Prologue: Ramen Noodles
© 2012 by WeAreAHurricane
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electonic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of WeAreAHurricane.
Saw someone's work being copied just today. It was some scary shinanigans. So, please, notice the copyright statement above.
...And if any of you jerks even think of plagiarizing, please refer to the picture on the right side.
Alright, now on to the good stuff. Hope you guys enjoy :)
See, I have a problem. I guess you can consider it an attitude problem towards the more attractive.
I realize that the above statement makes absolutely no sense, but let me explain. Ever pictured that number one guy from your school? The one that every guy wants to be and every girl wants to date. Yup, that one. I thought he was cute too. Do you think I secretly pined for him to notice me and sweep me off of my feet once he did notice?
The answer is hell no.
Why? Because I was well aware of the fact that I could trip over his I.Q. if I ever tried to walk over it. That’s why.
The problem is that I can’t stand attractive people. Call it a pride thing, the facts are there. This ridiculous mechanism turns on every time I have to talk to someone who’s better looking than me. I could get all psychological about it but I’ll keep it plain and simple: I don’t like feeling inferior. Which is the specific feeling that a good looking person makes you feel. They feel entitled to it, trust me. Whenever I’m around someone attractive, you can most certainly refer to me as ‘The Bitch’, because I won’t take one minute of someone feeling better than me just because their genes are pretty.
Shocking that I’ve never had a boyfriend right? Hardy har her.
I’m not ugly and I know that. Doesn’t mean I’m incredibly beautiful. Most of the time it doesn’t even bother me. I know what to focus on. School was pretty much my number one attention grabber until I graduated.
To be clear, I was never the geeky retainer girl. Sure, I hadn’t been the most popular girl in high school. No Prom queen here. It wasn’t like I even had the chance to compete for the title, seeing as a skipped 3 grades. Yup, that’s right. 3 whole grades. By the time I turned twenty I already had a steaming hot diploma under my arm.
The same diploma that I was presenting in front of 10 people at the moment.
Did I mention I was presenting this to ten beautiful people and it made me insanely nervous?
Figures that Jenna Lanning, the CEO of Landon Modeling Agency, would be a strikingly beautiful blonde with mile long tanned legs and an attitude. The problem was that this chick had the brains to back it up. Needless to say I was feeling pretty snappy but defeated, as I stood heavily on my stilettos. I didn’t even own a pair of heels until this morning when I rushed into the store, put my feet in the first pair I saw, and ran out to this job interview. The damn things cost me seventy dollars, meaning I better get this job.
Heck, the irony of me working at a modeling agency would have been enough to stop me from applying towards the position. I spent most of my teenage years on ranting against models and their retarded expectations. Too bad my circumstances didn’t give me the freedom to have any dignity.
“I was peering over your resume and I can’t help but remark on how impressive it is, Lilly. Can I call you Lilly?” Lanning snidely asked over the stack of papers in her hand like the fact that I was standing in front of her was a joke.
Sure! Can I call you the Silicone Bitch?
I awkwardly cleared my throat before replying, “Sure…”
“But see…we have already filled the position, “
I was kind of glad I wasn’t the only person in the room with a questioning look on her face. Then why the hell was I here?
In a way I was really relieved that I wouldn’t be embarrassing myself by being a secretary at some high end modeling agency. Then again, I had been eating raw Ramen Noodles for the past three months, my rent was beyond due, and I was in desperate need of a car.
My parents had practically begged me to move back in with them after graduating. But even an I.Q of 157 didn’t stop me from being an idiot. All because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and my pride at bay, I denied the help. Stupid need for independence and self respect.
Lanning narrowed her eyes before speaking, “Although, I might just have a slightly different position open for you. “
Ok, this lady was starting to scare me. She had some crazy look in her eyes that was making even her colleagues nervous. I could tell, which in turn made me nervous.
“Like?” My voice squeaked with anticipation.
Hi! This is my new story that I am really excited about. I can't wait to fill it with awkward moments and sexual innuendos to the brim! So, Please comment and vote!
Also, I guess I've entered the Watty Awards? O.o I need all of the support I can get! So please, please, please tell others about this book!
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