Chapter 7
Sadie slowly came awake. She stretched, cat-like, in the big bed and groaned as her body protested at the overuse last night. Her eyes barely cracked open against the harsh morning sun and she rolled over, finding a hairier chest than the one she'd been with.
She peered up and saw a tangled mess of blonde curls. "Dave?"
His face twisted and lips curled into a small smile. Without opening his eyes, he whispered hoarsely, "Mornin', babe."
"Morning," she said, snuggling in closer to his side, "You're not who I was expecting to see this morning. It is morning, isn't it?"
"Unfortunately," he murmured, wrapping his strong arms around her. "Richie came in asking to swap after you two fell asleep. If it meant, waking up to you in my arms, I couldn't say no." He kissed her forehead.
"I'm not complaining," Sadie smiled. She lay quietly for a while, trying desperately to get back to sleep but Mother Nature decided that it was time to get moving. She wiggled a little trying to relieve the pressure but huffed out a frustrated breath when that didn't help. Extricating herself from David's arm, she rolled from the bed and entered the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her.
Roxy was down in the kitchen, sipping her coffee and fully showered. "About time sleepyhead!"
"Yep...still hate morning people," Sadie mumbled and grabbed herself some coffee. "I don't get how you can be all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this early."
"It's 10 am, hun. More than enough time to sleep in," Roxy smiled, pushing the creamer and sugar towards her friend.
"Way too early," Sadie grumbled under breath. "So what's on the agenda for today?"
Roxy took a long, relaxing sip from her steaming mug. "Jon was talking about having a pool party."
"Wait! Jon?!" Sadie asked, confusion furrowing her brow, "I thought you were with Richie? Dave said they swapped last night."
"Oh I was! Blondie is amazing in bed, by the way. Nice rhythm for a piano player," Roxy giggled playfully. "But it was nice waking to Richie. Anyways, Jon came in around 7 this morning. He said something about needing a running partner and mentioned the pool party while we were out."
"Oh god, don't make me feel like more of a sloth," Sadie grinned at her friend, "Is there a reason for the pool party?"
"He said for fresh air and some outdoor fun, food, and music. Although..."
"Although what?"
Roxy twisted her lips as she chewed over her words carefully. "He wants to invite a couple local girls that partied with them in the 80s. Like...certified 'will do anything the guys ask without hesitation' groupies."
"Oh," Sadie frowned, "Haven't we been enough for them? I wonder what Papi thinks?"
"He wants to even up the numbers." She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Hasn't been an issue up until now."
"If either of these girls messes with David," Sadie muttered, "or Richie...there'll be hell to pay. I won't be held accountable if I rip out their hair."
"Mmmhmm, girl I'll join you in that," Roxy replied in a sassier than normal tone. "He said they are 'girls from Richie's Little Black Book'. Couldn't even tell me their names. I mean...we're here on the understanding it's us and the four of them for safety and health reasons."
"Tramp One and Tramp Two," Sadie giggled. "So did you bring a swimsuit? I packed that little black and gold bikini set."
Roxy averted her eyes from Sadie and bit her lower lip. "Well...Jon wants it to be 'No Clothing Allowed'. That includes everyone. I don't know if Papi T knows yet or not."
"Oh...well, that's a waste of a cute bikini," she shrugged and topped up her coffee, "I guess we should get some breakfast happening, huh?"
Sadie opened the large fridge and started pulling out the bacon, eggs and fresh fruit. "Do you want to cook today or cut the fruit up?" she asked and closed the door only to find Jon standing there, grinning and freshly showered, his shorts riding dangerously low on his hips.
She yelped and almost dropped the mangoes and melon on the floor, "Shit! Fuck!"
"What?! No 'Oh God!' this morning, baby?" he grinned and grabbed the rockmelon from her, placing it on the counter beside him.
"You scared me!" Sadie put the tray of mangoes down then gave his arm a good-natured whack. "Where did Roxy go?"
"I sent her off to go get ready for the party," he said. He stood with his hip cocked against the counter and reached for her, "C'mere baby." He bent to kiss her, her bare midriff against his slightly damp torso, "I'm sorry I scared you, beautiful. Am I forgiven?" He trailed his forefinger down her throat and between her breasts, his eyes following its path.
"Maybe if you kiss it better," she purred and pointed towards her pussy.
"I'd die a happy man if that's my breakfast, beautiful," he looked into her eyes as he gripped her waist and in one movement, picked her up, turned and placed her ass on the counter between the rockmelon and the mangoes. He peeled off the shirt, one of David's he knew, and dropped it onto the floor before feasting on her breasts.
Sadie moaned slightly and shifted as Jon slipped his fingers into the waistband of her skimpy shorts and worked them down over her hips. It was his turn to groan when he saw that she wasn't wearing panties.
"So beautiful, baby," he said as he pushed her back onto the counter further. He kissed down her belly to her hips, tasting the dips and hollows as he moved lower following a familiar scent.
Sadie gripped him by the hair and guided him down where she needed him most, bucking off the counter as his tongue found the bundle of nerves peeking out from beneath its hood. She opened her legs wider in encouragement as he drew out small mewls of need, his tongue worked her body with expertise.
"Oh god, Jonny! Yeah...fuck...right there, baby," Sadie cried and dropped her head back onto the cabinet. As Jon suckled back on her clit, her thighs squeezed around him. Within moments, Sadie felt her climax explode through her, shattering her into shards of pure white light as her juices coated the singer's tongue and face.
With a grunt a moment or two later, Jon coated his own hand in thick, creamy cum, his shorts fallen forgotten to his feet.
"Is that an open buffet?"
Jon and Sadie broke from their reverie and saw Richie, David, and Tico standing in the doorway to the kitchen. All three were smirking and David was massaging himself through his shorts. Roxy chose that moment to appear, dripping from her shower and still wrapped in her towel.
"Looks like dessert just arrived, boys," David said with a smirk. He drew the towel away from Roxy and slung it over the couch. "Hey, Jonny! Bring that sweet girl in here. It's time to feast, boys."
He picked up Roxy and set her on the table, soon joined by Sadie. The girls leaned back together, spreading their legs as the Jovi men stood hungrily over them.
Brunch, that was highly satisfying but hardly filling, moved outside to the pool area and into the warm sunshine. Food was prepared and brought outside to the poolside cabana. Alcohol and weed were in plentiful supply. The music was turned up and as the day wore on, it only got progressively louder.
"When are the girls arriving?" Richie asked Jon. The look Roxy shot him didn't go unnoticed, however, and Richie quickly backtracked. "For you and Tico." He took a swig of beer and smiled back at Roxy.
Jon leaned back in his chair, watching Sadie currently stuffing her mouth with David's cock. "Should only be a few minutes. Misty doesn't live that far from here."
"Oh, you rang Misty?! Who is she bringing with her?" Richie asked, "And how is that going to go down with you? She always had a thing for you, Jonny."
"Lisa...that sexy redhead who always hung off David and Tico," Jon replied.
"Good choice, boss," Tico smiled and raised his glass toward Jon. Roxy listened to the banter between the guys, as a tiny portion of her started turning green.
She'd become possessive in a short amount of time and wasn't feeling generous enough to share. She stood from her spot, grabbing Tico's hand as she walked past, "Swim with me, Papi?"
"With great pleasure, Cariña," Tico smiled and placed his cigar in the ashtray as he stood and held out his arm for her.
They walked the short distance to the pool, Roxy putting as much sway into her walk to show off her ass as she walked away from the ever-watchful brunette. With her mind in another zone, she squealed when Tico picked her up effortlessly and tossed her into the pool before diving in after her.
Soon, David had Sadie on his shoulders and Roxy on Tico's, the ladies wrestling and trying to knock the other off. Team Bryan won the first round while Team Torres took victory in the second. It was during the third round that Misty and Lisa arrived, Jon walking them out from the house with one on each arm.
"Dude, T...it's Lisa," David nodded towards the cabana where the newcomers were stripping off their tiny shorts and crop tops. "Damn...she lost weight."
"Hey, Lema!" The one named Lisa called out and waved. He waved back dumbly.
"Rich!" Tico called out, "Come here and look after your lady, my friend." He turned to Roxy, "Excuse me, beautiful. Thank you for the swim." He kissed Roxy's hand and hauled himself out of the pool.
David looked up expectantly to Sadie and dropped her from his shoulders, catching her in his arms and tossing her in the air. "You two ladies should come up and meet these two. Fucking legends and they partied like it too!"
"We will," Roxy replied for Sadie, "I just want to have a quick word before we get out."
When David was out of earshot, Sadie swam closer to Roxy and frowned. "And just like that we get tossed to the side?"
"Like hell, we do," Roxy grumbled softly, "We fight for our guys."
It was obvious from watching that Misty and Lisa were skilled with the Jovi boys. They cooed and laughed at the lamest jokes, rolled and lit up joints, cracked open beers and danced around for their enjoyment.
Sadie and Roxy had climbed from the pool, prancing around the guys and offering drinks. While Roxy massaged Richie's shoulders, Sadie rolled a cherry around with her tongue for David.
"And you two are?" Lisa asked. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your...employees?"
Sadie squashed a pineapple slice in her fist with David catching a faceful of fruit juice. She snarled so low only David and Roxy could hear.
"Oh no, she didn't," Roxy murmured under her breath.
Richie looked up sharply with a quick grin. "Now, now, kitty...claws in, baby," he said, patting her hand as it snaked around his neck.
"Not employees, girls," Jon spoke up finally, dragging Misty into his lap, "These two fine ladies are special guests of ours. Roxy, Sadie...meet Misty and Lisa. Now play nice and don't make me pull out the wading pool for mud fights!" Jon grinned up at Misty and offered his lips for a kiss.
"Bitch lookin' for a busted ass lip," Sadie growled and pursed her lips in irritation.
David smacked her ass and wiggled his eyebrows. "Come here, baby. I'll make you feel better." He scooped her into his arms and brought her to one of four cabana beds. His head sunk between her legs and Sadie's moans made Lisa roll her eyes.
It didn't take long for Misty and Jon to occupy another bed, leaving Richie and Tico with Roxy and Lisa, who was eyeing Richie. "Hey Rich...remember that wild night in your hot tub? How about we relive that, baby?" She closed the space between her and the guitarist, brushing a stray lock of hair from his eyes.
Roxy inhaled sharply, bristling, but Richie gave her a comforting squeeze of her hand.
"Baby, that was some night, I gotta agree," Richie drawled, "and perhaps later on. But I'm entertaining this beauty at the moment. You know how things are run in our circle. Excuse us, won't you? Don't worry. You'll get your chance."
He stood and led Roxy back into the pool, diving in smoothly. Roxy made sure her dive was flawless, surfacing beside Richie. She cast an eye toward Lisa who had already wrapped herself around Tico.
"Jealousy becomes you, darlin'," Richie murmured in her ear as his arms went around her from behind, "Your eyes flash with fire, did you know that?"
"I'm sorry," Roxy said, turning in his arms as he moved them into the deeper water. She wrapped her legs around his waist and shivered slightly when she felt his hardness poised deliciously at her pussy lips, "I have no right to be."
"Don't apologise, baby," Richie said before claiming her lips, "I like it."
As Roxy's back found the edge of the pool, Richie thrust up into the warmth in one move causing her to gasp out loud. He smirked wickedly as his hips began a slow dance against hers, pinning her to the wall.
"Oh god, Richie," she moaned, "You feel so good, baby." Her eyes drifted closed against the sun, relishing in being so completely filled. Out of all of the Jovi men, Richie had been her favourite so far.
"That's it, beautiful," he breathed as one hand cupped her full breast with ease, rolling and tweaking the nipple into a tight little bud.
His eyes never wavered as he watched the blonde woman who was using him as much as he was using her. He groaned when she caught her bottom lip in her teeth. He mashed his lips to hers, forcing her to open her mouth to his questing tongue. He kissed her deeply; long, slow, deep kisses that formed a spiritual connection between them. He was barely aware of her fingernails digging into the skin on his shoulders.
Roxy gasped, pulling away from his mouth as he changed position slightly and rolled his hips, hitting that hidden spot deep within her with an expertise that was gained in experience.
"Mmmm," she mewled loudly, "Oh...right there, there, there...yes, Richie."
Richie nuzzled his face into Roxy's neck, feeling his release erupting to the surface. Roxy's moans got louder and her arms tight around her lover, urging him on. A giggle and splash broke through the fog and she peered over Richie's shoulder.
Neither Sadie nor Tico were anywhere in sight, giving Lisa the opportunity to hop into the hot tub with David. She couldn't make out whether or not David was teasing her in return. All Roxy could see was Lisa and her fake tits wading into the tub, jets on max and stop in front of him.
She couldn't tell if Lisa had knelt down or straddled David's lap, pulling him into a fierce liplock. David's arms, which had been resting along the deck of the hot tub, dropped into the water followed by a low-pitched moan from Lisa.
"Fuck I missed those fingers, handsome," her words carried over to Roxy who growled maliciously.
This caught Richie off-guard and he pulled back slightly. "What's wrong, darlin'?"
"That slut was just waiting..."
Confused, Richie stretched his neck around and his eyes went wide upon seeing David making out with Lisa, slurpy tongues and all. He sighed as his cock was begging for release but, somehow, the sight of his best friend slutting it up with a second girl only succeeding in making him mad.
"Sadie is gonna kill him," he whispered. "I know you two aren't our girlfriends, but wasn't he JUST eating her pussy like 20 minutes ago?"
His eyes almost rolled out of his head when Roxy clenched her muscles around him. He pulled almost all the way out, using all of his control to hold himself still, until her eyes met his again.
When she finally dragged her questioning eyes back to his, he sank himself to the hilt and tore a loud groan from Roxy's mouth. He repeated it, once, twice and on the third thrust, Roxy came apart in his arms. As her body milked his cock, he finally relinquished his control and emptied his hot seed into her willing body.
A loud cry of pain rang out followed by a scream of "Let me fucking go, cunt!" What could only be Lisa's extensions were thrown into the pool, floating along towards Roxy and Richie.
"Sadie! Let go!"
"I'll fucking kill her!! PUT ME DOWN, ASSHOLE!! FUCK YOU!"
Everyone not involved looked up in time to see David holding a struggling Sadie, her foot kicking out and smashed into Lisa's nose. Lisa jumped at Sadie and ripped her from David's arms, pushing her beneath the hot water.
"I was here long...before...you!" Lisa screamed, enunciating each word by pulling Sadie's head up and promptly pushing her back under. Her leg was kicked out from under her, the girls fighting and tumbling around.
David and Tico reached any part they could and pulled the two up, separating them. Sadie fought back against David, crying out, "Don't fucking touch me, asshole!!" No one else could hear what he said in return and only heard Sadie shrieking, "No I'm not! Put me down! I'm not going anywhere with you!! You're a fucking liar!"
Tico helped Lisa towards the cabana leaving David to drag Sadie to the main house, her screaming fading and the door slamming.
"Let me go, bastard!" Sadie snarled. "Two-timing piece of shit!"
David kicked the door shut with his foot and carried her into one of the spare rooms. He got her to shut up after tossing her onto the bed. "Who the fuck do you think you are?! You're not my fucking girlfriend! What you did was fucked up, Sadie!"
Sadie huffed, pouting, as she moved to the top of the bed, her anger slowly dissipating as embarrassment at her actions finally started taking hold.
"You and your friend have been opening your fucking legs for any of us that fucking asked! What the goddamn fuck is your problem today?!" David demanded angrily. "Give me one good fucking reason that Tico shouldn't put you on the first flight back to Florida!"
"We came here on the proviso that there was only going to be us," Sadie countered, "for our own sake...and for your pleasure."
"Not to have some bitches dropped on us with barely any notice. How do we know they're clean? Huh? This is our livelihood until we're qualified! No man of any worth is going to fuck us if we're as cheap and nasty as the next girl on the corner."
"Coulda fool me," David snarled and raised an eyebrow. "Whose cock tasted better? Was it mine? Richie's? Or no...maybe it was Obie's. Was he part of that 'proviso' or did you figure you'd blow him on a whim?"
"He paid for it!" she snarled back, "And handsomely too. You don't know what it's like to live the way we do!"
"What? Living on your knees? Just like the girl on the corner..."
"Fuck! You!"
"You already did that, sweetheart," David replied condescendingly.
Sadie flicked her eyes over the angry man in front of her and grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as she rolled into the fetal position, turning her back on him. Tears burned and slowly fell onto the pillows. "I'm...I'm sorry I did," she hiccuped softly but still refused to look at him. "I can't...I can't do this anymore. It hurts too much."
The abrupt change in her tone made David's face fall, his brows relaxed. He swallowed thickly. "Do what?"
"I...like you too much," she whispered, more to herself than to him, "I can't keep falling for clients...for you. It hurts too much when it ends. It's better to fuck and leave."
David stood staring at her what seemed to be an eternity, her words cutting him deep. He sighed and approached the bed, laying behind her. "Look at me."
She shook her head, "No...I'm too ugly."
He kissed her shoulder and mumbled, "You couldn't ever be ugly. Please?"
Sadie swiped at her face with her hand before shifting her body slowly toward him, readying herself for his look of horror at her blotchy, swollen face. What she found instead was his blue eyes watering.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you," David whispered, "I should have stopped her before things went that far. You're just...doing what you have to." His fingers lightly caressed her pink cheeks, wiping away a fallen tear with his thumb.
"I've had to struggle for so long now," she replied, "Doing what we do, it's not fun, but it's necessary. Roxy and I...we're as close as sisters as we can get. We look out for each other. But the one thing she can't do is stop me from caring about...people." She briefly met his eyes before lowering them again.
"People?" he asked, crooking his finger under chin so their eyes met again, "Or...me?"
Her breathing turned shaky and her body quivered. "You. And I can't do that. I shouldn't."
"Why shouldn't you?" he asked, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip.
"We're here for a week then going back to Florida," she whispered, "Besides you and the guys have girls everywhere. We'll be replaced within the month." Sadie curled in on herself.
"I can't and won't deny that we have women throwing themselves at us," David acknowledged, "but it doesn't mean we enjoy it. Some days it's a chore. But we gotta plaster that smile on our faces and pretend every girl we see is a beauty queen."
He paused for a moment, thinking, "Just as every guy isn't a movie star," he grinned quickly, "or rock star, am I right? I guess we're not that different. I'm sorry, babygirl, I never looked at it from that point of view before. I apologise, again, for everything I said."
Sadie shrugged. "I guess. It...it would be easier if I left early."
"Do you want to leave?" he frowned, "Because of me?"
"I don't WANT to...it just save us...erm...me...any further heart ache."
"Want to know something?" he shifted and pulled the pillow from her grasp that was wedged between them, throwing it on the floor before pulling her closer. "I like you too, sweetheart...a lot. We've connected in a way that I haven't felt before...I kinda like it."
Sadie gazed up into his eyes and fought against more tears, losing every ounce of restraint. She buried her face into his chest and sobbed until her throat and chest hurt. "Is...is it bad that I don't want the others? That none of them measure up to you?"
He grinned, "Not even Rich? No, baby, it's more than okay that you don't want the others." He leaned forward and kissed her deeply, "How would you like to see my place tonight? It's just down the road."
Sadie nodded vigorously. "I could use a night away from...this..." She gestured out beyond the bedroom window that overlooked the pool and cabana.
"We could blow this popsicle stand now," David suggested, "Unless you want to rejoin--"
"NO!" Sadie grimaced at her loud exclamation. "I mean...we could go now...if you want?"
"Oh...I want...very very much want," he chuckled and gave her another sweet kiss. He led her to the bedroom with their belongings and quickly got dressed. David grabbed Sadie's bag and they'd entered the foyer when the doorbell rang incessantly. "Who the fuck?"
David opened the door to find an agitated Dorothea, tapping her foot angrily with her arms crossed. "Where's Jon?"
"What's it to you, ya crazy bitch?" His eyes darted down to baby Jesse in her arms and Stephie hiding behind her leg.
Dorothea scowled at him and Sadie. "Who's the slut?"
"She's with me."
"Does your precious April know that you're fucking some young whore while she's at home taking care of YOUR TWINS?" She taunted.
"Leave my kids out of this," David replied in a dangerous tone, "She's history just like you are."
"Does SHE know about your kids?" Dot asked then looked back at Sadie. "You know his twins were born last year. That's not a great way to win Dad of the Year. Now...I'll ask you again. Where...is...Jon?"
"He's out in the pool area," David snarled, "but I wouldn't take them out there." He indicated to Stephanie with his chin before giving the little girl a smile.
Dorothea snorted and stepped up to David. "Don't tell me how to raise my children, you deadbeat manwhore! You don't even raise your own!"
"Fuck off, Dot!" he said and took Sadie's hand, brushing his way past Jon's ex-wife.
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