Sukor - Only U
Hi im bere with a new Idea I hope u like it 😊 I'm not yet sure if it will be an OS, SS or a story.
A woman was calling...Chakor! Chakor r u ready?! Chakor was getting ready it was her engagement day finally she is getting married to her childhood friend Vivaan both know each other n she always had feeling for him n her patents asked her if she would like to marry him. Chakor didn't thought long n said yes this was now 5 weeks ago n now they r getting engaged.
Chakor; haan maa im almost ready 😊. Kasturi; comes in today my girl looks like a princess. The guest have arrived n more r coming. Chakor smiled n blushed. There was a knock at the door. Teju comes in. Oh Chakor u look so gorgeous Vivaan is a very lucky man. Kasturi; haan btw is ur son coming today?. Teju; haan Suraj is coming but he didn't give me the exact timing.
Kasturi n Teju r old friends n knows each other over years the kids never met Suraj is studying abroad n just finished his last year in law.
Chakor; aunty so ur son is returning n has become a lawyer how u feel? Teju; I can't explain in words I'm happy he has fulfil his dream but I want him here with me. Kasturi; I can't believe u let him stay there alone all these years. Teju; u know 15 years ago his father n me were living there too but we come back he was in his studies I put a stone on my heart to let him stay there by his own.
Teju; uff let's stop talking abt my son today it's all abt Chakor n Vivaan. Kasturi; right Chakor its time now. Chakor comes with Teju n Kasturi.
Manohar; Vivaan r u happy? Vivaan didn't answer he was distracted by his mobile phone. Ranjana; Vivaan ur father is asking u something. Vivaan; oh sorry what did u say? Ranjana; r u happy?. Vivaan; if u r then I am. Manohar; it's not abt us it's abt u n ur future. Vivaan; it's alright I know her from childhood now we will work on it. Ranjana; If u r not interested then y u agreed? Vivaan; uff please can we stop talking abt it now. Manohar; Vivaan whats wrong with u?.
Vivaan; u could have asked me weeks ago before u decided all this. Today is my engagement what should I say now?. Ranjana; Vivaan we did asked u. Many times n u always blocked us. Vivaan; I know I'm here so don't worry.
The Mohanlal's come into the hall. KN n Manohar didn't like each other both a business competitors. KN had thought of Chakor to be his DIL but unfortunately Manohar asked for her hand years ago. Bhuvaan; Vivaan come sit. Vivaan smiled he walked to Bhuvaan n sit on the chair in the middle of the hall. KN; Bhuvaan now spend thr time with ur daughter as much as u can. She will leave u soon. He hold his shoulder n Bhuvaan nod. Manohar; Bhuvaan ur daughter is our princess n we won't be far away.
Ranjana; well go n get my bride 😊. The guest were waiting Ranjana walked towatd the stairs. Chakor was coming down she looked down n blushed. Ranjana; look at her how beautiful she is. Ranjana waited there for her. I will take my DIL to my son. Kasturi n Ranjana both took each a hand of her. They walled to the chair.
A priest; was checking their horoscope. Hmm 🤔. Manohar; got tensed. Priest what r u looking our priest said they r made for each other. The priest; no they aren't.... Bhuvaan; what? What u mean is my daughter in danger?. The priest; no she isn't. Manohar; if there is not danger then let them marry right 😊. Bhuvaan; right. The priest; there is no danger but also no match. Nobody heard that the crowd was so loud n waiting for the ring exchange.
Suraj (I didn't forget him😉) reached at the address his mother gave him. - Mummy 😊 I'm back 😊 -. Teju she felt a gust of wind the sense of her son she could feel him a bright smile was on her face.
Vivaan was checking his mails Chakor was looking at him she was trying to get him notice on her but his focus was not on her... Ranjana; Vivaan Chakor now it's time. She gave both of them the rings. Vivaan put his mobile away n Chakor was on cloud 9.
No one was listening to the priest. Suraj enters the house the first step he did a current flow through Chakor a connection with some1 she never met or saw before. - What is this? -. Suraj had the same feeling. Vivaan took Chakors hand n was abt to put the ring on her finger. With each step Suraj came closer Chakors heart beat increase the same happens with Suraj who was literally running into the hall were Vivaan let the ring fall...
Every1 looked to the ring ...oh no... The priest; I told u no match. The ring stops in front of Suraj who picked it up. Teju; Suraj mera beta {my son}. Suraj; mummy 😄 he had the ring in hus hand n runs to her. Vivaan stood up. What is this?. A family reunion or my engagement?. Suraj; I'm sorry...
Suraj goes to them to give him the ring. But he hestiat something inside him stops him. Another wind-blow this time Chakors veil flow away Suraj was stucked in her beauty. Chakor opens her eyes n was lost in Suraj eyes which were looking at her deeply. Sukor - Who is s/he? -.
Suraj hold the ring in front of her in an attraction of hypnotism both put the ring on each finger. The guest... what is this now?... Ranjana; Chakor what u did? Vivaan; I thought it's our engagement. Chakor didn't answer she was still lost.
The priest; I told u n I'm telling u again if there is no match on both sides then even the Lord won't a wedding happen. Chakor is made for bright sun. U Call him Suraj it's clearly written on her she is made for this only one. Vivaan; stop this non-sense. He turned Chakor in a harsh way. Chakor; ouch Vivaan it hurts. Vivaan; what u think how I feel? Suraj anger raised the top. Suraj looses the grip of Vivaan n pushed him away.
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