Chapter 35
Fussy did not even begin to describe Isaac the next morning. Whether it was everyone running around, the adults screaming for the older kids or the constant in and out of family from the nursery...the newborn was over their bullshit.
He screamed till he was blue in the face as David bathed him in the Master Bathroom, hoping it would be quiet enough. Instead, the marble flooring and spacious room gave a perfect reverb for Isaac's crying.
To show his displeasure, he proceeded to pee on David as he was being dried off. "Accident my ass. You seriously just stared me in the eye while you pissed on me," David said, raising an eyebrow at his son.
He stripped his now piss-soaked shirt off and tossed it into the tub for washing. After a quick rinse and dry, they were both clean and clothed. "Do we need to already talk about your behavior? You're barely a week old!"
Isaac giggled and gurgled, snuggling up into his Daddy's chest. "Oh good, you boys are dressed," Sadie smiled, coming down the hallway with her arms outstretched. "Figured I'd feed him before I finished getting dressed."
"Good luck with that," David laughed, following her back to their bedroom, "He peed on me once."
"And it won't be the last time," Sadie giggled, settling into the corner chair and helping Isaac latch on for lunch. "Richie and the kids are downstairs packing everything into the cars." She fell silent, glancing up to see Dave staring at her with a dopey grin. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah...you just look beautiful feeding our son," he replied. "To be honest, I was afraid I'd never witness the beauty again. Never had the chance with Lily. She had to be bottle-fed since Lexi passed away. I'm a little jealous though. Those funbags are mine."
Sadie laughed. "I'm sure you'll get them back someday."
"Oh, I'm counting on it," he said, leaning in to kiss her. As he pulled on a fresh shirt and dress pants, he could feel her eyes on him. She always had a way of stroking his ego, no matter how humble he tried to keep himself.
He sprayed on his cologne as Isaac fell off Sadie's nipple, milk drunk and licking his lips happily. Sadie burped the infant and handed him over. "Think you can handle getting him dressed?"
"No problem," David laughed, "He's got a diaper on so my shirt's safe."
Downstairs, Roxy was directing everyone on their jobs and where to put what. Anything to take stress off Dave and Sadie...and to keep her own mind busy.
"Careful with those cupcakes! Sadie will have your nuts if anything happens to them!" She yelled to Jon and Colton. "No no, the KOSHER wine. Not that one! It's got a fucking Jewish name! How can you miss it??"
"Kvatter is here, bitches!" Joseph called out from the foyer, showing off a classic three piece suit in smokey gray. "I sent the family over to the Temple. What can I help with?"
"Butch!" Jon greeted his cousin with a hug.
"That's all I need," Roxy muttered, "another male in the house. Jon, when's Dot arriving or is she meeting us there?"
"She's getting the celebration area at the Temple setup with Steph and Jesse."
"Okay. That's fine. That's good," Roxy nodded, mentally ticking another thing off her list. She'd been on the go since first light, along with Sadie, who had pointed her in the direction of the closest High Street fashion house. Roxy had dashed out the door as close to opening time as possible to purchase a more suitable frock for today.
"Why don't you go on, babe? I got it from here," Sadie said from the staircase, her hair hidden by a white head scarf and her postpartum body encased in a blue maxi length dress with white polka dots.
"Oh! That's so pretty, Sades," Roxy exclaimed from below. She started up the stairs. "I need to quickly do something with my hair before it gets too late. If I leave it down, is that appropriate?"
"Help yourself to anything of mine. You know where it all is," Sadie offered, waving her white pumps around in her hand. "Everything in the cars? Then everyone head over. Plenty of time to socialize after. Go go go."
"How long do I have to get ready?" Roxy asked, already removing her t-shirt in the hallway.
David appeared carrying his tallit and kippah. "Damn, baby...alright, I can make it a quickie..." He smirked and winked her way.
"Thanks, but I prefer it long and slow..."
"Whatever you need, sweet thing," David growled.
Roxy smirked and tossed her t-shirt in his face. "I'll be as quick as I can," she yelled to Sadie and ducked into the bedroom she and Richie were in. Having washed and set her hair earlier, Roxy changed into the blush pink, 1950's style cocktail dress she'd found that morning. She'd even bought a matching clutch purse and nude heels. She was taking the rollers from her hair when Richie came in.
"Wow!" he gasped. "Well, hello Miss Moneypenny!"
"Don't come any closer, Bond," Roxy giggled, noting the hungry look in his eyes. "I might just have to report you to M," Roxy threatened, brandishing her hairbrush at him. They'd been on a James Bond kick recently and easily paraphrased from the movies.
Richie held his hands up in mock defeat and sat heavily on the bed. "That dress is stunning."
"Sometimes the old ways are the best," she winked in the mirror as she quickly fixed her hair and started on her makeup.
Within fifteen minutes, Roxy was slipping her feet into her shoes. "How do I look? Respectable enough for David's mom?" She twirled and the skirt billowed out slightly.
"Wait a minute," Richie said, changing his view point by lying on the floor. "Try that again?!"
She did it again and planted her feet at the end, either side of his head, knowing full well that she was without underwear.
"Oh yeah!" he groaned. "Just perfect!"
"Be a good boy," Roxy said, peering down at him where he lay on the floor between her legs, "and you can take advantage of this dress after the ceremony."
"Thank god I'm not in tight pants today," he said, pushing himself upward, deliberately getting stuck under the voluminous skirt and making Roxy squeal by nipping at the top of her leg.
"C'mon, you two," David yelled from downstairs. "Time to go!"
Roxy checked herself once more in the mirror as Richie readjusted himself. Richie held his arm out to her and, after grabbing her clutch, slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.
"I may be biased," Richie said as they descended down the stairs together, "but I have the prettiest fiance in the whole damned world."
"Why, thank you, baby," Roxy returned. "You're not so bad, yourself."
"About fuckin' ti-," David started saying as he turned toward the couple. "Wow! I liked the black yesterday though. Sades is getting the little slugger into his carseat." He grabbed his tallit and kippah, armed the security system and locked up the house.
"You like it but will your mother approve of this one?" Roxy grinned, air-kissing his cheek before Richie helped her down the few steps at the front door and into the car.
"Yeah it'll shut my mother up," David laughed, clapping Richie on the shoulder.
"Okay so everyone understands what to do?" David asked, helping Sadie straighten out her tallit and head scarf. Isaac had thankfully slept through being changed into his bris gown. One of the Bryan's local photographer friends was quiet as she slid in and out of people, snapping photos.
"I think so," Roxy said. "Forgive me if I forget something though."
Sadie looked down at the baby in her arms as the sounds of the temple organ filled the air. She kissed his little nose and faced the closed doors with David by her side, Joseph and Roxy behind them.
They could faintly hear the Rabbi speaking to the congregation. "At the request of the parents, photography and video is prohibited. Please turn off and put away all phones. Be here...be present and celebrate the newest miracle of the Rashbaum family...anyone with their phone out will be the one sent the bill for today."
There was laughter. No one would be laughing if they saw the actual bill.
The doors opened and they watched as the full congregation of family and friends stood. Those who could speak Hebrew spoke loudly, Baruch haba, "Blessed be he who comes." The cantor led them into a soft hymn, both English and Hebrew as Sadie and David walked their son down the aisle for the first time.
They stepped up onto the altar and stood as Joseph and Roxy lit the two customary candles as symbols of life and the presence of God. The gathered family and friends sat at the Rabbi's gesture, Roxy coming over and taking Isaac from Sadie then handed him to Joseph.
Roxy stood next to Joseph as Sadie did with David, the latter removing the Torah scroll and rolling it out onto the bimah. They all listened to the reading indicating his acceptance of the responsibility for bringing his son into the covenant.
After another two hymns and prayer, Tico stood and straightened his jacket. "Now it is time to honor the chosen sandak. Mr Torres, please..." The Rabbi gestured to a special chair draped in sacred dressings. Elijah's chair. The prophet being honored.
Tico sat and Isaac was placed on his knees while the other four stood surrounding him.
The Rabbi raised a hand to hover over Isaac and Tico. "Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu al hamilah." ("Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us through Your mitzvot and ordained circumcision.")
The Rabbi held Isaac's right arm and with Tico holding his left, placed a kippah on Isaac's head. "B'rit milah b'rit milah." ("A covenant of covenant.") David tied the gold ribbon under the baby's chin.
Everyone stayed silent as the circumcision proceeded. A few squeamish bowed their heads and Isaac screamed his displeasure at the cold air. Tico and David were able to distract him by singing a couple songs, the two vastly different voices harmonizing flawlessly.
The Rabbi completed the procedure and laid the bloodied gauze over the wound. Everyone stood again and the Rabbi and Cantor sang another hymn. The congregation then sat as the Rabbi spoke.
"It is customary for the father of the bris to recite the bracha. For those who don't speak Hebrew, you'll find a copy of the prayer in your program." He turned to Dave. "You may begin."
"Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hachniso b'vrito shel Avraham avinu." ("Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us through Your mitzvot and has commanded us to bring our sons into the covenant of Abraham our father.")
Dave continued the blessings and Sadie and David listened intently. The Rabbi continued to speak and Sadie smiled and nodded at everything he said. He poured a glass of wine and murmured, "He who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...Welcome in the name of Him, born at an auspicious time may his name be called in Israel, Yishak Levanah Rashbaum...son of Sarah and David. In reward for your blessing, may they raise him to Torah, marriage and good deeds. Now let us respond: amen."
The gathering repeated, "Amen." First Joseph then Roxy sipped the wine. Then David and Sadie. Several drops were placed on Isaac's lips and he squirmed at the new taste.
The Rabbi raised his hands. "Let us rejoice with our new family. May this boy's birth be blessed and joyous!"
Sadie was handed Isaac and led out her husband and friends, followed row by row of the gathering. "You two go sit and relax for a few minutes," Roxy told Sadie. "Text me when you're ready so I can make sure everyone is ready for the little man's big entrance."
David and Sadie took Isaac into one of the gathering rooms. Sadie laid him on a soft blanket and placed sweet kisses over his cherubic face. "He's beautiful," she said.
"It was cool," David smiled, draping an arm around Sadie's shoulders. "It brought back a lot of memories of Colton's bris. You ok?"
"I felt bad for him," Sadie frowned. "He won't remember any pain?"
"None," Dave reassured her, "I don't and neither does Colton. I promise."
"Tico did amazing," Sadie said, cuddling up with Dave and her son bundled in his blanket. "He's so happy and proud. He dotes on Isaac."
"He's good with kids," David said. "I thought Roxy might pitch a fit...I've heard some pediatricians that don't agree with circumcision, no matter the circumstances. Religious or not."
Sadie scowled up at her fiance. "Roxy wouldn't do that. She's always been respectful of culture and customs, even if she doesn't agree with them."
Dave removed his tie and undid two buttons of his shirt. "And that means a lot. You know as well as I do that being Jewish is a challenge itself. He's got a rough life ahead."
"So did we...and we turned out pretty damn good," Sadie smirked, reaching over to undo a third button on Dave's shirt. "There...perfect. Ready to go party?"
"Yeah...I'll message Roxy or she'll have my nuts for breakfast."
The welcome that followed from friends and family was overwhelming for Isaac who was swept up by David's mother, Flo. She wouldn't take no for an answer so the couple allowed her to take him aside, giving them a chance to mingle with their guests.
Tables were overflowing with a variety of foods, wine and other drinks. Hard boiled eggs, apple cake with honey drizzle, fruit and veggies, cheese and meat, and sushi decorated the silver platters. Three tiers of cupcakes was the centerpiece of which the guests were in awe.
"Rox, you've really outdone yourself," Dave called over the music, kissing her on the cheek.
"Why, thank you, kind sir," she said with a slight drop curtsey. "I've been so nervous that I was going to fuck something up like I did with my dress yesterday. You both looked amazing, though."
"You didn't fuck up anything...my mother is just...well...my mother," he laughed, giving her waist a squeeze. "Personally...I liked the other dress."
"Yeah, me too," she said, pouting prettily, "but I think your brother from another mother will enjoy this one later if I can find a quiet spot somewhere." She winked and cast her eyes around for who was watching and gave David a flash of bare ass cheek.
Dave licked his lips and growled. "Too bad you and Sadie are set on being monogamous. I wouldn't mind finding that quiet spot with you." He gave her ass a soft spank. "You two always enjoyed playing around with us."
"Maybe we will again one day," Roxy said with a soft smile and tilted her head to one side, considering him. "Make it an anniversary of sorts."
"Not a bad idea..." Sadie's voice came from behind David. "Have you and Richie talked about that because he mentioned the same thing..."
"Once or twice," he replied with a wink.
"Pervs," she cooed, pulling him in by his belt. "Rox...do you think naughty little boys should be rewarded?"
"Depends on what you consider a reward...," Roxy smirked. "Or will it be more like pleasurable punishment?"
Sadie bit her bottom lip and buried her nose in Dave's neck. "His punishment is that we can't have sex for six weeks." He groaned and hung his head.
"Oh no," Roxy giggled at them both. "Awww I guess Ms Right," Roxy picked up David's right hand, "will be more of a willing participant for a while, huh?"
"For one...I use my left hand," he replied incredulously, "and two...I could always pop you on my dick like a ventriloquist puppet."
"No no no," Sadie giggled, "If I can't fuck, you can't fuck. I even got you a whole roll of paper towel...just for that. Three ply."
"For the extra absorbency, right?!" Roxy chuckled.
"The quilted quicker picker upper!"
"Pick up all those stray swimmers lying around."
"Hunny, you'd get pregnant just sitting on that studio sofa."
"You know, I'm standing right here!" David interjected.
"We know," the girls chorused.
"I'll leave you two to sort out the left versus right issue," Roxy grinned and kissed her friends before she excused herself to find Richie.
Four hours and many times of being passed around and oogled over, Isaac was done. No one could calm him until he was handed back to Sadie, who scooted out to feed him. One by one, guests said their goodbyes and filed out.
"At what point am I gonna stop feeling like a cow in a milking farm?" Sadie asked David, Roxy, Richie and the Bongiovi family at large.
"Depends," Dot shrugged. "You could change to formula if you don't think he's getting enough. I went with the "whatever makes the babies sleep" method of feeding."
"Yeah, then I got these babies back," Jon grinned, pulling his wife close and kissed her soundly.
Sadie tilted Isaac a bit to show off his milk-drunk expression. "Pretty sure he's getting all he needs and more. I'm already exhausted." She laid her head on David's shoulder.
"Do you guys need a ride to your folks?" Jon asked Richie. "It's not that much out of the way and we got the room."
"Even for Roxy's suitcase?" Richie joked. "It's bigger than my tour case."
"Hey!" Roxy exclaimed, elbowing him lightly in the ribs. "It was full of baby stuff. It is now empty and you could probably put your carry all inside of my case...if you're worried about size," Roxy waggled her eyebrows at him and grinned. "Which I'm certainly not worried about!"
"Matt...Butch...could you two help get all the gifts down to the car? That way I can get Sadie and Isaac home?" Dave asked, pulling a chair over for Sadie. "Colton! Gabby! Help pack up the food that's left! Sades might get hungry later!"
"Ok, Dad!" The twins yelled back.
There was a general hubbub of activity as people sorted out who was going in whose car, and what presents and food was to be transported home. Within the hour the place was vacated and the convoy of cars headed back toward the Bryan house for unloading and reloading of Richie and Roxy's luggage into Jon's car.
"You've been a lifesaver...literally," Sadie said, hugging Roxy tightly. "Now go and enjoy time with Richie before the tour comes around."
"I'm glad I was here!" Roxy said, returning the hug. "But those girls did an amazing job of staying calm. I'm so proud of them. Lily's going to be a great nurse one day...or doctor, who knows."
"All Samboras and future Samboras...your transportation awaits," Jon yelled from the front vestibule.
"Guess that's my cue," Roxy said, hugging Sadie again tightly.
"Call me when you get back to California."
"I will! And make sure that Lema treats you like the queen you are," Roxy said, "otherwise I'll come after his balls with a scalpel."
"He always does...I think he'd be scared to do anything to the contrary."
"LEAVE MY BALLS OUT OF THIS!" David yelled from the foyer.
Goodbyes were said and promises made as Roxy and Richie settled themselves in the back of Jon's car for the short ride to the elder Samboras' home.
"Thank fuck they're all gone," David grumbled, his face pinned in a rigid smile as the cars started to roll down the driveway.
Sadie and Dave stood with Isaac in the doorway, waving off their friends as the sun set on their Colts Neck home and thankful for peace and quiet at fucking last.
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