasley at this point, anyways).
It was left for Lee and Milo to explain to the group what had happened, since they shared the same dormitories as the twins and had to witness pretty much all of it. Maddie, Lee's little sister, was also curiously listening in, considering she was friends with Ron and Harry - and they, too, had vanished under everyone's noses.
"We didn't hear much," said Milo. "McGonagall dragged them off to Dumbledore, I think. But we heard something about their Dad getting attacked,"
Kaya's heart sank, and she swallowed. Not Mr Weasley. Shit. He was always so lovely to her and everyone else, even from the moment she'd met him. And he was friend with her parents.
Oh, shit, please let him be okay.
"Is he in the hospital?" Maddie asked.
"Well, yeah," Lee responded, glancing sideways at his sister.
"St. Mungos? The one I always go to?" The younger Jordan continued.
"Yeah, that's it,"
"The one with the Healer who says I should have a loyalty card?"
Kaya probably would've laughed at the Jordans' interaction if she wasn't so worried about the Weasleys. She hoped they were all okay... but, it was a given that they probably weren't.
What she'd give to be able to wrap Fred in a warm, tight hug, at that moment.
She knew it was probably selfish, because the boy's dad was attacked, so Fred, if anything, should be where he is, right now. But Kaya couldn't help but feel sad at the knowledge that she wouldn't be seeing him around school for a couple days - even if it was only two. She'd gotten so used to looking for him in places where she knew he'd be around, which was almost everywhere. She'll miss him like hell.
Not long after the group's conversation, the Hogwarts owls came swooping in with post - and a letter was dropped, right in front of Kaya, much to her surprise.
My K,
Sorry I had to leave so soon without even seeing you or explaining why. I'll explain it all later in 'The Book'. Ready when you are.
Missing you already, lovely,
Your Fred x
"The Book," Kaya read aloud. "What does he mean?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you?" said Jaeden, casually. "Remember that book we had where if one person writes something, it appears in the other?"
"...Yeah?" Kaya raised an eyebrow.
"Well, it took some time, but we managed to charm it to kind of link with some of Fred and George's old books that hadn't been used,"
Kaya's face lit up, and exchanged glances with Maisie.
"What?!" she repeated. "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Thought I did," Jaeden shrugged, through a mouthful of toast. Milo leaned down and held the bridge of his nose.
"I don't understand how you can be so useful yet so useless at the same time," the Gryffindor blonde said, pushing his food around with his fork.
"Leave it out!" said Jaeden. "I did you a favour, didn't I, K? Even if I didn't know it at the time, it was just gonna be for shits and giggles,"
"Yes, yes, okay Jaeden, you're my hero, you saved the day and everything - what time do you all have your first lesson?"
"Mines not 'till ten," said Milo. A chorus of 'same' sounded around the group, and Kaya smiled.
"We've got time, then," she said. "Let's go, we'll just have to sneak you three into our common room," said Kaya, nodding to Lee, Milo and Jaeden. "The other 'Puffs prolly won't mind anyway, as long as you don't cause trouble,"
"Okay, Miss," said Jaeden.
"Awh," A voice whined, and the group turned to Lee's little sister. "I wish I could come, but I've got first period in a sec."
"Yeah, well, you can try it another time, nosey," said Lee.
"Do me a favour, yeah?" she said. "Ask how Ron is, for me. Er- and Harry."
Lee smirked raising an eyebrow.
"What?" The curly haired girl said in defence. "They're my friends, too! I'd like to know how they're doing. And Hermione'll wanna know," she gestured to the bushy haired girl who was in deep conversation with a blonde boy next to her.
"Okay," Kaya smiled. "I'll ask. Come on you lot, or we'll miss our chance,"
And so, they hurried out of the hall, heading for the Hufflepuff Common Room.
Kaya had raced into her dormitory and grabbed her book, before almost falling down the stairs since she was going so fast. She opened it up, with her friends, and Fred and George, as usual, were one step ahead of them - Fred already and waiting for Kaya's reply.
Kaya found herself beaming at Fred's writing - which did not go unnoticed by her friends, and so she had to experience a long couple minutes of teasing from them as punishment - she should've seen it coming, really.
But she could not help but wonder how on Earth Harry's dream had given him an insight on what was actually happening in real time. Because, yes, he was Harry Potter, she should be used to weird shit happening to him, by now. But, still, every time something happened it had caused Kaya's brain to feel like scrambled eggs at how confusing it all seemed. She couldn't imagine having to be Ron and Hermione, and experience it all on the daily.
The girl did as she promised, and carried around her book with her all day, chatting to Fred when she got the chance and having to hold back giggles when she'd open the book to see something either he or George had written. Their attempted portrait of Umbridge was a personal favourite.
Things became even more chaotic in the lessons of which Kaya sat next to Jaeden. They had gotten little to no work done, thanks to the entertainment of Fred and George (which was a little concerning, considering it was their N.E.W.T year). But, who could blame them? It was their last few lessons before the Christmas holidays, nobody was going to be concentrating properly, what with the excitement of the festivities, anyway.
Everyone arrived back at Grimmauld Place to see Christmas decorations in place of the house they'd become familiar with over the summer, and Kaya was in high spirits, buzzing at the thought of being able to see Fred again (even though it had only been a couple of days).
She was greeted first by Molly Weasley, who had squeezed her in a loving, welcoming hug which Kaya gladly returned - her nose and cheeks flushed due to the cold weather outside.
"It's so lovely to see you again!" The Weasley mother beamed, turning to welcome the other three teenagers who had just turned up.
"How is everyone-?" Kaya had begun, but was interrupted by the sound of feet stomping and echoing down the stairs, and she turned to see two hyperactive red-headed twins bounding towards them.
Kaya's face brightened at the sight of Fred's grin and rushed forward, allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist and lift her off the ground into a snug embrace, the brunette grinning into his shoulder, as he did so.
"Hey, you," she sang, as George greeted the others.
"I missed you," Fred said, not putting the girl down quite yet.
"I missed you, too," Kaya replied.
"And it's only been like, what? Two days? What's wrong with us, eh?"
"I think we're a bit crazy, I won't lie," Kaya said with a giggle, Fred finally letting her drop back to the ground.
"Yeah, I'm crazy for you," he joked with a wink, causing her to playfully roll her eyes.
"What can I say?" she grinned sardonically, before her happy expression flashed with concern. "How is everyone? How's your Dad, you visited him, didn't you?"
Fred nodded, and Kaya could immediately recognise his hesitation.
"He's alright..." he said. "Getting better, slowly, I think. Come upstairs," he added, nodding to the rest of the group who'd gathered around the pair. "We'll explain everything."
And so they did - past the portrait of Walburga Black, which (thankfully) was quiet, at this second. Up the stairs of which the banister had been wrapped with decorations. Kaya was overcome with the strange feeling of being back at the Noble House of Black. Summer had felt like a lifetime ago, now, and to think, it was only a couple months ago, when they were staying here. It was much more clean and homely, than when she'd left it, back in September. The Order had clearly been at work, whilst she was away.
The group all assembled in Fred and George's room, separating out and sitting on one of the two beds, or leaning up against the wall on the floor, all waiting for the twins to fill them in on what had occurred over the past couple days.
"So... Harry had the weird dream about him being attacked, and we all got sent home, Dad got rescued, yeah, you all know that bit," Fred began, blinking as he gathered his thoughts together to try and explain everything.
"We went to see him in St. Mungos," George continued. "He was okay, I s'pose. But then all the Order wanted to talk and we got sent out,"
"-They just didn't realise we had an Extendable Ear on us..." said Fred with a mischievous grin that faded almost as quickly as it had appeared.
"...What's happened?" said Kaya, frowning at the two with concern.
"Well, in Harry's dream, he talked about the point of view of it all - and it was from the snake that attacked Dad. And, well," George continued slowly, as though finding it difficult to talk about. "They were wondering if You-Know-Who was possessing Harry,"
"Possessing?" Maisie repeats with surprise. The twins nodded, grimly.
"Just - don't bring it up in front of Harry," said George, glancing between the four who were practically gaping at him and Fred. "He's been hiding from us all, ever since - in fact, he's barely looked at us,"
"Yeah," said Fred. "A bit sensitive with it all, at the moment,"
"I mean, it's understandable," Kaya nodded, not entirely sure how to act. "...Shit,"
"...Yep," Fred nodded.
Kaya had never seen Sirius Black so jolly. She supposed it was because he finally had some company, rather than having to hide inside alone all day whilst everyone else worked. But, his bright mood was rubbing off on everyone, and the Christmas spirit couldn't have been more prominent.
Kaya was beyond excited to be spending Christmas with her friends and family, all together (she usually went home for Christmas, excluding last year because of the Yule Ball) and all six of the older teenagers were having the time of their lives swapping from room to room, enjoying the music on the brunette's phonograph - which was mainly muggle, since Kaya insisted muggle Christmas songs were better than those in the Wizarding World (call her a traitor, she knows it's true). But, to be fair, even her friends were beginning to agree. Last Christmas by Wham was a personal favourite of the group. Even when Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny would join the group, Harry and Hermione would smile at the sound of the muggle music, and it sometimes grew on the youngest Weasley children (more-or-so Ginny. Ron wasn't too bothered about the music, he just found some lyrics confusing, and laughed at them - especially in Driving Home For Christmas by Chris Rea).
Christmas morning was chaotic, but in the best way possible. Kaya and Maisie invaded the boys' bedroom to open their presents, and they all scattered, giving each other gifts that they'd bought over the past month or so.
Since her friends decided to join together and buy a present, like last year, off Maisie, Jae and Milo, Kaya was given a box of charms to add to her bracelet from last year, and three muggle records for her phonograph that had been newly released.
Fred had eagerly handed Kaya a couple of boxes that had been wrapped with Christmas tree wrapping paper, and watched with a grin as she opened up the tiniest box first to find a pretty, rose gold chain with a pave circle crystal pendant in the shape of a tiny mirrorball hanging from it.
"That is gorgeous," the girl had beamed, holding it up and gazing at it, with awe. Fred was visibly very pleased with himself.
It was gorgeous - either he'd gotten Ginny or Maisie to help him out with it, or he just had an excellent idea of the type of things Kaya adores, but she was in love with this necklace, and was again reminded that she'd actually managed to pull someone as amazing as Fred Weasley.
It looked expensive, as well (which wouldn't have changed her opinion on it, either way, even if it hadn't looked it) but she felt a tiny twitch of guilt, knowing perfectly well the Weasley's weren't a family with a lot of money, and Fred had obviously spent a small fortune on her Christmas present. But she didn't bring it up to him - he was obviously over the moon, and she was never going to dull down those bright eyes and happy grin.
"Mais, give me a hand will you," said Kaya, lifting up her brown hair which had (surprisingly) grown a huge amount since she'd cut it back in summer. The red-headed girl shifted over and helped the girl put her necklace on, and it fit just as though it was made for her.
"You're such a babe," Kaya told Fred, hurrying over to wrap him in a tight hug. "Thank you,"
"Thank fuck!" Fred said, with a sigh of relief. "I was scared it was a shitty choice,"
"No way!" Kaya protested, holding the pendant and practically shoving it in his face. "Look at it? It's stunning!"
"Good," Fred grinned. George cleared his throat.
"Right, well," he said. "We could blubber over Kaya's necklace all day, or she could maybe go and open the second present which is off the both of us and Lee?"
The brunette laughed, turning back and heading over to the larger box sitting on the floor.
"Of course, Georgina," she grinned, tearing off the wrapping paper to reveal a personalised box of Cauldron Cakes - with Christmas tree shaped rolled icing on the top of the buttercream and a golden 'K' on top of that. On top of the box, a huge bag of limited edition Chocoballs which were in the shape of snowflakes for the season.
"You lot are so good at presents," said Kaya, after thanking the twins, again.
"Yeah, fair play," Maisie agreed. "You are,"
Fred, George and Lee had gotten Maisie a box of miniature perfumes, with twenty five different scents in total. She'd spent a while gushing over it, and opening up different sprays to try out with Kaya - so, the two girls now smelt like the inside of a body shop.
Kaya was just as excited to give Fred his presents as he was giving hers. She'd gotten him a male's perfume from the muggle brand 'Dior' which had confused him, but she had explained how popular it was with muggles and he was pleased because it was something his friends most likely wouldn't have, and he's obviously never had anything like it before, coming from a pureblood family. Not to mention, it smelled lush.
"She's trying to tell you, you stink," said George, patting Fred on the shoulder.
The second present was a notepad for each of the twins, charmed so that if they came up with an idea impulsively and they didn't have anything to write it down on, the pad would make these notes voluntarily.
"I thought It'd be handy, if you came up with anything for your shop," Kaya had explained.
And then the third (because Kaya just loves giving presents) was a box of treacle fudge and sugar quills each, with a fifty percent off Zonko's voucher on top of each box. Kaya wasn't entirely sure what they'd need from Zonko's next, so a voucher was the best way to go.
Needless to say, they were pleased.
Soon after, it was time to grab the presents given by everyone else. Kaya's parents had gotten her a personalised stainless steel guitar plectrum, which had her name imprinted on the top, some stickers for her guitar, a red dress, and a little piano charm to add to her bracelet. Not to mention, they'd also bought her a brand new pink guitar case with a golden 'K' imprinted on the front.
And, just as Molly had promised, everyone had received the infamous Weasley jumper with their initial on it - Kaya's was purple with a silver 'K' in the middle - and she absolutely adored it.
They had decided to venture downstairs, Kaya stating that this was their first ever Christmas with the Weasleys - to which Fred had replied,
"Yeah, the first of many, for you,"
And they'd happily strode into the kitchen - and paused. Because, instead of the Merry adult chatter they'd been expecting, there was a silence broken only by sniffles that belonged to Molly Weasley, of whom had her back to the door and was crying to Kaya's mother, Cher.
Kaya frowned at her Mum, who gave her a look that said 'not now, sorry' and so decided to hover by the doorway as the twins walked forward with concerned glances.
"What's up, Mum?" Fred asked, confused, and Molly turned to her sons holding what looked like a knitted jumper.
Kaya squinted and tilted her head, just making out the letter marked on the jumper - 'P'.
"Oh - it's nothing, dears, don't-" said Molly, attempting to brush away her tears and not wanting to make a fuss on what was supposed to be a jolly day.
"...Did he send his jumper back?" George asked, nodding to the material Molly was clutching. She hesitated, before nodding, several more tears spilling out from her eyes.
Kaya and Jaeden exchanged sad glances.
"Without a note," Molly blubbered.
"Awe, don't worry Mum," said Fred. "Percy's nothing but a humongous pile of rat droppings, don't let him ruin your Christmas,"
"Yeah!" George continued. "He's-"
"Er, boys," Lupin interrupted. "Perhaps you should go upstairs, just for now. Maybe go and see the others, if you haven't?"
Fred and George paused, looking at their Mum one last time before merely nodding, turning back to the group of four awkwardly lingering by the door.
"He's such a prick," said Fred, once Molly was out of earshot.
"Why couldn't he have just kept it and... thrown it away, if he was that bothered?" said Kaya, who was feeling angry at a person she hadn't even met yet due to all the things he's done and continues doing.
"Because," said George. "He's a prick. A big massive asshole-prick,"
"Come on," said Fred, trying to shake off the anger, a little. It was Christmas, after all. "Let's go and see Harry and Ron,"
And the twins disapparated - leaving the four scurrying up the stairs and then giving up and deciding to apparate, too.
"Merry Christmas," George greeted the two boys, who'd been unwrapping presents just like they had done. "Don't go downstairs for a bit,"
"Why not?" said Ron.
"Mum's crying again," said Fred, heavily. "Percy sent back his Christmas jumper,"
"Without a note," George added. "Hasn't asked how Dad is, or tried to visit him, or anything,"
"We tried to comfort her," said Fred, moving around the bed to look at a painting of something Kaya could not make out - and so went to have a nosey, as well. "Told her Percy's nothing more than a humongous pile of rat droppings,"
"Didn't work," said George, helping himself to a Chocolate Frog. "So, Lupin took over. Best let him cheer her up before we go down to breakfast, I reckon,"
"What's that, then, Harry?" said Kaya with a frown, after spending a long couple moments trying to figure out what the painting was of.
"Looks like a gibbon, with two black eyes," said Fred.
"It's Harry!" said George, pointing at the back of the picture. "Says so on the back!"
"Good likeness," Fred grinned, and Harry threw some kind of book at him that hit the wall opposite and fell to the floor, as it said happily, 'If you've dotted the "i"'s and crossed the "t"'s than you may do whatever you please!"
Kaya laughed. "You got a homework diary!" she said. "I bought one of those in my fifth year, thought it would help me keep up for my O.W.Ls,"
"And did it?" Ron asked, with a raised eyebrow.
"I mean, not for me," said Kaya. "The woman inside pissed me off so much, I threw it out, second week in. I'd had enough of listening to her say 'Do it today or later you'll pay!'."
"Yeah, I can see why," said Harry.
They left the room, the twins parting ways to go and get dressed. Kaya and her friends decided to give Alfie and Jeremy a quick visit. They knocked and walked in, to find both boys sitting upright in their beds, surrounded by heaps of wrapping paper.
"Merry Christmas!" Kaya greeted, walking over and sitting next to her brother. "Come on, then, what'd you get?"
"A broom compass," said Alfie. "It's got my name on it, that's pretty cool. Chudley Cannons stickers for my trunk-"
"-Nice," Milo and Jaeden said, in sync.
"-A Chudley Cannons shirt - it's got 'Bennett' on back, look," Alfie continued, holding up his bright orange shirt for Kaya to see. She nodded.
"Looks good - you two have ones like that, don't you?" she said to Jaeden and Milo, who nodded and grinned in response. "With the personalised names and numbers, and all?"
"Yeah!" said Milo, enthusiastically. "Quality, they are, Alf. And you Jer, you got one as well, by the looks of it?"
Jeremy nodded, gesturing to a shirt identical to Alfie's.
"You'll have to show us the rest later," said Kaya, standing up and heading back to the door. "We're gonna get dressed - don't go downstairs just yet, there's a bit of a mare going on in the kitchen - we'll explain, later,"
"...Right?" Alfie frowned. "Okay,"
And the group of four left, splitting up back to their bedrooms to get dressed.
A/N: I absolutely love that they're all spending Xmas and New Years together it makes me 🥺
Anyway, if you couldn't read what was written in the book when they were chatting, I'll lay it out, here:
(The letters at the front are the initials of whoever's speaking!)
F.W - How are you, Miss Bennett?
K.B - Is this Freddie I'm speaking to?
F.W - It is, though I am greatly offended you didn't recognise your own boyfriend's handwriting!
K.B - I didn't know you could spell
F.W - Ha, ha, comedy queen. Anyway, how's things at the school of hell? Sorry for leaving you, if I'd had the chance to see you I would've
K.B - I know, Fred, don't worry. What's happened, then? How's your Dad? Lee said something about him getting attacked?
F.W - Yeah, uh, I dunno where to start.
So, Harry had some weird dream about him getting attacked by a snake, and McGonagall sent him to Dumbledore and the next thing I knew they woke me and George up and brought us to his office. And then we all got sent to G Place (you know what I mean). We had to stay with Mr Godfather (you know who I mean) for a while. We're supposed to be visiting Dad soon, though, he's in St. Mungos.
K.B - Bless. I hope you're all alright. I'll be able to see you soon, though!
F.W - Can't wait. Hope Hogwarts isn't too dull without us, though I can imagine how boring it must be, now.
L.J - Oi you two - Lee here, and I can say, even though you vanished, I'm still here to pull off the Xmas pranks so Umbridge won't be getting off too lightly!
F.W - My man Lee! What would we do without you? Hopefully the wrath of the Jordan siblings will be a good enough temporary replacement, although George and I know nobody can replace the OG's.
L.J - Don't flatter yourselves. Mads and I already have a few tricks up our sleeves.
K.B - Speaking of, Maddie told us to ask how Ron and Harry are. I dunno, just tell them she's checking up on them.
F.W - Ron will be pleased to know that.
K.B - Still likes her, does he?
F.W - Well, he's never admitted it. Neither's she - they're both too stubborn. But they'll come around one day and figure it out.
K.B - Ah, young love. We best be off - I'll bring this book around with me n pretend I'm making notes, so if you're bored I'm still here, yeah?
F.W - Defo. If I can't annoy you in lessons in person I'll do it via quill and parchment.
K.B - Speak in a bit, lovely. Miss ya already
Kaya drew a bunch of love hearts underneath her writing.
F.W - You're a cutie, mind.
J.E - Jae here. You're both CRINGE
M.S - Mais here. Don't mind Jae, he just wants what you both have, jealousy is a bitch!
G.W - George here! I think you're right on that one, Mais
M.S - Glad to see we can agree on something x
F.W - Ooooooo Maisie was that a bit of flirting with my twin, there?
M.S - He wishes.
Anyway, we best be off.
K. B - Yeah. See you, loves.
F.W - See you, cutie. And the rest, of course.
J.E - I can't believe you just called us 'the rest'. Highly offended.
F.W - Goodbye!
K.B - Bye,
(Kaya couldn't stop herself from drawing a few more hearts.)
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought <3
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