Chapter Twenty-Three: Mind F*ck
I stood there like an idiot for the longest time.
"Happy New Years, Jilly" Joshua says.
I realized a couple things during the moments after our kiss. The first being that either Joshua had been holding back, or not holding back enough, the first time that he kissed me. I vaguely remembered feeling my face being vacuumed of and hating the entire thing. This time had been different.
Partly because I actually liked Joshua now, possibly loved him, and because this kiss had been completely different itself. It hadn't been sloppy and demanding, the exact opposite. I had felt safe and comfortable, while it happened. Hell, I had even forgotten my damn name for a moment.
The second thing that I realized was that I had officially made a new enemy, because when I turned, Gola's hard calculating face was trained directly on me. Gone were the tears, now replaced by the need for pure vengeance. I realized that I had underestimated Gola. The image of a dumb blonde bimbo was erased. Someone who looked so calculating couldn't be completely clueless.
I felt Joshua's hand on my back, and turned in his direction. I could feel my face warming up, especially when I saw Martin Vance's gaze on me as well. Martin had the biggest smirk I had ever seen. He didn't break any eye contact, not even when he took a sip of the drink his hand.
"I'll be right back. I have to take care of a few things, but I missed you, Jilly." Joshua whispered in my ear, before moving his gaze to meet mine and smiling. Jesus Christ, was I imagining all of this?
"Alright." I told him distractedly. My attention was still on Martin Vance, even though my heart was still going wild in my chest because of Joshua. I noticed that Joshua had gone towards the direction leading to Jenna Lanning. He was probably going to apologize for being so late, I told myself. The eye contact between Martin and me was finally broken when Gola stepped directly into my line of vision.
I cannot forget to mention that she practically stomped her way over to me in a furry. I started to panic, thinking that maybe Gola was about to make a scene. Martin Vance was not going to get even more gossip about me. I needed to calm Gola down, I was already freaking out.
Martin Vance had definitely seen the kiss. Was he going to use it against Joshua? Against me? Why would he look so smug, though? I was a nobody. Who the fuck cared if I came out in a magazine kissing Joshua? Possibly my mom, but aside from anyone else, I doubted that it would be a huge deal. It was Joshua's career I was worried about.
Damn, Lanning would also find a problem with it. I wasn't supposed to be making out with Joshua! Fuck, the stress was beginning to make me dizzy. Or was that the alcohol? I could finally feel the buzz setting in, at the exact moment that I needed all of my wits.
Hands on her hips, Gola spoke low, "You probably thought I was stupid."
Actually, yes. I'm sorry if my first impression of you fucking on a plane didn't leave me with the sense of you being a genius.
Those had been my exact thoughts, but I wasn't about to voice them. I could start to feel myself drifting in and out from complete sobriety.
Gola laughed bitterly, before continuing, "Well, you're the clueless one, you little bitch! Right now, you're probably thinking that Joshua actually missed you. Hell, you probably think that he feels the same way that you feel about him!" Gola's voice began to rise, with a hint of madness. Even though I was starting to feel drunk, I nodded my head to let Gola know that those weren't my thoughts.
Gola chuckled, in mock laughter, "Well, he fucking doesn't. You're just one more on his list. Remember something, bitch, I'll always be on top of that list. If you think that Joshua will ever be with a loser like you, then you're fucking mistaken. I'm taking you down. So, fuck you, bitch." Gola was practically spitting the words out with all of the venom in her entire body.
I wanted to defend myself. I wanted to tell her that she should take her low cut dress and stuff her ugly mouth with it. If only I could have gotten the damn words out. The alcohol and shock from Gola's performance had left me tight lipped and defenseless. It was just like the time that Minerva had stolen my brother from me.
I wasn't about to cry, but the rage that was beginning to take over me was about to send me over the edge. If I didn't have the power to tell her off, I could still throw a punch. My knuckles curled tight in the palm of my hand and I was just about to lift my arm, when a felt yet another presence come closer.
"Is there a problem here, ladies?" Martin Vance's smooth voice was directed towards both of us. He had gotten closer without either of us noticing.
Gola's entire demeanor changed when she realized whose attention was on her.
"Mr. Vance! Me and Lilly were just talking and-" Gola's sweet innocent voice was interrupted by Martin Vance's powerful one.
"Gola, be a doll and bring us some drinks. Lilly, here, looks awfully parched. " Martin's eyes never left my face, even when he was directing himself towards Gola. How the heck did he know my name? The crazy thing was that even his voice sounded familiar
"Of course!" Gola piped up in fake enthusiasm. Even I could tell that she was mildly insulted. She didn't want to be ripped to shreds in the tabloids, thus explaining how docile she was being.
"Lilly Fenster." Martina Vance spoke me name like a puzzle he was trying to put together, after Gola had left. Holy God, the man was making me nervous.
"That's my name..." I trialed off with an awkward tone. Was I sounding drunk?
Martin chuckled and pulled out a small card from the inside of his suit jacket.
"I've seen many things concerning you. If you ever need anything here's my card, and don't worry, the secret between you and Lachowski is safe with me." Martin smoothly handed me the expensive cardstock with a flourish and continued to eye me with narrowed eyes.
Wait a minute, he had seen many things about me? A part of my brain was trying to tell me that that didn't sound right. The card rested in my hand without me noticing. Jesus Christ, what the hell had I drunk?
"Nice dress by the way. I have a feeling that you're next." Martin Vance winked at me after he was finished.
Hold on a fucking minute!
I was next? Next in what? Now I was confused and something in my head was really starting to bother me. There was something about his tone and the things he was saying that were sending me a message. If my head wasn't so freaking cloudy, I could have untangled my jumbled thoughts.
I was just about to ask him what the heck he was talking about, when I felt Joshua come closer in my peripheral vision. Was it visiting Lilly day? Everyone was all up on my personal bubble.
"Lachowski." Martin Vance acknowledged Joshua's presence with a head nod. I expected him to say more, but Martina Vance was gone in an instant.
"What did the most important man in the industry want?" Joshua asked. I could tell that there was something going on in his head. Something was bothering Joshua, and it had made him change his entire behavior. Did he have a problem with Martin or had Lanning gotten mad at him? Why didn't people just tell me exactly what they were thinking without mind fucking me?
"Nothing, he just came over to introduce himself." I felt like I was lying, but I didn't want Joshua to know about all of the things I had just mucked up.
Joshua only nodded and started to scan the room with his eyes. I took the opportunity to stare at him. His brows were furrowed and he clearly looked bothered, but even that didn't take away from how good he looked. His tux was perfectly fitted and the black bow-tie he had decided to wear made him look extra adorable by giving him a boyish air.
I hated the effect he had on me. What had happened to those moments when I used to hate how good looking he was? Now, I couldn't get enough of it. I just hoped that I wouldn't turn into a crazy psycho like Gola.
"I need to get out of here." His mouth was set in a line and his tone sounded hard. Now I was sure that it wasn't because of Martin Vance.
"What's wrong? Does it have to do with Lanning?" I questioned drunkenly.
Joshua was about to answer, until he noticed how my words had slurred.
"Are you drunk, Lilly Fenster?" Joshua's grimace was replaced by a big child-like grin.
"N-n-no! I'm just a little drunk. Not drunk-drunk! A little drunk." I tried to explain.
"So, what you're trying to tell me is that you're...drunk." Joshua's cheek bones were starting to rise as he became more and more amused.
"Exactly!" I said, as if it made all of the sense in the world.
"Do you want to go home now, because I'm a little scared that you might start singing in front of everyone. " At that point, Joshua's amused scale was at an all time high.
"I will not! I told you, I'm not dr-r-u-nkk." The last word that left my mouth sounded extremely funny to me, so I burst out laughing without a second thought. I vaguely noticed that several heads turned our way. The alcohol had officially kicked in.
"You are definitely drunk! Come on, let's take you home." Joshua started leading me towards the exit with a smile. He obviously thought that watching me being drunk was hilarious.
"Mhmm," was my only response, as I let him lead me outside.
Before we could reach the doors, Lanning's hand wrapped around my forearm and pulled me swiftly away from Joshua. He was quickly in defense mode and was about to pull me back, when Lanning's voice cut him off, "Joshua, Why don't you go call a cab, while I have a word with Lilly?"
It wasn't much of a question, and more of an order. Joshua's expression reminded me of stone as he only nodded and left to find a phone. Oh no, was she going to bitch about the kiss? Damn, Lanning had probably seen me kiss Joshua and now she was watching us leave together. Was I going to lose my job?
Jenna Lanning's attention became engrossed on me. "I want you to keep a very close eye on Joshua from now on. Better than before. I need to know everything that he says and does. Understand? Now more than ever I need you to do your job. This isn't about babysitting, anymore. If you want to keep your job, you will keep me informed of every little once of information about Lachowski. Got it?" Lanning spoke briskly and stared me down.
I didn't say anything, but nod my head. Her words made me feel like a filthy spy, but I didn't tell her no, I was too relieved. I swallowed and shuddered as Lanning's strong grip finally loosened on my arm and she pulled away. Was everyone trying to intimidate me today? Because they were doing a fucking fantastic job!
I was scared to open my mouth and have her realize how hammered I was, so I stayed quiet, even when Joshua finally same back. Lanning didn't even look at Joshua before she went back inside to the party. There was definitely some obvious tension between the two, and I had a feeling that it was more than just Joshua being late to a company event.
"Ready to go?" Joshua asked me, holding out his hand. I took it lightly and let him pull me outside towards the waiting cab. There were about a hundred questions in my head, but almost no answers. I was going to start by interrogating Joshua, although it would probably be smart to wait until I was sober.
I did trip on my dress before I climbed into the cab, making Joshua chuckle. Yup, even though I might love him now, he was still a jerk.
A sweet jerk.
Here's the next chapter for you guys :) Yay! Joshua is b-a-c-k! Thank you guys so much for reading, liking, commenting, and fanning! You guys are amazing! So many questions! Don't worry most will be answered in later chapters :
Congratulations to Devoured_By_BUNNIES for winning first place and _Ice_Lady_ for winning second place in the Sugar Babe contest! They had some amazing entries that you guys should check out :D
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