Chapter Sixteen: Tulle Fool
Our first stop after I got ready had been to Joshua's room. He had told me that he needed to see Gola before we left. I didn't know why it sort of bothered me, but I sucked it up. I hated when I felt feelings I didn't want.
Blondie did not look happy when we strolled up to Joshua's floor. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she saw us walk out of the elevator together.
"Babe!" She yelled before running to him. Joshua gave her a small hug and looked at me. I looked away because I could feel the awkward coming on. I don't think it helped her jealousy that Joshua was still shirtless from the Amanda incident.
"Where were you last night?" Gola asked with a giggle. It looked a little creepy to me, like she was trying to read Joshua's mind with her eyes alone.
"Here..." Joshua answered, being purposely vague.
"Oh," Gola looked confused. I'm pretty sure that one half of her brain was suspicious and the other naive about him being shirtless. Both of those halves made for one confused Gola.
"I was thinking that maybe you and I could hang out today. It's our last day in London." Gola started to trace her index finger up and down Joshua's chest, completely forgetting about her momentary jealousy.
"Oh, well, actually I was going to go fabri-" I cut Joshua off with a fake and dramatic fit of coughing. Both Joshua and Gola looked at me with confused expressions.
"Don't mind me, just coughing up a lung here..." I said in between gasps. I did not want anyone to know about our little adventure. This was a secret, because I wasn't sure my plan was even going to work. I was about eighty percent sure that it wasn't going to work out.
"You're going where?" Gola said slowly in the typical blonde way. The girl was such a stereotype.
I needed to say something before Joshua put his two cents in. My voice rang loud through the hotel hallway as I yelled quickly, "We're going...blueberry picking! Yup, it's going to be loads of fun! Wanna come?"
Alright, so I could be a little cruel too. We all know about her problem. It was just that she had looked so ready to include herself that I felt the need to do something.
"No, that's ok." Gola said quickly. She looked a little unsure before she rose up on her tippy toes to kiss Joshua. With one last narrowed look towards me, she slid her card into her door and walked herself in.
I let out a breath and ran my hands through my bangs. That had been close.
"We lied because...?" Joshua looked at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Sorry, can't tell you either. Are you going to get ready or play twenty questions?" I retorted.
Joshua put his hands up in innocence and smiled before he slid his card into his room and led us in.
"You mean to tell me that you, Lilly, need to find a fabric store?" Johnny looked at me in confusion.
It sort of freaked me out that he was suspicious. I wasn't ready to tell my plan to anyone, not even Joshua who was coming with me.
"What for?" Johnny looked extremely distrusting.
'"Well, I was planning on having some damn fabric for lunch..." I replied sarcastically.
"Can you even use a sewing machine? What would you need it for?" All of his questions were starting to annoy me. Couldn't I buy fucking tulle in peace?
"Look, you know of one or not?" I asked exasperated with Joshua at my side. He didn't say a word, only rocked on his heels. I could tell Joshua enjoyed keeping a secret from Johnny, even if he didn't even know what the secret was. Hell, I wasn't sure what I was trying to do.
"Fine." Johnny sighed.
He wrote down the address on one of the hotel's complimentary notepads. While he was writing, Joshua and I shared a look. We could both feel the fun atmosphere in the air, like we were sneaking out to go do something we weren't supposed to. I guess it was because we were keeping a secret from the rest of the group. Well, only Johnny was aware of where we were going, and that was only at half measures.
Everyone else thought that we were on our way to go blueberry picking. Why they didn't think it was totally weird was beyond me. I thought that the excuse would only work for Gola, but everyone else had bought it as well.
Johnny ripped the note off clean and handed it to me with a flourish.
"Thank you." I smiled cheekily.
I ran with Joshua down the stairs, after we decided to ditch the elevator for once. I rolled my eyes when I noticed that Joshua had begun to creep against the walls like some sort of spy.
"You are such a dork." I told him, standing smack in the middle of the lobby while he continued to crouch.
"You're the one taking us on some secret mission!" He defended himself.
I rolled my eyes again and we continued to make our way to the revolving doors. I came to an abrupt stop when Joshua ran in front of my and held out a hand to stop me.
"Hold up, we don't want any accidents like last time." Joshua said while positioning the revolving doors perfectly, with the compartment open right in front of me. I remembered the time that I smacked into the glass and gave him a bitter look.
"Ha-Ha" I laughed sarcastically before walking in. Joshua took the next compartment and we hopped onto the taxi that we had ordered from earlier.
"So you're not going to tell me why you want to go buy fabric?" Joshua tried to coerce after we had given the cab driver the directions.
"Nope." I replied casually. I had to admit, I liked keeping the secret from him.
The cab driver pulled up to a small shop with a giant wooden button protruding from atop the front door. We paid for the cab and walked inside.
The place smelled a little musty and I was suddenly overwhelmed with the many colors and designs there were. How was I supposed to pick them?
"You look like you have no idea what you're doing." Joshua said from beside me.
"Nonsense." I answered surely. I could figure it out right?
My eyes wondered to a large wooden counter. A tall and skinny balding man stood behind it and fiddled with the cash register in front of him. He looked up and waved at me and Joshua when he noticed our presence, before putting his attention back on the machine.
I pulled Joshua further into the store and continued our way deeper in. The place had looked small from the outside, but it was incredibly narrow and long, making just enough room for the many rows of tables filled with fabric. I figured that I might as well get a little of everything and started to pick up the heavy fabric rolls.
I piled on roll after roll onto Joshua's arms, at one point I couldn't even see his head.
"You O.K. back there?" I asked nonchalantly.
"Peachy." Joshua replied a little bit exhaustedly.
I didn't hear his reply, because at that moment I gasped. I usually didn't get excited about things like fabric or clothes, but I sure as hell didn't know what was happening to me.
It was a soft, textured, lilac, and lace. It was beautiful. Most importantly, it was perfect.
I grasped the lace between my fingers and knew that it was the one.
I pulled the roll out and didn't bother to hand it over to Joshua.
"Come on." I ordered, already walking to the balding man we had seen earlier.
I gave him the measurements that I wanted out of each roll, and walked off to the side with Joshua.
We started to look through the boxes of zippers and buttons.
"You forgot to answer one of my questions." I brought up.
"Yeah?" Joshua asked, taking particular interest in a large button. I didn't buy it for a second; I could tell that he was trying to avoid me.
" Why did you push that guy from the club?" I asked, following his footsteps and taking a button against the light.
I looked back at Joshua and saw him look down at the floor, as if this was a subject he didn't want to discuss. I was taking particular pleasure in watching him squirm.
"No reason, he was just being a creep. I would have done the same thing if he was all over Gola." His voice sounded carefree and he stared at me with a smile on his face.
I still had one more question up my sleeve, though.
"Do you remember that you said my name when you were practically doing it with Amanda?" I decided to taunt. I was still really freaked out about him doing that, but I couldn't resist making him squirm some more.
His cheeks turned red for the first time and he picked up a scrap of white lace in between his fingers.
I thought that he was going to answer me, but instead waved the scrap in the air.
"This has great texture, don't you think? Feel this! Great piece of cotton, right?" Joshua began to ramble, trying to change the subject.
"That's lace." I deadpanned.
"Yes! Great piece of lace..." Joshua ran a hand through his hair desperately.
I was about to drop it, but decided to push a little bit more.
"Joshua..." I prodded.
"I don't know," He mumbled quietly. "I guess I was really drunk. I mean, I was drunk enough to sleep was Amanda. So, that means I was really really really drunk." Joshua tried to explain.
"You mean you would never sleep with Amanda unless you weren't drunk?" I asked in disbelief. And to think that I was sure Joshua fucked any female that breathed. I was mildly surprised.
"Fuck no! She pretty much crazy, everyone knows that. No one told you?" Joshua asked me.
"No." I replied bitterly. What else was new?
"Yeah, to become involved with her is pretty much a lifetime jail sentence. She's one of those desperate women, ready to trap the first victim." Joshua said, while he mixed some jars around.
Who knew? Did that mean that I technically saved Joshua from making a huge mistake?
"Thanks by the way. I would have really fucked up if you hadn't popped out from under the bed. Why were you under there anyway? And why the hell did you throw a bag of blueberries at Amanda?" I guess that it had become Lilly interrogation time.
He still hadn't acknowledged to saying my name mid-act, but I wasn't going to push it. My actions had been pretty incriminating, too.
"I was going to talk to Amanda about something and well, you guys decided to walk in. I sort of panicked and ducked under the bed." I looked down at the zippers. Now my cheeks felt red. Saying it out loud made it ten times more embarrassing and ridiculous then before.
Joshua chucked after hearing my recount of events.
"And the blueberries?" He wondered.
"Well, I was snooping in the mini-fridge and came across them. I'm almost sure that it was Amanda who snuck the berries to give Gola the allergic reaction. They were just in my hand and in the heat of the moment, berries fly." I tried to explain.
We become distracted when the bald man called us over and handed us a bag filled with our buys. I paid for the rest of the materials and we walked outside, after waving goodbye to the man. I was about to take out my phone and call a cab, but I saw something in the distance that stopped me dead on my tracks. Not something, someone.
The Bum! He was back! My feet started taking me closer to where he stood, half concealed by a building corner. He stared at me from the other side of the road, never breaking eye contact.
Like a moth to a flame, I started to make my way towards him. I would not let him get away from me this time!
"Lilly? Where are you going?" Joshua asked, trailing behind me.
"It's the Bum, Joshua! Look!" I yelled excitedly, never breaking eye contact. I was half way there, when the Bum decided to turn around and make a run for it.
Hell no! I was not going to lose him this easily! I needed answers!
I started running right behind him, bag slapping my leg with every step I took. I turned around quickly to hand the bag to a flustered Joshua, I was going to catch him, even it killed me. Alright, so maybe not that far, but I was still freaking serious about getting him.
"Maybe, that wasn't him?" Joshua wondered, running behind me.
But I knew for sure that it had been the Bum from Paris and Starbucks. I remembered that red beanie anywhere. What the hell was he doing following me?
I turned a sharp corner, past the building that had concealed the Bum from when I first saw him. Off we ran, through alleys and streets, trailing behind the Bum. He was picking up speed now, occasionally looking back at us, and putting in more speed every time he made new eye contact.
I was ready to punch something when he ran passed a huge bus, that ended up stopping us on our tracks. I hated to lose sight of him, but when the bus finished going forward, the Bum was nowhere in sight.
"Damn it!" I yelled in frustration.
I turned to see Joshua hunched, hands on his knees trying to get air.
"What now?" He wondered breathlessly.
"Ugh, I don't know! Why would he run away?" I was really annoyed now.
"Maybe he saw your awful running and thought you were ready to attack him?" Joshua wondered, now standing up. I smacked him upside the head and heard him complain.
"Not, funny!" I yelled like a little girl.
"Come on, it was a little funny" Joshua said in between laughs, clearly not affected about losing sight of the Bum.
I stood on the sidewalk, scanning the nearby area for any sight of the Bum, with my hands on my hips. I heard Joshua in the distance, calling my name. It hit me at the same time that it did to Joshua.
"Uh, Lilly, Where are we?" Joshua wondered.
I had no clue. The only thing I was sure of was that we were lost. I huffed and stomped on the ground. This was the last thing I needed.
"Damn it!"
Uh oh! Lilly and Joshua lost in London? Not good! Lol Here is the next chapter for you all :) I was freaking out, because I reached 30 votes and I still hadn't finished the chapter! The reason was that I had made this thread on the Share Your Story club and I got like a million replies! Not kidding, it took me forever to read them, and I STILL have a few to do. This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I realized that for the next thing to happen I would be writing like 3 more pages! So, Next chapter goes up after 35 votes! Get your vote on! I also absolutely LOVE your comments! So send a comment my way? ;) Thank you guys for reading soooo much!
Finally, picture of Gola on the side, because I haven't posted one up in a while. :)
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