Spice: why can't people die right
Sugar: because they don't deserve to
Spice: everything that has a life has to die at some point
Sugar: that doesn't mean they should die now
Spice: yes they should
Sugar: spice I can't do nothing now but for now you need to stop your freaking me out.
Spice: that's the point I want you to feel my pain
Sugar: but why sugar why do you need to kill these innocent people
Spice: cause I can
Sugar: spice please don't kill anyone I'm beginning you
Spice: sugar shut up I don't want your beginning now leave me alone
Sugar: no! I want you to stay safe and live a great life with me
Spice: I don't care about you I only need to care about myself no one else
Sugar: *grabs her wrist* please stay spice please I nee- *falls over*
Spice: *stab her with a knife* stay away from me
I think....
Hey guys how are you all sorry I didn't work on another chapter but you know I had writers block and didn't know what to write well bye guys see you in my next chapter and love you 😘
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