Yes, yes, just like any other outdoor games out there, there are some ground rules. But considering the sheer complexity of the project, I will try to simplify the rules as much as possible and will change things if needed as we go along. Here are some actions you can perform and rules you need to acknowledge and agree on, or else you don't get to join, sry if I am too harsh :3
1. Every survivor for themselves, only 1 can win.
2. You do not start of with any tools, items, equipment, and when you land you start with 3 hunger.
3. You can only control your own character.
4. I will only take in one PM action a day (max letter limit 2000).
5. While the event is active, if you do not PM me within 3 days, it counts as death from hunger.
6. Any action I deem highly inappropriate will not be executed for your character and tolerated. Continuous PM or comment as such will be banned from the game if necessary.
7. You can still eat or use antidote while mortally wounded.
8. You must specific what kind of trap and you must show the instruction of how to build it
9. If you are mortally wounded, you have no fighting capabilities and you can only move 3 movements a day instead of 6 (can be cured by antidote).
10. You can only carry up to 3 days of food portions.
11. If you are food poisoned, you have no fighting capabilities and you can only move 3 movements a day instead of 6 (can be cured by antidote or will go away in 2 days).
12. You can go up to 2 days without sleeping, but you will automatically go to sleep on 3rd day.
13. Every time a survivor dies, a certain line letter/number sector is closed off.
14. Every time a sector of the map is closed off, it means that tile is now wolfpack territory. They will try to eat you if you go onto their tiles.
15. Even if your character does not appear in any chapter, your hunger meter will still drop.
16. You can only move 6 spaces a day at most, and you can also move diagonally.
17. You can only craft 1 fishing rod, 1 snare, 1 net, 1 trap everyday
18. Two supply box containing random goods will be dropped everyday on random tiles.
19. You have no fighting abilities when you are mortally wounded.
20. You are completely vulnerable when you are asleep.
21. One portion of food will increase 1 hunger.
22. You die from starvation when your hunger reaches 0.
23. You can only carry as much as I deem you can carry with a stuffed backpack.
24. If the PM ends off incomplete, the character will remain idle, once it finished performing it's action.
25. You must drop within the first 3 days of the game (Before start of day 4), or else you will miss the island and will dropped into the sea, which counts as death by drowning.
26. The game can end in a draw. (The last people who died at the same time, both become winners)
27. You can only consume food up to 3 hunger.
28. Every 12:00 am of (Mountain time) the day will renew.
29. Consuming raw uncooked food can still increase hunger just like normal food, and will effect the food poison debuff.
30. If the action you PM is impossible/conflict with the rules, your character will simply remain idle.
31. When a location runs out of food you will be notified.
32. Searching a house for items cost one movement, but you will be guaranteed to find something, unless it is already previously looted by someone else.
33. You have to specific which house you are search for town or else the action is invalid.
34. Creating a trap or disarming a trap will cost 1 tile (you must specific how you are going to disable it)
35. If you get food poisoning and mortally wounded stat effects together, you die. ]
Possible in game action:
1. PM this acc about your character's action.
2. You can travel across the map, and interact/search for supplies on each space on the map.
3. If you are going to craft something, you need to tell me in detail in your PM action (doesn't need to be too specific).
4. You can PM other survivors up to unlimited times.
5. Once the game starts, you can choose a tile to be dropped off at.
Possible type of deaths...etc:
1. Death by hunger
2. Death by falling
3. Death by gun
4. Death by blade weapon
5. Death by brute force
6. Death by explosion
7. Death by drowning
8. Death by collapsed structure
9. Death by burning
10. Death by blunt weapon
11. Death by puncture
12. Death by electrocution
13. Death by vehicle
14. Death by suffocation
15. Death by animal
And during the event, I will give all the live participant an update on their status in their PM. As for winners, or winner, I will write a personal chapter of reader x anime for them on gidchang <3
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