Suki's POV
It's pouring down with rain as we try to save a family of baboons from a tree that's about to go over a cliff. Beshte struggles to keep it up right. "Baboons, you gotta come down. It's not safe up there" Kion tells them.
"We're dry up here. We'll come down when the rain stops" the baboon leader states.
"This guy's un-Bunga-lievable" Bunga says exasperated.
"I know" I grumble. I hate being wet. And the rain interferes with my hearing. All I hear aside from us is the drops of rain hitting the ground.
"Oh, baboons" Fuli complains.
"Kion. The tree's gonna go, and I don't wanna go with it" Beshte states with a groan. Some of the roots begin to snap. I see two baboons holding each other scared.
"Ono, try to talk some sense into them" I tell him.
"On it" he says and flies up to the baboons. "No, it won't. Your tree's about to fall off a cliff" he tells them. A mother baboon agree with him pointing to the cliff.
In the end we manage to scare the baboons out of the tree in time. Kion had Bunga go scare them out of the tree. Though he had to drag the leader out. Beshte then let the tree fall. "You can get down now" Fuli tells the two baboons on her back.
"We'll get down. When the rain stops" the leader tells her. She rolls her eyes.
"Ugh. Baboons" she complains.
"Why not hop onto me, I have a broader back" I offer. He thinks and jumps onto my back with the other baboon.
"Thank you Suki" Fuli says.
"You owe me" I tell her and we rejoin the others. We take the baboons to another tree and they climb into it. The rain stops and we go chill on a hill.
"Phew! I'm beat" Bunga states as he lays on his back. As I stretch with Fuli. Ono lands on a rock beside us.
"Oh. Don't get too comfortable. There's bound to be another storm" Ono tells us gesturing to the grey storm clouds. Fuli collapses on her belly.
"Oh, another one? We're still cleaning up from the last one" she complains.
"Hmm. Who knew a tree full of baboons would be so heavy?" Beshte asks as he to lays down.
"I know right and that tree didn't look light either" I state as I on my hind quarters.
"Okay, everybody, take a breather. You've earned it" Kion tells us. "Suki, you're in charge" he says and bounds off.
"Where's he off too?" Ono asks.
"Who knows" I tell him as I y down.
"How does he still have energy?" Beshte asks.
"He didn't have to do most of the rescuing" I remind him. I lay beside Fuli and rest my head on her back. "Lets sleep" I tell them and no one complains. We drift off to a light sleep.
(Time skip)
We weren't asleep long. When Kion shout at us to wake up. "What's the kerbubble, Kion?" Beshte asks him as we all get to our feet. Just then I pick up the sound of rushing water.
"Flood!" I shout. The water rushes around Bunga's, Fuli's and my paws. We all get behind Beshte, who shield us from the water.
"What's going on? There's never been a river here before" Fuli states.
"Ono, take a look" Kion orders and Ono takes to the sky.
"Affirmative. Hapana! Lake Kiziwa! It's too full. The water's pouring out!" Ono shouts down to us.
"Ugh. That last rainstorm's still causing trouble" Kion complains.
"Not surprising with the amount of rain" I tell him.
"It's getting worse, Kion!" Ono shouts.
"Lion guard, We need to do something before all that water floods the valley" Kion states.
"We got to block the water somehow" I state.
"Hey, I have an idea!" Bunga exclaims. He leads us to a tall rock and we try to push it to block the flow of water. "Push, Beshte! We gotta block it out!" he shouts.
"Twende kiboko!" Beshte shouts as we all push harder. The giant rock falls into the path of the floodwaters, blocking them. I sigh in relief.
"We did it!" Ono cheers as he joins us.
"Nice" Fuli says.
"Oh, my! Whose idea was this?" a zebra called Thurston asks.
"Mine" Bunga claims. "Pretty awesome, huh?" he asks patting the dam. I roll my eyes. It was my idea to block the water, he just figured out how. It was a team effort.
"Impressive. What a great idea" Shingo a giraffe asks.
"And you know what makes this a great idea?" Bunga asks them. "It was so simple to do. Quick and easy. That's the way to do it" he tells them.
"I don't know, Bunga. The easy solution's not always the best solution" Kion tells him.
"Kion is right" I agree.
"Well, it sure worked with this dam" Shingo tells us. A rock falls out of the dam, which causes some water to trickle out. We all look at it. Bunga's face turns to shock. He turns and surveys the leak. Bunga picks up a stick and plugs the leak with it. He then gestures proudly at the stick.
"Put a stick in it" he tells us. I roll my eyes, no why this will hold. We need to think of something more sturdy. Otherwise the next storm could flood the plains.
"Hey, it worked. What a good idea" Thurston state.
"He gives great advice" Shingo praises.
"Good idea? Great advice? You know you're talking about Bunga, right?" Fuli asks them. Just then Rafiki appears above us.
"Don't be so surprised. Honey badgers, they are the Pride Lands' smartest animals when..." he starts to say. He drops his fruit by accident. "Oh, oh, oh. Wait a minute" he tells us.
"You hear that, everyone? I'm the Pride Lands' smartest animal. Rafiki said so. I'm smart, and I give good advice. Say, wait till my uncles hear about this" Bunga cheers and runs off.
"What were you about to say about honey badgers being smart?" I ask Rafiki as I hand him a fruit. As the others go after Bunga
"Thank you Suki" he says with a smile. "Yes. Honey badgers are the smartest when they think before they speak" he finishes. "But if they do not. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Total disaster!" he declares laughing. "Where did everybody go?" he asks me.
"No idea, need help?" I ask him.
"No I got it" he assures me. Before leaving with his fruit. I look around and wonder where the others got too? Oh well, I'll catch up to them later. I need to think of how to make the dam stronger before the water pressure gets to much. Maybe uncle Simba or Aunt Nala will have an idea. I go to look for them.
As I was looking for my aunt and uncle I hear music at Hakuna Matata falls. So decide to investigate. I arrive to see the others there also and Bunga wearing some sort of hat. Pumba and Timon singing with Bunga, calling himself Bunga the Wise. I roll my eyes and leave, I don't have time for this that dam could break at anytime.
(Time skip)
So instead of finding a way to fix the dam. I've been stuck fixing all of Bunga's mistakes all afternoon. Along with the rest of the Lion Guard. I was on my way to give Bunga a piece of my mind and see Kion is already doing so. I go stand by Fuli.
"Bunga, you've got to stop this. We've got enough to do trying to deal with the rainstorm. Your bad advice is making things worse" Kion lectures him.
"Me? Bad advice?" Bunga asks shocked.
"Yes, you and yes bad" I snap flicking my tail in annoyance. "Also the fact that you took full credit for the dam, when it was my idea to block the water in the first place" I add.
"Yeah, but I figured out how" he retorts.
"Yeah a batch job. Which could break at any moment. We all need to work together to find a long term solution" I state. Just then the dam breaks and the water starts to pool out.
"And now, I have some advice. Run!" Timon shouts.
"Everyone get to higher ground!" I yell as the animals panic. The flood rushes toward a herd of cape buffalo and a herd of zebras, who are grazing peacefully. "Oh no" I say.
"We've gotta move those animals to safety. Lion Guard, follow me!" Kion shouts. Kion rushes off, with Beshte, Fuli, Ono, and I follow him. We soon split up and lead each herd towards the canyon. I run faster to catch up to Kion. But we soon reach a dead end.
"Kion, the walls are too steep to climb. What do we do?" Beshte asks.
"Don't ask Kion. Ask Bunga the Wise" Thurston argues and the other animals agree.
"I don't know" Bunga admits. "Kion's the one who always knows what to do with this kinda stuff. WIith Suki" he states.
"Kion, you have to roar" I tell him.
"You're right, it's the only way" he states. "Now, everyone, get behind me!" he orders and we all do so. Kion turns to face the oncoming floodwaters. Ono flits over the Pride Landers.
"He means it! Get behind him! Get behind him" Ono shouts and everyone does so. Kion glares as the floodwaters rush through the canyon. His eyes dilate, and he uses the Roar of the Elders.
The Roar of the Elders causes the floodwaters to shoot up in a sheet, then roll back out of the canyon. Rocks falls into the canyon in front of the Pride Landers. The floodwaters continue receding until they form a waterfall outside of the canyon. "You did it Kion!" I cheer nudging him and he smile weakly as the herds cheer.
We all leave the canyon and go relax by the lake forming with a waterfall. I lay with Fuli and Kion. "I like this view" Fuli states.
"Me too" Kion and I agree. We both laugh.
"Yeah. This is a great place to rest up after a rainstorm" Beshte agrees.
"Until the next one" Ono adds.
"Ono, for once just enjoy the break" I tell him.
"Affirmative" he says. Bunga finally heard the end of Rafiki's speech about honey badgers being smart only when they think things through. He was ok with not being wise anymore. Thank the great kings for that. We all enjoy some down time before the next crisis.
Picture above of Bunga and video above of the song.
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