Chapter 45
Doctors work frantically to keep Wren alive. She has already lost a significant amount of blood and with the news of her being pregnant, makes the situation dire. Not only do they have to save one life, but now they have to save two.
"We need more blood," Doctor Green, shouts to one of the nurses. Nurse Hazel, wastes little to no time doing what she is told. When she returns, she is quick to hook the bag of blood up and begin the transfusion.
Doctor Green, pays no mind to the rest of the doctors and nurses in the room, they know what they need to do, and he focuses all his attention on gaping wound on Wren's chest.
Relief washes over him as he realizes that the bullet had entered her chest cavity in an angle, that allowed the bullet to miss all—but one major artery and exit out her back, just below her her right shoulder blade. As long as he could find the artery that has been struck and stop the bleeding, he knew that she would survive.
After hours of surgery, the bleeding has finally stopped and she is now stable, critical but stable. What surprised him the most is the fact that, for as small and fragile this woman in front of him appeared to be, not once did she give up. She fought just as hard for her life as he did.
With the mother now stable, Doctor Green turns his attention to the growing fetus in her stomach. To his surprise, Doctor Benson, the obgyn on call, was already in the room, hooking her equipment up to Wren to get a reading on the baby.
After several agonizing minutes, Doctor Benson finally informs us that there is a tear in her placenta, which would explain her vaginal bleeding and that it's nothing life threatening, but she will need some time to heal and most likely have to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. She also felt the need to add that the baby is a boy.
Doctor Green nods and heads out of the room to get cleaned up. His staff knows what needs to be done and doesn't need him anymore.
When he enters the waiting room, his eyes land on the three men, sitting in chairs against the wall, away from everyone else, who look extremely exhausted. As he approaches, he is immediately greeted by a very eager, Maxen.
The moment Oakley called me, worried about about her mother's safety, I knew I had to get out of that hospital and find out what the hell was going on. Thankfully, I didn't need anyone to check me out since I willingly signed myself in.
Once I was out, I made my way to the Knight residence. Of course I knew where they lived. They were rivals to my boss and in this line of work, you have to know everything and anything about your enemies.
When I arrived, Mrs. Knight allowed me to see my children for a brief moment, from what I could see, they were well taken care of, but were a mess about their mother and her whereabouts and soon I found out why.
When she told me about Jake and Penelope, I was more than stunned. I was confused, angry, hurt and felt absolutely betrayed. Why he would go after the mother of my children was beyond me. He knew she was off limits.
Even if we weren't together.
Mrs. Knight wasted no time in telling me of her son's plan and told me where they were headed. As soon as she spoke of the warehouse and gave me the address, my heart sunk. That's the warehouse Jake, liked to do all of his dirty work. It was secluded and no one would hear a thing.
Without saying goodbye, I rushed out of the house. Yes I know it's rude, but I had bigger things to worry about. Wren and I may have a dark past, but she is still very important to me.
I wasn't worried about how I approached the raggedy building, after all, Jack was my boss and everyone was use to my presence there.
I just hope I wasn't too late.
When I pulled up to the warehouse, it was apparent that the Knight's, were already on location, given the body count around the building.
I wasn't in the building for more than a few seconds, when a small body slammed into my chest before hitting the ground.
Jen looks up at me and her face immediately pales. She definitely wasn't expecting to see me.
"M-Max?" She sputters. You can hear the fear in her voice. "What are you doing here?"
I don't have time for this. "You know why I am here. Where are they?"
You can see the fear in her eyes. She thinks I'm here to stop them, but little does she know, I'm here to help them.
"Jen," I say her name as soft as I possibly could, trying to gain her to trust me. "I'm here to help. I want her safe too. Tell me where they are."
Her face softens, but she doesn't say anything. Yes, I know this warehouse like the back of my hand and if I had time, I wouldn't even waste my time asking her where they are. This warehouse is too big to be wandering around blindly.
"Please, Jen," I beg. "She's the mother of my children. I need to make sure she is safe."
That seemed to get her attention. "They're...they're in the holding block," she tells me warily.
I should have known that's where they would be holding her.
"You might want to hurry," she says, pushing herself to her feet. "I don't—," she was cut off by the sound of bullets.
"Oh god," she whispers, clutching my arm tightly. Both of us know whatever is going on down there isn't good.
"You have to hurry. You and I both know that if she's still alive, she won't be for long," she say, pushing me in the direction of the basement doors. She doesn't have to tell me twice.
"And Max—," she stops me just as I was just about to open the basement door. "She didn't look so good the last time I saw her. I hope she's okay."
A sick feeling comes over me. No matter how hard I try to ignore it, it pushes its way to the surface.
I pull out my gun and sneakily make my way down the stairs and down the murky hallway. No matter how many times I travel this hallway, it still gives me the chills. As I round the corner I am met with bodies. It wasn't until I was standing right over them, that I knew who they were.
A frown makes it way on to my face. Although it's a relief that Jake and Frank were now out of the picture, I wanted to be the one to take their life. I am quickly pulled out of my thoughts when I hear voices coming from the room next to me and slither my way in unnoticed.
Ducking down behind crates and other useless items, I was able to put myself in a position where no one could see me and wait.
As I peer over the crate, my eyes immediately land on Wren, who's head is slumped over on her chest. Upon further inspection, I noticed a large bloody wound on her chest and know she has been shot. My stomach begins to turn. You have to be a very sick person to shoot a pregnant woman.
Penelope, Draven and Reese exchange a few more words and I block them out. My main focus is on Wren and how bad she looks.
It wasn't until Penelope, grabbed Wren by the hair and began taunting them on her appearance that I decided it was time to take action. I rounded the crate and kept myself hidden in the shadows and waited for the morning perfect opportunity to take my shot. When it came, I didn't hesitate and took her out with one shot to the head.
When her body finally hit the ground, I decided it was time to show myself. The look on both Draven and Reese's face, told me that they didn't expect me to be the one to take her out.
My attention it trained on Wren, who isn't showing any sighs of life. I was too late, was the only thought that came to mind. Out the corner of my mind I see Draven rush to Wren's aid. He calls out to her, but she doesn't respond.
This isn't good. This isn't good at all.
I want to move. I want to push him out the way and see if she's okay myself, but I don't. It isn't my place anymore and that's my fault.
James cuts her restraints and her body falls forward, right into Draven's arms.
Reese places his hand on Draven's shoulder and tells him she needs help, snapping Draven out of his trance. Within seconds, Draven was on his feet and carries her out bridal style.
When we were out of the building, I suggested that we took my car since it was the only car available at the moment and to my surprise neither one of them argued.
I hear Draven from the backseat trying to get her to respond to him and she doesn't.
I find myself asking Reese if she would be okay-, not bothering to hide the pain I am feeling,-only for him to give me a woeful answer.
When I pulled into the hospital, I jump out of the car and inform them that I will get help. As I entered the emergency room, I find the person I was looking for. Nick Green. An old friend of mine, who won't ask any questions and won't report it, standing at the reception desk.
"Nick," I called out breathlessly. "Nick, I need your help."
He gives me a look of concern before approaching me. "What going on, Max?"
I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. "It's Wren, she's been shot in the chest and— and I don't know if she's going to make it," my voice crakes as the words spill out of my mouth. I can feel the tears beginning to rim my eyes and blink them away.
Nick begins to shout orders at his staff and in seconds they were rushing out the door with a gurney in hand.
Once she was on the gurney, she was immediately rushed away. All I could think of is my kids. What would I tell them if she doesn't make it?
Sitting in the waiting room, not knowing what is going on, is the worst thing in the world. I know she is in good hands with Nick. He will do all he can to help her.
I can feel someone's eyes on me and look up to meet Reese's. I know he is wondering what I am doing here. Hell I find myself wondering the same thing. For once in my life I find myself expressing my feelings, which I never do.
He doesn't say anything and nods his head.
"Thank you," Draven mutters, taking both Reese and myself by surprise. "Who knows how this would have ended if you didn't— if you didn't do what you did."
I sigh and place both my hands in the palms of my hands. He doesn't need to thank me at all. I did what I had to do to make sure she was safe.
After what felt like hours, Nick finally appears with a hopeful look on his face.
"Nick," I greet him eagerly. "How is she?"
Draven and Reese both stand and wait patiently for his answer.
"Well, she's alive," he informed us. "She lost a lot of blood as you know and needed a blood transfusion. Lucky for her, the bullet only grazed one major artery, making surgery much easier."
"And the baby?" Draven asks with concern.
Nick smiles. "He is just fine. There was some tearing in the placenta, which caused her vaginal bleeding. She will have to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy, but other than that, him and her should be just fine."
Draven sighs in relief and freezes, his eyes going wide. "It's a boy?" He asks a little stunned.
Nick nods.
Draven turns to Reese with huge smile on his face. "It's a boy," he says cheerfully, pulling him into a hug. "It's a boy." he repeats and then begins to sob.
I couldn't help but feel happy for the man. He not only found out that his girlfriend and baby would be okay, but he also found out that he is going to have a baby boy.
Reese pats him on the back happily and congratulate him and then they both did something that I was not expecting at all. They both pulled me into their embrace, squeezing me tightly. At first I wasn't sure what to do, but eventually I return the hug.
"Thank you," Draven whispers, pulling away. "You have no clue how grateful I am."
"You don't have to thank me," I tell him truthfully. "I know it might now seem like it, given our past, but I do care deeply for her."
Draven sighs and nods his head. He doesn't press me any further and turns his attention to, Nick. "When can I see her?"
"Soon. She's in recovery and will be in a private room of her own."
"Thank you, Doctor," Draven shakes his hand.
"She sure is a fighter, that's for sure," he chuckles. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other patience to attend to. We will let you know when you can see her."
I leave Draven and Reese to their celebration and walk outside to inform my children that their mother is safe.
Hey guys. Thanks for reading. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. And I'll see y'all in the next chapter.
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