Chapter 7
It's been a few days since the incident at the club. I ended up with a busted lip, three stitches in the back of my head and a mild concussion. Sad to say but I've had worse.
Reese and a few of the girls from the club have been very helpful over the past few days. I've tried to tell them several times I am more than capable of taking care of my children and myself but they aren't having any of it. As much as I appreciate their help, I don't like depending on anyone.
I can't wait for things to be normal again.
Matt, Sam and Sean came by a few times to check on me before they went back home. As for Draven I haven't seen or heard from him since that night. I don't know why, but Reese thought it was important enough to tell me that Draven had to go back to New York to sort some "business" out with the club they own there. I don't care really. It isn't my business what he does.
Even though I love the extra time I get to spend with my children, I cant wait to go back to work. If I don't go back soon I might lose my mind, or what's left of it.
I'm packing the kids lunches when Reese enters the kitchen. "I would have done that for you, you know!"
I sigh heavily. "I'm not broken Reese, I can manage." I know he is just trying to help but he is actually annoying the hell out of me right now.
Reese puts his hand on mine, holding it still. I give him a confused looked. "I know you're not helpless and broken Wren. Watching that man, manhandle you the way he did and not being able to help you almost killed me."
Reese pouts, holding his arms open. I laugh and step into his embrace. Reese is a gentle giant.
Reese intimidates pretty much everyone he comes into contact with and I can see why. The first time I met him, I was intimidated. He is 6'2" and weighs over 200lbs. He spends a good amount of time in his home gym. I thought woman were bad when it came to their appearance. Boy I was wrong; Reese is worse, much worse.
"Why don't the two of you get a room?" A female voice says from behind me. Without breaking our hold, Reese and I turn to see, Candy standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a smile on her face.
I laugh and pull away from Reese. Candy knows we are just friends but that doesn't stop her from teasing us.
"Are the kids ready yet? " Candy asks pulling out a chair and taking a seat.
She has been taking the kids to and from school for the last few days for me and I appreciate it.
"Yeah, they should be down any minute now," I tell her and finish packing their lunches.
Oakley and Grayson walk into the kitchen moments later. "Don't forget we are both staying at our friends houses this weekend so we wont be home after school today," Oakley says and takes a bite of her toast.
"Don't worry I didn't forget. Oh and I put money in each of your book bags just in case you need it," I tell them both, handing them their lunches.
"Thanks mom," they both say in unison.
I smile lovingly. Both of them give me a kiss and head out the door with Candy.
"Your a good mom, Wren," Reese says as he starts to clean up the mess I made.
Being a single mother is hard. "I hope so," I whisper.
"You are," he reassures me with a smile.
I know I'm not the perfect mom, but I really hope I'm doing right by my children. I turn and realize I had nothing else to do. I had completed all the items on my mental to-do list and was absolutely lost.
Now what? This is going to be a very boring weekend. No work and no kids!
Hmm, What if- I turn to Reese who is wiping down the counter. I have an idea. What if I just go to the club and hang out? No work, no nothing.
I really don't see the problem with that. I need to get out of the house. The worst he could say is no.
"You know I was thinking maybe I could swing by the club later. You know just to hang out for a bit," I suggest, Reese spins around and looks at me.
He looks mad. "You are not coming to the club and that's final," he tells me sternly, his eyes are blazing.
I feel like a child who has just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
I should have known he would react this way.
"Come on Reese, I'm fine!"
I cross my arms over my chest and glare hard at him. He stands straight and raises his eyebrow at me, daring me to challenge him.
I sigh, spinning on my heel and walk to my room. Well, if I can't go to the club, I might as well sleep.
I walk into my room and close the door and change into a tank top and booty shorts and climb into bed.
This is ridiculous. He's treating me like a fucking child.
Not even a minute later I hear my bedroom door open and close. I don't bother opening my eyes when I feel a dip in the bed as Reese climbs in. He scoots close to me putting his arm around my waist.
"I'm sorry, Wren!"
I don't respond. Reese absolutely hates getting the silent treatment.
"Don't ignore me, Wren."
Reese turns me on my back and pins me down under him.
"Look at me!"
I don't respond and keep my eyes closed. He sighs getting more frustrated.
"Wren, I swear to god, if you don't talk to me right now I'm going to make you scream so loud the neighbors will hear you!"
I smirk at his choice of words and he chuckles.
He always knows what to say to get a reaction out of me.
"Does Wren, like that idea?" Reese asks seductively in my ear. I'm immune to his playboy games.
I cant hold it in any longer and burst into laughter. "If only your dick was as big as your ego!"
"I haven't had any complaints yet," he states with pride, causing me to laugh harder.
Reese stares at me like I have grown a second head. He makes it too easy to fuck with him.
Reese's phone rings from his pocket. Without removing his body from mine, he reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone.
"It's Draven, he wants to face time," he says before answering it.
Reese waits for the video to connect. "Hey brother," Draven says when the video finally connects.
Reese lays down beside me, "Hey Draven, what's going on?"
I close my eyes and roll on my side trying to block out their ridiculous guy talk. After only a few minutes of listening, I throw the blankets off me and stand up next to the bed. I cross my arms over my chest and tap my foot on the floor and give him and annoyed look.
When he finally noticed me he sends me a wide smile looking me up and down. "Brother, you have no idea what you are missing right now."
"What are you talking about?" Draven asks confused.
Reese flips his camera around so that it is now pointed on me. "She looks sexy as hell when she's mad, doesn't she?"
What am I a show and tell object? My annoyance grows. All I want to do is sleep. I roll my eyes and climb back into bed pulling the covers over me.
"Is that Wren?"
"Uh huh!" Reese, holds the camera on me.
"Why is she half naked in your room?"
"Oh, this isn't my room, its hers."
"Draven, she wants to go to the club and I told her no and now she's mad at me. Please tell this stubborn woman she doesn't need to go and that she needs to rest," Reese, pleas with his brother.
"Draven please tell your brother that I am a grown ass woman and don't need him to be so over protective," I mock Reese's plea to his brother.
I snuggle further into my pillow. Draven laughs at my comment. "Sorry Wren, but I have to agree with Reese, on this. You need to rest."
Now I'm pissed. "Maybe you need to worry about the girls you fuck on a daily basis rather than worrying about me." Reese looks at me in shock.
"What did she just say?" Draven seethes through the phone. Ah, shit me and my big mouth!
"You know nothing about me!"
That's where he's wrong. I know everything I need to know about him and his playboy ways.
I take Reese's phone from him so that I can speak freely. "I know everything I need to know about you, Mr. Playboy," I reassure him.
He stares blankly at me through the phone.
Deep down he knows I'm right!
"Do you always believe what you hear?" He asks. I shake my head at his poor attempt to cover his tracks. I get where he is coming from, I really do. When the source of my information comes from his own brother, I'm going to believe it.
"Are you forgetting I'm best friends with your brother? He and I tell each other everything and I mean everything! So yes, I do believe what I'm told about you."
Reese can't control his amusement any longer and laughs so hard, tears threaten to spill.
"She's got you there brother."
"I'm not as bad as Reese, makes me out to be," he implies. His tone is somewhat sad.
"Look, I don't think you're a bad person at all. You're just an average single guy looking for a good time," I tell him, meaning every word. After all he's only human.
"Besides why would you care what I think about you anyway?" From what Reese, has told me, Draven doesn't really give two shits about what people think of him.
"Yeah brother why would you care what she thinks about you?" Am I missing something here?
"I don't!"
Just then, a woman's voice calls out to him. I cock my head to one side.
"Well, It was nice chatting with you both but, I have to go, feel better soon, Wren."
Reese puts his phone away and snuggles his face into my chest. I run my fingers through Reese's hair and he relaxes. After a while his breathing becomes calm and steady. I look down to see he has fallen asleep. I smile and close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep myself.
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