Cold air brushed against Paisley's exposed skin as Klaus finally set her down. Her small, bare feet quickly coming into contact with an icy concrete floor.
She shivered, but quickly shook it off.
Her glittery golden eyes met Klaus' blue-green ones. "I.. I feel like it would be a bad idea i-if you're in the same r-room when they wake.." she murmured, looking back down as she fidgeted with her shirt.
The hybrid lightly kissed her temple, "You're probably right, love. We'll undagger them, and I'll go to get them proper clothes and something to eat." he assured gently.
The Lockwood girl nodded timidly, slightly rocking on her heels as the Mikaelson hybrid started off to get her other mates. Without quite thinking she grabbed the sleeve of his leather jacket, making the dirty blonde stop.
"Yes love?" he mused, looking down at his small mate.
The hazel-brunette fidgeted, "Um.. I-I'm just a l-little nervous.." her voice fell to barely a whisper.
That was a lie.
She was beyond nervous, everything was so new to her, and she was struggling to wrap her head around it. "There's nothing to be nervous about, love." he assured, lightly kissing her head.
Paisley released his sleeve and began wringing her hands, "A.. are you sure?" she questioned in a small voice.
Klaus felt his heart melt, and a soft sigh left his lips. "Completely, my sweetness." he confirmed, giving her a reassuring smile, kissed her head once more, then left to retrieve his brothers.
The little Lockwood let out a little breath, internally cursing herself for her anxiety.
She wished her big brother was with her, he'd always been able to keep her calm. Their parents would always joke about them being magnets, you'd never find one without the other, and now that Tyler wasn't with her, her anxiety was at an all time high.
After a while Klaus returned with three well-kept coffins.
Paisley's brown eyes settled glanced over each coffin. Her hazel curls swayed as she tilted her head slightly and found herself padding closer to one, like an invisible pull drawing her in.
Klaus eyed his adorable mate for a moment before letting her do as she pleased. He trusted her completely.
"...Can I open it?" she spoke softly, timidly looking up at the hybrid for permission. "Yes, love." he chuckled, though he was internally concerned as to why she was so cautious around him.
Perhaps his first impression wasn't the best.
Paisley carefully lifted the lid of the coffin, revealing a handsome man with long dark brown hair. His skin was light grey with raised veins, eyes closed, and an oddly peaceful expression on his face. He wore trousers and a tunic from what she assumed was the 1700's, but she could be wrong.
It took a moment, but her honey eyes finally settled on the elegantly crafted silver dagger protruding from his chest. She had been so entranced by his appearance, that she hadn't noticed it at first.
"Go ahead and remove the dagger, love." Klaus assured, looking at his small mate for a moment, waiting until she nodded before undaggering Finn.
Her small, pale, freckled hand tightly gripped the dagger's handle. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled it out quickly.
She let out a startled yelp, "Love?!" Klaus exclaimed, rushing to her side.
Paisley smiled sheepishly, "I.. I thought it'd be harder to remove.." she said lightly, her face flushing red in embarrassment.
The dirty blond sighed in relief before a chuckle left his throat, "You're a lot stronger now, love." "I.. guess so.." she giggled softly, a simple action that sent Klaus' heart soaring.
"Would you like me to get anything?" he asked, holding her face in one of his hands, she subconsciously lent into his touch. ".. Can.. you maybe get.. sweets and a croissant?" she asked quietly, earning a chuckle from her hybrid mate.
"Anything for you, my love." he confirmed, pressing a light kiss to her head, "I'll be back, please be careful when they wake."
Paisley was quietly sitting on the cold ground, playing with a puppy she'd found hiding away under a shelf. The puppy is a girl with snow white fur and bright pinkish-purple eyes, pink paws, a pink nose, and a short tail.
The baby hybrid had decided to name the puppy Alba, which is Latin for white and Spanish for dawn.
A sharp gasp gained the hazel haired girl's attention. She hugged Alba to her chest and got up, quietly padding over to the coffins.
Golden hues met chocolate brown ones, instantly making the small teen stop.
The owner of the chocolate eyes flashed in front of her, eliciting a surprised squeak from Paisley as she stumbled back slightly.
"Kol.. calm down." a firm, English voice spoke up, Paisley's brown hues drifted to the owner of the voice, finding another brunet man standing beside the middle coffin dressed in a sharp suit. It was ruined much to his disdain.
"Who might you be, Miss?" the Noble Mikaelson mused, wondering closer to them. He instantly caught her scent, and wanted nothing more than to hold his mate. But he restrained himself.
"P.. Paisley Lockwood.." she whispered softly, then lifted the pup slightly, "This is Alba."
Both brunets smiled at her. They felt as if they were on cloud nine, because her soft, sweet voice sent their senses alight.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Paisley. My name is Elijah Mikaelson. This is my younger brother Kol, and my elder brother Finn." the second eldest son informed, motioning to said men.
Paisley let out a startled squeak once again after realizing Finn was just a few feet from her.
Kol chuckled, flashing behind their little mate, he wrapped his large arms around her small waist, burying his chin in her soft, thick curls. Her body went rigid at first, before she relaxed, cuddling further into his warm hold.
Finn and Elijah exchanged looks as Kol smiled warmly, affectionately cuddling the small girl. They hadn't seen him like this since they were human.
It was a nice rehabilitation.
After a while, Paisley, now being coddled by both Kol and Finn, had grown more comfortable with the other three Mikaelson's.
She was playing with Alba's paws quietly while they waited for Klaus to return. While the three brothers were angry with the hybrid, they silently agreed not to do anything in front of their sweet, innocent, little mate.
A light ringing startled the group. Paisley blushed heavily, squeaking out an apology as she dug her phone from her pajama shorts.
Her honey hues lit up at the ID on her phone, a happy gasp escaping her lips as she answered it. "Ty!" she chirped happily, a bright smile lighting up her face. Kol inwardly growled, only he.. and maybe his brothers, should be allowed to make her this happy.
He scowled, silently plotting ways to kill this 'Ty'. Which hadn't gone unnoticed by the two elder brothers, who watched in a mix of amusement, possessive anger, and confusion.
"Hey, PJ. How's things going with Klaus?" Tyler asked, concern evident in his voice, Paisley leaned into Kol, "Everything's good. I met Nik's brothers.. Elijah, and Finn, and Kol!" she smiled sweetly, her cheerful tone drawing smiles to the males faces.
"They're treating you alright, yeah? I'd hate to have to go all big brother on someone." he joked, earning a giggle from his younger twin, the Mikaelson's silently flushed in embarrassment upon learning that little fact.
Kol inwardly groaned, burying his face into his darling mate's thick, silky curls. Finn chuckled softly, his chin nestled atop her head. Paisley tilted her head in confusion, Elijah shook his head, so she shrugged it off.
"They're really nice." she assured her older twin, "Oh! And I found a puppy!" her delighted cheer made it's way to all Mikaelson's ears. Including Klaus' as he arrived seconds after her announcement.
He received glares from his brothers, but they didn't last long since they hadn't wanted to frighten Paisley. "Of course you did." Tyler laughed, "Wha... Shoot.. I've gotta go, sis. Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie are all breathing down my neck. Love you, PJ."
"I love you too, Ty." she hummed softly, a little disappointed she couldn't talk with her brother more. "I'll talk to Mom about letting us keep the pup. Text me the details." Tyler added, "Okay." she smiled. Then simultaneously said their goodbyes before hanging up.
"Tyler growing worried I presume?" Klaus mused, startling Paisley for the umpteenth time today, she halfheartedly glared, "Why does everyone do that?"
"Because your reactions are cute." Kol teased, succeeding in making the girl turn red.
"B..But um.. yeah.. Tyler wanted to make sure everything was okay.." she said softly, her honey-brown eyes drifting to the image of said teenage boy and herself on her phone's screen.
Sensing Paisley's sadness and homesickness, Kol and Finn tightened their embrace on her, cuddling her whilst Finn rubbed light circles into her waist.
"Don't fret, my love. You'll be returning to Mystic Falls soon." Klaus assured, venturing further into the warehouse. He set two duffel bags down on a coffin. Paisley visibly perked up at the sound of that, making her mates smile.
Klaus smiled now that his sweet mate was happy. He dug out fresh clothes for his brothers, as well as blood bags and the food the hazel haired hybrid had requested.
The eldest and youngest Mikaelson boys reluctantly released Paisley, and left to change. The both of them following Elijah to the restroom. Klaus handed Paisley her food, earning a bright smile and a little hug from her.
She settled back down on the floor, Alba plopping down in her lap as she opened the box of food.
She pulled out a croissant and broke it in half, giving the bigger half to the tiny pup in her lap before nibbling on the smaller half herself.
"What's her name?" Klaus mused, sitting across from her, smiling as the hybrid lightly pet the albino pup.
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