Chapter 6
Three hours later, the boys were still cloistered in the studio. Roxy and Sadie had cleaned up the lounge and sat down for a bite to eat themselves. "Papi T looked upset earlier. Hope it's not something we did," Sadie commented, her voice full of worry.
"No, I don't think it was us," Roxy replied, "I think it was David pestering that lovely Hugh guy. I can't believe you blew that other guy, though?! What was with that?!"
Sadie shrugged. "He pushed $200 in my hand after...can't really complain. Papi T said 'the guys'. I figured he was part of that group. I've blown older men, you know that."
"He what?! When did he do that?" Roxy gaped at Sadie, "I was right there, I didn't see anything. That's a good paying blow job though. Nice work."
"Plus he doesn't smoke like the rest. Can't really complain." Sadie pulled out two $100 bills from her top and showed Roxy. "He just kinda slipped them into my shorts as I stood up and kissed him. Oh! Which reminds me..." She stood up from the table and grabbed her purse from the sofa, taking out a small white envelope and handing it to Roxy. "It's from David and Jon for everything last night. That's your half."
Roxy took the envelope and peeked inside. She almost choked on her mouthful of food at the amount that was in there. "That can't be right," she said to Sadie. The brunette just grinned and nodded.
"I said the same thing. Dave said he wanted to help with my schooling costs as well." Sadie sighed and showed Roxy a cheque from David to the school with Sadie's name in the memo for a full year's tuition payment.
"Holy fuck," Roxy breathed. "I think I need a drink!" She was about to head into the kitchen to find something to drink when she heard Sadie's phone ring from her purse.
Sadie dug it up and frowned at the number. "Hello? Oh! Hi Mrs. Walsh! Yeah she's right here..." She held out the phone to Roxy. "It's your mom."
"Mom?! Hi!" Roxy carried on her conversation with her mother before saying goodbye and handing the phone back to Sadie. She sat heavily back down in her seat. "I feel like I've fallen down a rabbit hole."
"What? Why?"
"Mom just said that all their medication has been paid for...for the next six months."
Sadie's mouth fell open. "Serious? By who?" The girls paused then looked towards the studio door and back to each other. "Papi T?"
"I...I don't really know," she said, "but I would guess so."
The phone rang once more and, with shaking hands, Sadie picked it up. "Hello? This is she. What's wrong with my account? What change was made?" Her eyes slid out of focus as the representative on the other end spoke. "From who? Yes, I know him. Yes, you can. Thank you..." She closed the phone and stood up slowly, calmly placing the phone and money back in her purse.
Sadie walked slowly towards the studio door, Roxy on her heels. She couldn't hear any questions her friend was firing off nor the worry that crept into her voice. She pushed the door open and stood for a moment, staring into the studio until the man with long blonde curls turned to face her.
She launched herself at him, tipping over the chair he sat in and dropped her lips to his. "You're fucking crazy," Sadie laughed through tears.
David's eyes twinkled at her. "I take it you got the call?"
Roxy peeked in through the doors, thoroughly confused at what had gotten into Sadie. "I'm sorry! She wouldn't be stopped. I hope she didn't wreck anything." Roxy looked at the other men then around her environment, never having been in a recording studio before. "I have no idea what's gotten into her."
"What on earth possessed you to transfer all that money into my bank and pay off $30,000 in credit card debt?" Sadie asked between kisses. "Are you that fucking crazy?"
"Maybe. Care to stick around and find out?" David replied in a challenging tone.
"Did you not get a call, Rox?" Richie asked from his seat at the soundboard, looking disappointed that she hadn't run to him as well.
"A...a call? I got one from my mom on Sadie's phone?" Roxy said. She started to feel a weird fluttering in her stomach, "My phone is upstairs with my stuff."
Richie and Jon smirked at each other. "You may wanna check it," Richie chuckled, turning his back to David and Sadie who were too far gone with the other.
Roxy held her stomach, her nails digging into her palm, "Um...can you please just tell me? Please...before I hyperventilate?"
"Your Papi T said you had credit card debt and that your parents were behind on their mortgage. Neither of those are issues anymore," he explained and pulled out a folded paper from his pocket, holding it out to her.
Roxy walked tentatively to Richie, hesitating for a moment and took the paper from him. Tears fell from her eyes when she saw their university name, a year's tuition...drawn on Richie's bank.
"We didn't want you two worrying about finances back home while you're with us," Jon added. "Or your parents. Did they get all their medications?"
Roxy felt her knees give out and since Jon was the closest to her, grabbed her in time before she hit the ground. "You did that? That...that was the call I got. My momma...she said...she said they were being delivered today..."
Jon pulled her into his lap and Richie rolled closer. "Hey, are you okay?" Richie tucked his finger under her chin and made her look at him.
Roxy looked between the two men and then across to Tico, who was watching with a benevolent smile. She nodded and said hoarsely, "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Why? Why me...us?"
Tico puffed his cigar, looking over at Sadie and David who were pulling themselves back together. "I've never met two ladies that work harder than you two. You've put so much on the line to further yourselves and support your families. The sacrifices have been many, physical and mental, and you've never let them stop you."
"I'm...I'm speechless," Roxy said as she slipped from Jon's arms and made her way over to Tico. He stood and wrapped her into his strong arms. Sadie wiped away her own tears and joined Roxy in Tico's embrace.
"Woohoo! Group hug!" David exclaimed and jumped in the mix.
"Goddamnit, Lema!" Richie laughed with Jon.
"How about fresh drinks?" Sadie choked out.
"Go straighten your hair and makeup, calm down and then yes, drinks would be wonderful," Tico said and kissed her forehead.
As Roxy was released with a small pat on her backside from Tico, she immediately went to Jon first and stood before him, mouthing thank you before rewarding him with a wet kiss. She could feel Richie bristling behind her.
She turned once Jon had had his fill, and faced the slightly taller guitarist. Getting as close as she could, she slid her hand up over his chest to his neck and pulled his head down to hers as his arms wrapped around her waist, bending her slightly backward as his tongue delved deeply into her mouth. When Richie released her, Roxy was breathless.
"I'll expect a proper thank you later, darlin'," he said and steadied her on her feet and sent her on her way. "Let's get back to work!" Richie called out, ignoring the lust pooling low in his belly.
Roxy reached the kitchen on shaky legs before they eventually gave out. She leaned heavily against the counter, still in a state of shock. She gave herself another moment of self indulgent tears of relief before pulling herself back together. She quickly splashed her face with water before searching for her makeup case to quickly repair the damage. She was just finishing up when Sadie entered the kitchen.
"What do you think they're really looking for in exchange for...all of this?" Sadie asked, grabbing a bottle of Fireball and taking a long draw from the hot liquor.
"Honestly...I have no idea," Roxy shrugged, "but right now, I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
"But...How much is too much? It's only day two..."
"Maybe we should talk to Papi T?" she suggested, "I mean, he did bring us here. He should be the one to set boundaries, right?"
Sadie cringed as the liquor burned her throat. "Yeah I guess so." She grabbed her purse and rummaged in it. "Fuck! I have racoon eyes!" Once both had finished cleaning up and reapplying their makeup, they gave final spritzes of hairspray and set about making drinks.
More arguing drifted from the next room and the girls just laughed it off. "How can they work in there all cloistered together?" Sadie asked, filling glasses for Tico and David of whiskey.
"It doesn't sound like fun," Roxy pulled a face as she picked up her tray, "Shall we?"
Sadie nodded and loaded her tray with the glasses and bottles for refills. She knocked on the studio door and pushed it open with a bright smile. They handed each guy his drink of choice, humming happily to the song playing through the mixer. Neither had heard of it and had started out when Jon spoke up.
"Since you two are here, think we could get your opinions on the opening track?"
"Yeah," Richie added, taking his drink from Roxy and grazed his fingertips over her thigh, "to get a different view."
Sadie shrugged and threw a curious glance to Roxy who nodded. "Sure. I mean...we're not professionals..."
"Even better," David chimed in, beckoning Sadie down to him for a kiss.
Jon gives Obie the nod to start the track and music fills the space. He stands, listening intently, chewing on his thumb as he watches the girls for their reactions.
Sadie started by tapping her feet to the rhythm, graduating to her hips shaking side to side. She closed her eyes when Jon's voice came on, taking in the lyrics and seemingly ignoring the white-hot gazes on her.
Roxy matched her pace, her hips with less of the gyrating moves that had captured the boys and more carefree movements. Their long hair, dark and light, swung and tangled around their faces. While Sadie was more of the headbanging type, Roxy was sensual. Both looked free from the burdens life had piled on them.
"Hot damn," Richie swore softly behind her. He caught David sliding towards him, hand reaching out for something. The two men looked at each other then to the girls. Richie could almost hear the gears turning in his best friend's head.
David reached out for the pen and pad that sat next to Richie's chair and wrote in his messy scrawl, "I almost lost my faith when I hit reality."
Typically, Richie would have ignored David's non-verbal ramblings but this was the man that had co-written Stranger in this Town with him. He knew how Dave's creative mind worked.
He read the line and, taking another glance at the girls, wrote, "Loneliness had found a home in me."
Sadie threw her head back and ran her fingers through her long locks. David hastily grabbed the pen back and jotted down, "Just give me something for the pain and the blues."
Roxy lifted her arms up and Sadie danced up behind her, one hand trailing up from her stomach to her neck. The girls were simply having fun without trying to be sexy, arms wrapped around the other, spinning each other out and in. They both giggled.
Richie, however, saw it different and wrote down, "Give me something when I'm hanging from a dead man's noose" to rhyme with David's line. They looked down to read it and grinned stupidly.
The song faded and Roxy felt six pairs of eyes watching her and Sadie intently with various levels of interest.
"So, beautiful?" Jon asked Sadie, taking note that David and Richie were bent over and reading something, "You like?" He walked over and peeked over Richie's shoulder, skimming over several scribbled lines.
"I love it," Sadie replied breathlessly, hanging off Roxy and laughing. "I haven't felt that free in years. Feels nice being away and not being told what to do by an asshole boss. Not you, Papi, obviously." There was silence and she watched the guys whispering. "Um...I mean..."
"You're good," Tico chuckled. "Don't mind them."
David looked up at Roxy and asked, "Can you do that hip pop and foot stomp thing again?"
"What? This?" she asked then demonstrated what he'd asked for.
"THAT!" He pointed excitedly. "Tico...you can replicate that on the drums?"
"Course I can. Why?"
"You girls are fucking genius!" David rushed over and kissed Roxy first then Sadie. "And you," he turned to Sadie, "That hip shimmy."
Sadie cocked an eyebrow and shimmied herself down Jon's torso and back again with a grin.
"What you got cooking, Lema?" Jon asked as his hands held onto Sadie's hips as she shimmied again.
David picked up the pad and smiled, circling a phrase and held it up for the guys to see. "Something For The Pain."
"So...hold on. You got that song just from us dancing?" Sadie asked Richie incredulously, raking her nails through his dark hair.
"When it hits, you run with it," he said, taking a pull of his beer and leaned back in his seat. "You're both...very inspirational...in more ways than one."
Jon licked a fallen dollop of sweet dessert cream from his lips and leaned into Roxy. "And...now that King has decided to quit being selfish..." He kissed her cheek and poured another glass of wine for each of them.
The girls had hung around the studio to listen as the song came together within four hours and rewarded the men with kisses and words of encouragement and gratitude. The sun had started to set when they all emerged and set about freshening up.
Jon couldn't stop smiling as his house bustled with people and chit chat. He had brought bottles of wine into the upstairs lounge along with trays of sumptuous desserts, juicy fruit and sweet cream rolls Sadie and Roxy had ordered from a local bakery.
Richie had found a deck of Uno down in the studio and brought it upstairs, challenging them all to an after-dinner game. "What do you mean 'quit being selfish'?" David snapped, flicking through his cards. "He stole mine!"
"Yours?!" Richie snorted. "Last I checked, it was open invitations." David just glared at him and Sadie shot him a sympathetic glance. She climbed over Richie's lap and plopped between the two men.
"Are they always like this?" Roxy asked Jon, watching the tall brunette closely, smiling.
"Always," Tico offered, having overheard her question.
"Oh come on!" Sadie exclaimed to Richie and staring at the SKIP card he threw down. "Fuck..."
Richie smirked. "So according to house rules, I get to touch the skip victim. Guess who that is, darlin'."
Sadie sighed and spread her legs, her pussy glistening to everyone since she'd lost her panties earlier. "Roxy and I seem to be getting the raw end of the deal here." Roxy had already lost her shirt and bra to David. The guys had only lost their shirts.
"Yeah," she agreed, "Are you sure you haven't pulled cards out to stack the deck?" She cast an amused look around at the men.
"We've been playing cards for a long time, darlin'," Richie offered as he licked his fingers after swiping them through Sadie's sweet folds. "Hmm, sweeter than the desserts," he said almost to himself.
Sadie moaned at Richie's touch, leaning back into the sofa and draping a leg over Richie and David. She winked up at the blonde then to Richie. His fingers buried deep inside her pussy, curling up and his thumb playing at her clit.
"Mmm...his fingers feel almost as good as yours," she whispered to David.
Roxy, meanwhile, felt Jon's fingers brush her hair from her shoulder before he laid a kiss on the point. She tilted her head a little to allow him more access, not realising her cards had been tilted to let them be seen. When he stopped suddenly with a soft chuckle, she realised her mistake.
"Hey!" she yelped, "Cheat! I'm onto you, Mister!"
"Never, baby," Jon said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
She looked over to Tico, who just shrugged, "Never leave yourself open, sweetheart."
Richie finished his minute with Sadie and it was David's turn. "Plus four! Blue. Tico and Jon, I want your pants. Girls...I'm sorry but I'll need those dresses now. Pay up, fuckers!"
Roxy sighed and rolled her eyes but stood and unzipped her skirt. She turned slightly toward Jon as she wiggled her hips, shimmying out of the fabric. She was left in her high heels only.
"Oh, you don't play fair," Jon groaned, watching the almost perfect globes of flesh being exposed. His cock was enjoying the view too.
Tico placed his cigar in the ashtray before shucking off his pants, throwing them at David. "Payback's a bitch, Lema. Just remember that," he said then clamped his cigar back between his teeth.
Jon and Sadie followed suit, Sadie also completely nude now, except for a thin gold chain. Jon was resplendent in his red shirt, buttons all but undone, as he pushed his black jeans down his legs, his semi-aroused cock bouncing free.
Roxy chewed on her bottom lip and shot Jon an approving look.
When it came to Tico, he smirked at David and threw down another draw-four card. "Lema...pants, briefs, socks and shoes. Now."
"Goddamnit," David muttered and stood, removing his clothes with his best striptease dance. He took care to toss his briefs at Richie's face and his socks at Jon.
"Why am I always getting fucking underwear in my face?" Richie groused, "I am not putting yours in my teeth, Lema." He used his pinky finger to toss them to the ground.
By the time Tico called Uno, Richie was holding the most cards of the group. Roxy and Sadie lost their shoes and David was making the girls giggle by twitching and bouncing his cock.
"Papi, you won!" Roxy exclaimed, "What, or should I say who, do you choose for your prize?"
Tico puffed his cigar and examined the group closely. "I've seen too much favoritism so for winning, Sadie and Roxy...you two together while you three, for being selfish with the girls, can only watch and play with yourselves like the dirty little fucks that you are."
"Fuck T, I thought I was your friend," Richie grumbled sourly.
Roxy moved closer to Sadie and gave her a quick wink before brushing her hair from her face. She trailed her fingers down Sadie's neck and over her shoulder, barely touching skin as she moved down her arm. Roxy bent her head and took Sadie's lips in a soft kiss, ignoring the groans from the guys around them.
Sadie moaned and rolled a perky nipple between her fingers, teasing Roxy's lips to part and accept her greedy tongue. "Oooh shit...get up in there," David groaned.
Roxy allowed her lips to follow her fingers down her friend's neck and shoulder before scooping her breast in one hand, her mouth closing around the taut nipple. She flicked her tongue over and around the tight little nub, squeezing the flesh in her fingers.
"Mmm fuuuuuuuck," Sadie whimpered, tangling her fingers through Roxy's blonde locks. She spread her legs and was met by a chorus of deep groans.
"Shit, look at that pussy," Richie said in a hushed stage whisper.
Roxy moved to Sadie's other breast, suckling and teasing with her mouth as her fingers roamed the other woman's body, caressing and folding as they travelled down to between her legs.
She moaned as Sadie's fingers reached down and found her own juicy pussy. "Goddamnit...her ass is in the way," David complained.
"Would you shut the fuck up, Lema?" Jon snapped and slapped the back of his best friend's head.
Sadie leant back against the cushions as Roxy slipped to her knees between Sadie's legs, her hand still fondling a luscious breast, as she kissed the soft flesh of her thighs. Her lips closed over her hard little clit and she suckled it gently.
"Mmm...baby...more," Sadie whispered, "right there...oh god, those lips..."
Roxy nipped at the plump lips either side of Sadie's clit, tugging gently, causing her friend to moan and buck her hips up into her face. She stuck out her tongue and swiped it through her wet folds with relish.
The guys were craning their necks for a better look and Tico was the first to move his chair directly in front of his girls. David and Richie followed his lead and flanked Tico with the coffee table between them. Jon rolled his eyes and slid next to Richie.
None of them tried to hide their arousal. Rather they reclined in their chairs, legs out and hands wrapped around hard cock. It wasn't the first time they'd seen each other jack off and it sure as hell wouldn't be the last.
Roxy pulled away from Sadie, her face wet and shiny, as she sucked on two fingers before gently inserting them into Sadie's hot folds, her thumb working her clit. She curled her fingers and gently sought out the hidden magic spot. She knew she'd succeeded when Sadie groaned and rolled her hips, seeking more.
"Ten bucks says she squirts on the table," Richie groaned.
David and Jon exchanged a smirk and licked their lips. "Forty says she gets us wet."
"You're on," Richie replied, squeezing his cock head.
Roxy worked Sadie's body with care and expertise, pumping her fingers in and out, tempo increasing slightly. Sadie's head fell back onto the cushions as her painted nails tugged on her own nipples.
"Shit...you hear that?" Jon asked. "Make that pussy explode, kitten."
Roxy felt Sadie's hand in her hair, guiding her face back to where she wanted it, needed it, and Roxy's tongue went to work in tandem with her fingers. As the brunette's body bore down towards the talented fingers, she cried out and a thin clear stream jetted out from her pussy, hitting Richie square in the chest.
"Goddamn," Richie muttered, tasting the sweet juice and rubbing it into his dick. Roxy grinned over her shoulder at the guys as she climbed gracefully up onto the couch, positioning herself over Sadie's face.
"Yeah!!" The guys cheered.
"Eat her pussy!"
"Make her scream!"
"Finger her asshole!"
To shut them all up, Sadie smacked Roxy's ass. The men were silenced for the time being. Her lips suckled back on Roxy's clit and two fingers slipped into her body. Roxy moved her hips front to back, riding her friend's face. Her head dropped back as Sadie moaned, sending vibrations up her spine.
Glancing down, she saw Tico's face between her legs. The longer he laved at her pussy, the more desperate Sadie became and curled her fingers. She massaged the spongy bundle of nerves, Roxy's juices dribbling down Sadie's chin and onto her breasts.
Groans and grunts were heard through the room as the guys were enthralled with the show in front of them. Roxy met Richie's eyes as she scooped up her own breast and brought it to her mouth, swiping the nipple with her pointed tongue. She could have sworn his eyes rolled back. She rewarded him with a show of teeth as they clamped around her nipple.
"Come on, blondie," David called out. "Give us the good shit."
Roxy and Sadie glanced at each other. "Go lay on the coffee table and face your pussy at him," Sadie whispered. "Trust me."
"Always, sweetie," Roxy winked and moved past Jon and Richie slowly, letting them swoon in her fragrance as she made her way to the coffee table in front of David.
With a pointed toe she pushed the empty, forgotten glasses off the table, not caring if any liquids spilled. She turned to David and crooked her finger under his chin, tilting his head upward before dropping the lightest, barely-there kiss to his lips. She then turned and presented her ass to him before perching prettily on the edge of the table, spreading her legs.
Sadie picked up David's half-full beer bottle. "Hope you don't mind." She drizzled some of the liquid down Roxy's pussy and slurped it up. "Wanna see a trick?" David nodded eagerly, stroking his cock and close to coming.
She carefully poised the bottle at Roxy's entrance and pressed it in, the fizzy cold liquid emptying into her. Slowly, Sadie began to fuck her with the bottle. "Tighten your pussy, baby," she cooed and Roxy complied.
David's eyes were wide and he licked his lips. Sadie replaced the bottle with her fingers, pumping her pussy and g-spot desperately. "You gonna give it to him? She's ready for you, handsome."
Less than a minute later, Roxy explodes. Fizzy beer and creamy cum drench David and he shoots several thick ropes of white hot cum over her belly with a loud cry of ecstasy.
Unable to take anymore, Jon stood and moved above Roxy and, with a final few erratic strokes, he empties his seed over her breasts. Rather than follow their lead, Richie offers his cock to Sadie. She slips her lips around it and is rewarded with a sweet mouthful.
Roxy had barely come down from her orgasm when she felt herself fly through the air and into David's arms. She squealed before dissolving into giggles as he whisked her off toward his bedroom, "You. Me. Shower, baby."
Sadie fluttered her lashes at Richie and he scooped her up, legs wrapping around his waist. She clutched onto him and giggled, "So I get to meet the King of Swing? Officially?"
"Damn right, gorgeous," Richie replied and disappeared with her.
Jon groaned and shook his head. "Goddamnit...Am I too slow in grabbing a girl? Those two fucks are always in Alpha mode."
Tico chuckled and stood there with his cock still needing release. "You're a manslut, Jonny. You'll be visiting them both."
"Touche, Hitman, Touche." Jon eyed Tico's dick and winked, "You need a hand with that?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
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