Chapter Thirty-Five: Being Homeless
I made my way up towards my apartment with a heavy heart and nothing else. Life seriously sucked for me at that moment, and all I wanted was to shower and go to bed. I wanted to forget all of the shit that had happened in the span of a day. How you could go from total happiness to hell was a fucking enigma.
I didn't have any real bags with me, besides the stuff that Joshua had bought me. I was left with his gifts, but not him. Talk about irony. I didn't even care about the pretty labels on the clothes; they were practically worthless to me.
I pushed the door to my apartment roughly, wondering why the stupid thing stuck. It hadn't done that before. As I questioned the state of my door, I was literally assaulted.
There were no guns or knives. No, this was ten times worst. The foulest stench I had ever encountered in my life hit me like a tidal wave the moment I pushed into my apartment. It smelled like something had died and decomposed in my place.
"What the fuck?" I questioned, looking deeper into the place without breathing. I instantly remembered the pancake fight I had with Joshua before we left. Jesus Christ, exactly what I needed to top off my wonderful freaking day!
Right as I was about to set a foot into my puke factory, I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder. I don't know why my heart started to beat faster and my breath hitched. Alright, I did know. Some retarded part of me felt like maybe the person behind me was Joshua.
My mood dropped again when I turned around and faced my landlord, Mr. Chaz. I didn't usually see him very often, but I was getting a nice little visit from him at that moment.
Mr. Chaz was practically the shortest man I had ever met. Later, when I thought of it better, I would wonder how the hell he reached up to tap my shoulder. Not that I was very tall, but I was definitely half a foot taller. He stood no more than five feet tall and had this insane mustache that twitched whenever he spoke. I had never had any trouble with the man, so I was a little surprised about his visit. I didn't take me very long to realize that the putrid stench emitting from my apartment might have been the reason for our encounter.
"Ms. Fenster!" The little man addressed me.
I tried to smile before I spoke, "Mr. Chaz! Er, how nice to see you..."
At that point I was pretty nervous about what was happening. I felt like my bad luck from the entire day was following me until the end, so I saw his next words coming.
"It seems that I have received various complaints from your neighbors about a particular smell." Mr. Chaz spoke, mustache wiggling. I knew he could smell that particular stench at that moment since my door was open. I was jealous of his mustache, though. Lucky guy had at least a filter for the smell.
"Yeah, see, about that-" I was cut off by his next words.
"Ms. Fenster the smell has been present for several days and I have already sent in a cleaning team to get rid of the unpleasantness. Sadly, they were not able to fix much of anything, aside from jamming the door." He said the last part as a side note, like something that had pissed him off and was probably my fault too.
"Mr. Chaz, I can assure you that I can get rid of the smell soon. I mean, it isn't that bad!" I tried to fix things by taking a big hearty breath. It was a shit idea, because once the smell hit my nostrils I tried to hold my disgust in, but failed miserably when I ended up shuddering.
"I've already had three people move out! I'm sorry, Ms. Fenster, but I'm going to have to ask you to evacuate your apartment for good." The short man finally declared. He only looked a little sorry and much angrier.
I didn't even have time to plead my case before he gave me my eviction notice and scurried off. So, I stood there clutching the paper with on hand and the clothes Joshua bought me on the other. I wasn't sure if my eyes started to water because of what had just happened or the horrible smell. It was probably a little bit of both.
And that is how I, Lilly Fenster, officially became homeless.
There was no point in enduring the smell if I had to leave anyway, but where would I go? I was sure as hell not going to room back with my parents. That would have been the epitome of low.
My mind raced, trying to find a solution to my problem. Life seriously sucked. I tried to swallow my tears in, but it just became too much. It was all too damn much. That's when I finally started to hate him.
I couldn't call him for help. I couldn't have him comfort me. He was the reason for everything that had gone wrong with me. I couldn't even think his name anymore.
My hands shook as I scrolled through my contacts. I called the one person who was still mildly decent in my book. It was the only thing I could do.
It took him a few moments to answer the call, but he finally did, "Hello?"
"I'm homeless!" I yelled, before bursting into a fresh sob.
"Lilly? What do you mean?"
"I got dumped by a male model, inducted into Martin Vance's mafia team, and got evicted. My life fucking sucks!" I told my brother tearfully.
"Oh my God, Lilly, what kind of mess did you get into this time? Hold on, I'm going to go pick you up." My brother spoke. I could already hear him moving and shuffling around.
"Okay." I said dramatically with a sniffle.
And so I waited, sitting against the wall beside what used to be my door. I wasn't even going to get the rest of my belongings, everything probably smelled. I did rescue three pretty important things, before my brother came to my rescue. I handed my only remaining clothes to him when he arrived, which were even more ironically the ones Joshua bought me. In my own hands I held my sewing machine and the bag containing my New Year's eve dress. Finally, my pocket held Greta's goodbye letter.
The drive to my brother's house was quiet. I appreciated that he wasn't probing. It was just like before, when my brother knew exactly what it was I needed. My brother was back to who he used to be, now that he and Minerva were getting divorced. He did look sad, though. I could feel it through our sibling bond, which bothered me a bit, since I had seen Minerva earlier that day and she hadn't looked bad at all.
We finally made it to his place and unloaded all of my junk, which wasn't much, thanks to my rotten luck.
Minerva was nowhere in sight, which shocked me a little bit. I had already prepared myself to endure hell with her when I called my brother, so it was unexpected.
"Where's Min, er, I mean Minerva?" I asked, walking behind him into the kitchen.
Stupid Martin Vance and his nicknames!
"Minerva moved out a few days ago." My brother said almost regretfully. He saw him pull out two mugs and start to heat up some water. Oh yes, it was offically time for me to tell all, but it wouldn't just be me. I wanted to know lots of things from my brother, as well. We needed to catch up.
"Do you miss her?" I asked. I didn't know how anyone would miss Minerva, but my brother had been married to her.
He sighed, as he poured the water into the mugs, "Yeah. I mean, it just bothers me that things ended the way they did."
"Why did you guys separate? Weren't you, like, obsessed with each other?" I asked, resuming my role as his little sister. Yup, things were going back to how they used to be.
Andrew gave a small laugh, shaking his head slowly in the process, "It started off as a mistake. I found out that she was seeing someone else, or so I thought. I confronted her about it and she denied it. I pressured her for answers and that's when I found out about this Martin guy-"
"Martin Vance!" I yelled, connecting the story.
"Yeah, him. Well, Minerva and I were going through some financial troubles and it turns out that she was doing some work on the side with him. I thought they had a thing, but she finally convinced me that they didn't. It didn't make things better at all, though. Minerva's feelings were hurt by my accusations and when I found out what kind of work she was doing with him I wasn't happy either."
Wow, Martin had even ruined my brother's marriage. They guy was seriously everywhere. I wasn't sure whether to be mad at Martin, or not. I guess not, since it was Minerva who had gotten herself in such a mess.
"So, what kind of work were they doing together?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.
"She was helping him spy on you. Which I thought was ridiculous of her! I mean, I knew you and Minerva weren't the best of friends, but when I found out she was going that far to help a complete stranger keep tabs on you I was shocked. It crossed the line. I mean, I still have no clue who that Martin Vance guy is!" My brother finished making the tea. At that point we were both sitting across from each other.
"Well, if it helps, you don't have to worry about him now. I've officially joined Martin Vance's mafia team." I spoke darkly, remembering my entire day.
My brother raised a brow, questioning me with his eyes. That's how I ended up telling my brother everything. From the moment I accepted the job as manager, all the way to my becoming homeless. It was a long ass story, which turned out to be harder to tell then I thought. I tried not to say his name as I told it. I didn't want to remember him at that moment. Some parts were awkward to tell, like the morning after the New Year's party when we had the pancake batter fight. Of course, I skipped the whole shower scene, since that would have been a catastrophe.
I told him about the Hobo who followed me, which turned out to be Martin. I even went into detail about the moment when they told me about his engagement, even though it hurt and my throat closed up.
"-and so now they want to make me this big fashion designer, so that Lanning can suck it." I finished, finally looking up.
My brother had the widest stare along with his mouth hanging. The way he looked hit me as funny, and so I chuckled. He finally recovered and spoke.
"Damn, Lilly, I didn't know you were living stuff like that. Don't Mom and Dad think you're doing a business job?" He questioned.
I smiled, nodding my head.
That's when my brother did a long hearty chuckle.
"Even though most of the stuff you told me doesn't sound like the best thing, I want you to know that I'm so proud of you, Lilly. I can't tell you how long I had been waiting for you to crack out of your shell and live. Even in high school, when I would try to help you socialize, you were always closed off. And now you come telling me that you were working with models and going to parties and getting your heartbroken."
I scoffed at that last part. As if that were a good thing!
"Yeah, even getting your heartbroken is good sometimes Little Sis. You're so much different and it's a good change. Now I only hope that you'll get through this and do what you want. I want you to be careful with this Martin Vance guy, too. I'm not here to be a parent or anything, but I do want to watch out for you."
I smiled, tears formed in the corner of my eyes. I finally had my brother back. I had finally gotten the chance to talk to him like before and have his support.
I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and we both started to laugh like idiots. Yeah, our lives were all kinds of messed up at the moment, but we were still alright. I knew that when I felt my brother's arms go around me.
We finally pulled apart. I noticed that it was getting late and I really needed a shower and sleep. Right before I was about to tell him so, my brother asked me something that made me freeze.
"So, what about that Model guy. Do you still have feelings for him?"
God, it was an awkward question. The sad part was that if I was being honest, I did. Yet, it wouldn't have felt right to say it out loud after everything that had happened. I only stared at my brother awkwardly, willing for him to let it go. He got the message after a few tense minutes, and only smiled sadly.
"What about you? Still have feelings for Min?" I couldn't help asking.
He gave me what I guessed was the exact same look I had.
"Hey, when did you start calling Minerva Min?"
I gave him a cheeky smile before nodding my head. Nope, he wasn't going to get that answer from me. Chuckling, I let him give me one last hug before I made my way up the stairs.
I already knew that I had to put my crap in the guest room. I wasn't long before I was finally taking that much needed shower I wanted. I loved and hated showering time. It was a place to think about life and at that moment life was being a bitch.
I finally stepped out of the shower and put the clothes I had on that day. Yeah, it was gross, but I really didn't have anything to sleep in. Not unless I was ready to sleep in Gucci.
I pulled down the covers and slipped into the warm guest bed. The worst day in the history of days was finally over. I tried not to think anymore and let the exhaustion take over me.
My eyes were slowly closing and I could feel the sleep envelop me, until a beam of light filled the room up.
I groggily pulled myself close to the nightstand beside me to catch sight of my phone. The screen shone brightly, letting me know that I had a text message.
I unlocked the thing with lazy fingers and watched the message pop up. It was from an unknown number.
"I'm sorry."
HMMM...Who was that text from? Minerva? Robert? Or...Joshua? ;)
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, voting, and fanning! Please VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! I really appreciate it :) Also... I haven't talked about Library guy in a LOOOOONG time...and well...I know a girl who Knows this library guy who has a crush on her... /.\ D:
Me. O.o
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