Chapter 4- Hell At Its Finest
I was in my old run down closet looking for clothes a towel around my slim waist.
I picked out a black jacket, black jeggings, and of course black shoes since it was all I had. I covered my face with the hood of my jacket flipping my hair over one half of my face.
As I finished getting ready for hell I open my window ready to jump. I jump up onto the ledge taking one last glance around my beat down room, my cream walls held disgusting spots of mold and god knows what as my tiny twin bed sat in the far left corner of my room right next to a pile of dirtied clothes, some with blood stains and some not. And a big rectangle mirror stood against the wall, it was shattered and broken from all the things thrown at it. I sigh looking down before I jumped...
I jumped around grasping the vines tightly in my hands sliding down the back wall. When I hit the ground I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me not daring to look back.
I was running because James would be up any minute to get ready for work. Where does he work you may ask? I honestly have no clue all I know is that he's gone for a good amount of time. He comes back home around 11 at night and leaves at 8 in the morning only on school days thought on weekends he comes home at 4 and leaves at 5.
As I was running I kept my head down. Of course, me being an idiot I ran into someone sending us in a heap of paper and backpacks. I grunted from the impact the concrete sidewalk, damn it.....
I rubbed the back of my head noticing my hood fell off. I quickly put it back on gathering my things jumping to my feet ignoring the pain coming from my elbow and head. I look up to apologize to whoever it was I ran into, only to be greeted with a frightened guy gathering his things in a panic as well?
I stare at him trying to see his face but it was covered by his jacket....wait...I took a closer look at his jacket to come to the realization that it wasn't any ordinary was a jocks jacket, and specifically my school's jacket!
I jump to my feet now the panicked one saying my apologies quietly quickly running away.
"Hey, wait! It's okay! I'm sorry!" He yelled. I glanced over my shoulder to see him waving at me his hand cupping his mouth as he shouts. I shook my head continuing to run to school.
Did he apologize? No, I'm probably just imagining things! Maybe he did say that but didn't recognize me?
I push the thoughts to the back of my head with a shake focusing on where I was going so I don't bump into any more people.
~ Small time skip brought to you by tiny box Tim~
After 10 minutes of running, I arrived at the gates gently pushing them open.
Hell at its finest. I thought.
I walked up to the red metal doors,
I sighed knowing I had no choice but to go in. Taking small steps I open the doors. It was loud as usual, I kept my head down. I soon got the feeling of being glared at, I didn't bother looking up as I knew it was the popular kids actually it was most likely everyone in the hallway.
Some people glanced for a second before continuing there conversation with there friends while other laughed, pointed, and made comments.
I knew far too well what those comments were about.....I shrugged it off. I'm used to there shit its been happening since James made me move here with him...
Yes, I'm not dead!I honestly have no excuse to why I didn't update :/
I guess I wanted to leave you guys in suspense *shrug*
Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and I will see all you dudes later!
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