Warning: tiny little smut scene, kind of?
"Levi, is everything alright?" Erwin asked his friend as the three of them were trying to focus on their plates, Hanji had finally managed to get the black-haired man to accept their invitation to lunch.
But his mind was totally off, it had been since that day.
When he got home, after your fight, he couldn't imagine what you had done. He knew you were stubborn and very proud, but he didn't think you would've left without any warning. He had called your name after entering the house, he did that multiple times until he realized you weren't there.
And not only you, but most of your stuff was also gone too. The clothes in your wardrobe were just a few and they were all the ones he had bought for you, if that wasn't a goodbye, he didn't know what it was.
He waited, hoping you would come back the second you realized you couldn't live without him, you were without money and a place to live, what would you be doing? He debated all night about calling you, your name was impressed on his screen as his fingers were shaking not knowing what to do.
Had he called you? No, fuck no. You didn't need him? Good, he didn't need you as well. He would've just waited and seen how much it the time it took you to call him crying asking for forgiveness.
"Everything is fine." He answered, his grip tightened around his glass as he took a sip of water. "Why?"
Hanji eyed him worried. "You've been rather silent these few days." She pointed out and looked at Erwin unsure of what to say.
Levi groaned and ignored the comment as he tried to concentrate on the plate in front of him, he knew his friends weren't going to let it go that easily, that's the main reason why he didn't want them to meet you in the first place.
"Levi, you can talk to us." Erwin decided to open the discussion, there wasn't much to lose and, even if Levi was a very reserved person, he wanted to help him. "We know what happened."
"You don't know shit." He snapped, why did he think that going out with those two would've been a good idea? He just needed a distraction. Even work seemed useless, everything he did kept remind him of you, your tender smile, your high pitch laugh, and the way you would grab his hand to look for some comfort.
Erwin sighed. "Y/n left." He said all of a sudden causing Levi's eyes to go wide for a brief second, he hadn't told anyone so how could they know? "I helped her moving out." The blonde man explained and Levi clenched his jaw ready to insult him. "I just wanted to help."
"How the fuck is that helping?" He asked angrily, the fact that Erwin didn't stop you from leaving him made him feel betrayed. Levi didn't want to admit to himself that he needed you, but you were the girl he got attached to, he liked you and the truth was... he might have fallen for you, but he was too scared to acknowledge those feelings.
"She was crying."
"So what? People cry everyday! She cries every day!" He snorted trying to keep his cool.
Hanji frowned looking at her friend, never had she seen him acting that way, not for a girl anyway. "Why don't you explain to us what happened between the two of you? It was going very well, you were happy."
"I am happy."
"Not anymore, you're angrier than the usual." She frowned remembering all the times he had scolded his employees over stupid things, he even ignored most of his friends. "C'mon, I'm good with relationship advice."
"We were not in a relationship," Levi replied slowly taking another bite of his lasagnas, but were you? It was an unspoken thing, even if you hadn't a label, it was kind of obvious for him that you were very important to him and you couldn't see other men out of him. "Not that should care anyway, that was our business."
"We care because you're our friend."
"Fine, what do you want?"
Erwin cleared his throat and straighten his back. "I know it's a private thing, but that kid was crying like crazy, and you look hurt too. If we can help in any way, just tell us."
"Wait... kid?" Hanji blinked confused. "I thought she was 24?" She asked looking at both men. "Did I miss something?"
"I had a talk to her while I was helping her getting out of Levi's house, in which she had been living apparently." He eyed his friend but he just snorted bored. "I had seen her around a few times but never talked to her not knowing what was her relationship with Levi, however, I noticed that she was always wearing a hoodie with the logo of a university not too far from here, she also doesn't look 24, that was a big lie."
"She's 19." Levi decided to come out clear and say the truth. It was embarrassing, a grown man like him being infatuated with a young girl like you, but you had something he couldn't quite explain, you just pulled him. "It's legal last time I checked."
"We're not worried about her age, you can date whoever you want," Hanji explained, not wanting to upset him in any way. "I liked her, she was very beautiful and looked pretty mature for her age, knowing you... she must have been a very patient girl as well." She giggled and Erwin nodded in agreement.
"She was..." Levi muttered looking down at his food. Ugh, even the food made him miss you, he could just hear your voice thanking him every single time he bought you something to eat. "Look, it's over. She got mad, I got upset, you know that goes." He ended the conversation.
"Why don't you go visit her? Talk things out?" Erwin proposed, the last thing he wanted was for his friend to be hurt when he was obviously into that girl. "You are two very stubborn, let me tell you."
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Don't be a dick." Hanji snapped leaving the two men surprised since she never really talked like that to them. "I remember when I was her age, those were good times. I had a boyfriend as well, when he broke up with me, I was heartbroken, barely ate anything at all, and kept crying to my friends." She shrugged. "I assure you, if you call her she'll answer immediately."
Levi rolled his eyes, not needing her fucking examples since they were nothing alike. But he could see Y/n crying and overeating, he snorted, it wasn't his problem anymore. "Hate to break it to you, but she was the one dumping me." He muttered and both his friends widened their eyes in surprise. "What? You thought that just because I'm older, I was the one breaking up?"
"Thought you weren't a couple." Hanji teased and he glared at her. "Ok, then why was she crying?"
"Because she's a teenager, that's what they do." He shrugged and looked at his watch. "I have to go, this lunch was the shittiest I've ever had." He commented getting up from his chair. "I'll see you in the office." And with that he walked away, he was sure Erwin could pay for his meal as well.
Home didn't feel like home anymore, it was like everything had changed in just a week. His room looked empty without your stuff all over the place, your side of the bed looked as if it had been untouched for years.
His hands were shaking as he was changing from his formal suit to some comfy clothes, deciding that it was a good time to clean up to distract himself from the irritation he had gathered throughout the day.
Levi started from the living room, making sure everything was perfect before passing to the kitchen, bathroom, and his office. When it was time to clean up the bedroom, he hesitated to look at the room.
Trying not to get distracted, he started by organizing the desk, a snort left his lips every time he found one of your objects that you refused to take with you. His skin seemed to be burning as he touched those things to put them in a box, he still didn't know if he wanted to throw them away or keep them.
He gulped noticing a few earrings he had bought for you to surprise you since he had seen you watching some people on YouTube talking about what they could afford to buy, he felt bad that you were comparing yourself to those people. He could still see your eyes lighting up and hugging him while thanking him.
Levi shook his head, that was a stupid memory and it wasn't time to remind himself of that.
So he moved on to the wardrobe and almost had a heart attack seeing all the clothes you had left. He almost felt bad for all the money he had wasted on those things for you to just leave them, what was the purpose anyway? Weren't you with him to use him for money?
Sure, you had confessed your "feelings" for him, but he hardly believed that after your actions. Leaving like that, if you really loved him you wouldn't have done that in the first place.
He decided to leave them in the wardrobe, just in case, but kept organizing them anyway. The soft material almost reminded him of your skin, his breath shaking as he found your lingerie, all the times you had worn it during your passionate nights hunted him and he felt his pants getting tighter.
Sitting on the bed, he undid his belt and lowered his pants, massaging his sex as he stared at the red thong in his hand. You had chosen that item personally, tried it on, and invited him in the dressing room to have his approval, your smile was teasing while he was staring at you trying to hide his arousal.
Thinking about that day, the only regret he had was to not fuck you right there when he had the opportunity.
He lowered his boxers letting out his pulsing erection, with a sigh of pleasure he placed his hand around it and slowly moved it along his length. It wasn't about the panties he was holding anymore, it was about all the times he had felt your body, he had explored it, fucked it, and loved it.
He missed it, the way you would get goosebumps and shivers every time he touched you, he liked to see your expression when you came because of him, he loved kissing you and teasing you and because you accepted his dominance you both enjoyed it even more.
Pumping more, he moaned quietly imagining your small soft hand instead of his big strong one, the sight of your full lips and innocent eyes was everything he needed to quickly reach his orgasm.
"Tch." He muttered grabbing a tissue to clean himself up, he was disappointed because of what he had just done. Pathetic, depending on a girl like you. He quickly got dressed up and threw the panties in the wardrobe deciding that it was more than enough for that day.
Suddenly his phone started to ring and he grabbed it, his heart beating fast hoping he would find your name on the screen, he just needed to hear your voice, nothing more. But a wave of disappointment hit him again when he saw Eld's name pop up, he frowned picking up. "You know I don't like being called after work, especially this late." It was almost nine o'clock and he had made sure everybody knew that he didn't want to receive any call if not for a good reason.
"I was just checking some payments." His assistant explained calmly. "And some numbers don't add up."
Levi sighed, he wasn't in a clear state of mind to deal with that bullshit. "Go on." But work was work anyway, he couldn't just ignore it.
"We've received a payment unnecessarily." Eld checked again the bank account just to be sure, but the payment was still there. "It's anonymous, no sender, but they left a message with it."
Levi rubbed his fingers against his forehead feeling too tired to play at who sent what. "How much and what's the message?" He asked harshly.
"About 1.000$, which is very low, to be honest, and the message says: fuck you." He read out loud and waited for his boss's answer.
It was clear as water, there was just one person that could've done something like that. Were you that stubborn that you sent back all his money instead of using it to find yourself a place to live and help you financially. "That idiot." He snorted rolling his eyes. "Leave it there, I'll deal with it tomorrow myself."
"Alright, have a goodnight."
Apparently, he wasn't done with you.
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