Sukor - A mystery
Hi thank u for ur patience here is the next part 😊.
Recap; the engagement of Vikor was cancelled on the advice of the priest who later on blessed Sukor being the obe for each other. Vivaan have made up his mind not to leave them. Sukor r still unknown of each other but r connected.
Teju; Priest u r saying that this two soul's r made for each other even their hand lines are connected. What should we do?. Kasturi walked to Teju. Priest she is right our kids doesn't know each other but... they all looked at them how they were lost into each other.
The priest; don't worry these two will succeed in every fight if they stay together alone they r weak but if u remember Chakor's reaction of today u might understand it wasn't she it was Suraj who was speaking through her. Chakor was feeling Suraj...
Chakor nod. Being lost in him she still hears the older speaking. Teju; Suraj... Suraj!...?. Suraj; woke from his trance. Haan maa. Kasturi n Teju starts laughing. Haha. The priest; I need to see the birth horoscope of u both. Teju; it's at home. Kasturi; don't worry we will check it tomorrow. The priest was having a bad feeling. No I need to know today.
Suraj; y?. The priest; son I can sense a bad omen. Teju n Kasturi; what? KN; hmm ok u wait here I will go n get the birth horoscope. It's not far away. Suraj; Papa I'm coming with u. KN nod n they both left.
KN n Suraj were in the car driving the way home. KN; Suraj...? Suraj was lost thinking of Chakor n looking at his lifeline on his hand. KN; Suraj... he touched his shoulder. Suraj; turned. Sorry papa what u said?. KN; nothing I just wanted to know how u feel?. Suraj; confused but unexpectedly happy. KN; smiled. U know what?. Suraj shakes his head. KN; we asked for her hand for U. But her engagement was fixed since childhood. Today u come with u we got a DIL. Suraj; smiled. So it means u liked her alot from the beginning. KN nod.
Chakor was sitting on the couch with her parents, Teju n the priest. Chakor was staring at the ring. - It is a ring of some1 else... ☹ -. Kasturi; Chakor aren't u happy my child. Teju; tell us what u want. Chakor looked at both n hold their hands. She shook her head. Chakor; the ring I'm very wearing belongs to the Mohanlal's I think we should return it.
hmm Mohanlal's...
Vivaan; how dare she to reject me in front of everyone I won't spare them. Ranjana; Vivaan we will make their life to hell u don't worry. Manohar; they signed a big business deal with us but I will cancle it n they will have a big loss this will be our first attack on them.
Suraj n KN arrived at their home. KN; u wait in car I will get ur horoscope. Suraj; no Dad I'm coming with u. KN; ok fine come 😊. Suraj visits the house for the first time. He was standing in the hall. KN walked to his room n got the horoscope. Suraj went out to the garden there was a pond he looked in it n was shocked he moved back n looked at his back... there was nothing.
KN was looking for Suraj. Suraj! he starts shouting his name. Suraj was still confused abt the dark shadow he saw on his reflection... KN; Suraj I'm calling for u. U r not answering what's wrong with u? U look like if u have seen a ghost 😊?. Suraj didn't answer they went back to the car n drove to Laal mansion.
Chakor - y do I have a bad feeling? Something is coming... something bad -.
Suraj had closed his eyes in fear. - what was this y there was a shadow? it felt very cold n dark. Something is coming but y I'm freaking out... does it happen before? -.
Chakor; I'm coming. She stood up to walk into the bathroom. The glass door of the garden opens with a force they all were shocked to see. A heavy wind blow through the house. The priest stood up n runs to Chakor holding her tight.
Bhuvaan, Kasturi n Teju were like freezed. They were shocked seeing this anomaly n couldn't move.
Chakor was scared in that moment Suraj n KN arrived. Suraj felt the shadow presents again n enters the house leaving his father behind. Suraj; Chakor! he runs to her. But the wind blow forced him to stay back. Chakor; Aahh! screamed in scare. Suraj put all his strength together n reached her.
The wind blow was trying to separate them but Suraj was holding her tight with the help of priest they could stand against the wind blow.
KN; what the... Bhuvaan come let's close the door. Bhuvaan who was in a shock stood up n followed KN instruction. Both reached the glass door n with alot of power they could close it.
Chakor's whole body was shaking it was out of her control. She starts crying heavily. Kasturi n Teju went to her to give her hold n support.
KN; Suraj r u fine?. Suraj; yeah papa I am. But Chakor...?. Chakor was crying on her mothers shoulder. The priest was thinking he said he bad feeling an omen u can't deny.
.....😊 Hope u liked it 😊
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