I got inspired and ended up writing 3k words, I hope you'll like it, let me know! (The picture is how I imagine Levi dressing informally, but I just love him wearing a suit I can't-)
Warnings: swearing and some terrible humor (it's one of the few chapters without a smut scene lmao)
"Levi Ackerman, is that you?" Levi turned as soon as he heard his name being called out, what he didn't expect was to find his past right in front of him. "So it was you! You didn't grow a bit."
"Look who's talking, you're shorter than I remembered." He snorted looking at the woman he used to spend most of his time with. "What are you doing here?"
Historia frowned but kept smiling. "What do you mean? You're the ones who's surprisingly here, didn't know you liked Disney that much." She commented a little offended. "You never wanted to watch those movies with me because you thought they were childish."
Levi sighed. "I'm here with my girlfriend." He clarified, trying to hide the fact that he was wrong about Disney movies and showing that he was taken.
The girl widened her eyes in surprise. "Really?! Where is she? Your mother didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." She clapped her hands. "In fact, I bet not even Kuchel knows about her." She teased.
"Why do you keep talking to my mother, that's weird."
"She was like a mother to me as well, besides, I called her last time to invite her to my wedding... the one you never came to." She said with a pout. "You could at least send a text."
He shrugged. "Didn't feel like it." Truth was, after meeting Erwin and entering college, Levi had promised himself to break all connections he had with his terrible past, one of those was Historia since they grew up together. When he received her wedding invitations, he felt both relieved and threatened, besides, he didn't want you to know those people. "But I sent you a wedding present, so I don't get why you're so mad." He crossed his arms on his chest.
Historia smirked. "That's right, I received your... what was that? A fridge?" She asked amused.
Levi cleared his throat half-embarrassed, he never sent a present directly, he just asked his assistant to do it and never cared to know what he had sent. He was too busy planning his trip with you anyway. "...yeah." He answered.
The blonde girl shook her head. "But it wasn't a fridge." She replied and Levi rolled his eyes. "I knew the moment I was that check and the congratulations card that you didn't send it yourself, oh well." She tilted her head. "I don't really care."
"Then stop asking about it." He snapped.
"I see you're still the old same Levi, I guess some things never change." She giggled, she never expected to meet him there, but she had to admit that she was glad to see him again after all those years. Not that she wanted anything from him, last time they saw each other... there was a big fight and she ended up leaving.
Before she could keep going and ask him about his life, a small-looking girl appeared right next to him. Historia observed the way you grabbed Levi's and glared at her, you looked adorable but scary at the same time. "Levi." You called his name with confidence. "What's going on?"
The man was looking at you as if you were his entire world, and Historia quickly understood the situation. "You must be Levi's girlfriend! It's so nice to meet you, you're so beautiful." She shook your hand, she couldn't tell how old you were, she figured you were just... young. But it made her happy to see how connected the two of you looked.
"Huh? Nice to meet you too, I guess?" You were confused, obviously. "Who are you again?"
Historia giggled. "Right, sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name's Historia, I used to go out with Levi when we were in High School." She informed receiving a deathly glare from the man.
"Oh, so you're his ex-girlfriend." You raised an eyebrow half shocked and half pissed, why was Levi talking to the girl he was going out with when he was younger? Was that his revenge because you kept talking to Eren even after that small tiny little incident?
Fair enough.
"If you put it that way, I guess." The blonde girl murmured thinking about it. She wasn't tall, she was even shorter than you, you wondered if Levi had a thing for short girls. Aside from that, she had an amazing body, she was wearing a white shirt and long soft blue skirt.
Levi looked at the way you were hugging his arm, as if you were trying to protect him from something, he couldn't help but smile at the view. "We should get going." He said trying to stop that embarrassing scene. "You said you were hungry."
You blinked confused and then remembered that you hadn't had anything to eat since that morning. "Ugh, yeah I'm starving." You smiled softly. "I want some chicken nuggets."
Levi frowned trying to keep calm. "We're at Disney World, I think you should get something else, you only eat those things."
"Because they taste like heaven!" You replied offended. "You said you would accept me for who I am, which means you have to accept my love for chicken nuggets."
He snorted. "Yeah, right."
"Was that sarcasm?" You asked surprised. "And I even bought you a gift, this isn't fair." You pouted angrily and he glared at you, you then chuckled and shook your head. "I'm playing, let's eat something, but I really did buy you a thing." You winked and he frowned confused.
"Ahem." Historia cleared her throat and only then you remembered that she was still there, sadly. "How about we eat together? Yesterday I ate at this nice restaurant and I wanted to go there again today." She proposed.
"Mhm..." You stopped to think. Yes, she was his ex-girlfriend, but she looked pretty harmless and she was offering food. Maybe you could even get to know more about Levi's past. "Yeah, why not?" You turned towards Levi. "Can we?"
He was undecided, but he didn't want to hear you complaining later about the fact that he didn't want to let you go eat with her. "Whatever."
"Yay, we're coming too!" You exclaimed. "Lead the way."
"I like your attitude." Historia smiled friendly. "What's your name again?"
"Y/n." You answered casually, you were walking next to her while Levi was following you behind. "So why are you here? Big fan of Disney? Or were you forced like Mr. Ackerman right there?"
"I'm here on my honeymoon." You stopped and looked at her surprised, Historia noticed and stopped as well. "What?"
You looked at her with widened eyes. "You can have your honeymoon at Disney World?!"
"Finally, I thought you got lost or something." You were greeted by another girl, she was taller than all of you, she had brown hair and eyes, a lot of freckles and a thin figure. "Who are these?" She asked Historia then.
The blonde girl smiled. "These are friends, I just happened to meet them and I invited them to have lunch with us." She explained and then turned towards you. "Levi, Y/n, this is my wife Ymir. Ymir, these are Levi and his girlfriend Y/n." She introduced.
You tilted your head looking at the two of them together, they made a cute couple, to be honest. "Weren't you the friend that never showed up to the wedding?" Ymir pointed at the man who raised an eyebrow unimpressed.
And the old grumpy Levi was back, it didn't surprise you even that much. "Excuse him, he's a Capricorn." You joked and offered your hand. "It's nice to meet you, though."
The woman looked confused by your comment but didn't reply. "You too." She just shook your hand and you finally sat at the table.
"I hope you'll like the food, I personally love it." Historia started. "But tell me, for how long have you been a couple?"
You started to count the months on the fingers of your hands, you weren't good with dates and you weren't sure if you had to count the time spent as his sugar baby or not. "Uh... I would say around..."
"6 months," Levi answered shortly, thinking about it, he had counted in even the time spent as a sugar daddy, that was sweet. "How about the two of you?" He tried to keep up the conversation.
"Two years and a half," Ymir answered with the same annoyed tone. Looking at them, you found them pretty similar, not physically, but their temper was the same. "How old are you?" She pointed at you.
You tilted your head. "I'm 19, why?" You questioned.
She just shrugged. "I thought you were a kid for a moment." Her comment sounded bitter and teasing. "I mean, compared to him, you look like you just got out of a Disney movie."
"Ymir!" Historia snapped glaring at her.
Levi leaned against his seat and placed his arm around your shoulders in a protective yet intimidating way. "Care to repeat?" He asked slowly.
You swore you got chills just by that, what was even more frightening were the glares they were exchanging. "I said what I said, you look like the villain from Shrek."
You widened your eyes. "Lord Farquaad?!" You exclaimed surprised and Ymir nodded amusedly. "Damn that's harsh."
Your boyfriend looked at you confused. "I can't tell if it's an insult or not, who's that guy?" You didn't know what surprised you the most: the fact that Ymir compared Levi to Lord Farquaad or the fact that Levi hadn't seen Shrek which was a masterpiece.
You forced a small smile. "He's just... short." You decided to let it at that, Levi didn't need any more information, you could've forced him to watch the movie once you returned home. "And he's not like him, he's more like..." you stopped and stared at your boyfriend's face. "Nothing comes to mind, but you're hotter than that dwarf."
"Doesn't matter, not when the one insulting is a scary girl accompanied by her little doll." He snorted. "How did you two even meet? Oh, let me guess... Historia was desperate to help someone with a traumatic past."
Ymir clenched her jaw and you could tell that she was really passed. "Feels familiar, doesn't it?"
You looked at Historia who was offering an apologetic smile. If he couldn't even keep his cool around his friend's wife, you worried about how he would've behaved around your friends, that was a reason more not to let them meet. "I'm sorry to interrupt your... argument? I just want to order something." That was enough to shut them up, Levi focused on the menù and Ymir took her phone out. "I love your necklace!" You pointed at the blonde girl's Tinkerbell necklace.
"Oh my, thank you! I bought it at a shop nearby, I can take you there later if you want." She offered and you nodded happily. "But please, tell me more about you? How did you meet Levi?"
You shrugged. "I'm still studying, I'm starting my third year of college." You explained briefly. "And well, Levi and I... ehehe, it's kinda complicated." You giggled embarrassed, you didn't want to admit that you had met him at a bar and ended up hooking up before becoming his sugar baby and then girlfriend, those were private information. "We met at a pub and then met again at my workplace." You told half the truth.
The girl raised an eyebrow. "Do you work together or something?"
"Oh no, I don't work anymore so I can focus on my studies." More like, Levi asked you to stop working and spend all of your time with him, not that you wanted to complain about it. "But Levi has a very good job, so we could say that I'm the brain and he's the hardworking one... I'm also the funny one, and the pretty one, maybe even the responsible one... Nah." You joked.
"That's good." Historia smiled. "I hope you'll stay together for a long time, you seem very happy together. Maybe this time I'll be the one getting invited to a wedding." She winked and you bit your lip trying to hide a smile.
"Don't give her any weird idea," Levi replied coldly and you pouted, as if you were going to get married at just the age of 19, he could forget about it.
"I want to have a wedding like this!" You exclaimed once Historia had finished showing you some pictures of her wedding, everything was amazing, from the location, the dressed, the food and even the cake. "It must've been pretty expensive." You muttered then and the girl waved her hand in the air.
"No need to worry, we saved a lot." She giggled. "I still have my dress at home, if you want you can come to our house one day and take a look, I'd love to spend some more time with you." She offered but you shook your head.
Meeting with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was weird, she was a very nice and pretty girl, you had to admit that you liked her, but it still felt strange. "I could never, besides, I'm always busy." You tried to turn her down gently, not wanting to hurt her feelings or something.
"That sucks, I have many pictures of Levi from when we were in High School together and I'd love to tell you more about all the trouble he used to cause." She said before taking a sip of her water.
"Thinking about it... I'm not always that busy..." you giggled scratching the back of your neck, her proposal was definitely tempting.
Historia leaned towards you and whispered to your ear. "I live next to McDonald's."
"Deal." You shook her hand with enthusiasm. "I'll come to visit every once and then." You assured and she nodded happily.
Levi, next to you, snorted and got up from his seat. "If you're done, let's go, didn't you have a schedule or something you wanted to follow so bad?" He asked and you got immediately up, you had almost forgotten about it because of the young married couple. You had to admit that they were a very good company.
"Right! Thank you for the lunch, it was great to meet you." You waved to them and they nodded. "But now I really want to try some rides, so we'll get going." You hugged Levi's arm and he shot you a small smile.
"Here." He took his wallet and started to take some money to leave them to pay for all the food.
"No need, it's my treat." Historia refused politely. "I was the one asking you to eat with us anyway." Ymir next to her rolled her eyes but didn't comment on her decision.
"Are you sure?" You asked preoccupied. "It's a bit... expensive." You didn't worry when it came to Levi paying because he was the one deciding whether it was worth it or not, but you didn't want to leave such a big payment to someone else when Levi could perfectly afford it.
"As I said, don't worry, I'm not that poor."
You frowned. "Are you a CEO as well? Seems like everyone is all of the sudden."
"No, I'm TikTok famous."
"Wait, really?!" You asked shocked. Ah! In Levi's face! Being TikTok famous really did make a difference and made you rich.
But as you were about to turn towards your boyfriend and make fun of him for not believing your idea, Historia started to laugh. "Just kidding, as if being TikTok famous would allow me to have enough money." She shook her head. "I have a very good job as an assistant and Ymir has even a better position, so don't worry."
"Ah, right." You looked at Levi and saw him smirking amused, you could already imagine all his stupid comments. "Alright then, see ya." You just wanted to get out and keep enjoying your holiday with your boyfriend.
"Bye! Oh, Levi! Say hi to your mom from me!" Historia said and you frowned. "Have a good day."
And with that, the both of you walked out of the restaurant. "Finally alone." Ymir sighed leaning against her seat. "You went out with a really weird dude, let me tell you."
"That's not nice, but he's changed, before he was... angrier, even more serious I would say, Y/n really calmed him down." She said relieved. "I really like that girl, she has such a positive aura around her."
Ymir shrugged. "She's not bad, but her humor is horrible."
You were walking next to Levi in silence, there was a strange tension in the air and you didn't know if it was because you just had lunch with his ex-girlfriend or because she brought up the taboo topic of Levi's mother. You didn't know anything about her, Levi didn't like talking about her but you knew very well that she called him every once in a while and he could talk to her for even an hour on the phone, so you guessed that their relationship was pretty good.
However, every time you asked him about her, he would change the subject or ignore the question. Not that you wanted to meet his mother so badly, it hadn't been long since you had started dating, but the fact that Historia knew her somehow bothered you.
If his ex-girlfriend had the opportunity to meet her, why couldn't you? Maybe he was ashamed because of the way your relationship started? Or maybe he didn't want her to know that you were so young, or he just didn't think she would like you. That was way too stressful to think about.
"Is something wrong?" Levi asked after realizing that you had been oddly silent for more than 5 minutes, which could've been a new record of yours. "You seem lost in your thoughts." He grabbed your hand and you looked at him.
He didn't look troubled at all, he also looked hot, but that was another story. You sighed and smiled, pushing all your worries away, at least for the moment since you didn't want to ruin your first vacation together. "I was just trying to decide what to do first." You kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand a bit. "Tonight I'll show you the gift I bought for you."
"I already have a gift, don't I?" You raised an eyebrow confused since you had made sure that he couldn't see the boxers that you had carefully placed in your bag along with the other presents. "You said you would let me do anything to you tonight, remember?"
"Oh." You realized and chuckled. "Sometimes I think you're too horny to be an adult, you're more like a teenager." You joked.
"You still are a teenager."
"That sounds too creepy, I'm almost 20 anyway." You scoffed. "Let's go to the Space Mountain, it's one of the best rides!" You exclaimed and pulled him with you towards the ride, he just looked at you and sighed.
He needed to take this slowly, one step at a time.
And that's where the drama starts :)
Just wanted to let you know that I'm working on two stories that I plan on post here, one will be Eren x you and the other will be Itachi x you (I don't know if anyone simps for him anymore, but that man has been my childhood crush and I'm finally ready to write about him), so if you're interested in any of these keep following me, it won't take long, I swear.
That's it, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, have a great day/night! Xx
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