Day 7 (Part 2)
Lucien is the first to make it to the loot box he takes the antidote inside and considers what to do with it. Maybe if I eat three uncooked mushrooms and take it I can get food out it he mused. He settled in for the night even though it was only 10 a.m. He makes note of the rusling bushes and the rabits they must contain but he isn't too certain how to catch them. then Tei comes down the path bellowing at the top of her lungs: "IT'S LIL TEI COME AT ME 1 V 1 DUDES." She is brandishing an Axe but Lucien doesn't care he just wants a fight. he starts by throwing sand in the eyes of Tei. But Tei has a hidden strength, she was almost blind to begin with and is much stronger than Lucien. but alas all that is over when Lucien delivers 4 perfect headbuts in a row and grabs the axe from Tei. He swiftly decapitates her and gets ahead of the other competitors with the wonderful pile of loot. As he picks off a bullet proof vest Lisa still hidden in the bushed makes her decision. "No one else is coming and I have one shot. I cannot hit him once he wears that vest." With those thoughts She squeezes the trigger and Lucien dies without realizing that she was even there.Approaching the murder trove her only thought is: "That's a lot of stuff, dang."
Suplies dropped on F7 and F7 only
Survivors: Lisa, Sora, Petunia, Scrapian
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