Chapter Nineteen: Numb Thumb
I hauled my giant puke green bag up the stairs, finally reaching my apartment door. With a forceful push, the suitcase and I were finally home.
At first I felt weird. It had already been a month since I had been home, and at first the apartment felt stale and vacant. The little furniture I owned looked dusty and lonely in my cramped apartment. I pulled out the stack of mail that I had picked up the minute I arrived and started to shuffle through it.
"Bills, bills, advertisement, bills, paycheck, bills-" I mumbled to myself as I discarded the envelopes one by one. I stepped on my tracks when I realized that I had my first paycheck in my hands. I couldn't believe the 4 digits that flashed in front of my eyes.
I smiled, because it felt like life was finally paying off. All I had to do was stop Joshua and Gola from reproducing, put up with Johnny's snarky remarks, and Amanda's backstabbing for a month!
Alright, so it hadn't been that bad. Now that I was home, I was feeling pretty proud of myself. Sure, there had been a couple of mishaps, but things had turned out alright. I began to unpack my bags and start to stuff my small amount of clothes back into my drawers.
I knew that I wouldn't be in my apartment for too long; we were scheduled for more traveling, after the huge New Years event, but no one could sue me for not being able to stand living in a suitcase for more than a month.
I had been expecting to be delighted the minute I walked through my front door. Instead, I was starting to feel pissed off and a little alarmed. I didn't want to admit it, but I was starting to feel lonely.
It hadn't even been 24 hours since I got home!
I tried to convince myself that I was happy to be rid of Gola, Johnny, Amanda, and even Joshua. I was finally back in the real world. A world with normal people, not the stuck up fashion crazed kind I had become accustomed to.
The problem was that things felt...boring.
I huffed before I stripped into my pajamas and made my way to my bed.
I realized that I even missed the comfy hotel beds. Rolling my eyes, I worked to fall asleep.
The first few days had been tough. I couldn't fool a kindergartner into believing that the days after that had been any easier.
I was really starting to get freaked out when I would go out to get breakfast and found myself staring at people's outfits more than their faces. What the hell was happening to me?
Just because I was back home, didn't mean that I didn't have a shit load of work to do. Jenna had already emailed me a gigantic list filled with all of the requirements for the event. From the caterers to the music, my head was ready to explode.
I was inches away from losing my marbles when she sent me the guest list, and Justin Timberlake had been on it! Just the thought of being in the same room with JT made me hyperventilate. My crush on him was truly embarrassing.
That same night I had practically swooned over his name, and then reprimanded myself for being so silly. The weird thing was I made fun of myself as if I were Joshua.
Fucking weird.
Shit sort of when down like this:
Real Me: Ahhh! Justin Timberlake is going? Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!
Other Me: Lilly really? What are you going to do when you see him? Serenade 'Rock Your Body' to him?
Real Me: ...
I realized that I was being my own Joshua and mentally slapped myself after that. What kind of freak was I becoming?
First I was noticing brands on people's clothing, and now this?
I was debating on whether or not to blame my weirdness on my ongoing project. I had been dreading the moment that I pulled out the bag of fabric from London and finally got to it.
A few days after I arrived, I had finally ventured out into the nearest Wal-Mart, and bought the damn sewing machine. The problem was that when I first got the idea, I had thought, how hard could making your own dress be?
The answer had been, very hard, indeed. But, I was determined. I couldn't explain why I wanted to make my own dress, other than the fact that it seemed like the only correct thing to do. Nothing I could buy would work.
I had always been a mess at stores and plus, I didn't even know where to find a dress fancy enough for the event I was panning. Freaking Justin Timberlake was going, for god's sake.
The problem? I didn't know a stitch about sewing. Pun totally intended.
My salvation came in the form of a Hobo.
No, not the Read Beanie Bum. If I was lucky, that guy was still in London, nice and comfortable.
There was something about me and the homeless that just clicked. I was beginning to realize that.
It had been a Friday and I had already gone through every scrap of practice fabric. The damn lines would always come out crooked, even though I was using a fucking machine to sew for me!
Plus, my fingers felt numb from all of the stabbings they had endured, from when I had decided to put the fucker together with my own hands instead.
Defeated and pissed, I had hauled my trash out towards the alley in back of my apartment. Nothing clears a girl's mind like dumpster air, you know?
At first, I hadn't even noticed the woman that was hunched beside the metal container. Newspapers and trash bags gave her a good concealment.
You can imagine how much I lost my shit when I saw movement from beside me. I was already paranoid, when I saw her dirty crooked smile, I nearly pissed myself. You never know in New York...
Turned out Greta was harmless. She told me so, when she stuck out her frail dirty hand out to me. I took it awkwardly and found myself surprised by her strong grip.
I usually didn't invite random strangers into my apartment. Much less homeless strangers, but there was something about Greta that reminded me about my grandma.
Even if my grandma was barely in her late 50's and still went out dancing with her boyfriend George on the weekends. Gretna was much older and worn out then my Grandma that was for sure.
Call me a selfish bitch, but I was from New York. I was used to passing bums on the sidewalk without a second glance. Instead, I was doing the unthinkable and inviting Gretna into my apartment, before I even thought of stopping the words from tumbling out of my mouth.
I realized that the main reason was that I was lonely. Jesus, how pathetic was I? Inviting homeless strangers into my home for company! It was a new low for me.
"Would you like something to drink?" I asked awkwardly, as I shuffled through my cabinets, looking for food. Thank god for eighty grand a year. For once, I actually had legit food inside the compartments, instead of Ramen Noodles.
"Water would be fine, dear." Greta's voice was clear and sweet, a sharp contrast to her current appearance.
I put out water bottles and set a bag of chips in the middle of my small dining table, where Grata sat.
"So, where do you usually stay?" My tone was soft, but I still regretted my question.
"Here and there..." Greta looked uncomfortable. I hated to put her in that position.
I couldn't stop my word vomit, "Would to stay here?"
I did have an extra room. Sure, it was messy as fuck, and I was probably making a huge mistake. I didn't know this woman! Sure, she looked old and sweet, but what if she was a serial killer in her day?
I regretted my words, but I couldn't take them back. You just don't give people hope and rip it away.
"Oh dear, I couldn't! You're young and probably in love! I am not your responsibility." Greta said with a smile. She didn't look like a she regretted not taking up my offer. Instead, she looked resigned and almost happy. Like she was sure about who she was and what her life was like.
Something I wasn't too sure about at that moment. My cheeks turned red when she spoke about love. I don't know why I didn't say anything about that.
Instead, I made up my mind. I was sure that I was doing the right thing when I convinced Greta to stay. It took a lot of work; don't get me wrong, I learned that Greta was a strong woman, who knew that she wanted. I did end up convincing her, though. Who could say no to having a home?
That night, after Greta had showered, I promised her that we would go clothes shopping in the morning. It was sort of empowering to have Greta stay with me. It was as if I had a purpose. It was also weird, because I almost felt like I was being a mother to someone so much older than me.
Right before we went to bed, Greta stopped before my sewing machine. I was intrigued when I saw her, now clean, hands glide over the machine wistfully.
"You sew?" She asked, interested.
"Err, not really. I was trying to learn, but I'm actually awful-"
I was cut off by Greta's gasp.
"A woman is never bad at sewing," She informed me with a smile.
"You know how to sew?" I wondered.
"Sure! I used to be a seamstress back in my day." Her mouth broke out into a smile, probably remembering the good days.
I wondered if I would look back at Joshua and this job the same way, when I grew old. Would I laugh? Would I regret it? I wouldn't know until I was there, that was for sure.
"Would you mind...teaching me? I really need to make a dress. I have the idea and everything! I just don't know how to make it." I spoke sheepishly, but with new found hope.
"Of course!" I smiled when I realized that Greta resembled a little girl with her excitement.
"Just make me a sketch. I promise you the dress of your dreams. It's the least I can do, for the angel you have been to me." Greta told me with a huge grin.
I smiled right back at her, because I didn't doubt for a second that I wouldn't have the dress of my dreams.
There you go! I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I just couldn't. Plus, I felt really bad about the last chapter. It was so hurried and honestly, pretty crappy. This one is a bit longer, but consider it as part of the last one. Thank you guys so much for reading! Please vote, comment, fan etc. It means the world! The next chapter will be up once this one reaches 40 votes, so get your vote on!
ALSO (because there is always an ALSO lol)
How would you like to read the next sugar babe chapter before anyone else?:) Well, LIKE, LIKE, LIKE my Facebook page!
I have made a Facebook page for my wattpad acount! I plan to hold contests, talk about updates, get ideas, etc from there. So please like! You can find the link in my About Me :)
Again, thanks so much for reading! And for those of you that told me to marry the real life Joshua, OH MY GOD LOL. I've only seen him like 3 times and talked to him one of those! I doubt anything will happen, forever alone over here!
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