Chapter Five: The Difference
We got to the shoot twenty minutes late.
Surprisingly, I got congratulatory remarks from a couple of people. One of them was the previous red-head from the plane.
"I'm impressed." She commented.
I hadn't realized that she was talking to me. Being preoccupied with kicking some grapes I had dropped under the snack table, my attention was completely engrossed.
"Um, thanks. But, we were late. I don't understand why people are congratulating me..." I really didn't.
She laughed softly at my wondering.
"Please, in the last six months that I've been working for Lachowski, he's never gotten to a shoot this early. He was three hours late for his last one."
I can't lie, hearing that made me feel proud of myself.
"Then how does he keep getting jobs? He's highly unprofessional..."
Joshua answered my question a few moments later when he stepped onto the set. The last time I had seen him half naked had not been like this. He got in front of the camera as if he were doing it a favor, not the other way around. Every pose and look he gave was almost hypnotizing. By the end of the day, even I would want to buy my own pair of boxer shorts. The guy knew how to take a picture that was for sure.
I could see the preview of every shot on the screen beside the photographer. Every single one looked perfect.
Why didn't he just stop and use that one?
How about the one where he was looking straight at the camera?
They were all good.
"He's great isn't he? You should see him on the runway. I'm Amanda by the way." The red-head introduced herself.
"Lilly Fenster, " I said before shaking her hand.
"You do know you're the talk of the entire company right?" She informed me smiling.
What? Why?
She took the confused look on my face as a sign to explain, "Well, so far the last seven of his managers haven't lasted more than two weeks. There are various bets on how long you'll last. So technically how much Lachowski can get away with before you throw in the towel. Let me take a guess, he's already disappeared on you. Or not yet?"
She waited for me to nod, which I did.
"Well, if it makes you feel any money is on you. You're different then the other ones, I'm taking it as a good sign" With those last words she smiled and walked away.
I thought over what she said, while Gola decided to make an appearance in a bra and panties. So this would be a two people shoot.
I hated to admit it, but both Joshua and Gola were amazing when it came to modeling. The two did various poses. Looking like the perfect attractive couple.
I hated them.
Alright, so hate is a strong word and it's probably my jealousy speaking. I don't let myself care too much about such superficial things, like the fact that I'm no Gola, but seeing them looking so perfect and beautiful really got to me. Yet, I have other goals. Like keeping this job and changing the way the people that work here view things. I just had to focus on that instead of Joshua.
Johnny strolled up beside me and coughed none too discretely.
"What?" I demanded, making the T stand out.
"Oh, nothing...I see that you and Amanda got talking. She didn't tell you how his past assistants and managers got themselves fired did she?"
I wasn't going to take the bait. I even went as far as popping a grape in my mouth to keep myself from asking.
He continued anyway. "He slept with them, you know, all seven."
At that my teeth clamped down roughly.
He then took another breath, "I'll give you a tip. Either you quit now or throw away the mighty virgin act, because you're next whether you want to admit it or not."
The barrier broke and I spoke back, "You're a huge idiot if you think that's true! Me and Joshua are not going to happen. I'm a professional, so don't think your threats and taunting are going to let you win. That's right, I know about the bet." I finished with an angry sweep of my bangs.
"Doesn't look like it with the way you were looking at him a minute ago. Whatever, honey, do what you think you're doing. I'm betting against you, not because I have anything against you, simply because I know I'll win. Remember that. "He turned on his heel and calmly left me in my raging state.
That fucker! I would show him what winning was.
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