What Happened Yolen?
*Cassandra's POV*
I stare at my daughter, concerned, she's never returned this exhausted before... What had happened when she went out with Olivia? It was only 6 PM, and she normally returns at 8-9, this didn't feel right, something was wrong. I heard about the mysterious disappearance of Megan, and maybe that is bothering her. I feel myself sigh as I stare down at the dining room table, and I think for a moment. What had changed in the past few days ... She kept hanging out with Olivia and Megan more often ... And she- Wait, didn't she say she had a nightmare recently? Oh god, I'll ask her about that nightmare. This isn't good, but ... I'll make dinner. I don't want us to starve .... But I can't let this happen again; this is a disaster. I rub my eyes, feeling stressed. I should make her favorite dinner, just to make her feel better after all the events she's probably been through, which is burgers with mac and cheese. I head into the kitchen, open the fridge, and shuffle through it, looking to see if I have what I need. I now look over at my phone, not caring about the fridge anymore. I shut it, then proceeded to grab my phone. I quickly opened it and searched through my phone contacts, immediately finding who I was looking for: Olivia's mom, Natalie. I called her, repeating "Pick Up" in a hushed manner. Once I hear the line beep, I hear a soft "Hello?" come from the phone, and I immediately start to talk.
"Natalie? Oh, thank heavens you picked up! So, I've heard about the news. And I'm sorry, but I think I know what happened." I spoke as I walked into my bedroom, I didn't want Yolen overhearing our conversation.
"Really? Do you know what happened to my baby, Cass? Please, tell me," Natalie spoke, her voice still hushed, I heard her husband, Henry, talk in the background.
"Nat! Did I hear that right? Cass knows what happened to our sunshine!? Put the phone on speaker; I want to hear!" Henry said as I heard a thump next to the phone, it was probably Henry launching himself on the couch as always. Natalie giggled, and she spoke again.
"Alright, Cass, you're on speakerphone. Now, tell us what happened to Olivia. She hasn't come home all day, and I would like to know why." I could hear her desperateness from my end of the phone; it made me smile a little, but I knew this was a serious conversation. I can't let them down; I wouldn't accept that.
"Natalie, remember back when we were in high school, and I used to have these freaky nightmares? Well, Yolen told me today during breakfast that she had a nightmare and that it freaked her out to the point that she woke up in a cold sweat- "
"Cass. You're not implying that your daughter is having the same issue that you had? That sounds insane, but I guess it sort of makes sense, genetics are a thing. So, do you think she's back?" Henry asked as he interrupted me. I felt a slight bubble of irritation pop inside me, but I kept calm, I had to stay calm, I didn't want to lose them.
"She might be. I-I just want them to get hurt anymore. I understand your pain now, but we must keep Yolen alive. She is the key; if she dies, you know what happens ..." I explain. I feel tears trickle down my cheeks, and Natalie sighs.
"All right, we understand. How about us parents,including Leah and Ian, no matter how annoying they may be; they lost theirchild as well, and we need to respect that; go out somewhere and talk about it.I agree with you, Cass, this situation cannot happen again, ever." Nataliespoke, I heard Henry agree, and I stayed silent for a little before I agreed aswell. This was going to be one "exciting" year.
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