1. Summer Roommates
"Every new beginning, there is a risk of losing everything you have, but at the same time, every new beginning is the chance for a new adventure and the possibility for new memories. So take it because without it, you'll be stuck on the same page."
1. Summer Roommates
"How the hell do you think this will help me?! It's not even spelt right!" I pointed to the sign above my head.
"Look sweetie, just calm down. Your councillor said this is exactly what you need. Some fresh-"
"Some fresh air and change of atmosphere will help my anger." I cut my mum off repeating the sentence is heard countless of times before I was sent to this place.
"Okay. Well I have to go now. Call soon." she told me before hanging up.
I sighed and turned around, tilting my head up to get a good look at the board hung over the entrance.
'Kamp Funn' it read in bold. I assume the spelling errors were to make it sound more, cool, but the extra 'n' in fun had me thinking it stood for 'not'. As in 'Kamp Fun-Not'.
You'll realise soon enough that my brain works in weird and wonderful ways.
I sighed and grudgingly pulled my bag with my while my backpack slung on my shoulder.
It's not that my parents don't care about me; I know they do. However, I also know that they think I can be a real handful- more than your usual teenager.
Yet, it's not my fault I have anger issues or trust issues: blame that on my sperm donor.
I mentally shook my head- the last thing I need right now is to get riled up over something that no longer matters and then scare everyone to the point that they plot to escape from here when they could've taken the bus instead.
Like I said- weird and wonderful mind.
Cabin 23. Cabin 23. I repeated as I checked the numbers on the wooden planks stock on the right hand side of the doors I passed.
21...22...23! I smiled as I found the assigned cabin my councillor had told me about and dragged my suitcase up the two steps and pushed open the door with my left hand.
It wasn't as bad as I expected...
There were three beds all lined up next to each other and a door to the right which I'm guessing leads to the bathroom. The windows were located on either side of the entrance door that allowed light to enter through the tiny gap between the closed curtains.
"Hey there, I'm Kelsey." the girl sitting on the bed on the left said sticking her hand out as I walked over and claimed the middle bunk since the one on the right already had a suitcase on top of it.
"Tessa." I shook her hand.
"Tessa," she tried out my name before smiling, "so, Tessa, what are you in for?"
"We're not in jail." I giggled sitting down on my bed facing her.
"You're right, this is worse!" she whispered the last part making me giggle again.
"Really? That bad?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Hell yeah, this is my third year now. They say it's a camp filled with fun for ages 14 to 18, but really, it's just a mini prison holding station where they train the soldiers of tomorrow." she told me her conspiracy theory.
"Ignore her, she's just annoyed that her stepmother had her shipped here while she and her daughters try to get her dad's wealth." another voice spoke. I looked up to see someone had come out of the bathroom.
She walked passed me and onto her bed.
"I'm Tulip by the way." she smiled.
"Tessa." I returned her smiled shuffling back onto my bed so I could see both of them.
"That b*tch is just a gold digger. She doesn't love my dad." Kelsey pointed her finger at the both of us.
"Anyways, what are you in for?" Tulip asked me.
"Anger issues. My councillor thinks fresh air and change of atmosphere will do me some good." I informed them.
"Oh, do you get angry often?" Tulip asked.
"Only when I need to." I answered.
"Okay, so when was the last time you blew up?" Kelsey asked making an explosion sign with her hands, eyes sparkling in glee.
"Two days ago, some girl thought it was okay to pick on someone who's a little...chubby." I explained.
"What did you do?" Tulip asked shuffling towards me so she was on the edge of her bed.
"Let's just say the plastic surgery for her breasts is going to be expensive." I answered making their eyes widen.
"Girrrrl!" Kelsey burst out laughing along with Tulip.
"S-so, you're like some justice seeking vigilante?" Kelsey grinned.
"Well," I rolled up my sleeves, "my second name is Justice." I smiled.
"No way!" Tulip grinned, "That is so cool."
"I guess. So, what are you 'in for'?" I put quotations around 'in for'.
"I'm here because my parents would rather f*ck each other than take care of me." Tulip gave a tight smile. I was about to open my mouth when she put a hand up stopping me.
"Don't give me no sympathy sh*t, it's actually good in someways. I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want." she told me.
"I was gonna say that I didn't take you as the kind that would swear." I smiled.
"Touché." she smiled back.
"Life is tough guys. It's tough." Kelsey nodded with a hand on her heart making us all giggle after a few seconds.
"I like her," Kelsey pointed at me looking at Tulip, "can we keep her?"
"Sure." Tulip shrugged after pretending to think about it.
"I'm right here." I told them pointedly, but before we could continue our conversation, we heard a bell.
"Ooh, first day meeting!" Kelsey clapped in fake enthusiasm before getting up.
"I hate this crap, they tell us to behave and sh*t and to have fun, but then the actual activities here are f*cking sh*t." Tulip cursed again.
"Tulip," I said softly getting her attention, "I know that we just met, but you shouldn't swear too much."
Everyone froze. I turned to Kelsey, but she was looking down fiddling with her fingers. I turned back to Tulip to see her face void of emotion.
"I-I'm sorry. I-"
"No..." she placed her hand in front of her and I was about to embrace myself for the yelling- I just hope I don't get angry... "thank you." she let a single tear drop out of her eye before she engulfed me in a hug. To say I was surprised was a huge understatement.
"I guess I really needed someone to say that." she wiped her tear away breaking the hug.
"I'm sorry- what?" I was now officially lost and that doesn't happen very often. So take a screenshot while it lasts.
"I-I just I guess I didn't realise how much I've always wanted somebody to tell me off. When you did, I felt annoyed at first: like who the fu-hell are you to say that to me, but then it was like something hit. I think it's because everybody's always left me to do what I want, someone finally telling me their opinion in my life, it just felt good. It felt as if someone cares enough to tell me off." she was telling me this as we were walking to where Kelsey was leading us.
"Guys, it's the first day, let's leave the crying for later." Kelsey stopped Tulip from continuing her rambling. Tulip rolled her eyes but nodded nevertheless patting away any signs of tears that may have been left behind.
"So, what's this meeting about?" I asked Tulip.
"Oh, you know..." I shook my head.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." I said pointedly making her laugh. I smiled at the fact that the depressing mood had now been lifted.
"It's basically like a welcoming ceremony. They tell us who the staff are if we need any help and then they tell us our groups and activities." Kelsey informed me.
"Groups?" I inquired.
"Yeah, we're in groups and throughout summer there are like three competitions that will take place. You compete in those groups and the group that wins get to spend a whole day by the lake without anyone else intervening and they get special food made for them." Tulip explained.
"This place doesn't sound that bad then." I inputted my opinion.
"Well the food okay and the competition is cool, but apart from that, everything else is shi-" I threw a warning look at Tulip, "I was gonna say ship. Anyways, everything else is ship especially Lindsay Haylo."
"Lindsay Haylo?" I asked once again feeling way out of the loop.
"Yeah, that slut just started working her last year and she's going to be back this year for sure." Kelsey filled me in.
"How do you know she'll be here this year?" I challenged.
"'Cuz, I saw Jess is here so that means she is." Kelsey answered, we'd now reached the meeting area where everyone was standing around a stage like place.
"Is that her sister or something?" I inquired.
"No, it's a he and they're definitely not related. She just wants to get in his pants." Tulip told me.
"Oh." I nodded just as the mic screeched.
"Hello campers!" a man in his late twenties or early thirties yelled into the mic, but the response from the crowd was nowhere near that energetic.
"Well okay then," he said, "so, welcome to Kamp Funn for those of you who've never been here before. I'm Harry, the man in charge." he pointed to his badge, "This is going to be a great experience and you're going to have a fantastic summer!" he grinned, the only sound heard after his pause was the rumbling of a stomach.
"Right well," he cleared his throat, "lunch will be served at 1:00, breakfast at 9:30 and dinner at 6:00. In between snacks will be available if you get hungry, but try to eat properly at designated meal times. Today you'll be settling in and meeting your groups."
"There will be ten groups with nine members since luckily, there are exactly 90 campers. You'll get to be with your cabin mates to avoid the fiasco from two years back..."
"What happened two years back?" I whispered to Tulip.
"Some chicks had a snoring contest and one ended up leaving with a broken nose." Tulip answered."
"Some dudes had a pillow fight and one ended up in the lake." Kelsey added.
"And lastly, a pair made a porn video." Tulip informed me with a smile.
"For the contest?" I scrunched up my nose.
"Eww, no. For fun." she shook her head vigorously. Her answer had me scrunching up my nose making her laugh.
"...so now the groups." I zoned back into the speech. The man at the front pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of his khaki shorts.
"...group 1..." and thus began the calling of the names.
"...group seven, Tulip Rose," I glanced at Tulip with a smile, she rolled her eyes, cool name, "Kelsey Juke, Tessa Justice, Jess Williams, Jax Coker, Alex Manger, Jennifer Spears, Paisley Dickens, George Lewis."
After that, we were told that we'd do activities in our assigned groups, but we'd be given chances to mingle. We were then told that we'd be informed about the three challenges on the day they take place to keep it a surprise. He then called up the sixteen staff members who just waved, but left it up to us to introduce ourselves to them if we wanted to.
We were then dismissed to do our own thing.
I walked back to our cabin with Tulip and Kelsey by my side.
"You know, I have a feeling that this summer won't be too bad." Kelsey said out of the bloom when we opened our cabin door.
"Oh yeah?" Tulip raised an eyebrow before flopping onto her bed.
"Yeah. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that it's going to be different." she then turned her gaze towards me looking me up and down in non-uncomfortable way.
"I think that you," she pointed at me, "will make it more than worthwhile." she smiled.
"Okay?" I said skeptically.
"Nu-uh," Tulip waged her finger at me, "if Kelsey has a feeling, then it's right. It always is."
First chapter on time just like I promised :)
Next update will be sometime on Friday, so stay tuned for that.
I hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to introduce Jess properly, but I just thought that I'll leave it for the next chapter.
What do you think about the length of it? Too short or just right?
Don't forget to vote, comment, fan and follow :)
Also, I still need help deciding what to call the book:
1. The logistics of Love
or 2. Summer at Kamp Funn (current title)
Anyways, TYSM for reading.
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