Sukor - believe?
Hi thank u again for ur wait 😊😊😊.
Recap; a mystery starts Suraj saw a black shadow looking at the reflection of him in the water. Chakor was stopped forcefully by the wind.
Chakor was scared n frighten. She waa crying heavily Suraj gave hwr hold n support but her body was shaking. Suraj; mummy aunty could u please...? If a painful face he gave Chakor to the mother's. Chakor hugs Kasturi tight. Maa... she sniffs. Teju; Kasturi... let's take her up to her room. Kasturi; u r right Teju let's go.
The men were alone with the priest. Bhuvaan; what was this? KN; I hace never seen something like this before. Suraj; ya only in movies. Priest what's going on?. The priest was looking at Suraj. He went to him n touch Suraj forehead to read him. (not mind reading) Suraj; what r u doing? He asked confused. The priest; I'm reading ur lines. Suraj laughed. Priest Uncle sorry but what will my wrinkles tell u abt what just happen?.
The priest; smiled. Suraj u r a strong man n ur life is connected to Chakor's life u both live for each other n die for each other. Suraj; what?. I know there was something we got attraction but I don't know her. The Priest; u don't know her but r happy to marry her right? Suraj thought but nod. The Priest; isn't it like a dream come true? Suraj thought again this time longer - ya he is right -. He nods.
The Priest looked to Bhuvaan n KN. I need the birth horoscope of them. Bhuvaan; here is Chakor's check it. KN was scared he was shaking while giving the priest Suraj birth horoscope. The Priest; Thank u. He sit on the couch was looking at both horoscopes they were lying on the table next to each other.
Suraj was nervous n thinking of the worst. - What if we r not meant to be for each other?. What if we r connected but forbidden to love?. What if she belongs to someone else...-? A strong wind blow goes through Suraj. - No! I will fight for her... but y will ?I y the priest is right? I'm willing to marry her like a dream comes true but I had never a dream to marry! y now? what is so special in her?.-
The Priest was looking at Suraj like he knew what Suraj was thinking. Bhuvaan; what is it? KN; was stammering. Ww...ww...what The Priest; I'm not sure yet but I will check the horoscopes. Suraj my son. Don't lose hope 😊. Suraj nod in understanding his tension was written on his face. His thoughts were with Chakor...
Chakor was up in her room. Teju n Kasturi calmed her she was frighten n lying on the lap of Kasturi. Teju put a quilt on her. She caresses her back.
Chakor breath uncontrolled she sniffs. Maa... what it is going on?.
Kasturi; sshh my child. Nothing is wrong. Teju; I'm sure soon we will know but now u should take some rest. She looked around. Kasturi asked with her facial expression "what?". Teju showed her hand "relax". She found it n got a glass of water for Chakor. Kasturi; smiled. Chakor get up n drink some water. Chakor nod. She was sitting on the bed n nipping on the glass taking small sips.
Chakor gave the glass back to Teju who put it on the bedside table. Chakor; maa! she hugged her the fear of losing was huge. She lied back on Kasturi's lap. Kasturi caresses her head. Teju; I think I should leave. Kasturi nod in agreement. Teju stood up but Chakor stopped her. She shook her head she felt save when both r with her. Teju stayed.
The Priest had time to check. He reread it n rechecked it but it was clearly written on their destiny.
Suraj; Priest can u tell us more?. The Priest; U both a destined to be together. It is not ur first life. Suraj; what. Priest please forgive my disrespect but I don't believe in it. The Priest; It doesn't matter if or if u not believe the true is u both took a second life to fulfil ur wish of ur previous life. Bhuvaan n KN were confused n looked at each other.
Suraj shook his head. He stood up n walked upstairs without being ever in this house he found the room of Chakor. Teju; Suraj?! Chakor scare vanished she looked up n wuth strength she gain with his present she stood up n hugs him. Kasturi; was shocked like Teju. Chakor...?. Suraj; The Priest is saying something n I think u should hear it too.
Chakor looked at Suraj she knew he was her's. She won't let anyone or anything come between them. They all were back at the hall. Suraj; I think they should know too. The Priest nod.
Chakor; what?. The Priest; abt ur past. All the three women. Past?!. They all sit on the couch opposite the Priest.
The Priest; reading ur both horoscope I found some anomaly. Sukor; which?. The Priest; there is no beginning n no end. All looked confused. The Priest; I'm watching over Chakor since her birth but u grow up in England no one took care of u. Suraj; I can take care of myself. The Priest; but u have no guardian to explain u. U didn't believe in 2nd life but u easily foubd the woman of ur heart in this big house How many rooms u checked before entering her bedroom?. Suraj; none I knew she would be at that room I entered. The Priest; bcz u both r here to fulfil ur wish of ur previous life to get married.
Sukor looked each other n then back to priest. The Priest; As much as I can read I can tell u. U both had a past which was terrifying. Please give me 1 - 2 days I have to meet another priest who is specialist in this matter. Suraj; stood up it look like in anger but. U can't go what if it happens again? The Priest; Always Stay Together! N nothing will happen!.
Chakor; if we r not meant to be one?. The Priest; u will take another life like he will do it for u. But I'm not as experienced I will comeback with more information till then u all stay together. Suraj she is ur responsibility the wind blow forced her not u! Whatever had made u to take a second life is behind Chakor. Suraj; hold Chakor's hand. I won't leave u.
The Priest left n the family decided to go. They will stay at KN house.
Nect Update the Priest comes back with another Priest who will read Sukor n tell them abt thier Past
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