Chapter Twenty: Getting Answers
I ripped the paper one more time from the sketch pad and started all over again. Once again, I had underestimated the difficulty of making a dress. Who would have thought that putting fabric together would be such a freaking hassle?
It was my second day with Greta as my roommate. If I could say anything so far, it was that the woman could cook. The apartment was filled with the smell of lasagna that Greta had just popped in the oven.
I started to erase the man-shoulders from the sketch I was working on. No matter how much I tried, the dress ended up looking like a huge blob on the page. I threw the pencil on the table with frustration, and walked into the kitchen. Living with Greta felt like living with my mom again.
"No luck?" She asked as she washed the dishes. I only sighed, which was response enough. We had gone clothes shopping earlier and now Greta wore a flowered print shirt with black pants. I hadn't even realized that her hair was blonde until she had showered and fully styled it that same morning.
"Well, you can always try again later." Greta tried to make me feel better. I was about to reply, but the ringtone on my phone decided to go off on full blast.
"Hello?" I answered irritably into the line.
"Lilly! I've been trying to reach you for ages, honey! What time will you be coming tomorrow?" My mother asked from the other side.
At first, I had no idea what she was talking about, and then it hit me. Christmas was happening the next day.
"Well, we'll be there around eight. Does that sound alright?" I asked.
"We? Oh, Honey! Will you be bringing a boy? What's his name? Does he like turkey? I can always make something else if he doesn't-" My mother rambled on excitedly.
I coughed awkwardly from where I stood.
Actually, no mom, I'm bringing home the homeless bum that used to live beside my dumpster...
I wasn't about to say something like that in front of Greta. How mean would it be if I just left to my parent's house for Christmas? Plus, I was almost sure that Greta would be the only sane person in the room. I shuddered at the thought of stuffing my face with turkey, while Minerva's pinched face stared at me from across the table. I definitely needed Greta for back-up.
"Actually, I meant my roommate. Her name is Greta. So, is eight fine?" I already wanted to hang up the phone.
"Oh," The disappointment in my mother's tone was unmistakable.
"Yes, eight is perfect!" She said with a bit more enthusiasm in her voice.
"Alright, talk to you tomorrow, Mom." I hung up the phone right after.
I sat down on one of the chairs close by with a sigh. My mom's prodding had reminded me of Joshua. I wondered what he was doing right now.
Was he with his family? Was he pigging out on junk food?
"You don't have to take me to your family's dinner, Dear. I'm perfectly fine here." Greta spoke as she pulled the lasagna out of the oven.
I only rolled my eyes, already used to Greta's denials.
"Shush, I'll help you set the table." I said, completely ignoring Greta's last statement.
"It's you I worry about, Greta. I'm not sure you can handle the Fensters..." I decided to say a minute after, with a wink.
Greta feigned horror, while she began to put the food into some plates.
I laughed, but inside I was actually really worried. I didn't know if I would be able to endure my mother's rambling, my awkward brother, and most importantly sour Minerva. I would be getting an opportunity, though. That dinner would be the perfect time for me to ask about the Red Beanie Bum.
I was going to get answers.
"More mashed potatoes, Greta?" My mother asked from across the table, scooping up a huge glop before obtaining an answer.
To say that my family was surprised about Greta was an understatement. I was sure that they were under the impression that I was going to bring someone my age. Good thing they now knew I rolled with the senior citizen crowd.
The oven chimed from my mother's kitchen, signaling that Greta's creation was finished. Greta had insisted on making a pie. I swear, Greta was quickly becoming my own personal Paula Dean. Without the secret diabetes, but you get my drift.
I was little thrown off when I had greeted my brother and Minerva, earlier in the evening. Instead of a cocky Minerva, I was getting a tight lipped, sullen one. What the hell? I took the opportunity, when Greta rose towards the kitchen, to get my answers.
"So, you never told me what you were doing in Paris." I gave her a pointed look, as I took a sip of my water glass.
I noticed my brother stiffen at the revelation that Minerva had been in Paris. So he didn't know? I heard my mom pipe up from towards the end of the table, her cheery but confused voice ringing through the dining room.
"Minerva! You didn't tell us that you had been in Paris!"
At that point, Minerva had begun to turn red. That's when I finally saw a snarky spark in her eyes. I tried not to flinch as her nasal voice cut through me.
"Well, how about you, Lilly? Who was that guy I saw you with in Paris?" He eyes narrowed into little slits as she stared me down. I heard my dad huff from the other side of the table, clearly annoyed with the potential cat-fight brewing. I felt guilty about keeping a secret from my parents, which only fueled my anger.
"Oh, yeah? What about that red beanie? Did you hire someone to follow me?" I accused with a stiff finger. I knew that shit had hit the fan when Minerva let out a long war-like cry and picked up her plate.
What the fuck was she planning to do with that?
I got my answer several seconds later when I felt the warm touch of turkey hit my cheek. The bitch had gotten peas in my hair!
"Minerva!" My brother chided, rising from his seat.
"What the hell were you thinking? You could have burned Lilly!" I had never seen my brother look so annoyed at Minerva. From the day that I realized that they were together, my brother had never looked at Minerva without care.
Had something happened?
It couldn't have been the fact that she threw poultry at my face, could it? My parents also stood, clearly in shock about the whole thing.
I heard Minerva stutter all five seconds, before I grabbed hold of a nearby wine glass and flung it without a second thought. Minerva sputtered after the liquid hit her face.
"Lilly!" This time my mother spoke up, appalled.
I was going to answer, but Minerva decided to fling herself from other side of the table, and send us crashing down. I couldn't believe it, the bitch tackled me!
What the fuck was this? Jersey Shore?
I pulled myself up after Minerva did some hair pulling, only to be pulled back down by Minerva's claws. I saw my mother's widened eyes for a brief second and my brother's beyond angry expression. I managed to fully stand up, at the exact moment that Greta walked in with the steaming hot pie in her hands.
"Thanks" I said, grabbing the pie from her hands. I saw Minerva start her way towards me, so I lifted the pie higher in the air, defensively.
"I would put it in reverse, Minerva, unless you want to get pied!" I threatened. Was 'pied' even a word? My voice wobbled, betraying my new found courage. I was ready to make a run for it when Minerva picked a fork and aimed it right at me.
"Enough, Minerva!" My brother's deep commanding voice bellowed through the room, shocking everyone in it.
The firm grip Minerva had on the utensil quickly let loose.
"Mom, Dad... Minerva and I are getting a divorce." Mouths could not have opened any wider, after my brother's revelation.
"A-A-A-Andrew? I thought we would tell them later." Minerva stuttered, unsure. I could see tears forming in her eyes and felt a pang in my stomach. I should not be feeling bad for the bitch! Just mere seconds ago she was assaulting me with a fork!
My internal argument was no help, I still felt bad about the pain going through Minerva's features. I was momentarily distracted by the burning sensation in my palm. Oh that's right, the pie was still in my hand.
"No!" My mother yelled from where she sat. I saw her body fold into itself after she had heard the revelation. "This can't be happening! B-B-But, you were going to give me grandchildren! Now all the hope I have is Lilly!" My mother burst into tears as she said my name.
Thanks, mom...
I rolled my eyes at my mother's dramatic behavior. Except, my own angst was cut short by the loud clinking of a head against a plate. My mother had fainted into the mashed potatoes! I could see the faint outline of her perfectly styled hair, peaking out of the buttery glop.
"She's gonna suffocate!" I yelled in the most alarmed tone. My father quickly grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled my mother's unconscious face from the bowl. I was momentarily grossed out when I saw that my mom's fake eye lashes had stayed inside the mixture.
Now everything felt awkward. My brother was getting divorced from the biggest bitch on earth, but I actually felt bad for her! My mother was unconscious after smacking straight into a ceramic bowl, with my father wiping Mashed potatoes out of her cheeks.
Finally, I still didn't have any answers. All I had was turkey in my hair and the feeling of being uncomfortable. I blinked a couple times as the silence in the room began to drag on. No one knew what the hell was going on anymore.
I looked down towards my burning hand and pushed the pie out forward, towards my family.
"Pie, anyone?" I asked slowly and awkwardly.
Minerva was the only who gave me a response. I counted her eye roll as a no.
While I set the pie down, I heard Greta's voice from somewhere behind me.
"Oh, dear. You hadn't been kidding about having to prepare myself." Greta spoke breathlessly, scanning the room in her apron. I smacked my forehead with my palm after that.
I couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing the whole ordeal had been. We hadn't even opened any presents; we were all way to wound up from the fight and the confessions.
I sat down, over my kitchen table, idly stirring my cup of Ramen Noodles. Just because I wasn't being forced to eat them anymore, didn't mean that I had lost my love for an easy meal.
I stirred the hot noodles one more time, before taking a spoonful. Pulling the sketch paper out and the pencils, I started to sketch as I ate. Greta had already gone to sleep, after telling me how nice and hospitable my family had been. I only huffed at that.
I pondered over the fact that my brother and Minerva were separating, as I drew line after line. What had happened between them? The last time I had seen my brother, he had seemed as if to be in a trance, only having eyes and care for Minerva.
I promised myself to investigate more about the subject later. Maybe my mom could have some answers. She was sure to snoop for the next couple of days.
She was well on that road after she regained consciousness. I swear, my mother asked a billion questions after she came back. Thankfully, none of them were directed towards me. I knew she would find the time to interrogate me about Paris and Joshua later.
Again, my thoughts drifted towards Joshua.
Did he miss me?
Probably, not.
I mean, I was stupid if I thought that he was spending time thinking about me. We were only friends...right? I tried not to think about the stupid questions concerning Joshua.
I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I ate, drew, and thought for the entire night. When I saw the sun rise up, my eyes widened in surprise, and I looked down towards the sketch. The one I had spent the entire night working on.
I couldn't believe the image staring back at me, almost leaping from the page. My dress stood out sharply from the blankness of the paper, perfect and proportional.
I couldn't believe it! I had actually drawn it! I didn't even know where the idea had come from, but when I showed it to Greta that morning and she only smiled, I knew it was the perfect dress in the making.
Thank you guys so much for reading, voting, and commenting! It means so much! HOLY SHZNIT 11 THOUSAND READS! Again, thank you guys so much!
This one took a long time, because I had writers block :( For a minute I was really stressed out about my college class, working at the library, and even the library guy. I would tell you guys all about it, but then I'm not sure if you guys even want to know lol All I have to say is, Hot guy from the library is WAY too much like Joshua...and it isn't a good thing. The other day I was all "Why did I have to make Joshua such a Manwhore?!?!" But yeah....
Anyway, thank you guys so much! :)
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