Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
My brother arrived home from Mexico last night. While there, he taught ministry, went paddle boarding, and had his very first Starbucks drink. He had a lot of fun going. I am really glad he is back because I missed writing stories with him. He will be writing his journal on here soon. His username is NintendoNerdNavybean. Go check out his stories. He also roleplays. If you like doing that send him a message and I am sure he would love to roleplay with you.
Another person that came over last night is Toby. He is not really a person. He is a dog. He is a Shetland sheepdog, or a sheltie as my family calls them. I am not the biggest dog person, especially with jumpy dogs. If you are reading my Sidemen fanfiction, Unexpected, you know that I adopted a dog in that book. Pirate is a very tame dog and does not jump, so I can handle him. He is also fictional, so I can deal with him that way. Toby, on the other hand, is a very jumpy dog. He just barked at me for hugging my bother.
This morning, I had to leave to volunteer at church. There was a concert going on and the children had a big event planned. Anyway, my glasses lost a screw so I have gone all day without them. The light from the computer is not making it any better.
The event I helped with was called Blow. (Get your mind out of the gutter, if it is there. This was an event for children.) Children kindergarten up until fourth grade cam and we did a bunch of fun activities with bubbles. I was helping out with the bubble snake station. We cut an empty water bottle in half and put an inside-out sock over it. When you put the bottle and sock in the bubble solution, you can blow into the spout and it makes a long strand of sudsy bubbles. We also put a hula-hoop in a tub of bubble solution and a stool in the middle of the tub. Kids could stand on the stool and we would form a giant bubble around them with the hula hoop. They loved it a lot, especially because they got to use me as a rag to dry off. My hands started peeling from all the soap.
After the Blow event, we had the all-church picnic. This is an event my church does every year. We have food, play games, and get wet at the splash-pad nearby. This was really fun this year because I got to teach one of the interns and his girlfriend along with the pastor's son how to use a lightsaber. They enjoyed that a lot. I also got to practice skateboarding before camp. My brother helped build my encouragement. I did pretty well for a beginner without safety equipment. I mainly hung out with the interns and their significant other. One of the interns was so sad to see us ll leave because it was the last day she would see us. I assured her that we would keep in touch through Facebook. We spent approximately three hours talking to the interns. Over all, this was the most I had spent outside in one interval.
I came home and was able to relax for a bit after doing dishes. My maternal grandparents came over to welcome home my brother and take another brother to spend the night at their house. I was watching vlogs by Matthias and J-Fred while they were over and they were surprised I was speaking to them through the screen.
Speaking of J-Fred, he started vlogging again. I am so happy to be hearing from him again. I am planning on sending him some mail. I might buy him a CD and write a letter to him. Anyhow, I found out that Team Edge has ans editor. I am guessing that is why J-Fred is vlogging more. Also, he crosses his wrists while driving. I was freaking out watching him drive.
Currently, I am surviving, breathing, my youngest brother is listening to music through Super Mario Maker, and I am also listening to music. I am excited to get some sleep soon because I am so tired, and I am not one to get tired easily. I guess it is all the running around.
John 17:3
And this is the way to have eternal life- to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.
"Notice that eternal life is more than a prayer. It is more than aligning ourselves to a certain set of beliefs. According to Jesus, eternal life is in knowing God. So prayer and belief are expressions of knowing God, not ends in themselves. It is easy to fall into the practices of Christian faith and lose the purpose of those practices, and we all need the reminder that God loves us and wants to us to know Him in a real way." -Dave Whitehead
Today is Sandra Lee's 50th birthday. All I know about her is that she is both a chef and an author. I might have read one of her books, but I am not sure. A picture of her is at the top.
InevitabilityOfDeath has written a book that takes song lyrics and she made a story out of them. I gave a whole bunch of song suggestions and she has already made a short story with one of my song suggestions. The book is called The Song Project. Anyway, chapter two is one of my song suggestions. The song is Sail by Awolnation. I decided to make that the song of the day. While looking for a video, I found out one of my favorite pianists, Mario Verehrer, had some sheet music for this song on his website. He also made a video for it. I will print out the sheet music and I will most likely start playing piano again. The video I show you does not belong to me.Also, if you want to suggest a song, please put it in the comments and I will add it to the journal.
I have no prayer requests or praises, but if you have any, please add them to the comments so I may pray for you. You may also add unspoken requests. Also, if you ever need anyone to talk to, send me a message and I will do my best to get back to you. I would love to become closer to my readers. One last thing, my eldest brother is helping to write a book over on It is called The Descendant by darthmaul90. Go check it out. It is a Star Wars fanfiction and it is also the first book of a six part series. It is really good so far. Go give it some support. They also have an app if you need it.
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