Hi today I'm going to reveal some open questions sorry u had to wait.
Recap; after revealing their past both have changed to their old shape of their previous life. The Priest came to meet them.
Suraj; Priest please tell me how could u know this n who wrote this inscription of us. Chakor; Suraj... she shook her head he is impatient n should control his curiosity. Suraj pout.
Priest; no Chakor it is ok they told me he is very curious. Suraj; what? who?. The priest took out an old cloth Sukor were staring at it. This was a cloth of Suryas gown. In this cloth was a rose petal hidden/saved... which was still there
Both Sukor sensed - Paakhi... -
The Priest; I will tell u abt ur worshipper...
The rose petal in the hand of tje Priest starts to glow KNTeju n BhuvKa faint but nothing happens to them this story doesn't belong to them.
FB starts
Once upon a time Suraj stabbed the dagger into his heart while cursed Ilima for her betray. A girl juet abt 10 years old who witnesses everything was crying badly. She falls on her knees shouting the name Rajkumar Surya Rani Sahibaan Chakoriya 😭.
She crawls to them holding their death bodies in her small hands. She couldn't believe how this could happen. It felt just like a bad dream...
She breath heavily n shook them Rajkumar rajkumar utho {wake up}. Rani Sahibaan rani Sahibaan hume pakro {catch me}. 😭 yeh nahi hosakta aap dono humse door nahi jaahsakte hain... {this can't be true u both can't leave me alone}.
A maid come. Paakhi noo we can't do anything anymore. Paakhi; nahi {No}. Ilima appears in front of her talking to the king abt her pregnancy that she is carrying the next heir. Paakhi; jhoot {lie} Surya bhai aisa nahi kar sahkte hain {he could never do this}. Mahajara; girl don't u dare to raise ur voice again. Get lost.
Mahajara; Guards take their bodies foe the last rituals. Paakhi; nahi... she waved with her hands n lied over them. Another guard hold Paakhi n the others took the death bodies...
Paakhi was called to the servant room after hours she comes. A maid; Paakhi we know how attached u were with both but now they r death they won't return. Paakhi nod. No one knows where she was or where she is going. She vanished from there.
Paakhi was up at the roof were Surya gave her the rose. How he played with her n Chakoriya teaches her to read n fight... To fight for the right.
Paakhi took out the dagger she stole from Suryas death body she made up a plan she will take revenge from Ilima but how? Ilima was guarded there was no way to reach her... but she has to pay for her deeds.
Ilima - I tricked the king this child is from someone else but now it will be the new King soon I will become a queen no one can stop me -.
Paakhi was at her small storeroom she took out the same clothes Chakoriya wears when she fights. She covered her face n was sure to end this chapter asap.
Surya u killed urself bcz she commit suicide tonight the culprit of both will die n so will I.
She wipes her tears away. She ties her hairs n thought abt her plan again. Surya once told her to be sure abt all risked before attacking someone. Paakhi was sure. She was confidence.
Ilima was in her room alone it was middle of the night... the guards were all sleeping as per Paakhi mixed their drinks with herbal's with a sleeping feature.
Soon the way was free she enters the room but an evil aura stopped her. Paakhi; I am not scared today u gonna die. Ilima; hahaha do u really thought u could kill me? Paakhi was breathing fast. Haan. Ilima comes. Try it but u won't succeed. Paakhi; U r a monster. Ilima; haan I am a monster her hair flow high bcz of a wind blow... Paakhi got frighten but she stayed. U r not pregnant. Ilima; no I am not. Paakhi; u killed two lovers for what?. Ilima; I loved him... but he rejected me many times. He chooses that so called princess over me.
Paakhi; bcz she was great kind hearted n always trying to help the innocents not like u selfish. Ilima; keep quiet. Paakhi; no. Ilima comes near n Paakhi walked backwards. Ilima; what happen don't u wanted to take revenge? Ilima was now in front of Paakhi. Ilima couldn't see it but Paakhi dunk n took the dagger out n stabbed in her empty stomach. Ilima falls.... she was death.
Paakhi was sure no one would believe her what Ilima confess but no one would suspect a girl... no I have to leave.
Paakhi packed her small sachet n left. She took just a few things from her belongings. The rose she saved the cloth of Surya n the dagger of Chakoriya.
She runs away far away but how could she forget what had happen... no she needs appeal but how?... She remembers. Chakoriya; sometimes words have more power than physical strength.
Paakhi I will write story of u Chakoriya n Surya the coming generation shoukd know what u did for loved ones.
Paakhi wrote the inscription with her tears. All her love strenght even her last breath she gave to write the story....
FB ends
Sukor were crying tge last breath og Paakhi was the left petal over 100 years she waited meet them once again a last time a reflection of hers appears. Chakoriya Surya she waved with the hand n vanished with her the last rose petal fizzle out in front of them. Chakoriya fall on her knees n cried heavily.
The dagger appear in front of them.
Surya took it he knows what it has to mean. Suraj doesn't.
The Priest; she died to save ur legacy my family found her. My greatgreatgrand parents tried to save her but she was not listening. N gave her life for ur future. My family took her burden over decades we were looking for u. We found Chakor who was the portrayal of Chakoriya... we knew u would come ur destiny is connected ur lifes r connected.
We r here to guide u to fight with the evil. Ilima dies that day but her soul couldn't find leace n is roaming on this earth her power has grown n is still growing.
Suraj; I will give my life for her. If it means to stay Surya for my whole life I will. Chakor; even I'm ready to forget my present to become my past.
The Priest; the dagger is the key don't lose it! Save it with ur life.
SuKor both took the dagger the touch of both on the dagger shows an energy the Priest was shocked but his confidence n trust were right. He had to guide n serve them.
So the answer of all question is...
.... So what u say?.
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