Chapter 20
*~*Sadie and David*~*
After saying their goodbyes, Sadie and Roxy had stayed on Jovi Air with Richie and David bound for Florida. It was decided they would pack up their belongings but leave the furniture with their house and sell it as fully furnished.
The girls shared tears and hugs, filling up suitcases and rolling them to the front door. With the guys helping, they were finished within three hours and arrived at the tarmac an hour later. Ground crews got to work packing luggage into their respective jets. One bound for California, the other for Jersey.
"We're crazy, you know that?" Sadie cried to Roxy, hugging her tight.
"Always were and always will be!" Roxy sobbed. "Call me tonight? Let me know everything is good?"
"Might have to be tomorrow," Sadie said, "I'm meeting the kids tonight and his Mom tomorrow."
"His kids?" Roxy said, "How many does he have?"
"Three, twins and a young daughter. But don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll love them."
"You will, honey, and they'll love you." The two girls hugged goodbye as the guys came to escort them onto the planes. Sadie blew kisses at Roxy who blew them back. She kept waving until she could no longer see her best friend. With a heavy heart, she boarded the plane and took her seat next to David.
"You okay?" he asked, buckling in.
She wiped her eyes and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."
He gave her a weak smile and kissed her hand. The plane taxied to the runway and soon they were airborne. Sadie stared out the window as the ground got further away. She had lived in Florida most of her life and wasn't sure what to expect in New Jersey.
"You're quiet over there," he said, looking up from his guitar and breaking the silence.
She looked over at him and smiled, "Just thinking."
"Anything you wanna talk about?"
She bit her lip and shook her head, "It's just a lot to process. I'll tell you later."
He shrugged and returned to his instrument. She stared out the window, watching the clouds go by. She found it fascinating how they were white on top, gray in the middle, and blue on the bottom. It was like God painted them with one of those spin art machines.
Between his quiet playing and the purr of the jet engine, she fell into slumber with thoughts of her new home, invading her dreams. David was the first to notice they were descending. He nudged her shoulder and she stretched in her seat.
"We're here, Babygirl," he announced.
She looked out the window to see the sun just beginning to set on the horizon. She had only been asleep for a couple of hours. "Wow," she said, "That went by fast."
He chuckled, "It did. C'mon, we're landing in a few. There's a buddy of mine who owns a security company. He'll be meeting us at the airport."
The pilot came on the PA to tell them to keep their seatbelts on and to stay in their seats until the plane came to a complete stop on the tarmac. Rather than the Escalades she'd seen on tour, a beautiful black Lincoln Navigator was waiting and two burly men in sunglasses.
The engines whined to a stop, and a flight attendant opened the door. David stood and stretched before hoisting his guitar case over his shoulder. He extended a hand to help Sadie up and helped her down the stairs first.
"It's good to see you again, Darius," he said to one of the men in sunglasses.
"Welcome home, Bossman!" Darius replied in a deep bass, shaking his hand. "Hope you don't mind. I brought Tyrone out. He's a new employee. Showing him the ropes. You must be...Sarah?"
Sadie smiled and took Darius' massive hand in her dainty one. "Yeah but you can call me Sadie. It's nice to meet you."
"Pleasure is all mine, Miss." Darius and Tyrone started loading luggage into the Nav, David paying the pilot and flight attendant leaving Sadie to climb into the backseat and look cute in the late afternoon sun.
The ride to the house was uneventful other than Darius trying to make small talk with her. She learned that he was from Detroit and started his business a couple of years back. David had been his first client and took up security jobs for the various house parties that Dave would host.
After a quick stop when Sadie's blood sugar dropped too low, they drove through the countryside of Colts Neck. The house resembled a large chateau in France with a turret that reminded her of a castle tower.
"Twelve acres of land...there's a horse stable and the house is surrounded by trees," David told her excitedly. "The pool is under construction but should be done by the time touring is over."
"It's beautiful," she said, taking it all in. "Different from when I saw it in 1995 though."
"I rebuilt about three years ago," he answered.
They parked in the driveway and began to unload the Nav. All four of them carried bags to the Master Bedroom on the second floor, but Sadie lagged behind to take in everything. Last time she'd been here, the home had been more modest.
But now there was custom marble flooring in the foyer with iron-railed spiral staircases, one that led up and the other she assumed led into the small basement.
White pillars framed the entry into different areas and artwork adorned the walls, but she'd let David give her that grand tour. She followed the voices up the staircase and down the hall to the Master Suite. When she saw how much the bedroom had been changed, Sadie's breath caught in her throat.
The room was huge and the walls were soft white with gold trim. There were two walk-in closets, one for each of them. In the middle of the room was a white canopy bed with sheer gold curtains hanging from the four posts and a white and gold padded headboard.
There was a vanity near the windows on one side of the room and a sitting area in the corner next to a fireplace, surmounted by a large flat-screen TV. French doors led out onto the balcony that overlooked the large backyard.
"Welcome home, baby," David said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "I know it's a lot to take in." Tears came unbidden to her eyes. All she could do was nod as he kissed the side of her head. He paid both men and told them the rest of Sadie's luggage could be left just inside the door.
"Nice to meet you again!" She called out to them.
"So what do you think?" Dave asked.
"I love it," she said, turning in his embrace to face him. His eyes were shining and he looked so happy that she couldn't help herself. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his for a quick, firm kiss. "I should unpack before meeting your kids tonight," she said.
"In a minute," he murmured and kissed her again.
This time it was longer and deeper. His hands moved down her back to grip her ass and pull her more firmly against him. She sighed and melted into his embrace. After a few moments, he moved his lips to her ear and nibbled gently on the edge.
"Mmm baby..." she murmured, tilting her head to give him better access.
"You're so fucking sexy," he growled, kissing down her neck. He reached between them and deftly flicked the button on her jeans open then slid the zipper down. She sucked in a breath as his hand dipped beneath the lace of her thong and inside her folds.
"Daddy wants his dessert first?"
"Goddamn right I do," he groaned, sliding a finger inside of her easily. "Fuck I need to taste your pussy." He pushed her jeans down to her knees and she raised one foot then the other so he could pull them off.
He dropped to his knees as he did so, and Sadie trembled in anticipation. She knew what he was going to do and she wanted it so badly. His tongue parted her folds and delved into her opening. She moaned as he swirled it around, lapping up her juices.
"Ohhh fuuuck, Daddy," she moaned, head dropping back in pleasure. He sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue and she could feel herself swelling more. She gasped as he slid a finger into her as far as it would go and curled it upwards.
"I want you to come for me, baby," he growled. "I want you to come all over my face." She bit her lip and nodded, one hand flying to his hair and grabbing hold as he sucked her clit into his mouth again.
She could feel the orgasm building inside her core and she whimpered, wanting it so badly. He slid another finger into her and curled them upwards, hitting a spot inside her that made her whole body seize up for a moment.
He sucked hard on her clit and she held him in place, grinding her pussy against his face as she rode out her orgasm. She shuddered and moaned as he continued to lap at her, drawing out the orgasm until she was trembling and weak-kneed.
"Oh my god," she moaned, as he kissed his way back up her body. He stood and lifted her up like she weighed nothing and carried her to the bed. Their bed.
"You are so beautiful when you come," he said and kissed her deeply. He laid her down and quickly stripped out of his clothes before climbing on top of her.
She could feel his throbbing erection pressed against her thigh and she reached between them to grasp him, guiding him to her entrance as he slid into home.
"Oh fuck, baby," he groaned. "You feel so good."
"Mmm, more," she whispered in his ear, as he began to slide in and out of her. He gripped her ass as he pumped into her, holding her in place so he could sink in as deep as possible with each thrust. She could feel another orgasm building as he continued to pound into her.
Their moans echoed off the walls as he thrust into her over and over. He could feel her muscles rippling along his length as he pushed in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around him as he leaned down to capture a nipple in his mouth.
She cried out, arching her back as far as she could go. He bit down on the tender bud gently then soothed it with his tongue. Her body was slick with sweat and she could hear the sounds of their skin slapping together echoing off the walls.
"Ungh! I'm gonna..." he started to say and she silenced him with a kiss.
He placed his hands under her ass and lifted her up as his thrusts became more frantic. Finally, with one last push, he slid all the way into her as his body went stiff and he groaned loudly, his cock pulsing inside of her as he filled her with his warmth.
David slowly lowered her back down to the bed and collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, not wanting to let him go. He finally rolled off of her and pulled her against him. She rested her head on his chest and listened to the steady thump of his heart.
"You're everything to me, you know that?" he said softly.
"You're everything to me," she replied, running her fingers through Dave's chest hair. "What time are the kids being dropped off?"
"7 o'clock. Lily's been staying with April and the twins."
"You'll probably wanna grab a shower first," Sadie laughed, "It'll take me a bit to unpack what I need." She rolled out of bed and started opening suitcases, giggling as Dave streaked to one of the other bathrooms to clean up and left Sadie with the master bathroom.
It took a few minutes to find the right suitcase but she emerged victorious with a cute pair of black palazzo lounge pants with lace detail up the sides, paired it with a grey cold shoulder crisscross tunic sweater.
She dragged her makeup and hygiene tote into the bathroom, unpacking what she could as products were used. A quick shower and blowdry, light makeup and she was feeling her nerves bubbling up. She sat on the side of the bathtub and took some deep breaths.
She knew it was silly to be so worked up but she couldn't help it, she felt so much pressure to make a good impression. Granted Lily was still young but the twins were nearing their teenage years. Who knows what kind of temperament and attitude they'd have.
Her blood sugar check surprisingly was normal and she headed out to find Dave. He was already downstairs, talking to a tall woman with dirty blonde hair.
Damn, he looks delicious in those jeans! She thought and smiled when he waved her over.
"Sarah, this is my ex April. April...this is my fiancee, Sarah," he introduced with some hesitancy.
"Nice to meet you," Sadie said with a warm smile, holding out her hand.
April looked her up and down before taking her hand, squeezing it a little too firmly. "Yeah, I remember you briefly way back when. A pleasure to finally meet you. David said you're a doctor?"
"Neurology but he knew me when I was still in school."
"As I said, I remember. You were the stripper, right?" April sneered.
Sadie's smile faltered. "Excuse me?"
"Oh don't play dumb with me. You and that little blonde who hung over Richie and Jon were fucking strippers. I'm not stupid, I remember David telling me all about you."
"Actually, you're wrong there, I was an exotic dancer," she said through clenched teeth. "There's a damn big difference."
"Is that right?" April laughed cruelly. "Well, why don't you explain the difference to me since you seem to know so much."
Dave stepped in before Sadie could retort. "That's enough April. I think we're good here. We don't need to rehash ancient history."
April rolled her eyes and turned to the car, waving the kids to come on in. "Whatever. Just keep your dirty past away from my kids."
"Daddy!!" A tiny voice, Lily, called out and launched herself into David's arms while Gabby and Colton smiled at their Dad and Sadie, but disappeared into the house.
"Princess! I missed you," he laughed and kissed her cheek, watching April leave while shaking her head. "I'm sorry about that," he apologized, scratching the back of his head. "April can be...a little hostile at times."
"It's fine. I get it. I'm a big threat," she joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"You sure you're okay? You look a little...pale."
She forced a smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just need some coffee."
He studied her face for a moment before nodding and taking her hand. "Come on, let's go meet the kids."
"So Dad actually found a Jewish girl who's a Doctor AND cute??" Colton asked over his chicken teriyaki.
David, Sadie and the kids had opted to lounge around the living room table with Chinese food delivery rather than a fancy setting. Much to Sadie's surprise and relief, all three kids were well-mannered and were open to asking her questions. And ask...they did.
"Aww thank you!" She chuckled. "Plus I LOVE fashion. My best friend, Roxy, and I would spend hours shopping at the cutest boutiques in Miami."
"Your makeup is pretty," Lily piped in after swallowing a forkful of rice.
Gabby perked up and her eyes brightened. "Can we see?! Did you bring it all with you?!"
"I just got here today," Sadie laughed, "It's all still packed up!"
"A tragedy!" Gabby exclaimed. "I'll help!"
"Me too!" Lily said, throwing her hand up.
"Count me out," Colton said moodily. "I'll go play video games or hang out with Dad."
"Well...after dinner, the girls and I can go exploring through my luggage," Sadie said. "You and your father can clean up."
No telling if Lily and Gabby actually chewed their food, but within 10 minutes they were both sitting smiling with empty plates. "We're ready!" Gabby grinned.
"Jesus...I've never seen them eat so quick," David muttered. "Who woulda thought clothes would do that?!"
"Never underestimate the power of a good outfit and pair of shoes," Sadie winked, placing her plate on the coffee table at their feet.
"Girls," Colton snorted.
"Let's go," Sadie said to the expectant faces looking at her.
Gabby and Lily squealed in glee and took off upstairs, leaving Colton and David rolling their eyes. Both were pulling suitcases into the large walk-in closet
"Where do you want to start?" Sadie asked, running the zipper pull around the first case.
"Oh my god, the leather and sequins!" Gabby had dived into another case, pulling out leather snakeskin skirts and rhinestone embossed jeans. "You're already cooler than our mom! Oh hello!" She held up a mini skirt with studs and chains. "We love her!"
"You have a lot of big heels," Lily commented from where she was putting up shoes on a built-in rack.
"They come in handy," she shrugged. "I mean...I'm not exactly an Amazon woman, am I?!"
"So...how long HAVE you known Dad?" Gabby asked, taking down some hangers and drooling over every piece she pulled out.
"Um...well...," Sadie hemmed, wondering how much she could get away with. "It's been a while now. I was still in medical school back then."
"Did he buy you anything like this? He always liked to buy my mom things," Lily said, placing a pair of pink and black skull heels just so.
Gabby sighed loudly. "Lils you can't just go asking her stuff like that. You remember what Dad said about bringing your mom up."
Sadie gazed at Gabby curiously. "What'd he say about bringing her up?"
The two young girls exchanged a look then Gabby spoke, "That she came into the picture after you and...and that it might bring up...issues."
"Oh...um...," Sadie sighed. "Can I say something for a moment?" She waited for both girls to stop and look at her. "I...I just want to say that I'm not here to replace either of your mothers, but I hope someday that we'll be as close as a mother and daughter. I love your father very much. I hope that you can understand."
"I don't even know mine," Lily pouted and bent her head. "So...um...I'd like that..."
"I'm sure your Mom would be okay with that too," Sadie replied, taking the little girl's hand and squeezing it gently. "Okay...now that that conversation is over and done with...what's next?"
"Do you have any pretty dresses?" Lily asked, pointing to a large empty area. "They could go right there!" Sadie opened up the case of dresses and they set to work hanging them up, jamming to some music and the girls in awe over the rhinestones, diamonds and fancy designer names.
Gabby took over organizing accessories and tops. "How do I look?!" She exclaimed and showed off a black wide-brim hat and pink silk scarf. "Am I fabulous?"
"Absolutely fabulous, darling," the older woman replied, putting on a posh accent and tucking another empty case away. "Oh oh not that case, Hunny! That's...uh...that's a case for adults only..." She grabbed her lingerie and toy case, rolling it back into the bedroom.
Gabby giggled and made kissy noises. "So what brought you and Dad together way back then?"
"Um, well, Tico knew us first," Sadie explained. "He introduced us to everyone in the band. We were employed to help out on week when they were recording the These Days album."
"Doing what?" Lily asked innocently.
"I hope you two aren't giving Sadie a hard time in here," David's booming voice came from the doorway. "She and Roxy did a little of everything. Cooking and taking care of us spoiled brats."
"Don't forget we helped with inspiration for a song too," she smiled up at her fiance. "We should get writing credits or something for that, at least!"
David growled and pulled her into his arms. "Especially with the tushy shaking..."
"Oh my God, Dad!" Gabby complained, finishing up with the last shirts.
"Well, he's not wrong," Sadie giggled, as she performed a PG-rated bump and grind movement.
Lily came up to hug them both. "You're cute together! You can dance too?! Can you teach me?"
"Um, how about NO, kiddo!" her father exclaimed. "Instead you can go find some dessert and something to watch on TV before bed."
"Can Sadie come too?" The youngest daughter asked, wrapping her small arms around the woman.
"Tell you what...I'll give you a headstart. Last I saw, there was vanilla ice cream in the freezer and homemade brownies still warm in the oven. I'll meet you down there," Sadie said kindly and hugged Lily. The little girl took off followed by Gabby.
Sadie leaned herself against David and the two shared a tender kiss. "I told you they'd love you," he whispered, barely parting his lips from hers.
"Why'd you tell Lily not to bring up her mom around me?"
He swallowed and peeled his eyes from Sadie. "I dunno, I was just worried..."
"David, look at me. I came here knowing that Lexi still lives, both in your heart and in Lily. I also know that won't ever change, nor would I ask it to. I don't want either of you to think you can't talk about her." Sadie cupped his face in her hands, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he said hoarsely, kissing the top of her head. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You don't ever have to find out." She wrapped her arms around him and rested her cheek on his chest, listening to the strong, steady beat of his heart.
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