ii. A Candy Floss Favour
chapter two | a candy floss favour
IT TOOK A LOT LONGER than fifteen minutes for Kaya and Maisie to get ready. Mainly because Kaya had started blasting songs from her favourite muggle film, 'Grease', and the two girls had danced around for at least ten minutes, before getting dressed.
Maisie didn't know anything about muggle movies, until she'd first slept over Kaya's in their first year. The two had gone through many, many films and musicals that night, much to Maisie's fascination. But their number one favourite was, and always has been, Grease. Even Jaeden and Milo ended up enjoying the musical as much as the girls did, and the group often broke into song when they were bored or just feeling cheerful in general.
Jaeden and Milo burst into the room whilst they were dancing to 'Beauty School Drop-Out' and sighed.
"You two haven't even started getting ready have you?" Jaeden said, crossing his arms.
"Nope," Kaya shook her head.
"Well, bloody hurry up because we need to as well, and we can't do it until you're done."
"'You've got the dream but not the drive!'"
Milo and Jaeden exchanged glances as the girls continued to jump around on the bed as they bellowed.
"'If you go for your diploma, you could join the steno pool!'"
"Don't deny you don't know this song, boys!" Kaya teased.
"See, it's not quite 'Grease Lightnin'' though. Besides, I don't even know half of what that meant," Jaeden said. Milo was about to explain, but instead he sighed.
"Let's go back downstairs,"
They shut the door, leaving the girls to get ready, and hoping that by the next time they'll come up to see them, the two will be dressed and ready for breakfast.
Believe it or not, the group actually managed to get to the Quidditch Cup on time.
They had reached their tent, after a large time spent walking, and everyone was trying to ignore the stitches in their sides and the pain their legs were in. But it was okay - their walking journey had come to an end, and Kaya was ready to collapse onto a sofa, and not do anything until the game.
"Ah, we really got the best place for a tent!" she said enthusiastically, scanning their surroundings. "Look, they're selling candy floss over there!"
"Guess who's gonna be on a sugar high tonight," Jaeden muttered to Milo, who sniggered in response.
"I am so getting one of those later," Kaya said.
When they reached inside, the four immediately headed towards their beds, flinging their bags onto the floor and sighing with relief that they'd finally arrived.
They didn't do anything for a good half hour. The four lay and talked, wondering what the game would be like and where they'd stand in the stadium. It wasn't long before everyone started asking Milo about his holiday in Spain.
"The beach was really nice," he said. "The water was actually clear, you know, you could look down and see your feet and everything. Not like the one we went to in Devon."
"Devon's sea wasn't so bad," Kaya defended. "But Spain's does sound a lot nicer,"
"Where did you stay?" Maisie asked. "Did you go to a hotel?"
"Nah, we had a villa. It was good, it had our own pool and everything."
"Lucky git." said Jaeden.
"The only thing was we did have to go and buy our own food for breakfast and everything. You know, when we weren't eating out."
"Where did you shop in Spain, Miles?" asked Kaya. "Do they have supermarkets like over here?"
"Yeah, it's Spain, not another planet."
It was at this moment Jaeden's mum walked over, fiddling with something in her hands.
"Right, you lot," she said. "Here's some money for you to go and buy your face paint and hats or whatever. I'd suggest you go and buy it now or in a minute, it'll get busy soon."
"Thanks, Mum,"
"Thanks Mrs Ezra,"
"Tidy," Kaya said, as the woman left. "How much do we have?"
"We've got two galleons each to spend," he said, counting up the money in his palms and handing it out. "I'll be getting some great stuff with this,"
Kaya pulled out a few sickles from her pocket.
"And I'll be getting some candy floss with these," she said, as the group all stood up.
As they walked out of the tent, Maisie called back to their parents where they were going, and the group all headed out to the stands.
"Ooh," said Maisie. "There's a flag stand just up there,"
"Let's go there first," Milo said.
"I'll catch you all up, I wanna get candy floss," said Kaya.
"Why don't you get it on the way back?" said Jaeden. "You can eat it in the tent, then."
"Actually, yeah," The brunette said, shaking her head. "That's a better idea. Let's go see the flags."
After spending nearly an hour deciding what they were going to buy, the group decided to head back to their tent.
Kaya had told them she'd catch up with them, as she wanted to buy her candy floss, and with them being so close to the stand, they figured they'd just meet her back at the tent.
The girl walked through the crowds, people cheering and talking enthusiastically about the game, holding banners and wearing face paint, completely covered in their team's colours. Kaya caught sight of a fight she was passing by, between two women, their children standing behind them scowling at each other. She chuckled, wondering what the argument was about.
Kaya was so interested in the dispute, she wasn't watching where she was going, and didn't move out of the way when someone, quite mightily, might she add, crashed into her.
The girl tumbled back, before tripping over one of the strings that helped hold one of the stands up, and fell to the ground.
"Shit," a male voice said.
"Bloody hell, Fred, you clutz, knocking a girl over,"
Kaya looked up to see two identical boys with fiery red hair and concerned expressions as they looked down at the girl who'd just fallen.
"Are you alright?" the one that tripped her up asked. Kaya tilted her head, recognising this boy as Fred Weasley, one of the boys in her year. His brother, George, crossed his arms as Fred held out a hand to help Kaya up.
"Yeah, yeah," she said, taking Fred's hand and being pulled up. Her face was now as red as his hair.
"Sorry about that," said George. "My brothers a dick. Well, not like he meant to push you over. He's just not very careful."
Kaya nodded, brushing the dust off her clothes.
"Hey, I know you," said Fred, now getting a good look at the girls face.
"You do?" asked George.
"Yeah, you're Kaya, aren't you? You're in my Defence Against the Dark Arts class."
"That's me," she said, her lips curving into a smile as she raised her eyebrows.
"Oh yeah!" said George. "Didn't recognise you for a sec, you've got you're hair down."
"So have you," she joked, referencing the longer hair the twins had grown over the summer. They grinned.
"You're supporting Ireland, then," said Fred, picking up one of the small banners she'd dropped.
"Yep," she said. Fred passed it back to her. "Thanks,"
"Well," said George. "We're just off back to our tents, I expect we'll see you sometime before the end of the cup,"
"Hold on, Georgie," said Fred, turning back to Kaya. "Where are you off too?"
"Oh, the candy floss stand." Kaya said. "My friends went back to the tent, I told them I'd catch them up,"
"Funny enough, I fancy a candy floss," Fred said. "Perhaps we can come with you?"
"No way," said George. "I'm not waiting in that long queue just so my brother can chat up a girl-"
Kaya laughed.
"Piss off George, I'm just being friendly,"
"Yeah, well I'll meet you just over there, alright? Lee's looking at some hats,"
George sauntered off, leaving Fred with the brunette girl he'd pushed over.
"Sorry about him," he said.
"S'Alright," shrugged Kaya. "My friends are just the same. If they were here, they'd still probably be taking the piss out of me for falling over,"
Fred laughed, before frowning as he caught sight of a scratch on the girl's knee. "That wasn't from me, was it?" he said.
"Nah," she said. "Jae tripped me up on the way here, when we were walking. Only that was on purpose, the git." Kaya laughed.
"Is that Jaeden Ezra you're on about?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm good friends with him. I sit by him in a lot of lessons,"
They were interrupted by a large group of people storming their way through the crowds, cheering on some sort of rhyme for Bulgaria.
"Who're you here with, then?" he asked, once the commotion had passed.
"My friends, Jae, as you know, Milo and Maisie. And my little brother's here too, but you won't know him. He's starting this year."
"What's his name?"
"I'll look out for him," Fred said. "My parents keep saying there's something special going on this year. They won't tell me a word of what it is though,"
"Yeah!" Kaya said, her face lightening up. "My dad said that too. And Maisie's mum did. None of them will even give us a clue,"
"Ah well, we'll find out soon enough. It better be good though, after all the fuss they've made about it,"
"Yeah," Kaya nodded, as the two reached the front of the queue.
"Hiya, could we have two sticks of candy floss, please?" He asked the woman at the stall. Kaya started fumbling about in her pockets to find her sickles.
"I'll pay," said Fred.
"Wha- no," Kaya frowned.
"Yeah," the boy said. "It can make up for me pushing you over,"
"But it was an accident," said the brunette girl, wearing a very unsure expression. "And it was partly my fault, you didn't technically push me onto the floor, I stepped back, and-"
Fred handed the woman the money before Kaya could even get some out of her pocket.
"Here you are," the ginger said, handing the girl a stick of candy floss.
"Awe," she said, smiling as she took it. "Thanks, Freddie,"
"And don't try and give me your money because I won't take it,"
The boy and girl walked, tearing off pieces of candy floss as they did.
"How come we've never talked before?" said Fred. Kaya shrugged.
"I dunno. Look, you really didn't have to buy me this,"
"Yeah, I know, but I wanted to. So shut up."
Kaya came to a halt, as they reached her tent. She could already hear her friends yelling about something inside. She chuckled at the faint commotion.
"I suppose I'll see you around, then?" she said, turning to the ginger who stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets, candy-floss already finished.
"Yeah," he replied. "Definitely."
Kaya smiled, before waving slightly and entering her tent, as Fred walked off, heading for the stand George said he'd meet him at.
"Bloody hell, you took long," said Milo, as the girl walked over to her friends, a face full of candy floss.
"Yeah," she replied, deciding not to mention her encounter with Fred just yet.
"It was a long queue."
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