reason, clue, place 2
I climbed into the small tree house and immediately began searching. I started to think. Where did we keep those adventure plans?.... Ah ha. I removed a poster from the wall and seen a piece of paper taped to the wall. 'Reason number 2' it read. I grabbed the paper and unfolded it. 'Hi Sam. You found it! Im glad you remembered where we kept our plans. So your probably wondering what reason number 2 is. Well wonder no more! Reason 2: Laura Childres. That's right, she bullied me everyday. Sorry for not telling you... I thought I could handle it, I was obviously super wrong. Lol, sorry shouldnt make jokes about this, your probably sad. I don't know why you would be. Oh well. I love you Sam! Clue number 2: First place we had icecream. Its closed now... It is hidden where a carving of two certain initials are.
I gently smiled. She somehow still made me happy... But she is dead. I still can barely admit that. It still surprises me. As I was lost in thought, something hit me. What happens when I find the last letter? Then she is gone... And there is nothing left to make me feel like she is still here. How many letters are there? Do i have a lot of time? Does this mean I have to let her go? I can't do that, and I won't. I decided to climb out of the treehouse and head to the ice cream parlor. I was so worried. Im not sure why. But I was. I arrived and snuck in. It was dark, creepy, and cold. But she was right. Beside the carving of our initials was a note taped to the wall. 'Reason number 3..... This place makes me hungry. :-) ' how is she acting so happy on all these notes? Ugh. I opened the note. "Hey Sam! After I wrote this note we went out for ice cream!-" my eyes widened. The last time we went out for icecream was two months before she died. Did she have this planned that long? "I added that in after we got home. I thought you would like to know how long I had this planned. Well reason 3: my dad. You know he left... It hurt bad... Mom was torn about it, that's the only reason I cared. I just love her so much. Tell her that for me, would ya? Well Sam bye love ya. Im gonna miss you saying that to me. Oh well. Clue 3: we were 7 and this place was the first place we hugged.. We were 11 the first time we said 'I love you' we were here. We were 17 the last time we ever came here together.
My eyes began to water. Why did she have to use the words 'the last time'? Well lets go. Reason 2 clue 2 place 2. Complete. Next reason, clue, and place 3 starts now.
This chapter is short! Sorry. I have a lot on my mind so..
Word count: 514
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