Chapter Thirteen: Summer Love
I almost didn't recognize the girl in the mirror.
There were two things that were trademark for my normal appearance. They were my minimal use of makeup and my forever lasting bun. I didn't even remember the last time I had my hair down during this entire trip.
I had worn my hair up for so long that even I didn't know how long my hair had gotten. Shit was mothereffing long.
The girl that stared back at me wasn't plain anymore. Hell no, far from it. Her eyes popped with the perfect amount of mascara and even symmetrical eyeliner that accentuated her small cat-like eyes. The woman, who introduced herself as Roxanna, had expertly applied the makeup. I could only dream of making myself look like this on my own.
I tried not to be vain about it, but my hair was definitely the best part. It had grown almost to my hips and the long dark brown strands looked alive and healthy. I never did anything with it, so it made sense.
Roxanna had ordered the hair stylists to straighten it all. My hair was usually naturally straight, so I had never straightened it before.
I stood in front of the mirror in a vintage red polka-dot swimsuit. My hair covered most of my back and my made-up eyes stared back at me vividly.
Something was making me feel weird.
I recognized the feeling, but I didn't want to admit it.
I knew what it was.
Knowing that I looked better than the girl standing next to me, that my hair, make-up, and clothing all came together to make me look my best. Strangest feeling, ever.
"Ready?" Roxanna asked me proudly. I could tell that she was feeling pretty smug about being responsible for my transformation. I was about to nod yes, but my confidence level dropped at that moment.
What would Johnny and Amanda say? Johnny being the asshole he was would probably laugh at me the minute I stepped out. Worst of all, what would Joshua do? I knew deep inside that it shouldn't be important what any of them thought. Especially, Joshua, but I couldn't help it. Suddenly I didn't feel good about any of this. This wasn't me. I was only playing a part. I was going to go out there and act like someone I was not, a beautiful confident girl, and everyone would know that it wasn't true.
In reality I was just some nerdy manager who had no idea what the first rule of modeling was. This wasn't a normal "say cheese!" picture.
"Honey, is everything alright?" Roxanna questioned from behind me. I knew she was standing there, because I could see her reflection through the mirror.
Roxanna's motherly tone almost undid me. As much as my mom annoyed the life out of me, she could definitely tell me what to do in this situation.
I was having trouble breathing when I said, "I don't think this is such a good idea. I don't know how to model. Heck, I don't even know how to do my real job!"
I yelled the last part exasperatedly.
Roxanna smiled, but it was a sad smile.
"Look, I know this is no time for story time, but I'm going to go at it anyway," Roxanna speaks, while she makes her way to my side.
"I was just like you at one time. I didn't know anything about how the people around me worked. Believe me; I've been stabbed in the back more times than I can count by these people. That didn't mean that I couldn't get past it all, including the mean conniving people in this industry. You can too. I see a spark, and don't think I tell this to any girl. You belong in the fashion industry, call it my sixth sense." Roxanna finishes her speech with a warm smile.
Should I believe her?
I think that maybe she's wrong. I'm no model. Am I really meant to be in this world? Shit, my mind is really far off from where I started.
When did I start thinking of this place as a world I could belong too? When did it stop being the shallow, stupid, and ridiculous place I thought it to be?
Yet, I'm not going to be some immature child about this.
I arm myself with the last shreds of perseverance and confidence I have left and start my way towards the door.
My legs feel weak the moment I enter the room where everyone is in. Everyone stands with their back turned to me, all except for Joshua. He's the one commanding the attention at the moment. That is until he notices me.
I can't decipher the look that passes through his face, I only know that he's stopped posing and is only staring.
Do I look stupid? I sure feel that way.
Johnny is the next person to notice my entrance.
"Holy fucking shit! Lilly!" Johnny yells from where he stands. He's trying to stifle his laughter with the palm of his hand; all the while his mouth hangs open in surprise.
I feel like crying until I hear the designer's sharp intake of breath.
"Beautiful! Absolutely perfect! Why didn't I see this before? I knew she would work!" He begins to clap his hands and give little jumps. You would think that the retard gave birth to me himself.
I look back to Joshua and see that he's smiling. The smile is an inviting one, and I realize that it's my time to step onto the set.
I walk with my hands glued to my sides and my shoulders hunched. The stares that I'm receiving from everyone are making me feel overly uncomfortable.
The photographer snaps the clicker the minute I step onto the fake sand. The flash makes me flinch and I feel embarrassed about it.
"Alright, from the top!" The designer yells.
All of a sudden I can't breathe again. How the hell does Joshua do this? All eyes are trained on us, waiting to see what we'll do. How the hell is he comfortable with all of the people staring?
I don't know what to do and just stand there while the photographer clicks his camera. I know this isn't working, because I haven't moved an inch for the last 30 shots that have been taken. Joshua gives me a worried look, while posing at the same time. He's the natural and I'm the fail.
"Stop," The designer screeches from behind the bright lights that illuminate us.
Everyone is staring at us, all the while my cheeks turn hot and my eyes start to tear up. I hate this!
"Relax," Joshua whispers into my ear.
"How to hell am I supposed to do that?" I yell. My voice betrays how close I am to the edge. It reminds me of the plane ride that we went through so many days ago.
Without another word, Joshua picks up one of the inflatable beach balls that are lying around. He then hits it with his wrist, straight at me. At first, I duck in indignation. I'm having a motherfucking breakdown and the asshole wants to play games!
But then, I see his playful expression and my anger evaporates away. Fine, I can attack him with blown up plastic better than he can.
I grab one of the beach balls and fling it at him. I laugh when he catches it and smiles back at me.
I vaguely register that the camera has resumed clicking away and taking shots. All of my attention becomes engrossed in Joshua and the fake beach scene in front of us.
It isn't long before he's carrying me over the sand and spinning us around. The flashes come quicker than before, but I don't even care. I'm having too much fun and I don't even remember how I got to this point.
We run around the small area, kicking and throwing sand around. I laugh even harder when Joshua gives me a piggy-back ride. How the hell I got up there beats me.
I realize that someone has turned on two large fans which are blowing some of the sand around and my hair all over the place. I move my head and the stands begin to fly around me, but no longer over my eyes and mouth.
I don't even know how much time has passed, until I hear voices break through the haze that has surrounded me.
My eyes are trained on Joshua's smiling face and I can feel mine mirroring the same expression. I hear the last click and the designer's voice.
"Great shoot everyone!" He yells giddily.
It's over?
Joshua's last smile tells me that it is and that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Afterwards, the photographer lets us take a look at some of the best shots. I'm fucking shocked that a lot of them came out so well. A particular photo stands out the most. The last shot where Joshua looks down at me with a smile on his face, our hands are touching, and my eyes look up to him in happiness.
I didn't know something so fake could look so real.
My stress level has just shot through the roof after reading Lanning's newest e-mail. She had been sending me e-mails throughout the entire trip asking for Joshua updates, to tell me rules, and to give me new tasks.
After the photoshoot, I had tiredly made my way to my room. I was still in some sort of shock mode about the whole day. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be in a professional photoshoot.
I scrolled through the text once more, rereading to see if I had missed something. The same words stared back at my no matter how many times I read them.
I hope London is fine. Your last message about Joshua was very interesting. I have to congratulate you on getting him 20 minutes late for his shoot. Well done. This e-mail is to inform you of our annual company New Year's event. Your past updates have really impressed me and so I figured you were up to the task. I am putting you in charge of this year's party. I need you to be aware of the big names that will be attending. We will not disappoint, therefore everything must run smoothly. You will be compensated for your participation. I will e-mail you more of the details in my next e-mail. Please reply with more Joshua updates and if you are up for such a task. Don't disappoint me Lilly.
Jenna Lanning
The weight of such a job started to press on me. I was in charge of an industry party? All of it sounded like a big deal. Yet, she did mention being compensated. I resolved to give that party my all. I would make that shit a success if it meant more money in the bank.
I was almost ready for bed. I stood in front of the hotel mirror, staring at my still made-up face. Something was holding me back from wiping all of the crap on my face off. I knew I was being selfish, but I couldn't help wanting to look like this for at least a few more minutes.
My inner struggle came to a halt when I heard a sharp knock vibrate from the hotel door. With a secret 'thank you' to whoever was at the door, I pulled the handle open.
I took it back when I saw Jonny's face standing outside.
Someone kill me now.
"Can I help you?" I asked in an annoyed tone. Just what I needed before bed, a nice warm glass of asshole.
"No you cannot. I'm here to help you though. Ready for Amanda's party?" Johnny questioned in front of me.
Holy crap! I had completely forgotten about the whole thing.
"I knew you had forgotten. Lucky you, Johnny is here to the rescue!" He yelled with a smile, before letting himself in.
"Wait a fucking second-" I was distracted by the shiny black dress that Johnny pulled out from behind him. He pulled out some black pumps right after.
As much as I resented him barging in and forcing me to accept his help, I did feel pretty bad about Amanda. The least everyone could do was celebrate her birthday with her. I hated to admit that Johnny was right, but I couldn't go without his help, which was the outfit he was offering.
"You don't even have to do your make-up and hair. It's already done, " He sing-songed.
"Why the fuck would you help me?" I questioned. Johnny was acting mighty suspicious. That rat.
"Honey, because I have realized something important. What it is I cannot tell you. Just know that I have your best intentions in mind. You don't have to believe me, just know that I do." Jonny explained.
None of it made any sense. I was about to question him more, until I heard Joshua's voice from the other side of the door in the hall.
"You guy's ready yet? We have to go in like fifteen minutes!" Joshua yelled from the other side.
"Come on Lilly, this will be a night to remember," Johnny proclaims while handing me the dress.
I take it with an unsteady hand. A night to remember would be right.
WOOOOH! Here's the next chapter for you all. I hope you like it so please comment, vote, fan etc! I just entered to watty awards so PLEASE tell others about this book? It would mean so much! There's a picture of Lilly with her hair in the fan to the right (lol). What will happen at the party? Read the next chapter to find out! Thanks so much for reading!
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