Chapter 11
Hours later, Danny delivered Roxy and Sadie back to The Four Seasons after their afternoon of pampering at the Mandarin Oriental. They'd been fawned over by the staff. Their bodies were scrubbed, waxed, painted and rubbed down, hair washed, dried and styled.
Glass bowls of fresh strawberries and flutes of expensive champagne served up with smiles and bows. They didn't need to ask anything or barely move as their make-up was done to perfection.
"Is there anything else we can do for you, ladies?" Yen-Sheng, the Manager of the spa, asked.
"Actually...before I get dressed again," Roxy said, "Do you have a henna artist here?"
"I have access to one, yes. May I ask what you were wanting?"
Roxy outlined her plan to Yen-Sheng, who grinned and nodded, "Your gentleman friend will be very appreciative of the surprise, Miss. I'll go make a phone call now. You won't have to wait too long." He then looked over to Sadie and added, "You want the same?"
"Actually...I'd like to have a garter on my upper thigh. Maybe look like lace?"
Yen-Sheng bowed and left to make the call. They barely had to wait 20 minutes when he returned with the artist. The two watched the artist finalize their requests and set to work.
Once the designs were drawn the woman plugged in a hairdryer and gently dried the paste to the skin. After about half an hour of drying time and a satisfied nod from the small woman, she took a flexible tool and scraped the excess paste away.
With a thorough eye, she'd removed all the paste from both girls, turning them left and right as she inspected her work. When satisfied she gave a curt nod and packed up her utensils.
"Take 24 hour to darken to full," she said in broken English, "No wet tonight. Do this, will last two weeks. Yes?!"
Back in the privacy of their hotel suite, Sadie had worked on her dress with Roxy's help. "These men will be drooling," she offered, examining the lace garter around her thigh and checked her watch. "They should be arriving soon."
She helped Roxy into her dress and they pulled out all the purchases for the night. Their jewellery glimmered in the bright suite lights and Sadie slid on the studded Louboutins. "My God I never thought I'd own a pair of these babies." She rummaged through her handbag and moved over anything she would need to the pretty new Prada clutch.
Roxy checked them both out in the full-length mirror, the two standing side by side, and her eyes sparkled at the thought of the night ahead.
"Girl, you're stunning," she turned to Sadie and ran her eyes over her appreciatively.
"So do you, babe," Sadie replied and hugged her best friend. "Jon is gonna go wild!"
"David is gonna be hard the moment he sees you. Insta-boner!" She chuckled as Sadie had bent over to retrieve her lipstick that had rolled from her bag, catching a flash of garter on her thigh and the barely-there thong.
Roxy was adjusting her dress as a knock on the door startled them both. "Guess that's them," she said, "Do you want to get it or shall I?"
"We both should and greet them just how we did the first time," Sadie giggled.
"Quick, let's pop the champagne first then."
Roxy trotted into the living room and carefully extracted the cork and poured enough glasses of sparkling wine for everyone. "I'm ready," she said.
They each held a glass by the stem and stood hip to hip. Roxy leaned forward enough to unlock the door and resumed her pose. The door was pushed open slowly to show David and Jon holding a bouquet of roses, an overnight bag for themselves and one of the girls' bags each.
"Hello, gentlemen," Roxy and Sadie greeted them in unison. Eyes popped open and jaws hit the floor when Jon and David saw the two.
"Wow," David gasped.
"Jesus Christ," Jon swore softly.
Roxy smirked and whispered, "Money well spent, Jon?" David and Jon both nodded and held out the bouquets like awkward nervous teenagers on prom night.
"What's the hold-up...," Richie's voice travelled around the corner and down Roxy's spine.
This seemed to snap David and Jon from their reverie and they finally moved into the room, taking the glass of champagne from their respective dates. Jon wrapped his arm around Roxy's waist and thanked her with a hot look and even hotter kiss as Tico and his wife walked through the door, Richie and Heather following close behind.
David took Sadie's hand and spun her, catching her in his arms. "You look breathtaking, babydoll. Especially the pearls. Very classy."
Sadie thanked him with a kiss and Tico introduced the girls to Eva. She was a tall leggy blonde who sweetly gushed over the girls' outfits and accessories. Richie and Heather were the last to come through the door. Roxy felt both sets of eyes run over her from top to toe but for vastly different reasons.
"Nice to see you again, darlin'," Richie said smoothly, kissing her cheek.
"You too, Richie" Roxy replied, handing them both a champagne flute, "Care to introduce us?" She gave the blonde a small smile in acknowledgement. She knew it was Heather but for the sake of the ruse, played the innocent. Roxy took in the way Heather was gripping Richie's hand tightly and sizing her up.
"Pleasure," Heather said, accepting her glass. "So you're Jon's new...what? Gal pal?"
"Heather," Richie admonished, "Play nice tonight, please?"
"I'm whatever Jon wants me to be," Roxy straightened up, "I'm Roxanne. I'm assuming you're Richie's wife? Heather, isn't it?"
Heather raised an eyebrow. "Hmm...and who's your friend?" She gestured to Sadie who was deep in conversation with Eva about fashion. Tico and David had taken up amongst themselves, growing bored of the girlish talk.
"That's my best friend, Sadie," Roxy said, nodding to her friend when she heard her name mentioned.
"How'd you two meet?" Heather sipped her champagne and smirked.
"Nursing school actually. In Florida."
"Not you and her...you and Jon," Heather corrected her in a snippy tone.
"Oh...Papi T...sorry, Tico introduced us," Roxy said and giggled when Jon kissed her neck.
"Lay off with the twenty questions, Heather," Jon growled lightly.
"I knew her voice was familiar," she said to Richie and squeezed his hand hard enough to make him wince. "She was the one I heard on the phone last night!"
Richie groaned and stepped between his wife when David called out to Heather's accusation, "Roxy's a screamer!"
"Zip it, Lema," Tico said gruffly, then a little louder, "Don't we have to be somewhere soon?"
Heather rolled her eyes. "And how would you know that, David?"
"T's right," Richie said, grateful for the distraction. "We need to get moving. Baby, I need that hand, can you please stop grinding the bones together?"
"I need to freshen up," Sadie said, "Rox, can I talk to you for a moment?"
Roxy nodded, excused herself and followed Sadie into one of the bathrooms, locking the door behind her and started complaining. "I really don't want Heather to be the one staying with us..."
"We agreed to let the boys sort it out, though," Sadie replied, "I don't think we have much say in it. Maybe she'll loosen up after a drink or two?"
"What'd you wanna talk to me about?" Roxy sighed and hiked up her dress enough to sit and pee. This wasn't out of the norm for the two friends. Privacy was nonexistent.
"Nothing," Sadie shrugged as she inspected her makeup, "I just wanted to get out from under her scrutiny. D said he was bringing some good shit for the after-party."
Roxy flushed and fixed her dress before washing her hands, "Hmm, save some for me, huh? C'mon, let's go."
"You and Jon just need to come party with us. I know you like Richie but unless Heather gets pissed and goes to bed early, he might be out of the picture for tonight," Sadie said bluntly.
"I know...we probably will come to join you, no doubt." Roxy unlocked the door and picked up their purses on the way back to the living room. Heather was pulling Richie towards the door. The girls hooked their arms into their respective guy and trekked down to the car. Richie caught Roxy's eyes and mouthed 'I'm sorry' when Heather looked away. She didn't respond and only turned to whisper to Jon, "Just get me through tonight...please..."
"I promise, baby," Jon whispered back and sealed it with a gentle kiss. Then, in a voice a little louder, "So who came up with the plan for the suite tonight? It's perfect, by the way."
"Oh!" she exclaimed and dug into her purse to fish out his credit card, "I forgot to give you this back. I hope we didn't spend too much?"
"You can thank Danny for the idea!" Sadie said excitedly. "You know...the HEAD of YOUR security?!? Just for withholding that tidbit, you don't get to see my panties, Jonny!"
Jon had the good grace to blush but grinned anyway, "Couldn't just have you two run off with my money now, could I?"
"It was just a precaution. Unwarranted at that, as it seems," he said running the edge of the plastic from Sadie's bottom lip, over her chin and down her neck to between her breasts. Sadie's breath quickened and her nipples hardened visibly through the fabric of her dress.
The elevator pinged and slid open to reveal the lobby. Sadie whimpered and allowed David to lead her away from Jon. It was cooler tonight and she pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders.
Everyone piled into the stretch limo, lit up in purple on the inside. Champagne was poured and everyone was laughing, except for Heather. She simply sipped her drink moodily even when Sadie asked about her work and Melrose Place.
Roxy turned to Jon and whispered, "Is she always like this?"
"She's threatened by you and Sadie," Jon whispered back. "She bleeds green where Richie's concerned. She'll warm up once she's had a few drinks. Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight, baby?"
"You neglected that," Roxy teased. "But I think you can make it up to me with a kiss."
"Oh I could apologise all night," he breathed, taking her chin gently between his thumb and finger, dropping his lips to hers.
Their limo pulled up to the red carpet entrance and the doors opened, revealing hoards of photographers, journalists and select fans who had won radio contests. The guys held tight to their ladies who smiled politely for the cameras.
Left, right, left, centre, right...so many were vying for the best shots. Sadie and Roxy wrapped themselves around David and Jon, posing and grabbing their asses for a reaction.
The girls were even asked to pose together, just the two of them at first then with Eva and Heather. They worked the crowd naturally much to the boys' bemusement.
"Are you two dating Jon Bon Jovi and David Bryan??" One reporter yelled out. "What are your names?"
Eva leaned over and whispered to the girls, "Let the guys give your names and answer those questions. They'll have a field day otherwise." Roxy and Sadie both nodded and thanked her.
After making it through the photographers, the guys were pinned by a few of the television crews as they made their way inside. Eva and Heather handled it like the professionals they were.
Roxy tried to fade into the background but Jon refused to let go of her hand. She was thankful they'd put the effort into their appearance for tonight. They found their seats inside and took in the full event as more and more celebrities arrived.
Once underway, they watched the performances and awards given to the best this and that...eventually they lost track.
"Alright, girls, we need to go backstage and start preparing for our performance. You two stay here and try not to cause any trouble," Jon teased playfully.
"Too late," Sadie replied and stuck out her tongue. Once out of earshot, she turned to Roxy. "What do you think they'll be playing?"
Roxy shrugged. "Something from Keep the Faith. Maybe Slippery."
They watched the stage transform and then the guys appeared to a wave of applause and cheers.
"We're here to give you all a special little treat tonight," Jon purred into the microphone. "Rather than a song you've heard a thousand times, we got a song from the new album and we hope you all like it, especially the two angels that inspired it. I need every ass out of those seats and gimme a little something for the pain."
Roxy turned to Sadie in surprise, "What the?!" She caught Heather's arched look over Sadie's shoulder but chose to ignore it.
"Happiness, it's been no friend to me. But forever after ain't what it's all cracked up to be. Yeah, I had a taste, you were my fantasy. But I almost lost my faith when I hit reality. I don't need no Guru to tell me what to do. When you're feeling like a headline on yesterday's news."
With a whoop, Sadie jumped to her feet as the whole room did and hauled Roxy up with her. "It's the song they'd been working on, remember? After they had us listen to that one song?" Sadie asked and blew a kiss to David when she caught his eye.
"Uh-huh," Roxy nodded as she let herself move freely to the music.
"Come on, come on, come on. Give me something for the pain. Give me something for the blues
Give me something for the pain. When I feel I've been danglin' from a hangman's noose. Give me shelter from the rain. Give me something I can use. To get me through the night. Make me feel alright. Something like you, come on, come on, come on."
The two girls teared up as their life stories bled through the lyrics. Stories of their past they had told the boys over the last few days of pain and struggle, betrayal and sadness. The battle between surviving and bettering their lives all while keeping the sordid details private.
"Loneliness has found a home in me. My suitcase and guitar are my only family. I've tried to need someone like they needed me. But I opened up my heart, but all I did was bleed. I don't need no lover, just to get screwed, oh yeah. They don't make no band-aide that's gonna to cover my bruise."
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